Apocalypse Cockroach: duo will again – Firebird Author: churunji

Work name: Shuangxiong Reunion–Firebird

Author: churunji

Elder Brother Cockroach, is the situation on the WH side as bad as you said.”

Li Caoyuan twisted some fat buttocks, sitting for a long time to make his buttocks tingling, turned his head to look at Zhang Xiaoqiang, and found that he was staring out of the window in a daze.

Outside is a large area of ​​white clouds, and further down is the endless hills and scattered houses. The third rain revived the entire nature, and the vast vegetation covered the hills that Zhang Xiaoqiang can see, and some places can vaguely see the rusty water from the railroad tracks drawing two very Long brown-red lines.

“You haven’t seen the real corpse yet. The hundreds of thousands of corpses are all small. When I was still at the hot spring base, I killed 170,800,000 zombie seas with earth walls and gasoline pits. Later, I went to WHgathering place, and finally got a firm foothold, and ended up being dumped by millions of corpses. At that time, I was not optimistic about this tough battle. In order to retreat smoothly, less than half of the gathering place150,000 people came out alive. The person who died in my hand is on a five-digit number. Watching tens of thousands of living people were shot in front of you, at that time, except for the ground, the soldiers’ bodies, and even the air you breathed in were tiny blood beads. Floating. Not to mention the soldiers who shot, I was frightened by the order. But if I could do it again, I would still do it. I will not say the remaining 70,000 people, just to keep The brothers who follow me, and the women around me, I have to take them and kill them alive.”

Zhang Xiaoqiang said a lot to Li Caoyuan this time that he had never talked about it in Inner Mongolia. The words of Zhang Xiaoqiang set off a tremendous wave in the heart of Li Caoyuan. The only crisis in Doomsday was nothing more than a mutated vole leaking a fat cow in his toilet, surrounded by millions of zombie and the death of 80,000 people.

Be aware that the casualties of Zhang Xiaoqiang hitting such a big place in Inner Mongolia barely amounted to 30,000. This is still the case when the number of parties fighting against each other is included.

Looking at the continuously sweeping scenery outside the window, Zhang Xiaoqiang wants to return to Mu Peipei more and more. It can be said that except for a few people such as Yang Ke’er and Miao Miao, Mu Peipei and the children in her stomach have become the biggest concern of Zhang Xiaoqiang. Now he is not in the warmth base, Yang Ke’er already has a certain self-protection ability, and although Mu Peipei is agile Evolution, but she is pregnant with the child will become the lamb in the eyes of others. Zhang Xiaoqiang vaguely felt a little uneasy, and even people became nagging.

“Fast, pull high, there is enemy attack. It is a mutant beast!”

Having been airsicked and watching the Yueya’er outside the window suddenly roar, and the rattlesnake and poisonous scorpion sitting in the back row were taken aback by the sudden roar, and the AN94 in the rattlesnake’s hand lifted up reflectively. It was too late to react, and the wrist was lightly held by the ghost on the side.

The Li Caoyuan responded as soon as it heard the warning. The aircraft accelerated its head and dashed up, marking two trails of white behind it.

Zhang Xiaoqiang’s eyes looking out of the window became cold again, and his fists squeaked. The sky is the main battlefield of the mutant bird. At that time, the **** bird was hit seriously and his own fleet of people who could still be disturbed. If he only brought a child with Meow Meow back on MiG-21, he might still be able to escape this disaster. Now, no matter how maneuverable or accelerating, this civilian aircraft can’t be compared with others.

Joe put down AN94 and slightly tilted his head. I saw a gray-feathered mutant bird hovering not far from the lower right of the plane. The sickle-like giant mouth gleamed coldly under the sun. Swallowing his saliva, Joe only felt the chrysanthemum tighten unconsciously, turning his head back and staring at the poisonous scorpion. You know, there is only one ZPT90 25mm cannon and a 86 7.62mm parallel machine gun on the plane.

“Boss, look… can we hide this time.”

Finally Joe kicked the ball to Zhang Xiaoqiang again, Zhang Xiaoqiang withdrew his gaze from the **** bird, and his head extended from the cockpit and the people in the cabin stared at each other.

“Everyone is ready for a parachute, with good weapons and dry food. It’s a blessing, not a curse, a curse can’t be avoided. Before we came, we blew up the old dens and killed more than ten mutant birds. Less. Now that the boss of the family has come to the door, so say, come out and mix, sooner or later you have to pay back. Scorpion, put all our bombs on the plane. Meow, go with me to the turret, before going down Discuss some interest with it.”

When the final decision was made, Zhang Xiaoqiang was suddenly bright. Last time, the **** bird was brought from WH to Inner Mongolia. Although it has been twists and turns, but in the end, he has not returned. He believes that after the chicks that he grabs back are successfully domesticated, he will soon have a strong air control force. No longer will the collective forced by such harassment jump from a height of several kilometers. Zhang Xiaoqiang walked out of the cockpit when he finished talking, and Miao Miao carried his umbrella bag and followed him into the temporary turret.

Elder Brother Cockroach, what should I do?”

Li Caoyuan‘s fat head suddenly protruded from the front cockpit, and his forehead was covered with sweat. A brief glance just before raising the altitude made him see the size of the big gray bird, not too big, slightly larger than the plane they are sitting in now. A gray feather gleams in the sun, and the two-meter-long claws may even pierce the D3 that was baked before Zhang Xiaoqiang. At that time, Li Fei Niu’s cow eggs couldn’t help but mention, cold sweat swish out, not at all in my heart.

“You continue to fly south, try to deal with it as much as possible, and really can’t hide, let’s jump the plane. Everything else is left to me and Miao Miao, this time it must be peeled off.”

After Zhang Xiaoqiang said, he habitually raised his right hand to pick booger. After turning around, she was about to sit on Meow Meow’s shoulder. The right hand that had just picked her nose was blown away by her. By the way, he glanced at him, and then Gu Zi walked towards the turret.

The big grey bird rushed up without any recklessness, flying all the way around Zhang Xiaoqiang, but not too close nor too far away. But the sharp eyes had never left, and they stared at each other, ready to pounce at any time. The meow and the Zhang Xiaoqiang palms holding the machine gun were sweating. The big gray bird was too far away, and it could escape before it reached the bullet.

Just when the Li Caoyuan prayed that the stalemate would continue to the WH destination, the whole aircraft suddenly violently bumped. Li Caoyuan did not have much impact because of the seat belt, and the ghosts behind were all turned over. Eight primes. Fortunately, all the physiques on this plane are different from ordinary people. The ghost wearing a helmet is not a big deal.


It seems that the big grey bird has been waiting for this moment. Under the violent air flow, it struggled a little and swooped towards the plane. The machine gun in Miao Miao’s hand was lost due to the violent bump of the fuselage, but most of the bullets still fell on the big gray bird.

The gray feathers shimmering in the sun were not shaken by bullets. I saw that the two-meter-long claws would be drawn into the cabin, and several groups of firelights exploded at the bird’s head. Zhang Xiaoqiang‘s dynamic vision and machine guns became the only way to face the big gray bird in a bumpy environment. But it will be avoided if it is too far, Zhang Xiaoqiang has just been waiting for it to approach.

