Apocalypse Cockroach: 4.92 counts

When this news was notified to Zhang Xiaoqiang, Zhang Xiaoqiang was puzzled. The official identity is just a general term for reserve service, and it didn’t make much sense. When he really understood the intentions of those people, Zhang Xiaoqiang finally understood those. People’s desire for formal identity.

For Zhang Xiaoqiang, as long as he is a person, as long as he is not a deserter and does not betray, he is generally forgiving. Generally speaking, he can ensure that they are full and the supplies are not owed. As long as Zhang Xiaoqiang defaults to himself You don’t have to worry about food and clothing. Even if you are injured and become disabled, Zhang Xiaoqiang will arrange them as much as possible.

This is a habit that Zhang Xiaoqiang has developed from the hot spring base, and those poor people are abandoned in gathering place. The food is not their share, the living space is squeezed, and even the chance of survival is smaller than others. At the last minute, