Apocalypse Cockroach: 901, master? One/three

“No…no, master don’t kill me, I am your slave girl, I am your most loyal slave girl, everything I own is yours, and my life is yours…”

Liu Qianyao’s eyes were raised in horror. His bloodshot eyes covered almost all white eyes, his pupils were extremely contracted, and the whole person was terrified. When the empty eyes of Blood phoenix looked at himself, his heart suddenly hurt like a sudden The hammer hit it, Chen Qingyun is another way. Five-body kneeling on the ground expresses obedience, but the slender neck stretches out intentionally or unintentionally, delivering the most primitive message of obedience to Blood phoenix. , He was speechless, the fear of death made his throat feel as if he had swallowed a hot iron in his throat, and Blood phoenix’s empty eyes swept over him, letting him wherever he could see Muscle cramps.

“Master? Do you call me master?”

Blood phoenix finally spoke, his pupils swept upward over the **** vortex that was hanging above his head, a little surprised, in this case, everything he did was done by the devil, this woman who saw him committing an attack But he is called his master? There are also Blood phoenix and Blood phoenix, even when he is dead, he is calling his master. Even if he is occupied by his body and he erases all his thoughts, he still begs him. He doesn’t understand human thoughts very much.

Chen Qingyun heard the meaning of Blood phoenix‘s words. The flash of aura, this person is definitely not Blood phoenix. He just occupied the body of Blood phoenix. Thinking of this, he almost scared even the soul.

“The master is the master, no matter the master wants us to dedicate life or blood, as long as the master needs, we will obey, the purpose of our survival is to serve the master…”

Chen Qingyun’s words fell in Liu Qianyao’s ears, which was a series of ghost words, but at this moment she nodded to Blood phoenix, as if Chen Qingyun said these words is normal, but let Blood phoenix hesitate, ready to tear apart two The physical means also stopped.

At this time, Blood phoenix is the mysterious master who has been hiding behind the scenes. Blood phoenix thinks that he has found the secret of the master. He wants to use this secret to narrow the relationship with the master. At least he can let the master avenge him, but he did not expect to When he said that, his master erased his consciousness and occupied his body. The original method in the online novel actually happened in Doomsday, which also made Chen Qingyun see the clues. People, Chen Qingyun simply gave up all resistance and allowed Blood phoenix to kill, but instead found a ray of life in the wrong hit.

Just as they waited for the Blood phoenix ruling, a burst of coercion from the depths of their souls fell on their heads, and the two couldn’t even send out their snoring and were unable to move because of the mountainous coercion, Chen Qingyun compared Liu Qianyao was not as good. Suddenly she was incontinent together with her urine. But the consternation in Liu Qianyao’s heart had turned into despair. There was no trace of dark eyes in his dark eyes waiting to be killed by Blood phoenix.

“You guys, follow me in the future, I can give you Blood phoenix, I hope you are not as stupid as the self-righteous Blood phoenix…”

Blood phoenix suddenly said a bunch of inexplicable words and withdrew their coercion. Liu Qianyao has not awakened from these inconsistent words, but Chen Qingyun’s heart flashed a little bit of enlightenment. Blood phoenix is no longer the previous Blood phoenix. A strange emotion spreads in my heart. Blood phoenix is the most hated person in his life. Castrate him and wantonly humiliate him as a childish boy. The only motivation that could support him to survive is to kill Blood phoenix for revenge. This Blood phoenix is no longer the Blood phoenix that castrated him, even a man can’t do. His hatred has been a target for a while, and he has lost weight like a daze.

“If you are really loyal, I will not let them eat you, and you will never be afraid that something will hurt you. I don’t know if it’s wrong to keep you, but I used to be human, just I can’t find my previous memories, so don’t give me a chance to kill you…”

The words of Blood phoenix made Chen Qingyun more and more frightened. What did this say? what are they? Eat yourself? Was it human before? How do these words sound geeky?

“Come with me, you will serve me in the future, I hope you will not regret it…”

When speaking, Blood phoenix went out. She was not wearing clothes. Chen Qingyun’s eyes flickered. She grabbed Liu Qianyao, who was still stupid, stood up and chased after Blood phoenix. Liu Qianyao didn’t know what was going on. Although she was sloppy and naughty, she was not very clever. She only knew that Blood phoenix wanted to kill him. She had lost the favor of Blood phoenix. The white skin under the bikini was all dyed with blood, and countless corpses withdrew blood to reveal white misery The miserable colors, these made her like a dream, had lost her autonomy, and was dragged by Chen Qingyun by her side, walked past the corpse, stepped on the intestine of a man or a woman, and left The footprints of one place went outside.