But he still underestimated the big gray bird’s defense. Those few guns did hurt the big gray bird just now, but he still didn’t break the defense. After a few flutters, it left the attack area of ​​Zhang Xiaoqiang. At this moment, the big gray bird’s head seems to have a dysentery. If Li Caoyuan is on the side, it will definitely smell the barbecue.

“Fat cows, can’t you drive it well? It’s so insane, the aim is gone! Poisonous scorpion, the bomb is ready!”

The roar of Zhang Xiaoqiang came from the temporary turret, if it wasn’t too bumpy just now. He completely broke a big hole in the head of the big gray bird with the cannon.

Elder Brother Cockroach, it’s not that I don’t want it, it’s impossible, I have been flying for so long, I have never encountered such rapid turbulence”

At the moment, Li Caoyuan is also sweating heavily, holding the joystick in his left hand, controlling the throttle in his right hand, and controlling the trim at the same time. But the plane was still uncontrollably bumpy. Poison Scorpion walked into the turret by holding the wall, made an OK gesture to Zhang Xiaoqiang, and walked back to the position hard to sit down. Everyone knew that this time it was hard to be good.

“Fat cow, above!”

After losing money, the big gray bird didn’t dare to jump forward, and after a roundabout, a sudden jump came directly above the plane. Zhang Xiaoqiang can’t reach it with just a few pinches of feathers, and can’t help but be kind to Li Caoyuan. If it is caught from above, no one wants to live.

Li Caoyuan did not disappoint Zhang Xiaoqiang, and the back of the big gray bird with a sharp bump came a classic flipping action. At that time, everyone’s mind mentioned his throat, and he almost didn’t spit it out.

However, at this time, Zhang Xiaoqiang has not forgotten to impress the big gray bird. The almost zero-range shooting allowed Zhang Xiaoqiang with dynamic vision to punch a blood hole on the back of the big gray bird. Large pieces of feathers fell off its body, some feathers hit the aircraft shell along the airflow, and the entire cabin suddenly echoed with a bitter scratching sound.

The broken grey bird wailed with a whine, and quickly dived under the plane. Everyone lost its trail this time. The big gray bird’s feathers were made of special materials. The radar on the plane failed to find it when I passed it.

“Quick, turn right, it’s coming up”, then a sudden excitement in Zhang Xiaoqiang‘s heart shouted at Li Caoyuan.

Unfortunately, it was still one step slower, the violent jolt suddenly stopped, and then it turned in a whirlwind. Zhang Xiaoqiang only felt that his stomach was already on his throat, and the whole brain of the compressed biscuits he had just eaten was sprayed on the turret. Not only Zhang Xiaoqiang, the whole cabin was spitting, and there was a sour smell in the whole air.

Elder Brother Cockroach, the plane is out of control, what shall we do?” Li Caoyuan struggled to stick his head out of the cockpit, and now the whole fuselage was close to vertical, but he could do nothing.

Joe was frightened when he raised his eyes, and both sides of the cabin had been deformed. When the gray bird flapped its wings, its claws exerted a little force, and the sound of metal being cut could be heard.

“It has been rising! Quickly, prepare to parachute jump, poison scorpion, give me the remote control!”

After talking about Zhang Xiaoqiang, I want to carry meow’s neck and don’t want to grab an empty one. Miao Miao is ready to open the door at the emergency exit.

“It should be not far from WH. If we can survive, we will meet there.” Zhang Xiaoqiang and Li Caoyuan one by one stared at each other. When they saw Meow, they habitually reached out to pinch her face. But she was not flying.

The emergency escape exit was opened, and the current elevation may be close to 4000 meters. The biting cold wind poured back in the first time the door was opened, and the noisy wind could be heard with the powerful rhythm of the big gray bird waving its wings.

Zhang Xiaoqiang was the last one to jump off the plane. He looked not far behind him, and the large passenger plane had begun to deform seriously. The big gray bird climbed fast, with such a big guy, a dozen meters in a row in one breath.


After a loud noise, the airliners turned into a huge ball of fire. The overlord in the air was too swallowed by the flame before he could yell out. The nearest Zhang Xiaoqiang only felt that the heat wave was coming, and his cheeks were tingling, and there were continuous aircraft wrecks spitting black smoke from the fireball.

Just when everyone thought the matter was over, a firebird suddenly burst out from the bottom of the fireball. Zhang Xiaoqiang‘s heart twitched, and he wanted to pit his father, even Phoenix came out. The firebird, which got rid of the fireball, dropped rapidly, and in a blink of an eye, it left the fireball for a distance of hundreds of meters and flew straight to Zhang Xiaoqiang. The surrounding temperature has dropped below zero, but the Zhang Xiaoqiang can still feel the burning sensation coming from the face. He could even smell the burning smell from the firebird’s body, and at the same time it was full of the smell of burning feathers.

As the Firebird gets closer and closer, Zhang Xiaoqiang raises his hand as a shuttle bullet shoots out. It is a pity that the wind is heavy and the rain is small, and the bullet hits the firebird only to hear the sound of “poo poo poo”, as if the red iron rod was thrown into the water. At this time, Firebird was still 20 meters away from Zhang Xiaoqiang. The wreckage of the aircraft flying around let Zhang Xiaoqiang into dynamic vision, if he could easily escape on the flat ground. The tragedy is that the current Zhang Xiaoqiang cannot do anything without the world, only to watch it crash into it.

Just when the chuck chrysanthemum is ready to carry this Zhang Xiaoqiang clip, the flames on the firebird suddenly all gathered up. In the dynamic vision, I saw that the skin outside the big gray bird has been baked, and the burnt skin Milky white liquid is constantly oozing out to fight the flames. At this time, the big bird covered with smoke, and his body temperature dropped rapidly with the help of white liquid.

However, the consciousness of the big gray bird also ends here, and the stretched wings suddenly gather in the air. The momentum of rushing forward also slowed down. Even so, Zhang Xiaoqiang was still hung by the wings of the big gray bird. The Zhang Xiaoqiang spinning around in the air couldn’t be more depressed, and was finally overturned by a roast chicken.

“Fuck, forget to count!”

After fighting for a long time, the Zhang Xiaoqiang finally caught the roasted chicken wings of the big gray bird. Without breathing, he suddenly tapped his forehead.

The Zhang Xiaoqiang holding the chicken wings looked down, and a few of them had opened the parachute.

The scene below made Zhang Xiaoqiang take a breath of air. I saw below is a highly developed plain, and their landing points may be those divided fields. But not far from sight, there is a highly developed town to the north with a population of at least two million. If you are unlucky, you may add up to five million. There is also a large lake on the side that can’t be seen. There are definitely no shortage of beasts like **** fish.

(middle) little white dragon

When descending to 500 meters, Yueya’er and his party opened parachutes one after another. At this height Yueya’er can already clearly see the ground situation. Their landing point is okay, just right in the field, the field is surrounded by a circular waterway, and the surrounding circle is sparse housing. The giant lake is on the side. At this height, the lake can no longer be seen at a glance. The entire lake is thousands of miles away, foggy, and endless lakes and mountains. There is an island in the middle of the lake with ancient towers and towering towers.

Compared with Yueya’er, the point of Zhang Xiaoqiang is not optimistic. According to the current decline rate of him and the roast bird, it is very likely to fall into the big lake on the side. You should know that this unknown lake is at least three times the size of Liangzi Lake. You can vaguely see a giant island in the middle of the lake.

