Apocalypse Cockroach: Nine hundred and twenty-five mistakes two/three

Zhang Xiaoqiang is extremely dissatisfied with the water snake at this moment, not to mention throwing himself as a weapon to the electric eel that is one level lower than it. At this time, the mutant beast that is thirty times smaller than it is afraid of it. The level of the mutant beast is related to the size. The larger the size, the higher the level. The three or five meters of the mutant beast is a first-order. It even let the water snake run away. Compared to the **** battle of the Yangtze River fleet, the life and death are tragic. The water snake is not one or two points away. Zhang Xiaoqiang is angry at the water snake and does not keep his hand. Since the water snake is afraid of pain and death, he will let the water snake know that he can also kill it.

The unicorn and the scimitar are also four-level materials. Zhang Xiaoqiang is the most warning component of the knife. A heavy knife is cut on the unicorn, so that the root of the unicorn on the forehead of the water snake seems to be hit by a mallet. Shivering, then the Zhang Xiaoqiang scimitar broke through the water snake’s scalp, and pressed it against the skull, suddenly letting the water snake stop running and slowly shaking his head…

No wonder the water snake will run away. This strange-looking, ugly-shaped mutant beast is faster in the water. The pair of fan fins can leap above the water surface after being unfolded, and the fin wings are also flexible and allow The mutant beast turns freely in the air like a bird, not to mention that the glazed blood Red Bird mouth can easily break the water snake’s scale armor. Zhang Xiaoqiang knows that the water snake’s huge body is a bit difficult to deal with this mutant beast, but it is more angry at the water snake. How timid, even if that thing bites the water snake all over it? It’s a great pain, and it won’t die. Besides, the water snake can’t deal with it, it doesn’t mean that the Zhang Xiaoqiang can’t deal with it. Their task is to hold the surface of the river. It’s not bullying.

Just after Zhang Xiaoqiang forced the water snake to turn around with its death, the rain curtain formed by the downpour made the surrounding river masks strict. The mutant beast seemed to disappear before. Zhang Xiaoqiang stood on the head of the water snake to observe the surrounding movement, water snake The pain in his head wailed and made Zhang Xiaoqiang move. He pulled out the scimitar. At this moment, the water snake seemed to get an order and rushed forward. Seeing the way forward, it was a little shameful and brave.

At the moment when the water snake accelerates, the surface of the water with numerous ripples on the head of the snake burst suddenly. The mutant animal that disappeared suddenly burst out of the water and rushed towards Zhang Xiaoqiang. The beak-like beak aimed directly at the body of the Zhang Xiaoqiang and the body of the water snake. Instantly straightened, the snake’s head was raised high and it seemed to want Zhang Xiaoqiang to rise a little to avoid this mutant beast. Zhang Xiaoqiang was a little moved by the water snake in his heart. Anyway, the water snake still cares about him, so here At that time, the mutant wings flew blood off the body, and the blood-red jade beak fell across the parabola into Zhang Xiaoqiang‘s hands, and then the snake-like tail like a steel whip also separated from the mutant body It is the body of the mutant beast that is split apart. Under the control of Zhang Xiaoqiang‘s heart movement, the rat king blade splits the monster in a blink of an eye. Even the crystal nuclei and colloids hidden in the body of the monster are exposed in the air. Under the impact of the rat king blade, it changed direction and fell into the hands of Zhang Xiaoqiang.

Harvesting these things Zhang Xiaoqiang is effortless, and I can’t help but feel complacent. Even if there are ten or twenty of these things, he won’t be afraid. In excitement, I suddenly find that the water snake is still rushing downstream. To reach the barrage embankment, Zhang Xiaoqiang was prepared to guard the barrage embankment together with the water snake, and looked into the barrage embankment where thousands of mutant beasts were gathered, all of which are the kind of mutant beasts that just chased the water snake, Zhang Xiaoqiang scared The hairs are all erected, so many mutant beasts come together, no wonder the water snake will escape without a fight.

Thousands of mutant beasts originally entered here with the electric eel. The electric eel battled the water snake in the front, and these naturally greedy mutant beasts ate behind. The steel that was previously destroyed by the Yangtze River fleet and the big water snake The head fish suffered heavy casualties, a large number of corpses floated here along the river, and the river embankment piled up by the debris. These mutant beasts used this as a restaurant. Before the water snake let Zhang Xiaoqiang deal with the electric eel, he ran over to deal with the bird The beaked shark fin mutant beast, Zhang Xiaoqiang, is angry about the water snake.

The big water snake was threatened by Zhang Xiaoqiang with a machete and broke unprecedented courage. It rushed towards these mutant beasts with mortal determination. Zhang Xiaoqiang has the intention to make the water snake turn around. The survivor’s retreat, not to mention that the entire Yangtze River fleet was nearly destroyed by his order, not to mention that the water snake turned around and charged under his anger, so he could not turn around and escape at this moment.