“Don’t talk, don’t make your own claims, what the host wants us to do, even if the host wants us to die, we must die happily, don’t have your own ideas, the host’s ideas are our ideas, even if the host wants To kill people all over the world, we also have to stand behind him and smile…”

Chen Qingyun dragged the bewildered and ignorant Liu Qianyao step by step to the outside, whispering and whispering in his mouth, as if comforting Liu Qianyao in a whisper, the words were for her, but his eyes were always fixed on him In front of the Blood phoenix, just when he said the last paragraph, the body of Blood phoenix paused a little. Although it took less than a second, it gave him enough information, and suddenly he was relieved. At least temporarily, he I know how to save my life.

Liu Qianyao was previously frightened by the **** hell-like killing. With Chen Qingyun’s slightly magnetic words flowing in her ears, her scattered soul slowly returned to her place, grabbing Chen Qingyun’s arm and trembling. Unable to speak, her eyes were full of prayers, and there was also something that could not tell the truth, as if she wanted to find a sense of security in him. She had long forgotten that Chen Qingyun’s ability was still under her. Take Chen Qingyun as a dependency.

Chen Qingyun looked at Liu Qianyao, his eyes were soft and encouraging, but there was a bit of nausea and disdain in his heart. The words that Liu Qianyao said before were like stinging in his heart. How could he forgive her, but now and Liu Qianyao He became a grasshopper on a rope. In order to survive, he had to be in the same boat with Liu Qianyao. He had already calculated to find an opportunity to escape, and if he escaped, he would never take Liu Qianyao. When they walked out of the door, Liu Qianyao Looking at the red swimming pool made the biggest scream…

Chen Yu stood firmly behind the sword with his bone knife clasped, staring at the slack back of Blood phoenix. For him, the beautiful man who was not imposing in front of him was his idol. The goal, the fiery brewing in his heart burned his heart, he was thinking about surpassing this man all the time, and truly stood at the peak. The roof of the building below them is already the urban area, and then ten kilometers back is the center of the city. Over the center, their blockade can almost declare defeat.

Several temporary staff officers are gathered around Jiandian to gather all the intelligence, while Jiandian narrows his eyes to the sea of ​​fire in the distance, and a whole river is burning in the blazing flames. On the other side of the river are countless stomp beetles that want to pass through the sea of ​​fire. These beetles have nothing to stop except flames, and even high-density bombing cannot stop these insects in the sea.

The polyhedron is only a low-end creature that mutates the sea beast. The damage of a single polyhedron to humans is limited. If it is pre-prepared, even if the polyhedron bounces like a bullet, it will not hurt people, and this multi-legged beetle There is no wisdom, every time a bouncing impact ~ IndoMTL.com ~ If it hits the soft soil, it’s okay. Once it hits the concrete reinforcement, there will be a short-term syncope. At this time, only **** can subdue these things and remove the shell. Putting it on the fire and grilling it becomes a crispy and delicious delicacy. If eaten raw with blood and flesh, it will not only strengthen the body and accelerate the healing of the wound, but also weakly increase a little ability. For Evolution, it is simply sent from heaven. Treasures.

But when these beetles converge into a wave of insects, they become a nightmare for most Evolution people. Even the naturally defensive Evolution people will end up hatred under countless bullets. The continuous impact of thousands of multi-legged beetles is not less than the power of metal storms, let alone the impact of a single beetle is greater than that of small-caliber bullets.

In addition to the Insect Tide, the octopus killed by Chen Yu is also among them. The octopus looks like a crocodile. The layered scale armor can not be cut off even with his vacuum blade. General automatic weapons are shot at A few white stamps are left on it at most. The only way is that after the strong characters of Evolution flipped it over, they trapped their limbs and smashed them with a hammer. The agile Evolution people have far more damage to these scaled armored monsters It is not as good as the power type Evolution, so the agile Evolution who has a huge kill on humans is in an awkward situation on the battlefield.

The horror monster that scared the sword before was basically wiped out with the help of the helicopter. Although the body of monster was not snatched, the colloid in the monster brain fell into the hands of the sword, and the sword held These colloids are a little helpless, just because these monsters are all third-level mutant beasts. Third-level colloids are not very useful for him who has only eaten first-class colloids, because this thing continues to be first. After eating the second-class colloid, it depends on whether the properties of this colloid match with him. Just like Zhang Xiaoqiang, with the fourth-class colloid of Firebird, it can’t be transformed into a war in the hand. The same force.

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