With their current abilities, as long as they don’t fall into the tens of thousands of corpses, they can’t go anywhere. At the beginning, when Zhang Xiaoqiang took Wan Qiang, soldiers and Mu Peipei in a car, they dared to rush into millions of corpses to kill Z2. Ordinary zombie is not counted. Evolution zombie has to face hundreds.

But it is different when it falls into the water. The shock caused by the **** fish to Zhang Xiaoqiang is still vivid today. If there are a large number of traps made in advance and the D3 bone saw finally made by Xu Jing, maybe now he is A handful of silt at the bottom of Liangzi Lake. Today, this lake is at least as big as three Liangzi Lakes, and God knows what strange animals will be inside.

And Zhang Xiaoqiang just opened the parachute at this time, watching the roasted “chicken” continue to fast fall down, depressed, not thinking, pit father, if this big roasted “chicken” with the aroma fell into the lake Here, how much weirdness has to be attracted.

When the Yueya’er and his party descended to about 300 meters, the big gray bird that had been roasted in the suburbs and had a tender color and fragrance fell into the lake. But there was no big movement, and after seeing a few sprays, there was no sound at all. The **** fish imagined by Zhang Xiaoqiang did not appear, but his face was even more blue. Most of the camouflage is difficult to escape under ultra-long distance. The white spray was just packed with a one-meter-long silverfish. Its body is slender and round, delicate and transparent, and its color is like silver. The mouth is large, and the teeth are large and sharp. The big gray bird that had been able to eat Zhang Xiaoqiang and his party for a week was able to eat only the bones under their beak for less than ten seconds.

If there is a **** fish, maybe this time Zhang Xiaoqiang has a chance to escape from the sky while the big gray birds attract their attention, but people are not as good as the sky. The **** fish that made a fortune in Liangzi Lake didn’t even have a shadow here. Instead, the dense silverfish ate the big gray bird in the blink of an eye. Even without a bubble, it became a skeleton and sank to the bottom of the lake. Waiting for hanging plants.

Zhang Xiaoqiang only felt scalp numbness, and the vest made the sweat wet. Looking down at Meow Meow, she was also looking up at Zhang Xiaoqiang, with a stubbornness in her eyes and a little bit of bitterness.

“If I go down and do not come up, you must go back to WH with Miao Miao, and you must watch her anyway.” Clenched his teeth, Zhang Xiaoqiang avoided Miao Miao’s sight, turned his head to shout at Joe , There is a sense of decisiveness in the tone, not to be rejected by others.

Joe kept looking up at Zhang Xiaoqiang. He turned his head to look at the few partners who were born and died, and nodded heavily towards Zhang Xiaoqiang. “You can go with peace of mind, we will definitely bring Miss Leng back to WH safely, even if we are going to use our lives to pave the way.”

Zhang Xiaoqiang heard Joe’s pledge, all the battles between heaven and man in the heart were wiped out. While preparing for a military ceremony and bravery, a sudden east wind gusted in the sky, and all the people were taken in the direction of the Great Lakes.


Poisonous scorpion suddenly screamed. His face that had just turned white because of being too cold suddenly turned from red to green and from blue to white again. His upper and lower lips were shaking like they had just been picked up from the pond in Layue The same, and the Yueya’er and his party stopped the eastward castration.

“To tell the truth, poison scorpion, until now, I always thought that your power is very tasteless, and I apologize for this. But this time if it were not for you, we could not save Miss Leng, and we would also fail Elder Brother Cockroach to us ‘S request.”

Qiao turned back to the venomous scorpion with purple lips and said solemnly. After that, he looked back and looked at Zhang Xiaoqiang which was going away. In the field of vision, the bright red blood flowed down from Meow’s bitten lip, and there were bright tears in his eyes. Just now, Miao Miao retrieved his memory, and when he lost his memory, Zhang Xiaoqiang‘s all-round love for himself suddenly rushed into his heart. At this time, he could only watch him fall into the lake to feed the fish. He couldn’t help boring his chest, his eyes were black, and he almost passed out. Recalling that Zhang Xiaoqiang is still in front of me, I can’t help but want to look at it a few more times, and I have to raise my spirit and look at the Zhang Xiaoqiang who is getting farther and farther away.

When the party fell to the ground, the first one to fall instead of the poison scorpion. As soon as the cat fell to the ground, he wanted to run in the direction of Zhang Xiaoqiang. I never thought that I had just hit it too hard and couldn’t do anything. I stumbled to the ground and was held up by the rushing ghost. The poison scorpion was supported by Joe. His ability is to control the airflow. In the past, it could only be used as an electric fan. Just at the critical moment, the poisonous scorpion overdrawn and temporarily exploded, building a gas wall around the crowd to escape the disaster.

Zhang Xiaoqiang doesn’t know whether to laugh or cry at this time. Miao Miao has landed safely, which makes him a little relieved. What is more gratifying is that the east wind just blows him higher. Looking closely, you can see that you are getting closer and closer to the opposite island. This time you may not need to feed fish. The tragedy is that there is no meaning for a fishing boat to sing late on the lake. Except for occasionally you can see a large wooden tub floating on the water, there is no boat shadow. This means that if they don’t come back to save themselves, he will die alone on that island.

If he was a former otaku, this is nothing to worry about. Now Zhang Xiaoqiang is fully capable of surviving on the island. Even if there is d3 on the island, he can subdue it alone with a new secret weapon. The key is that the uneasiness in my heart makes Zhang Xiaoqiang not in a mood to enjoy the survival. He foresees that there will be a big accident at the hot spring base, and his own children may become the weight of others.

As a Evolution player, Zhang Xiaoqiang has always believed in his intuition. Every time he encounters a crisis, he can be aware of it in advance, so he is very ill at ease. This time, the uneasiness in his heart is particularly strong. He has no reason to think that there will be a major event at the Cockroach base. So the recovery plan along the Yellow River just started, and hurried back. In order to return to Yang Ke’er faster, they also ran out of all the geranium extracts in the inventory.

The third rain disrupted the entire pattern of Doomsday. It was no longer the zombie army and mutant beasts. Various mutant insects and plants came to people’s eyes one after another. The MiG fighter that the blood wolf rode before was eaten by the mutant insects without even putting on the clothes gun, but one thing fell one thing. The botanist who appeared after the Zhang Xiaoqiang recovered the second town discovered a mutant geranium. There are no insects nearby, the high-concentration liquid purified from the inside can be used as an effective means of protecting against insect damage, and it also relieves worries for the air forces after Zhang Xiaoqiang.

When Zhang Xiaoqiang descended and landed again to a height of 300 meters, the whole picture of the island can be clearly seen. The shape of the island is an ellipse with a circumference of about 4 kilometers and an area of ​​about 1 square kilometers. The highest point is more than 100 meters. . There are three mountains and nine peaks on the island. The lush forests, such as the green snail floating water, are the only “oasis on the lake” among the eight hundred miles of lake. There is a tall tower on the top of the mountain. The tower is made of stone barriers. It is more than fifty meters high, with seven floors and octagonal. On the mountainside, there is also a temple built around the lake. Before Doomsday, there must be a place where pilgrims are like clouds.

Zhang Xiaoqiang looked down at the smoky lake below her feet, and there was a faint shadow floating underwater. Undercurrents swelled beneath the calm water, countless thin waves of water in the light shuttled back and forth, and slowly moved with his reflection in the water. Dongfeng continued to take him closer to the unnamed island, and the small waves of dense water scattered after the Zhang Xiaoqiang came over the island.

