Apocalypse Cockroach: Four hundred and forty-four holding five/fifteen

The deserters are thrown to zombie and eaten, which has a great deterrent to those soldiers who are not strong-minded. No one thinks of running away and eating them by zombie is better than being killed by gunfire. Of course, the soldiers’ Morale also began to decline. After all, after a long battle, they still have no time to drink water to eat, let alone take it down to rest.

There were casualties first, and people were shot dead because of injuries. As deserters, they were eaten raw by zombie. Everything left a huge shadow in the hearts of the soldiers. Many people began to feel despair. In contrast, only Zhang Xiaoqiang The thousand soldiers slaughtered in lakeside yesterday performed fairly well, but it was only relatively good. In the face of the countless zombie, they were also desperate, but the blood of those thousands of people flowed before their eyes, they were just numb The resistance, waiting for the end of everything.

The morale is low, the blood that was originally excited is also slowly deteriorating, the body’s soreness appears, and the frequency of shooting is also reduced. In addition to the continuous shooting of the rifle without even neutral, the gun damage is serious, although most of the D2 type zombie All were killed, but the corpse tide came back again. Countless ordinary zombie and Evolution zombie rushed into the river. The front was washed away by the current, and the back was continuously filled into the middle of the river. It didn’t take long to see. , The moat will be filled by zombie, and at this time, it is more than two o’clock in the afternoon.

When the last D2 zombie on the other side was torn into three pieces by three 14.5 millisecond a meter in height machine gun bullets, the soldiers on the wall were slightly relieved. They finally killed all the Evolution zombie, and never again S-Type Zombie can be thrown to them, but they are a little relieved.

The soldiers on the hot air balloon in the sky were horrified to find that more Evolution zombie rushed here, just behind the ordinary zombie, among which there are countless D-Type Zombie in addition to S-Type Zombie, among which the tall D2zombie is not a few, but in At the edge of binoculars‘s line of sight, two tall figures came to the river. At the place where they walked, all zombie gave way at the same time, and two avenues extended from the corpse…

Twelve hours have passed since the bridge was repaired. The hour hand slowly slipped to three o’clock in the afternoon. At three o’clock, there was only one tail left in the vehicle, and the crowd waiting for the bridge not far away Slowly approaching this side, countless people gathered to bridgehead, so that the soldiers guarding the bridge felt great pressure.

Zhang Huai’an is responsible for the evacuation of gathering place personnel, and the amount of work involved is unknown. I don’t care about people who spy from a distance. Although the sound of guns and guns on the surrounding wall keeps going, there is a huge coercive pressure looming over gathering place However, Zhang Huai’an is not in a hurry. As a core member, he knows a lot of backers. Even if the fence is lost, Zhang Xiaoqiang can take most people back to lakeside.

In addition to ten flat-bottomed boats, there are dozens of bamboo rafts in lakeside. These bamboo rafts have been hidden. They were originally used as food-carrying vessels. At the critical moment of gathering place, they were vehicles for Zhang Xiaoqiang to evacuate soldiers. These bamboo rafts Everyone knows that only him, Huang Quan, and Huang Tingwei know a few thousand armed men. Zhang Xiaoqiang will never give up. As for others, just try your best.

Looking at the time, Zhang Huai’an knows that all the teams will evacuate to the outside. I am afraid that it will be four or five in the afternoon. The team has spent 13 hours from midnight to now. It was originally expected to be ten hours. Obviously, Zhang Xiaoqiang The estimated thirty hours is definitely not enough, at least two days is enough. After all, even if the personnel are withdrawn, there are organizations, arrangements for their accommodation, and itinerary. Of course, **** is also essential, although 500 female soldiers have passed in the early stage. The search team, as well as two paratroopers, it is not very realistic to protect tens of thousands of people with these armed forces. Once panic occurs in the wild, they cannot be suppressed, and the resulting disturbance will be catastrophic.