For a time, Zhang Xiaoqiang‘s heart filled with a tragic, just want to die, the rat king blade flashed around him at high speed, innumerable raindrops in half, the invisible killing intent expanded to the extreme, even expanded to 20 meters, The violent collision of killing intent, back and forth, caused a continuous shock wave ten meters away. All the rainwater was wiped out by this shock wave invisible, and the heat flow in the Firebird scimitar was once again his wholehearted fighting intention. Guide, follow the tiger’s mouth to swim through the body through the arms, and drive away the bone-cold ice that surrounds the body. Just when Zhang Xiaoqiang is about to face this amazing number of wars, the water snake suddenly raises its head, allowing Zhang Xiaoqiang to pull water from the river to rise It is more than ten meters tall.

At the moment when Zhang Xiaoqiang shouted and made the water snake put him down, the water snake was originally bigger than the train compartment. The whole body swelled up. After three or two breaths, the body of the water snake expanded more than doubled, and was surprised at the change of the water snake in Zhang Xiaoqiang. At the moment, countless mutant beasts abandoned the steel-headed fish corpses and surrounded the water snakes. These mutant beasts were fast, and they could not be slowed down even in heavy rain. After a few blinks, the herd continued to swell. The water snake pecked a piece of flesh, and dozens of mutant beasts aimed at the water snake’s head.

Zhang Xiaoqiang He scrambled to protect the head of the water snake and beheaded a mutant beast to his side. The scattered corpses fell like raindrops. He no longer had time to pack up the materials and colloids, and let these mutant beasts fall into the water and float. , I could not think of others for a while, just numbly killed the mutant beast. At the moment when he killed the red eye, the water snake with his whole body fleshed out and the snake letter was entangled again. Zhang Xiaoqiang waist, Zhang Xiaoqiang It took a lot of effort to divide the snake letter into two with a machete, just in doubt, the snake shape is like a spring. Zhang Xiaoqiang Thirty-five tossed high from the snake head a meter in height , Zhang Xiaoqiang The whole person was completely out of control. He was originally close to 20 meters from the surface of the water. This time he climbed again to 30 to 50 meters. There was only one thought in his mind. Isn’t it today that he was killed in battle but was killed?

The thought flashed, the water snake under him suddenly moved, and the head of the snake sank rapidly. A thick blue-blue smoke spread from the head of the snake and covered a large area of ​​the river. Even if the rain was pouring, these thick smoke did not disappear. ,While taking advantage of the situation to completely wrap around the snake, Zhang Xiaoqiang will begin to fall back to see the thick smoke around the water snake, and instantly think of the third-level big python that fights the mutant queen in the Inner Mongolia area and immediately understands the thick What is smoke…

The mutant beasts all have their own killer skills. If they don’t reach the point of death, the mutant beasts will not be used, just like the corrosion of the erosion source of the **** fish~IndoMTL.com~The current of the electric eel, there are also various mutant beasts Weird abilities, each of which consumes the strength of the mutant beast. The poisonous mist spit out by the water snake is not exceptional. After spitting out, the whole body is restored, and it has become slimmer. The meat grown by zombie seems to be consumed.

Zhang Xiaoqiang fell again after being hit by countless raindrops. Before he fell into the tumbling poisonous mist on the river, the slender snake letter wrapped him up and put it back lightly on the head of the snake, holding the sharp unicorn , Zhang Xiaoqiang looked at the poisonous fog rolling under the snake’s head with a lingering fear. Every second, hundreds of millions of drops of rain fell on the surface of the river, hitting countless waves of waves, and the waves of waves one after another were trained to integrate the poisonous fog into the river water. The mutant beasts gathered around the water snake bite all disappeared. One of them was always sinking in the water. The blue and blue poisonous mist turned into poisonous water and mixed with the river water. There was no trace of poisonous fog spreading on the water.

Standing on the head of the water snake, the rain ran across the neck along the top of the head, and then flowed from the arm to the flaming bird scimitar gripped in the hand. Zhang Xiaoqiang does not know how many beak fin mutant beasts just killed. Thirty is only there. Although these mutant beasts have lower ranks, it is not easy to kill. Zhang Xiaoqiang can only try to keep itself to the best of its ability. But the poisonous fog spit out by the water snake actually turns thousands of mutant beasts. All of them were forced into the river water, the raindrops splashed on the surface of the river, and there were only countless ship wrecks and steel head fish corpses in the rippling water waves. Occasionally, the beak fin fish killed by Zhang Xiaoqiang before, and the thousands of beak fins disappeared invisible It seems that everything is a nightmare. In the trance of Zhang Xiaoqiang, a complete body of a beak finfish has turned over the river surface and fluttered. Looking at the whole river surface is all these things. Thousands can only easily tear the mutant water snake. At this moment, the beaked finfish of the whole army is exhausted…

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