In the end, Zhang Xiaoqiang was dangerously hung on the tree of Huaiyin inside the gate of the temple. There was an incense burner at the foot. But it couldn’t stand the baptism of the third rain, and now it has turned into a cup of rust and spread into a brown and red on the ground. The temple on the opposite side is now dilapidated and overgrown with weeds. The rope was cut and Zhang Xiaoqiang puffed to the ground. There is no technology to talk about, let alone beauty, but no extra movement, it seems to be neat.

When I walked to the door of the temple, I saw half a broken plaque on the ground, which could be easily recognized as the word concubine. Looking at almost half of the collapsed temples, there was a sense of anger in the daytime. Zhang Xiaoqiang frowned, lifted his feet across the plaque, and left hand was naturally placed on the handle of the waist rat king blade.

Half way, I heard a rustling voice inside. Zhang Xiaoqiang unfastened the holster and held the Rat King Blade in his hand, took a breath, and continued to walk in. After the front hall, a half-collapsed hall caught Zhang Xiaoqiang‘s eyes. The head of the goddess of the main lake in the middle of the hall has fallen, and half of the body is pitted by heavy objects, and there are large patches of blood that has been blackened. It seems that when the virus broke out, it was the time for pilgrims to burn incense. When I walked here, I could clearly hear the sound coming from behind the statue of the goddess of the main lake, like the sound of wood when it lightly hit the wall.

Zhang Xiaoqiang hesitated for a moment, but walked up to the main hall. Just after seeing the back door, I found a dark shadow in the corner of my eye. The speed is extremely fast, which directly triggers his dynamic vision. Only then did Zhang Xiaoqiang see that it was a thumb-sized ant. The rat king blade gently waved, and the ant broke into two pieces and fell to his feet. At this time, four or five ants shot at him at the same time, splitting the two ants with the rat king blade, and Zhang Xiaoqiang rolled towards the dark shadow of the corner one by one, but the feeling was soft after starting.

“I’m not zombie, but a normal person!” Zhang Xiaoqiang said while talking on his mouth, his hands tightened tightly, pressing the black shadow tightly on the ground, and turned and rode up.


Only heard a loud bang, and a strong force came from under the butt, lifting the Zhang Xiaoqiang, which was momentarily distracted.

“The old lady beat you hypocrites, zombie is much stronger than you.”

It was only then that Zhang Xiaoqiang could see clearly that the real face of the shadow was a woman, and the ant from the ejection triggered his dynamic vision, and he suddenly became furious.

“Fuck, I said that people still fight!”

When the Zhang Xiaoqiang split again, the ants shot bullied and approached the woman, and a hand knife directly knocked the woman out, so that she had time to observe the woman carefully. The woman’s clothes were covered with dirt, but her face was clean. With long hair, melon seeds face, eyes as lacquer, elegant and vulgar, but lips are slightly thick, and there is a fascination. Xia Fei’s cheeks that had just been accidentally pinched by a salted pig in Zhang Xiaoqiang‘s cheeks, and a bright red on his cheeky skin, looked at the woman’s Zhang Xiaoqiang and swallowed it for a long time.

At the same time, a group of Yueya’er walked out of the field in a panic. There were few families in this place called Nanling Village. A few scattered zombies with few originallys surrounded them, and they just appeared. The fragrance hasn’t smelled yet, so one by one was named by Yueya’er.

They searched several houses nearby and found nothing. Qiao Ben wanted to find a local survivor, at least to know where they are now and how to go back. When I walked to the last red brick house that was just built, the two door panels were close to decay, and there were two very old-fashioned red couplets on the top. The upper couplet is “Fuwangcaiwangwang” and the lower couplet is ” “Shun everything, everything goes smoothly”, and criticized the “Great cause of glory”.

“Is there anyone at home? We are ZF’s troops, and the surrounding monster has been solved by us.” With a cold face, Yueya’er went straight forward, repeating the lines.

After knocking for a long time, the door remained motionless, as if it was held up by many heavy objects.

“I rushed in without opening the door. I counted to three. One, two…” Yueya’er said he would kick when he lifted his feet.

“Wait, don’t kick, I’m driving…” There was a sudden exclaimation from a man in the room, and the male duck’s throat made people sound distorted.

“This is called Nanling Village and is located in Lujiang County, Chaohu City. The large lake on the side is Chaohu Lake, one of the four famous freshwater lakes in China. The island you call is Laoshan Island. The heart is also the largest island in the lake. I don’t think your friends are expecting to come back. One year ago, there was a sudden madness. Most people who were not mad went to take refuge in Laoshan Island in their own boats. Some people Come and call me, I had piled more than two thousand kilograms of food at home, and two pigs that were killed years ago. There are few people in our village, and thieves in other towns often come to our village to steal things. When I gave it away, I blocked the house and kept food. At first, people on the island would often come down to supplement the food. Later, Bai Xiao in the lake suddenly grew crazy. The original longest was only 10 cm. Later, It is more than one meter long. The big Bai Xiao is so fierce. At first, some people still caught up to eat. At one time, more than 300 boats came out of the island, and the dense white Bai Xiao suddenly appeared in the water. Tens of thousands of them! Gee, at that time, many people on the shore were scared of pee pants. Since then, everyone is not called Bai Xiao, let’s call it Xiao Bai Long.”

A bloated middle-aged man sitting on a long bench smoking a dry cigarette, Joe, Venomous Scorpion, Ghost, Yueya’er, Leng Miao sat around the Eight Immortals table and listened attentively.


At this time, no useful information can be let go. Qiao believes that the disappearance of Elder Brother Cockroach will lead to a break between the two major forces of Inner Mongolia and WH. Without the big rear of Inner Mongolia, it would be a fantasy to continue to grow bigger and stronger in this inland China that is full of corpses. Although Zhang Xiaoqiang never thought of dominating China, the shock he brought to people made The following people are willing to believe that such a person can lead a better life in Doomsday.

The middle-aged man smoked a few more sips of dry cigarettes, extinguished the fire with some distress, carefully wiped the cigarette pot with the corner of his clothes, carefully packed it into a bag and pinned it to his waist. Smash smashed chapped lips, and continued.

“After that, it was not that no one thought about going ashore, and many people tried it. But one by one was beaten by tens of thousands of small white dragons, but some people succeeded. That person is called Lei Yida. Before the outbreak of madman’s disease, he was a famous gangster in Hefei. It is said that at that time, he had a kung fu practice, and he could twist the cattle with his bare hands!

But people generally call him Thunder Tiger, does Thunder Tiger know? The one killed by Fang Shiyu! But if you say that in front of him, he must die you! The thunder tiger was sickened by a rain, a person stronger than a cow, almost unable to survive. Later, somehow he was pushed over by him again, and he was stronger than before. And I heard that he learned the spell after he was okay, and the things he touched will be broken by him soon. He used this spell to cross the river, and now everyone on the island has to listen to him, otherwise he will not give him food, and will beat you. “

“Old man, didn’t you say that you blocked the food at your door? How do you know so clearly about the things outside!” Yueya’er came out abruptly, but his hand touched the pistol in his waist. “If you dare to tell a lie, I don’t mind letting you splatter five steps.”