Zhang Huai’an is anxious for the evacuation behind. The survivors who have been waiting to cross the bridge are restless. They wait from the middle of the night. One waits until now, but the endless crowd all piled up on this one. God knows when to turn. When they arrived, the gunshots on the surrounding wall kept going, and from time to time, the dead bodies of the war dead were transported down and buried at the scene, so that all their patience in their hearts was smoothed by anxiety and fear.

But most people were deterred by the soldiers who guarded the bridgehead. The blood of thousands of people and the fire that burned the corpses yesterday made them dare not to put any crooked ideas on those soldiers. Seeing that the final convoy had already started, waiting to cross the bridge The anxious survivors can no longer bear it, they don’t need to evacuate with the team, they just have to leave gathering place.

It seems that there are only more than ten big cars. Zhang Huai’an feels at ease. Zhang Xiaoqiang once explained to him. If things cannot be violated, they must at least ensure that the convoy can go out, a lot of food and materials, and women who are suitable for childbirth. , Fast motor vehicles, with these, they have 80% certainty to bring this team back intact.

The team is about to finish. Zhang Huai’an has already made survivors who will be crossing the river behind. According to the rules set by Zhang Xiaoqiang, first pass the women and children, then the old and the weak, the most sturdy men finally pass. As for the arrangement, since There is a reason for Zhang Xiaoqiang.

The staff of the compilation set off an uproar among the survivors. When the strong men of one by one learned that they would be evacuated at the end, their hearts filled with anger, but those women and minors wept with joy, the remaining population in gathering place Between 110,000 and 120,000, excluding the soldiers on the fence.

Among them, there are more than 10,000 minors under the age of 18 and over 12 years old, and the remaining women are around 27,000. They are very thin, and there are more than 30,000 poor people who have been hungry for a long time. They are men sheltered by various forces. Although these men have been hungry, they are much stronger than the poor who can fall in the wind.

When they learned that they could only stand in front of those poor people, they were naturally unwilling to see the women sitting in the cart and looking out, the more discomfort they looked, as if the women were mocking and jealous of them The heart is generally uncomfortable when eaten by countless insects and ants. Some familiar men exchanged their eyes, watching the tens of thousands of women in the whole team, preparing to cross the bridge behind the team, they finally made up their minds.

Each car carrying women carries 22 women. Although they can be loaded more, there is no guarantee that these vehicles will break down halfway~IndoMTL.com~Only 22 were installed One hundred, five hundred cars loaded with a total of 11,000 people, 10,000 were summoned earlier, and the rest was vented to the soldiers yesterday.

These women sat in the car full of joy and waited for the departure. There were only a few cars left behind. Although staying in the car for a long time made them sore, they were more than those waiting to walk below. People have to pay too much. Seeing that they will leave gathering place and leave this former shelter, no one feels sad. It is extremely dangerous here. Before that, they suffered terribly and could get a new life. No one did not want to.

In their last expectation, a shout came from outside the car, only listening to the shock of the front door of the car, followed by various shouts and shouts of shattered glass, and the body shook. A few more gunshots followed, and at this time, the women in the carriage screamed collectively. They did not know what had happened, and could only use screaming to vent their fears.

The screaming tail echoed in the throat, and more than ten big men turned into the carriage with a sweaty smell, controlling all the women, and several people came up one after another to squeeze the carriage slowly.

Zhang Huai’an looked at the last five big cars in dumbfounded. I don’t know when, a group of people went around the back of the big car and suddenly made trouble. In one fell swoop, they controlled the vehicle, together with the co-pilot in the cab, 120 The individual became the hostage of these thugs. More than three hundred men climbed into the car and shouted to the Zhang Huai’an side. As long as they shot again, the hostages were killed. For a time, the bridgehead, which is indispensable every second, stopped running.

These men can’t wait for the final retreat. They are also reluctant to follow the convoy back to what base. The hundreds of kilometers of migration made them guilty and didn’t want to die in strange land so quietly, so They are willing to find a way to live, of course, they have to bring a few women.

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