Apocalypse Cockroach: Four hundred and thirty-two is the enemy of the world

I don’t know how long to wait. After smoking a cigarette, Zhang Xiaoqiang feels a little hungry, cross-legged to the ground, and pull out all kinds of food from the bag, Epoch is rich in food, various small cans, cookies, jam Cheese, ketchup, chili sauce, solid juice drink, self-heating heating device, even alcohol block and small stove with gunpowder, tea and coffee, it is extremely luxurious.

In front of the two stunned guards, Zhang Xiaoqiang lit up the stove and boiled the water, turning on the various ingredients and heating them one after another. The biscuits were coated with jam and cheese. Military food had a sequence. He didn’t know that these things were so messed up, Fooling around, after the water boiled, he threw the tea into the cup and put the slightly soft fish on it to heat it.

When everything is ready, this aisle outside the core area is filled with various strange fragrances. In the face of the soldiers who still have the desire to resist cigarettes, there is no previous calmness and calmness. Swallowing saliva, looking eagerly at the Zhang Xiaoqiang side, in the far corner, the little black head pressed curiously to the side, and the smell of the food attracted all the children nearby.

The Epoch individual soldier’s ration is not very suitable for the taste of Zhang Xiaoqiang. After eating half of it, you don’t want to eat it anymore. Set aside, pick up the tea cup and taste slowly. From time to time, a satisfactory sigh is given to the two guards’ forehead. Qingjin jumped straight.

The leisure time hasn’t been exhausted yet. The sniper and an officer came out from inside and saw the Zhang Xiaoqiang sitting cross-legged on the ground with his picnic. His eyes suddenly fell out.

“I am Lieutenant General Kulicov of the Far Eastern Frontier Defense Forces, and he is a captain. I don’t know what you call him?”

The major officer has fluent Chinese. At least Zhang Xiaoqiang can’t hear anything wrong. This is the Chinese with a northeast accent. Seeing Zhang Xiaoqiang’s curiosity, Kuzutov with black hair and black eyes and high nose bridge nodded and said:

“My grandma is Chinese, and my mother also has Chinese ancestry. My Chinese ancestry is greater than Russian ancestry. You can call my Chinese name, Xue Jianshan…”

Zhang Xiaoqiang got up from the ground and looked at this Xue Jianshan. He did not expect that Russia actually made this guy with Chinese background become the deputy officer of the army chief. Xue Jianshan calmly accepted the Zhang Xiaoqiang‘s look at him, and at the same time evaluated the performance of Zhang Xiaoqiang in his heart. All intelligence.

“You can call me Elder Brother Cockroach. I am not a soldier. I have no background in any country or government. I am only representing myself…”

Zhang Xiaoqiang officially introduced his identity. Xue Jianshan said that he knew that the Chinese who fell from the sky did not express intimacy and curiosity, and asked Zhang Xiaoqiang about it according to the system.

Zhang Xiaoqiang did not answer, he suddenly thought that this military base is working well, maybe there is the possibility of cooperation, but he has to see the highest Chief here.

“My intention will not cause any damage to your existing interests. To be precise, I came to Vladivostok because of an accident. If there is no accident, it will be me who will recover Vladivostok in the future. You remember, in addition, I need to meet with your commander. You can tell him that the messenger from China’s biggest forces is willing to discuss the future cooperation direction with him…”

Entering this commanding room, which is not luxurious, Zhang Xiaoqiang saw a general who was looking down and reading documents. The general was in his thirties. He had brown hair, curly hair, curly hair, and neat hair treatment. A trace of healthy oil shine, when he looked up, a bit of surprise appeared behind the round frame lens.

“Are you the Chinese who flew high in the sky yesterday?”

This general also understands Chinese, so Zhang Xiaoqiang has a preconceived liking for him. A foreign general who understands Chinese speaks enough to show that they value China.

“It’s me, unfortunately, when I was flying across the strait, I was shot down by the opposite Epoch. I don’t know what you think about Epoch occupying your land?”

Don’t talk to Zhang Xiaoqiang about Paramotor, as soon as I think of myself being shot down, Epoch is hated by him, and the troops in Wieliczko’s hands have the capital to become his allies.