“You don’t have to bluff me, don’t you just want to save that person named Elder Brother Cockroach. It’s strange to say that the half life was also drowned by a rain, and the thunder tiger has the ability to break the stone and crack the gold. With a strong spirit, he became king on the island of Laoshan. I only learned a good ear, and I hid early as soon as I heard the movement, and I lived in Tibet. I heard that the girls in several nearby villages have been ruined by him. God doesn’t have long eyes!”

Middle-aged men tell the secret that they are also capable, just to clarify themselves. After shaking his head, he sighed and said again.

“I think you are all good people. I kindly remind you that when you go to the island of Thunder Tiger, all you can get out are corpses. Don’t be hopeful.”

Yueya’er‘s eyes dimmed, and they bowed their heads slightly, wondering what they were thinking. But only Miao Miao’s eyes became brighter, she jumped off the chair and walked to the middle-aged man and said:

“Uncle, that is to say, can you hear the voice from the island?”

The middle-aged man narrowed his eyes, looked at meow up and down, and could not understand what the little shota was thinking.

“What? Thunder Tiger? The one killed by Fang Shiyu?” Zhang Xiaoqiang finished picking his nose habitually.

“Can you pick it up where I can’t see it? It’s disgusting!” Fang Lina continued in disgust at Zhang Xiaoqiang.

“In the beginning, my brother and I fled to Laoshan Island together, thinking that we could avoid a catastrophe. Who knows, escaped zombie, but can’t escape you stinky men! Look, it’s just a guy like you! “

“That is to say, did you just treat me as a Thunder Tiger’s man? Is there anything terrible about the Thunder Tiger? The fish in the lake is terrible. A roast chicken that big is still there. Bubbling up is gone, it is even more fierce than the piranha on TV.” Fang Meiren’s white eyes fell into Zhang Xiaoqiang‘s eyes and had a counter-effect, and the whole person became more and more charming. And what she said was automatically skipped by Zhang Xiaoqiang. After picking it out, it flicked out like a ant before, and it stuck firmly to the yellow wall.

“Only Thunder Tiger can enter and leave Laoshan Island freely. Other people will be taken by the small white dragon to clean the boat as soon as the boat is under the water. And Thunder Tiger is a trainer before Doomsday. The team is very powerful, he One person can upset two. If he were not too powerful, I would have escaped long ago.

Tell you, I am the only person on this island who can escape except him. You can do it if you want to go out, but you have to help me rescue my brother. “

Fang Lina reprimanded to no avail, simply didn’t look at him, Gu Zi said.

“I see it, where are you going after you go out?” Zhang Xiaoqiang agreed with a little thought.

“Where to go? Home is gone, where else can I go! With my brother to find a deep mountain old forest to hide, I don’t believe that China is so big, I can’t accommodate Fang Fina.” Get up, pointing fingers.

“Otherwise, you and I went to WH, where there is an Cockroach…Oh no, it is a hot spring base, and the women in it are all given preferential treatment. Such a thing will not happen here.”

The jade arms are overflowing with fragrant fragrance, and the smell of Zhang Xiaoqiang is refreshing, and I think that there are really women with such incense in the world, and their clothes are dirty and so fragrant. Suddenly my mind was alive.

Fang Lina suddenly stopped all movements and stared coldly at Zhang Xiaoqiang. It made Zhang Xiaoqiang feel as if it were on his back, as if being stared at by a viper, and cold sweat perked up on his forehead unconsciously. After a gust of wind blew, Zhang Xiaoqiang suddenly woke up. Now that the base may be in danger, their children and women are still waiting for themselves at home, but there is still time to abduct the girl, but it is a pity.

“Okay, you know Thunder Tiger better, you make a plan, I will see if it is feasible!” The Zhang Xiaoqiang who decided to go home quickly renewed his enthusiasm and looked at Fang Lina’s eyes fiercely.

Fang Lina was stunned, but did not delve into the changes of Zhang Xiaoqiang. A slight arc hung in the corner of her mouth. With a straight face, he said:

“You have been seen on the island by a lot of people, but during the day, termites are rampant, no one dared to come over. After a while, you will…”

“That’s it? What about Thunder Tiger? How do we get out? You always have to tell me!” Zhang Xiaoqiang surprised.

“Thunder Tiger used to go out to the island every three days, now every seven days, and it is tomorrow. After you rescued us, we went to Wenfeng Pagoda on the top of the mountain. Now I will give you a bottom, my ability is and Animals communicate to a certain extent and can influence animals to make decisions, like insects can be controlled directly, but large animals need a long run-in to control. There is a mutant mountain eagle in Wenfeng Tower on the top of the mountain. I spent half a year with it Mixed, it is definitely not a problem to take us three to cross the river”

In a dark room, two sisters spend their heads floating on their knees under a man. The man is bald, naked, with nine evil dragons on his chest, and his face is grim. His muscles are vertical and horizontal, and the texture is like a cut rock, rough and hard. As the man’s breathing worsens. Every muscle follows the rhythm slightly…

Slightly trembling, looking at it from afar, the nine evil dragons tattooed on the body are like alive. Suddenly running out of the door to a small man, panicking, like there is something urgent to say, but dare not dare The opening interrupts the enjoyment of the bald man, the head is always lowered, the viewer’s own toes.

Something to say quickly! The bald head growls in a low voice, holding the twins’ heads with both hands, and lifted his head to relax.

That’s it. The person who landed in the termite nest in the morning was found. The person seemed to have seen Fang Lina. When he was found, he was covered with blood and covered with termites. He was dead with only one breath. Now Closed in the cellar, how do you deal with it?

When the little man speaks, his voice trembles slightly, and his eyeballs keep turning. With a few words, the forehead is covered with sweat beads, which seems to be more tiring than the sister flower under the bald head.

At the moment, the bald head looks refreshed, the muscles on the body stop shaking, and the hair pulling the sister’s flower is a flick.

Then turn it off first, and wait to talk and bring me to see. Also, how are things going to be prepared tomorrow?

You are all prepared according to your orders. A total of 43 people signed up.

The little man has sharp eyes, and seeing that his bald head is over, he immediately hands over a coat.

Well, if things are done well, Wang Ruo and Wang Xi will reward you. The bald head seemed to be in a good mood. When he walked to the small balcony outside the room, he didn’t care that his big bird was facing the big lake, and it was blooming in spring. Lord Shere Island! The youngest must bow and die, and die. The little man said nothing in his mouth, but he still couldn’t stop his body shaking. The bald Thunder Tiger didn’t go to see the youngest, Gu Zi opened his hands to Chaohu and laughed wildly, pointing the posture of Jiangshan. In this zombie rampant world, building your own kingdom, doing whatever you want, and controlling the lives and deaths of others has made Thunder Tiger lose its self. Many of the brothers who were born and died before have died tragically because of disputes with him, and now the only youngest surviving young man is living in fright and fear every day.

The Zhang Xiaoqiang covered in blood was thrown into the cellar and no one was interested, and the Zhang Xiaoqiang, who had been dead for a long time, sat up boringly. The cellar was very humid, with moss on all four walls, and nearly ten rotten corpses, all dressed brightly but incompletely, scattered on the ground. It must have been the little boss of Thunder Tiger before, his cruelty can be seen here. More inside, with dozens of wooden barrels, Zhang Xiaoqiang approached and saw that 16 people had their limbs cut off, and even their eyes, noses, and ears were cut off by one by one, and were kept in the barrel as human beings.

