Apocalypse Cockroach: One hundred and forty five of the power of eating goods

Countless sand beetles instantly filled the depressions below, and there was a distance of 100 meters from the bottom to the top. These beetles did not have enough jumping power, so they spread out along the boulders, and the dense beetles squeezed into a pile. Many beetles are still emerging from the gaps in the boulders, like a spring, filling every stone and every gap, like a gray stream of water, these beetles that only excavate the channel are extremely aggressive , Climbing along the collapsed **** without reaching Zhang Xiaoqiang, each beetle fought valiantly, and their unique body structure allowed them to run on the steep rock face, and in a minute, nearly half of the rock face Occupied by their figures, the scalp of the person watching is numb, neither he nor Zhao Mingyue are sure to pack up this seemingly endless beetle…

The water snake lowered his body again and prepared for the next prey. At this time, there was a sudden pain in the scales of the abdomen, as if a red-hot steel needle was inserted, so that the water snake could not help croaking, pain The water snake is irritable. It gave up food and looked for the guy who caused it. When he looked down, he saw Zhang Xiaoqiang stabbed into his belly with a fiery red scimitar. The huge snake eyes and the cold ice in the eyes of Zhang Xiaoqiang, water snake With a clean defeat, he lowered his head to the Zhang Xiaoqiang‘s surrender, Zhang Xiaoqiang slapped the lips of the water snake, screamed at the sand beetles that countless climbed behind him. The beetle’s body suspends. Except for those beetles that have their claws tightly clasped to the left and right of the rock, all the beetles with no adhesion float into the mouth of the water snake. These beetles roll in the air and open their teeth to find all In the end, there were a few fixed things, and dozens of beetles flew into the mouth of the water snake.

There is a way to make tofu in brine, one thing goes down one thing, the water snake is naturally restrained by these things. The biggest interest of the delicious lazy water snake is food. It never knows to be afraid of food. The big mouth of the city gate is swallowed. The beetles were effortless. The beetles that were still in the past were only two or three kittens. Most of the remaining ones were hidden in the gaps or caught in the rocks.

The water snake seems to feel that the sand beetle tastes better than the unicorn beetle. After swallowing it, it is not enough. It has been swallowed three times and five times, and has swallowed a lot of dust and garbage below. There is really nothing left of it. Then he raised his neck, spit out at least a large area of ​​dust and gravel, and turned his attention to the flying beetle in the sky again.

Zhao Mingyue stared blankly at the empty tunnel. Some were unbelievable. All the time, the water snake behaved like a slug in Zhang Xiaoqiang. The weakness made most people look down on this guy who only eats. , Even Zhao Mingyue didn’t take water snake seriously, Zhang Xiaoqiang was usually unheard of, and was dispatched in the last battle in Shanghai, but that time the water snake was purely soy sauce in the ditch, the only bright spot I ate a lot of zombie and gained weight.

But today, the water snake really surprised her. The countless sand beetles couldn’t even solve it for her. The water snake can be swept away easily. Isn’t that too scary? “Don’t think too much, this thing is a foodie, it’s invincible if you eat…” Zhang Xiaoqiang saw the comfort of Zhao Mingyue, Zhao Mingyue whitened Zhang Xiaoqiang, whispered: “What kind of master, what to raise What kind of pet…”

The two went down to the tunnel again. This time the ground was much cleaner. Zhang Xiaoqiang also found the passage from the sand beetle. There was a huge hole below the two boulders, and there was ice beetle in the gravel around the hole The body saw a blue beetle of ice beetles. Zhang Xiaoqiang moved. When the flame burned the hill yesterday, more than a thousand flying beetles probably came out from here. At that time, the flame was fierce. I don’t know how many flying beetles died. In the flames, it can be seen that when the mountain collapses, the beetle below still has a way to escape.

When the two entered the passage, Zhang Xiaoqiang saw countless corpses of ice beetles. The layers of corpses continued to extend forward, making Zhang Xiaoqiang‘s astonishment growing stronger and stronger. The fire was fierce yesterday and the air near the head of the mountain All swept away, these bugs died of suffocation, but did not expect so many bugs that could escape the bomb explosion?

There is nothing worth using in the ice beetle, even if the double-horned Zhang Xiaoqiang of the bug is not worth seeing. Although it is useful for ordinary Evolution people, he does not want to give these things to Americans and British. Going, I rarely saw the body of a blade arm worm, this blade arm worm also died of suffocation, but here is far enough away from the outside, Zhang Xiaoqiang can even feel the weak air flow across the cheek, obviously, this hole How do you suffocate when you think about it with other holes?

Then Zhang Xiaoqiang saw a lot of ice beetles and saber beetles. Suddenly he understood that when the bomb exploded that day, thousands of ice beetles lifted their mother insects and rushed into the tunnel to escape when the mountain collapsed. After a catastrophe, Zhang Xiaoqiang has seen the scale of the tunnel before. Each worm lane is about the same size. It just happens to be able to pass a heavy truck, which is exactly the size that the mother worm can pass. The thinking of Zhang Xiaoqiang and Simon has been misguided. They have seen The true face of the mother insect is even fatter than the super fat pig, let alone moving, even if it is difficult to turn over, I did not expect the mother insect to transfer, which caused their thinking blind spot. In fact, the mother insect has been alive and still alive. Very comfortable.

So many ice beetles and sword beetles that have died are also easy to understand~ IndoMTL.com~ So many bugs are crowded into a pile, and they must consume a lot of oxygen, even if the hole is figured out, it will suffocate most bugs. But the most harmful thing is the female insect. The female insect needs more oxygen. So many insects fight for it. The female insect will definitely not do it. Simply send all the subordinates to die and leave it to them. Precious oxygen, which is why so many bugs fly out when the flame is hottest…

Thinking of this, the bright red scimitar in Zhang Xiaoqiang‘s hands is brilliant. Zhao Mingyue thought that Zhang Xiaoqiang had discovered the enemy’s situation, and quickly opened the protective cover to cover the two together. “It’s okay, I just figured out one thing, maybe the solution to the flying beetle will eventually fall on it…” Zhao Mingyue didn’t understand or need to understand the words of Zhang Xiaoqiang. The two walked along the tireless corpses. Bypassing several holes, he walked along the dead beetle into a large cave.

This large cave has traces of artificial buildings, corroded wires on the walls, and an electric lampshade covered with dust and a thick spider web. In addition, there are traces of shoveling on the ground of the cave. The center of the platform is the female insects seen before Zhang Xiaoqiang. There are many ice beetles and males around the female insects. The number is small, less than one hundred. The walls behind the female insects have been excavated in numerous caves, each cave There is a worm egg. The smallest of these eggs is ostrich eggs, the largest is about the size of a watermelon. The dense eggs let Zhang Xiaoqiang take a breath of breath. This mother insect can really live. ?

There are a lot of insect eggs that are eligible to be placed in the cave, but more insect eggs are piled up on the ground. These insect eggs are all the size of table tennis. The eggs are not one by one, but piles, like fish. There are a lot of seeds in the east and a pile in the west. There are no rules at all. The visual estimate is not less than hundreds of thousands, and more eggs are hidden in darker places. I don’t know how much.

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