Apocalypse Cockroach: 81, come here! ! !

One minute · · · · two minutes · · · · · did not arrive in three minutes.

Yuan Yi moved, and the pair of hemispherical babies who wanted to top off the small vest slowly backed away. Yuan Yi no longer raised her head and raised her chest. She walked to the corner to pick up the hammer, returned to Zhang Xiaoqiang and kneeled on the ground Buried his head on the ground, he resubmitted his obedience, indicating that he was completely obedient.

The Yang Ke’er, who was eager to try, was upset, thinking that he could take this opportunity to teach this **** woman who knows nothing about heaven and earth, who knows that it is an embroidered pillow, and she will not wait for her to start. So boring!

Su Qian stood with its head down and shivered slightly, “Why? Why? Why did the **** Yuan Yi stand up in front of him with his head? Is this the feeling of power?”

“Stand up!” Zhang Xiaoqiang said to Yuan Yi who was kneeling at his feet.

Yuan Yi stood up obediently and returned his hammer to Zhang Xiaoqiang with his head down.

Zhang Xiaoqiang I took the hammer and looked down. Yuan Yi Said: “Look up, you don’t have to kneel in the future · · · · · · No need to bow · · · · · · · It’s the same with me · · · From now on you will be a person standing and walking again · · · · · Not a dog walking on its stomach! “

Yang Ke’er leaned on the side of his face and flicked his mouth, muttering two small bags on his face, a look I was very unhappy about.

Su Qian still lowered his head, his body tremored more, his hands clenched into fists, and his fingers began to turn green: “Yuan Yi is a new man, am I still a dog? One can be bullied Bitch? Can you become a human again with the power?”

“Waitang” Treasury steel door was opened, and an unspeakable odor rushed out. Now the odor of the corpse outside is strong, but it can’t stand it.

When I entered the door, I saw a corpse lying on the ground, wearing nothing on the upper body, and a fat trousers in the lower body that was half taken off. The inside was actually briefs with a portrait of Japan* printed on it. People!

The warehouse is not large, more than a dozen square meters. It is blocked by a row of cartons on both sides. The ground is full of empty and semi-empty mineral water bottles, as well as red wine bottles and apples that are thrown away after a bite. Open a carton with the big red Fuji neatly yarded in it. It looks like it is well preserved and nothing is broken.

After two steps, I saw cardboard boxes of different packagings, opened 24 bottles of mineral water, watched the mineral water Zhang Xiaoqiang called Su Qian, and said a few words, Su Qian turned around and left like a door, Zhang Xiaoqiang called Yang Ke’er and started to When I moved the apples outside, Yang Ke’er was not very happy on his face, but still picked up three pieces at once and walked out.

“Come here!!!”

Zhang Xiaoqiang said to Yuan Yi who was standing by and waiting for the order.

Yuan Yi looks very embarrassed now, her body smells of feces, her face, hands, and small vests are all covered with dust stains, like a beggar who picked up garbage, she recovered to Zhang Xiaoqiang In the past, Gongqian, only the deepest part of the pupil flashed a little manic flame.

Yuan Yi didn’t speak, walked quietly to him in front of Zhang Xiaoqiang, didn’t speak, didn’t move, and had no numbness and despair in his eyes. He looked a little deep. At least Zhang Xiaoqiang couldn’t see from her eyes?

“Take off your clothes!!!” Zhang Xiaoqiang‘s tone is very plain, he seems to just let Yuan Yi do a small thing, a trivial little thing.

Yuan Yi looked tight after he heard it, squeezed his fist fiercely, took a deep breath, grabbed the corner of the small vest and pulled upwards, the small vest left her body, Yuan Yi stood up and stood in front of the white snow Baby looked at Zhang Xiaoqiang and seemed to be waiting for his action.

“Continue!!!” The upper body of Yuan Yi was completely exposed but did not allow Zhang Xiaoqiang to take another look. He kept picking up the mineral water to unscrew the lid and put it back again. There was only mineral water in his eyes, which seemed to the Yuan Yi standing on the side Not interested.