Heaven and man have been fighting for a long time, Zhang Xiaoqiang strongly resisted the urge to help these suffering people to free themselves from the suffering. It was difficult to get in, if the result of a moment of indifference was a loss, let alone Fang Lina, it was hard to forgive herself. You know, looking at his meow Li Caoyuan on Laoshan Island, they will definitely not leave, to find a way to save themselves.

Fang Lina’s plan is simple, let Zhang Xiaoqiang pretend to be a serious injury and mix into the Thunder Tiger. Thunder Tiger said that it was the emperor of Laoshan Island, but it was not true. The mountainside was occupied by a termite nest, and there was a mountain eagle occupying the summit of Wenfeng Tower. The power of thousands of people can only shrink at the southern foot of Grandma Island, where there are only more than 70 original residents, most of whom live in temporary tents. Although Grandma Island is a self-contained system, how did the five big and three thick guys such as Lei Huo know how to manage? The original brothers had a lot of experience in this area, but one by one died because of disagreement with him. In other words, as soon as the Thunder Tigers left, Zhang Xiaoqiang only faced a piece of sand.

“Uncle Ji, you just heard that Thunder Tiger is going to leave the island tomorrow? Where should we go to him?” In the cabin of Nanling Village, Li Caoyuan took the initiative to ask questions. Joe and Yueya’er on the side did not show anything, bowing their heads and thinking hard about something.

“Generally, he will go ashore at the Zhongmiao in Fenghuangtai, and then replenish supplies in the villages and towns along the coast. But this time he seems to be going ashore at Jixin Beach on the Fengle River next to us. Hearing it seems like a meeting A very important person should have a big move. In the past, he only took an elite team of ten people, but this time he took forty-three people at once.” The middle-aged man called Uncle Ji said slowly.

“Is there any news about Uncle!” Miao Miao suddenly asked.

“No, he seems to be locked in the cellar, and I can’t hear the sound there.” Uncle Ji shook his head helplessly.

“Go, let’s go to Jixintan to make some preparations. Give Thunder Tiger a gift.” Joe said and took a step forward to walk out, followed by the poisonous scorpion, the ghost looked at them Li Caoyuan, also Slowly followed.

At this time, in the urban area of ​​Shucheng County, the originally noisy street was silent at this time, and the streets were full of human heads. These people had dull expressions, and the pestle was motionless there. There is a small vacuum area in the middle of the road, where there are two groups of people, one group is all type 2 zombie, nearly one hundred, standing in a circle around the middle Z1zombie; the other group is only one person, burly, just It looks like a human-shaped large scale mound, with a protruding hard shell like scale armor all over his body, each scale armor is the size of a scallop, and the tragic green eyes make people feel hairy.

At the same time, a man with the same D3 and Z1 screamed and rushed towards each other. Hundreds of zombies collided with the man in the blink of an eye. The man entered the crowd like a tank. The D2 in the front was knocked off like a kitten. The S2 was more flexible. There were not a few hits, but the paws on the man only tickled him. . For the Ordinary people nightmare, the type 2 zombie group is like a sheep at this time, and it can’t stop the man.

The man is about to come to Z-Type Zombie. A strong high-frequency sound pierces the entire county. The head of the zombie, which is a hundred meters away, explodes at the same time, and the brain plasma and various soft tissues are ejected from the ear, nose and mouth of zombie. The man just paused for a while, and then continued to rush towards Z1. When there were 3 meters left, the man stretched out his hand and grabbed a pinch, so Z1 was squeezed into meatballs by the man.

After the man died of Z1, he took out an iron box from his waist, pryed off Z1’s brain shell, and poured the brain marrow inside into it. Then tossed zombie‘s body, and Gu Zi left. Where the man passed, zombie automatically gave way to an open space, squeezed in and out, hundreds of thousands of zombie were squeezed and crushed by the same kind of meat, unable to stand up again.

In the early morning of the next day, just after the sun appeared, Thunder Tiger brought 43 strong men to the pier. The dock is home to the few remaining cruise ships and speedboats in the entire Chaohu Lake. Because of the third rain, Chaohu Lake became the tomb of the cruise ship, and the maintenance of the boats became a problem. Thunder Tiger dismantled hundreds of cruise ships to provide support. A few ships that can only make a living from now on.

Several dozens of people were crowded on a boat, and the cruise ship slowly sailed out of the dock. The small white dragon who was doing the prestige and blessing in the lake on weekdays did not appear abnormally this time, and the lake in the morning was surprisingly quiet. Driving all the way, Thunder Tiger always held an iron bar, and the other end of the iron bar went deep into the water. The section that entered the water trembles slightly, leaving a white splash.

The man named Lao San has been standing on the pier and watching, with the twins standing behind him. Waiting for the cruise ship to enter the Fengle River, the youngest man turned around and slowly left. When passing the sister’s flower, the third son’s body was a meal.

“Uncle is sorry to you! Let you be ruined, but you can rest assured that the uncle has found a way to go out. This time the Thunder Tiger is dead, and the ten brothers who died injustice are counted as enemies.”

When the third son finished speaking, he left in a big step. Sister Hua was indifferent to the third son’s words and still had a stiff expression, followed him away from the dock and walked straight towards the cellar.

Zhang Xiaoqiang stayed in the cellar where the dead body made up until the sun rose, and got up and sawed the iron trio with the rat king blade. Just settled the outposts at the door, but saw a small man walking straight with a pair of sisters. At first glance, the man looked a bit like the slick Zhang Huai’an, but after watching it for a long time, he felt that he had a sense of pride.

“I know that you are a man of skill. Thunder Tiger is not necessarily your opponent when he comes in person, but he is trapped in this grand mountain island. You are a dragon. “The man named Lao San was indifferent to the killing of several guards by Zhang Xiaoqiang, and he stood opposite him and talked.

“I also know that you and Fang Lina and Xiao Nizi are going to go to Wenfeng Pagoda on the top of the mountain to take a mountain eagle and leave Grandma Island, but before that you will help her find her brother.”

When the youngest man said this, Zhang Xiaoqiang‘s face changed dramatically. They and Fang Lina’s escape plan were all discovered by the man in front of them. Then they let themselves in. The other party was fearless, and they had already set up Tianluodi.com and waited for themselves to fail.

“Don’t worry, Thunder Tiger doesn’t know this. I know most of them are guessing. You’ve seen everything in the cellar. That’s all Thunder Tiger did. All the people on the island who made him uncomfortable. This is the end. At first, it was just thrown into the lake to feed the fish. At least one was happy. Who knows that the Thunder Tiger later became addicted, changed the way and tossed him against the person, made a stick and put it in the barrel to die . Like you, I also hope that he will die. When I first came to the island, there were twelve Taibao. Now I am only left with Thunder Tiger. The rest are all tortured to death. My two nieces are ruined by him.”

The youngest continued regardless of Zhang Xiaoqiang‘s complexion, while pulling the two sisters behind him.

“Look, they don’t even recognize me now. When they see a man, they will take the initiative to serve them. The most sorry thing for my third son in this life is my cousin. See them next. But I can’t rest assured that Wang Ruo and Wang Xi, you are a man of skill, and a man with a human nature, so I can trust them to you. As long as you take them with you when you leave, you can share them with meals With a sip of them, I will give Fang Lina’s brother to you.”

