Apocalypse Cockroach: 505th Soldiers

Xiang Mi’er looked at the mountains in the distance, raised his hands and wiped his sweat, turned his head to look behind him, and suddenly raised his brows, very politely shouted:

“Hurry up, you two, the two grandfathers are still tormenting, how far away…”

The charming and sweet fragrance Mi’er barely maintains absolute strength in two burly powerful men. The two men with huge backpacks helplessly look at the white armor of the whole body, and the fragrant fragrance Mi’er, shaking their heads and biting their faces together. Speeding up a few steps, if there was a moan in his mouth, it seemed that they had reached the limit.

For Xiang Mi’er’s strong physical fitness, they really have nothing to say. Since yesterday, they have not stopped rushing, even at night, even though Xiang Mi’er has never shouted for a woman to rest, but the two masters None of them are machines, and a long walk has taken them to the limit.

“Front… There is a bridge not far in front. After crossing the bridge, you will arrive at another 20 kilometers. You may encounter patrols here. Be careful. There is a temporary reserve center nearby. We will rest there. For a while…”

Slightly older drivers couldn’t help but beg, Xiang Mi’er deflated, and said disdainfully:

“What are the patrols afraid of? Come to one team and kill one team to see how many patrol teams are enough to kill me…”

The arrogance of Xiang Mi’er made the two speechless. If it wasn’t for Xiang Mi’er’s ability, it was too weird. It’s not necessarily sure who won or lost yesterday. They need to know that they can stalemate with this woman with three rifles, let alone Drag her down from the sky.

“The patrols are not as easy to deal with as we are. We have a complete range of weapons, including machine guns, rocket launchers, grenades, and you can also call for support. As long as you stalemate yesterday, the surrounding patrols will… …”

As the driver said, Xiang Mi’er began to feel uneasy. Although she became a Evolution person, she was proud, but she was not stupid. The driver said that they were just a group of militiamen. Compared with professional soldiers, it took her half an hour to clean up the driver. When she met the patrol, she didn’t know who to clean up.

“You guys lead the way, don’t play tricks, once I find you lie to me, don’t talk about killing…”

Xiang Mi’er warned the two of them that the decay ray gun moved back and forth from both of them, causing the two to wriggle their throats together, and recalled the tragic scene of their companions yesterday. Under the ray gun, even the corpse could not be found, they didn’t want to Come here for a while.

When several people talked, the roar of the engine came from afar. The driver was anxious and hurried to a hidden place, still urging in his mouth.

The three of them hid together in a hidden place, but they saw two off-road vehicles moving from far to near. The car was loaded with heavily armed soldiers. Each soldier watched the surroundings with all his attention. There were even three bullets that exploded a few pieces of mud in their hiding place, which made people feel terrified.

Fortunately, the three of them had good luck. The bullets shot into the empty space. When the two military vehicles drove away, the three climbed out of the hiding place. The driver and another man were pale, and the Mi’er was scared. She finally understood one thing. The Evolution was not a panacea. Under a large-caliber machine gun, it was no different from Ordinary people. They were all killed in one shot.

“If something happened, something must have happened, otherwise the patrols of this level would not be dispatched. Usually, one car was dispatched alone. Today, there are only two vehicles, and the other directions are not far away. Fire detection…”

The driver talked about the strangeness of the patrol. The man beside him added a sentence:

“I saw the priests of YouSilver Flower sitting in the co-pilot position of the first car. They were not patrols. I was afraid that they were stabbed by the base yesterday…”

“Miss Mi’er, I am afraid that we will not be able to go back in a while. According to the posture of the patrol, the base must be martial law. When we came out, we received a street sign for a week. When we go back, we will be questioned…”

The driver didn’t say a word, besides being cross-examined, they will also be searched. At that time, Xiang Mi’er will never accept it, but their life is in the hands of Xiang Mi’er. Dare not say.

“What do you mean?”

Xiang Mi’er looked at two men doubtfully. Although they didn’t have weapons, Xiang Mi’er didn’t dare to take it lightly. These people seemed to be on the side with her. In fact, they were still Epoch. For what they said, Xiang Mi’er only The letter is half, so she is always vigilant and constantly consuming their physical energy, in order to change the situation, she can kill two people at the first time.

“Hide first, wait until the wind is over, then come out, Elder Brother Mingyue is now okay, don’t worry about his safety, our boss and Elder Brother Mingyue have a good relationship, maybe they will be a family in the future, the one who died yesterday, you too Don’t worry about it, just let him die in the hands of the mutant…”

The driver knows their status in the Mi’er of Hong Kong. This woman is too suspicious. Even if she takes the initiative, she is always vigilant, so they have to be cautious, fearing to say the wrong thing, and in case of misunderstanding, they can die in vain. Too.

“Don’t lie to me, there is the Queen of Storms behind me. In case I have something wrong, she will kill all living things in a hundred miles, I hope you are telling the truth…”

Fragrant Mi’er actually lifted Zhao Mingyue out, and did not cause too many thoughts of the driver, nodded again and again, the Queen of the Storm was too far away, I still want to wait for this waiter.

