Apocalypse Cockroach: One hundred and ninety-five real men one/five more

When they approached the maze, they suddenly found that in the most remote place in gathering place, there was a city that never sleeps. The night sky was dazzled by countless lights, and countless lights flickered like fireflies in front. As in the daytime, some construction vehicles can be seen vaguely in and out, the figure is enough, I don’t know how many people are busy inside.

The murmurs of busy vehicles and people in front are all covered by the roar of the diesel generator. The roar of the diesel generator spreads out far away at night. The closer to the maze, the louder the sound, everyone He could only hear the buzzing in his ear, and he could not hear anything clearly.

They slowly approached, but they found that there were countless people busy in the open area of ​​the entrance. They were surrounded by charcoal stoves with oil cloth or other things. They were surrounded by a triangular shack-like shape. The one by one women were busy. Not far away, a huge tarpaulin was full of Douding-sized children, most of them were asleep, and some sat on the tarpaulin, watching the crowd busy, holding a charcoal-roasted fish slowly Bite.

It’s not just women who are busy, but many boys and girls are also busy. They crouch between the huge fish bones, use a knife to shave off the minced meat on the fish bones, and throw them at their feet. Plastic basin.

Every time when the plastic pot is full, someone will take a new pot and see the countless fish bones and thorns. Many people take a breath of cold air. How many fish have to be killed?

After that, they had some doubts. There are enough people here. It seems that they can’t be used? In doubt, a scream interrupted their speculation. Among them, there was a sharp-eyed guy who saw the giant **** fish slowly being dragged by three or two bulldozers. This giant **** fish was slowly grinded by Zhang Xiaoqiang before. The dead one, according to a rough estimate, weighed 150 tons with a large bone.

What is the concept of 150 tons, I believe no one can make it clear, the high-power engines on the three bulldozers are booming, a burst of black smoke is sprayed from the exhaust pipe, and it is scattered under the light, it looks like The bulldozer could not drag the **** fish that had been dead for a long time.

“Oh my **** · · · ·, if that thing had also landed before, will we still have a way to live? · · · · ·

A sigh came from the crowd, and the sigh was resonated. The other people had a deep understanding. This giant black fish is not something that anyone can kill. At least, you need to use something like a main battle tank.

At this time, the two airborne combat vehicles parked on the side caught their attention. They were deeply afraid of the 30mm cannon on airborne combat vehicle and could kill this giant black fish. I am afraid that it is only Armored vehicles. It can be done.

In the trance, the camp personnel who received them arrived. It was a woman, beautifully dressed, neatly dressed, and wearing a pair of small glasses. She looked very gentle.

The woman walked in front of the group with two militiamen carrying rifles, and looked at her with her head tilted. Seeing the posture of this woman, both men and women bowed their heads and became docile.

“Your job is very simple, that is, to dismember that big fish and shave all the fish meat. You divide yourself into groups, choose a group leader, go there to get the tools, if you can finish it by tomorrow morning , The big fish head is your · · · · ·

The woman is Shen Xue. Today’s camp has extremely poor manpower. I like to hide from Xu Mengzhu on weekdays. The whispering Shen Xue was also captured by Zhang Huai’an. The assigned task is to dismember the giant black fish, as for the cut meat. Of course, there are women who think of ways.

Shen Xue didn’t seem to be used to the air here. The strong fishy and **** smell almost smoked her to death. Having said these words, she quickly covered her mouth and nose with a small handkerchief, and ordered her two with eyes. Temporary staff, Chi Yong and Liu Biao took the crowd to work.

Uh · · · · · is enough for those of us plus those in the back, we don’t need too many people, we will be able to finish the job.”

A voice from the crowd called Shen Xue turned around. This voice also represents the opinions of most people. They are all nodding. The more people working, the less meat they receive. Will count.

Shen Xue looked back at the growing crowd, and after looking at the **** fish that was torturing three bulldozers, he laughed and laughed:

“One is enough, but did I say that there is only one fish?”

After Shen Xue left, behind her, Chi Yong and Liu Biao holding the Bayi rifle began to shout loudly, Shen Xue left, the crowd began to move to their work place, thinking about Shen Xue while walking In the mean, suddenly, a person fell.

The guy who fell was picked up by someone, and he kept saying that he knew it. He knew it. The other people involved were inexplicable. Some people advised him not to be nervous and be driven out carefully, but the person was so excited that he couldn’t help himself. Hold someone else’s arm and say repeatedly:

“More than one such big fish · · · has at least two · · · · ·

The entrance to the maze became a huge meat processing workshop. Zhang Xiaoqiang placed his temporary camp outside lakeside~IndoMTL.com~a small quiet tent area not far from here, with only two players sitting Watch on a warrior army vehicle.

“Alas · · · I said taro, I haven’t seen you follow me these days, I have matured a lot, have I got a mustache?”

Slightly wounded Uncle Yun also had to bring his wounds into battle due to lack of personnel. It happened that others knew his relationship with Taro and separated him from Taro. Taro is a serviceman of Zhang Xiaoqiang. The two were at night where Zhang Xiaoqiang rested. These Uncle Tianyun have been playing fiercely with women, and they have been indifferent to taro, and now naturally they have to contact and connect with each other.

“Really?” Taro felt a little overjoyed by touching his chin. He just wanted to make him look more mature, so he is also a second-level non-commissioned officer and a rank with the team leader.

“The fake · · · has a long beard and looks smaller, the beard is not a little stiff, and soft. Look at the captain of Lu Zhong, they look like Zhang Fei without shaving one day.”

Uncle Yun was just looking at the taro’s beard and was not happy with it. He casually said something to hit him. It seemed that he was right.

The taro is depressed, and he bowed his head. He dare not compare with Lu Xiaobu. Lu Xiaobu turned out to be an Old Beard, and it looked like a bandit.

“A man wants to be a man, isn’t it because he doesn’t have a beard? Do you see if Elder Brother Cockroach has a beard? Have you seen that Captain Huang Quan has a beard? Do you dare to say that they are not men?”

Taro shook his head, Uncle Yun was proud, and the feeling of giving a class was very pleasant. He could not help talking and talking, talking eloquently, talking about Taro for a while, forgetting Yun Shu’s consistent performance. Timid and frivolous.

“A man lives with a heart of blood, others don’t dare to do it, you dare, others are afraid, you are not afraid, knowing that there are tigers in the mountains, preferring to travel in the mountains, it’s a real man, it’s not that you grow a lot more powerful. Your heart and soul · · · · · · ·

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