“I promise you, give me the man!” Zhang Xiaoqiang looked at the thin man in front of him, and suddenly understood why the first impression of such a courageous man was smooth, but the rat king blade in his hand But never let go.

The youngest man walked into the cellar immediately, but Zhang Xiaoqiang felt a little giggled. When the third boy came out with a wooden barrel, Zhang Xiaoqiang originally‘s heart was suddenly confused. If this is seen by Fang Lina, God knows whether this crazy woman will take herself away. According to the third son, the Thunder Tiger went out of the island this time.

“It’s useless for you to look at me like this. It’s all done by Thunder Tiger. I think Fang Lina should be mentally prepared. She hurt Thunder Tiger with ants and escaped from Nanlu. Then Thunder Tiger got angry. The people who suffered on the island did not know the geometry. Most of the luck was thrown into the lake to feed the fish. The oldest man was also killed in this limelight. Alas, Hong Yan is in trouble!”

The youngest sighed and left with his hands behind his back. Zhang Xiaoqiang also lifted the wooden barrel and walked towards the top of the mountain. Sister Hua still followed her expressionlessly.

“Remember your promise!” Zhang Xiaoqiang walked a long way without looking back, but the third child couldn’t let go, and turned around and told him again.

PS: The egg hurts…… What is the code word of Elder Brother Cockroach‘s burning ass? I finally know it

Thunder Tiger brought 43 people to the beach and first gathered the team, before he could issue the next order. The bullets with their heads covered in their faces were shot, and more than a dozen members of the team immediately fell.

A few of the Yueya’er are well equipped, most of them are Evolution, plus the sneak attack, the team of Thunder Tigers can’t shake their heads. Only the Thunder Tiger, an AK47, is still resisting. His ability is rather weird. Many bullets will lose their accuracy when approaching him, and they will be sideways. But he was also unable to support himself, and he could only take the troops and fight back.

Suddenly, an afterimage rushed into the team of Thunder Tiger, and the screams suddenly became one. Thunder Tiger’s face was pale. He has not encountered Evolution people all the time, but these people like to come alone because of their abilities. Go alone. His ability is very strange, it is shock, if the heads-up is not the speed type or the power type is not his opponent. Today, he was originally trading with a powerful person. He will use the population in exchange for each other’s special materials. According to the description of the third son, this man has a special liquid that enhances the ability of Evolution.

As a result, the attack was encountered as soon as I landed. It seems that it is likely to be a team of multiple Evolution people. Thinking of Lei Yida’s sudden burst of green muscles here, the youngest one has been keeping Wei Nuo not in his heart, but he was betrayed by him. However, this is the reason why Thunder Tiger blamed the youngest man. He intended to let the arrogant Thunder Tiger go into conflict with the mysterious man. Who ever wanted to kill an Zhang Xiaoqiang halfway, brought a vote of fierceness. This is a situation that even Uncle Ji didn’t think of. He was sweating on his forehead, thanking that he didn’t sit firmly after confessing to widening.

Just as Miao Miao killed the Quartet in the crowd, she suddenly swept a red light from a distance, dashed into her throat, and Miao Miao waved a knife to block, thus interrupting her hearty slaughter.

“Everyone is a living person, why do you beat yourself, now zombie is our enemy!” In the distance, a man walked in a stride, the pace was not fast, but the speed was not slow, the height was big, one step Three steps against others. It was the man who had taken a handsome and long-going head among the corpses, but now he was dressed in ragged clothes and gray-faced.

The red shadow just flickered and flew from the dark place, and stopped firmly on the man’s shoulder. Meow, when he saw the man, he seemed to have seen a ghost and shouted.

Wan Qiang!?”

Compared to Meow, Wan Qiang‘s expression at this moment is more like a hell. After he ran away from the million black corpses. He burrowed into the mountain and traversed the mountain range between Wuhan and Hefei. The suffering between them was unknown, and he was almost swallowed by the mutant beast a few times. Fortunately, after getting out of the sea of ​​corpses, he became seriously ill, but he was blessed by misfortune instead of Evolution, otherwise how could he live to the present. I didn’t expect to see an acquaintance again after a few months of wandering, and was still the son of Zhang Xiaoqiang.

“It’s you! You are the son of Zhang Xiaoqiang!” Wan Qiang said quickly and hurried towards Meow Meow.


It was Yueya’er who shot, and the bullet was in the middle of the eyebrow. Wan Qiang just crooked his head and shed his momentum. Continue to bravely lean towards Meow.

“Even if you cry, your brother’s arms and legs can’t grow anymore. If I’m you, just go ahead and help him a lot. I think your brother will thank you too. Just below There was a gunshot, and we couldn’t make up for it.” Zhang Xiaoqiang said helplessly beside Fang Lina. Fang Lina had been crying for an hour and her eyes were swollen. Although she had already been psychologically prepared herself, she could not help crying when she saw her brother turned into a stick. Zhang Xiaoqiang couldn’t persuade the woman, so she stood aside, and Sister Hua followed him to the side of her mind, without expression.

Fang Lina stopped crying after listening, turning her head and glaring at Zhang Xiaoqiang. He continued to cry again. Standing next to it was a **** bird, as overwhelmed as Zhang Xiaoqiang. From time to time, he rubbed Lina’s hair with a huge bird’s head. Sometimes he couldn’t control it well, and Fang Lina was also crooked.

“Why are you still here, Thunder Tiger is back. It seems that the man failed to leave him.” But the third child came from the foot of the mountain breathlessly, he was shot in the shoulder, and the road came A place of blood.

“She doesn’t go, I can’t go either. It’s a big deal. I used to hide because he was the only one out of this island, and now this little nizi can take me out, why should I cower. “Zhang Xiaoqiang replied with his hands, but he didn’t seem to care. It seems to be ready to fight against the Thunder Tiger.

When the youngest listened, he suddenly laughed. But he was hit by a huge force behind him, and the Thunder Tiger was covered with dust, and he appeared aggressively behind him. The third son turned over four or five heels after landing, all covered in blood, but still couldn’t stop laughing.

“I said that the third child’s courage, it turned out that you stupid hair blowing in the back.” Lei Tiger looked gloomy.

“That’s a lot of nonsense, your kid has some kind of horse-fighting.” Zhang Xiaoqiang also got rid of it, seeing those in the cellar with Zhang Xiaoqiang‘s heart shut up, and now seeing the Lord, I finally feel uncomfortable.

“You are looking for death!”

The Thunder Tiger who had eaten deflated under Meow Meow and was rushed back by Wan Qiang immediately exploded, and he would be bullied when he pulled on his broken clothes. Zhang Xiaoqiang didn’t shy away, rushed into Thunder Tiger’s arms, his shoulders pressed hard, but it seemed to hit a wall. Uncast, Thunder Tiger rebounded with a stronger tremor. Zhang Xiaoqiang just felt his bones were crisp, and dizzy and stepped back several steps. Thunder Tiger took the opportunity to rush up and pick up Zhang Xiaoqiang. It was a throw. Zhang Xiaoqiang flying out to find the balance in mid-air, landed on one knee and slid a long distance.