Hearing Zhang Xiaoqiang’s remarks, Wieliczko laughed blankly, got up and invited Zhang Xiaoqiang to sit on the chair opposite him. The chair was an old-fashioned solid wood chair, sturdy and wide, and absolutely uncomfortable. After sitting down, Zhang Xiaoqiang pulled out subconsciously Cigarette, and asked Wieliczko to smoke, Wieliczko politely refused the cigarette, took out a material from under the desk, looked at the material and said:

Epoch has contacted us and hopes that we can join them. They will retain my military positions and troops and are willing to provide us with supplies and ammunition…”

I heard a slight jump in the heart of Zhang Xiaoqiang, and the right hand touched the rat king blade in the waist. The small movement of Zhang Xiaoqiang was noticed by Wieliczko and did not respond. Continue to say:

“The survivors outside called us the government army. In fact, we have nothing to do with the government. You can think of us as an independent organization, an organization for survival and continuity. We will not have a country, nation, religion, And all kinds of ideas such as ideology, we have only one idea, to live…”

Hearing Wieliczko’s words, Zhang Xiaoqiang was stiff. This Wieliczko was so powerful, he clearly explained the development direction of him and his forces in a few words.

Epoch can provide materials and equipment. We were originally prepared to promise that as long as they sent the first batch of materials, we would become the thirteenth legion of Epoch Asia, but they haven’t come yet, as if they were The Seventh Army was destroyed near the peninsula. No one told me the specific situation. I don’t know how you are sure. The person who shot you down is Epoch?”

Hearing Wieliczko’s unabashed words, Zhang Xiaoqiang let go of his mind. Wieliczko was telling him that they wouldn’t fight for sovereignty or the country now, but if they had milk, they would fight.

“I can’t be sure…”

Zhang Xiaoqiang speaks directly, making Wieliczko surprised, and then Zhang Xiaoqiang said:

“However, I know who killed the Seventh Army…”

Zhang Xiaoqiang’s words didn’t surprise Wieliczko. He relaxed and leaned on the back of the chair, arms around his chest with both hands, and inadvertently asked by touching his chin:

“Oh? Can you tell me?”

“You have a bandit organization here, you should know the leader of the bandit organization?”

Zhang Xiaoqiang asked questions tentatively, but did not expect him to say that, the look on Wieliczko’s face immediately changed, instead of being as casual as before, sitting straight and staring at Zhang Xiaoqiang seriously, one by one. Dunton asked:

“You said that monster? The monster that killed my two company soldiers?”

Zhang Xiaoqiang did not know the hostile relationship between Wan Qiang and the military. Seeing Wieliczko’s appearance, he guessed that Wan Qiang didn’t have trouble finding these people. It seems that Wan Qiang’s popularity here is not small.

“No… It’s impossible. The commander of the 7th Legion contacted me before. They came over a thousand people this time and they are equipped with the best equipment~ IndoMTL.com~ was originally prepared to attack Pacific Navy supplies. Base, they are ready to fight hundreds of thousands of demons, and that monster cannot destroy the Seventh Army…”

Wieliczko said to himself that Zhang Xiaoqiang understood the purpose of the Seventh Army. Although the Pacific Naval Base is not as good as before, it is Russia’s fleet after the North Sea. It is the only tentacle that extends to the Pacific and is also a guarantee. The importance of a safe sea wall around the town near Vladivostok is self-evident.

With such a great effort under Epoch, it is definitely not for vodka to recover Vladivostok. Vladivostok is a forward base to Siberia. It is also Russia’s largest arsenal in the Far East, a missile base, a satellite signal relay center, and various radars and There are all kinds of equipment here, and once they get here, they can almost completely control over a thousand kilometers.

Thinking of the global strategic layout of Epoch, Zhang Xiaoqiang is somewhat restless, and Epoch only shows the tip of the iceberg. What makes him most disturbed is what Wieliczko said before, the 13th Asian Army, that is to say, Epoch is still in Asia. There are twelve legions. According to the calculation of 2,000 troops per legion, in all parts of Asia, Epoch has at least more than 30,000 troops, plus logistics personnel and supplementary soldiers, at least 60,000. On the basis of these 60,000 people, it is dozens of With a population of 10,000 people, otherwise, there could not be so many soldiers.

Epoch has mastered the long-distance delivery method. Helicopters, airships and other transportation tools make them treat the biggest transportation difficulties in Doomsday as nothing. In other words, Zhang Xiaoqiang’s troops are always in the long-range strike capability of others. Among them, the previous self-consolation became a tangle of Zhang Xiaoqiang at this moment.

What makes him more entangled is the word Asia, which means there are Europe, America, Africa, Oceania, Australia and so on. It’s really like that. Zhang Xiaoqiang doesn’t know that he is an enemy of Epoch. The world is the enemy?

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