Yuan Yi did not hesitate again this time, and took off the rest of the clothes three or two times. She didn’t even have any panties. She didn’t have a ray, and stood proudly in front of Zhang Xiaoqiang without any trace of shyness. , But there was a slight taunt in his eyes, and he must be thinking about the crows in the world.

Zhang Xiaoqiang carefully looked at Yuan Yi, Yuan Yi did not care about Zhang Xiaoqiang‘s vision, she just stood quietly waiting for Zhang Xiaoqiang‘s further action, Zhang Xiaoqiang looked at Yuan Yi and raised her right hand to reach her.

The cold mineral water poured down from the top of Yuan Yi and flowed down the body, across the snow-white plump and smooth skinned hemisphere, over the tight and delicate abdomen, across her small garden, and flowed along the round ivory-like thigh to the calf Then to the instep to the ground.

The cold clear water made Yuan Yi couldn’t help but shivered. She didn’t dare to move. Zhang Xiaoqiang still poured cold water on top of her head. She even thought that she had become a toy again and was played by men wantonly.

“Can’t you take a shower? Want to wait for me to help you wash?” Zhang Xiaoqiang‘s cold words interrupted Yuan Yi‘s cranky thoughts, and Yuan Yi woke up with his hands constantly rubbing · on his body to rub the previously stained materials Wash off.

A bottle of mineral water continuously poured on the top of Yuan Yi and flowed to the ground along the body. The sewage that washed away the dirt on Yuan Yi formed a big puddle on the ground. When Yang Ke’er came back, he just stepped on the puddle. Caused her serious dissatisfaction, she protested to Zhang Xiaoqiang, Zhang Xiaoqiang ignored it, still picked up the mineral water and poured it to Yuan Yi.

Yang Ke’er complained a few words and picked up three apples again and walked out, stepping heavily on the puddle, the splashing water scattered around, it seemed to want to vent her dissatisfaction.

Su Qian is back. She is holding a brand new camouflage suit and waiting on the side, silently watching the Zhang Xiaoqiang list Yuan Yi taking a bath. She didn’t speak but was sad. She was jealous of Yuan Yi. She complained to herself~IndoMTL.com~ She once again vowed to catch up with Yuan Yi and to get rid of the slave girl’s fate.

Twelve bottles of mineral water rinsed Yuan Yi cleanly. Zhang Xiaoqiang took the clothes from Su Qian and threw them into Yuan Yi to signal her to put them on.

Yuan Yi put on his clothes and stood cleanly in front of Zhang Xiaoqiang. There was no dust stains, no sense of sticky wet smell on the lower body, and the whole person was relaxed.

She looked at Zhang Xiaoqiang without any conflict. She didn’t want much. She actually didn’t care what Zhang Xiaoqiang thought about herself. Before, she couldn’t care. Now she really doesn’t care. She just wants some respect. She and Zhang Xiaoqiang She didn’t want to rebel, but she just wanted Yang Ke’er treatment. Although she knew she was not as good as Yang Ke’er, she just wanted to retain some dignity, even if only a little, she just wanted a little.

When Zhang Xiaoqiang asked her to take off her clothes, she thought that Zhang Xiaoqiang wanted her, and asked her when it was most inconvenient for her. She felt that her position in front of Zhang Xiaoqiang had not changed, and she still had no shame in the eyes of Zhang Xiaoqiang. Bitch, she bowed her head in the confrontation with Zhang Xiaoqiang before, and she was not qualified to bargain with Zhang Xiaoqiang, so she succumbed, she succumbed on the surface, but she did not have any other ideas in mind.

Why don’t you know that Zhang Xiaoqiang doesn’t want to make a big beast, but let her take a bath and change her to clean clothes.

That’s enough. I got what I wanted. Yuan Yi saw that Zhang Xiaoqiang didn’t make a nympho. She kept everything silently in her heart. Only when she lost her would she know how precious it is. Then there is a little self-esteem in Doomsday It’s so rare that she has been experiencing various blows and tests in recent days. Although her body is still very tired, she feels a little relaxed in her heart, a kind of relaxation from the depths of her soul. Now she only sees Zhang Xiaoqiang as her real Man, a man worth following.

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