Zhang Xiaoqiang wears Leather Armor, not afraid of all kinds of blows, even if it is a machine gun, as long as it is not 5 guns hitting a point at the same time, it will not matter, why have you suffered a loss in melee combat. But Thunder Tiger’s ability is really weird, and its strength is almost the same as Zhang Xiaoqiang, but the strength of the fight is stacking strength, one weight followed by one weight, the more the strength is, the more the thickness of Leather Armor can only block the first three overlapping strengths, the strength after He directly hit Zhang Xiaoqiang and made him cry. This makes Zhang Xiaoqiang envious, if the power is used well, even D3 can be killed. After all, D3 has a thick skin, and there is still a paste in the brain. As long as it can penetrate the armor through its armor directly into the brain, D3 will become a brainless empty shell.

It’s hard to fight, and Zhang Xiaoqiang didn’t get the Rat King Blade back to the field. There is no need for life and death. It’s not necessary to use one’s own strength to attack the enemy. This thunder tiger is just like Fang Lina’s saying. Draw out the pistol Zhang Xiaoqiang and raise his hand to shoot. In dynamic vision, Zhang Xiaoqiang watched as the bullets were opened by the high-speed tremor muscles on the Thunder Tiger.

Dad, is it the iron cloth shirt with the golden bell cover, and the 13 Taibao. Depressed Zhang Xiaoqiang quickly changed the magazine. Thunder Tiger put a shuttle bullet under the hard top, and he was already sore. He immediately bullied himself and wanted to continue fighting. How can Zhang Xiaoqiang do as he wishes, to see this Thunder Tiger practice must be gun mount, Biddinglow is also a strong character, but also raised a hand to shoot a shuttle bullet. This time the Thunder Tiger failed to open all the bullets, and several blood holes were cut in the arm by the bullets. However, Zhang Xiaoqiang was also sent out by the successful Thunder Tiger. Zhang Xiaoqiang in mid-air only felt that more than two hundred muscles in the whole body jumped up to disco at this time, sour and swollen, and his head was chaotic.

Thunder Tiger immediately saw the opportunity to go up to the end of the fight, but a glimpse of a black shadow flew from the corner of his eyes. Fortunately, he worked in time and escaped again. As soon as he turned his head, he saw Fang Lina walking towards Wenfeng Pagoda holding her dizzy Zhang Xiaoqiang, and she would chase after lifting her foot. A black beak pecked from one side. Thunder Tiger rolled away one by one, imitating Zhang Xiaoqiang and suddenly rushed into Shanying’s arms, hugged Shanying’s neck as a whole, Dan Tian sank, and only heard him scream, his muscles tremble like a motor. The bird hair of the mountain eagle was shaken upright, and a long, wailing scream, his neck flicked violently. Thunder Tiger felt that the mountain eagle immediately flicked his hand loose, and the mountain eagle did not look back after being released.

This Wenfeng Pagoda was built in Chongzhen for four years. The tower is made of stone barriers. It is 51 meters high, seven floors and octagonal, with a total of 135 levels. There are 802 brick Buddha statues and 25 stone plaques in the tower. Ascending the tower, you can see from the sky, but seeing the water and the sky, you can see the sky and the snow, the sails and the gulls and herons. However, at this time, Zhang Xiaoqiang and Fang Lina had no time to appreciate. His muscles could not stop trembling until now, and he could not exert his strength. Suddenly a stern bird song came from below. Fang Lina raised her eyes and saw that the mountain eagle flew up crookedly, and the thunder tiger below yelled with pride, shouted, and lifted her foot towards Wenfeng Tower.

“Take your brother and those two women to leave first, and then come to pick me up, Shan Ying can’t take away so many people at a time.” Zhang Xiaoqiang stumbled up and stretched his muscles, his face gloomy. The water dripped out, and it seemed that it was really fired.

“I will come back to pick you up as soon as I arrive” Fang Lina just wanted to refute and was stared back by Zhang Xiaoqiang. After speaking, he sent a sentry and took his brother and sister Hua to go out.

“Damn, what a hero, this time it’s going to become a bear!” Zhang Xiaoqiang saw Fang Lina went to the top of the tower and couldn’t help but sniff his nose. After that, he picked up the Rat King Blade and went down.

The two met unexpectedly on the stairs. Before the Zhang Xiaoqiang turned back, they took the rat king blade and rushed down. The two rolled into the ball and rolled down the stairs. Thunder Tiger stood up first, but was pushed out of the door by a Zhang Xiaoqiang tiger. Thunder Tiger seemed exhausted and only wrestled with Zhang Xiaoqiang, no longer using the strange tremor ability. The two had just left the house, but they saw a shadow pounce.

“Don’t you let you go first!” Zhang Xiaoqiang couldn’t help scolding her.

The two of them were carried into a mass by the mountain eagle, and flew away from Grandma Island in the blink of an eye. After being caught, not only did Thunder Tiger not be half-hearted, but he laughed wildly.

“Hurry up to loosen his claws, he’s going to shock again!” Zhang Xiaoqiang felt strange and called out immediately. Speaking of mentioning the Rat King Blade, he will cut it.

Shan Ying may have spoken with Fang Lina for a long time and can understand people’s words. When Zhang Xiaoqiang said that it was going to shock, Fang Lina didn’t wait to speak before releasing her claws~IndoMTL.com~The two unprepared two were thrown together Going down, poor Zhang Xiaoqiang was shocked by Thunder Tiger as soon as he finished speaking. Perhaps the previous battle consumed too much energy, and this shock is at least not so painful. However, the high-frequency vibrations also made the Zhang Xiaoqiang‘s rat king blade useless, and the blade was bounced off just after it hit the body of the thunder tiger.

It is only 150 meters away from the lake. Zhang Xiaoqiang gritted his teeth. Instead of breaking free from Thunder Tiger’s arm, he hugged him tighter. Then stick the back of the rat king blade to the back of Thunder Tiger. At this time, Zhang Xiaoqiang is numb by the shock, and it is only a line away from the loss of consciousness. Far from hearing the cry of Fang Lina from the sky, Zhang Xiaoqiang‘s heart was horizontal, he bit his tongue sharply, yelled, his hand fell with his knife back and forth five times, sawing Thunder Tiger half shoulder.

The severe pain caused the thunder tiger’s tremor ability to stop. Zhang Xiaoqiang took the opportunity to break away from the thunder tiger’s arms and kicked it hard again. Thunder Tiger is indeed called a heartbroken maniac, and the situation of ten deaths is still laughing.

The Thunder Tiger placed the order, and the Mountain Eagle swooped down to catch Zhang Xiaoqiang and turned away. Falling into a nest lake full of small white dragons, ten lives is not enough. The cold wind blowing from the high altitude, but the Zhang Xiaoqiang looks soothing, watching the thunder tiger as a owl fell into the lake, but the reaction of the little white dragon in the lake is greater than when the big gray bird fell. The whole lake surface tumbling violently like boiling water.

Withdrawing his gaze, Zhang Xiaoqiang looked at the shore, and the thin figure of Meow met his eyes. At the moment she was sitting on the shoulders of a D3-like man, standing beside them Joe, Ghost, Scorpion and Li Caoyuan. Except that Wan Qiang‘s face is gray and he can’t see his expression, everyone’s face is full of joy at the moment.

However, what Zhang Xiaoqiang does not know is that the two players are not a surprise after the reunion. The next thing waiting for him is the endless corpse sea and the unexpectedly powerful Z3.

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