The three of them turned to the material reserve center prepared by Hao Sicheng. In the past, they escaped two waves of patrols. This time, the Mi’er also saw a silver uniform and sunglasses, with a proud look on his face. Those of Silver Flower Evolution had a little suspicion and actively cooperated.

The material reserve point is not far from the Epoch base. After walking for more than ten kilometers, we reached a small path, the path is not wide, and it winds up to the mountainside of a small hill. There are many bungalows along the road. The traces of demolition, some building materials and materials that can be used have been dragged away, and almost only a broken eaves and broken tiles remain.

Half-way, the driver took the road to a narrower path. The road just now can accommodate three people walking side by side. This path can only accommodate one person. The road is not good, and it is mostly bumpy. The stone face, not long after they walked over a huge diamond rock, to a water hole in the back, the driver jumped into the water hole, just about to lift the vine hanging on the rock wall…

“Retreat, all back…, back to the stone…”

Xiang Mi’er suddenly yelled, letting the driver’s right hand seem to be bitten by a viper, slammed back behind him, and backed away again and again, and the other person rolled up and climbed up to the boulder, his hands raised, showing that he did not arms.

Xiang Mi’er did not pay attention to the two of them, jumped into the turquoise water pool, picked up something on the mud at the edge of the stone, the driver was suddenly attracted by the thing on Bai Jing’s palm, it was a plastic syringe, a needle There is a row of green numbers printed on it, and it looks nothing strange. The only thing that makes them feel strange is that the color of this needle is really new.

“There is blood…”

The man standing on the stone suddenly pointed at the pleated page-like rock surface and exclaimed, Xiang Mi’er immediately pulled out the ray pistol, and the driver jumped to his companion and crouched down to look carefully.

“Blood should have shed in the morning. Someone has been here…”

The driver also panicked. Hao Sicheng chose to hide things here because it is more concealed and close to the base. If something goes wrong, he can run over not far away, and it is the driver who is responsible for getting the supplies. It is the real iron of Hao Sicheng. He knows the importance of this place better than anyone. He knows not many people. Most of the materials are carried by him from the outside. Once discovered, wouldn’t it be a foregone conclusion?

“Not ours…”

The man who found the blood spot found several things, a portable first-aid kit with the August 1st military emblem printed on it, a 92-type pistol with an empty magazine, a deformed warhead, and a bag for individual food. .

“I found it under the stone. I saw that the color of the soil was wrong. I tried to dig…”

The man put the things in his hands on the rock. The driver grabbed the pistol and tried it. He turned his head and said to Xiang Mi’er:

“Probably an army man. The pistol is very professionally maintained. He was injured. He stayed here to heal. He can pick up the warhead himself. The average person can’t do it, unless it is a real elite. The patrol car just now should be looking for him. …”

After hearing the word army, Hong Mi’er was suddenly excited. The army has different meanings for her. Besides the Zhao Mingyue account, there is also an army that can protect her. In her mind, the army is the country, The army of the country protects the people. As long as the army is found, it may lead a normal life.

“To find him, I need to contact the army…”

Xiang Mi’er directly ordered ~IndoMTL.com~ to make the driver look embarrassed. Seeing the silver pistol in the hand of Xiang Mi’er pointed at his head, he nodded suddenly, greeted the men around him, and continued to search for clues.

Xiang Mi’er sits on a boulder and eats dried meat made from mutant beast meat, while drivers and men eat fried rice. The wounded in the army know how to hide, and they can’t find anything except what they left behind. If there is any doubt, there is not even blood stains. With the regret of Mi’er, they no longer insist, and let them take the food hidden in the cave behind the vines and eat together.

Xiang Mi’er sits at the highest place, looking around while eating, and there are two rifles and two magazines at her feet. These are all inside. Xiang Mi’er agrees that the driver uses the weapon, but the magazine It must be in her hands. In addition, the Type 92 pistol is also placed inside, and the storage point also has 5.8 mm pistol bullets.

Just when they were eating, at the corner of the stream two hundred meters away from them, in a bunch of thorn bushes growing together, blood-red eyes were staring at them with death, all around the eyes were brown The mud cocoon formed after the mud dries up is no different from the surrounding thorn bark.

The owner of the eyes is hiding in the bushes, watching the three people on the big rock. He hasn’t moved since the three appeared, whether they found the injection needle for stimulant injection or the one he buried Things, even if they were looking for him, they didn’t move to his eyelids.

But now he wants to move, not because of the general hunger in his belly, nor the erosion of his skin with countless thorns. After the two men took out their rifles and magazines, he wanted to move. His wounds could not be healed for a short period of time, and all his guns and ammunition were worn out. With bare hands, he had no ability to fight back. In case of repeated encounters with You Silver Flower, he could not even commit suicide, so the weapon is what he values ​​most.

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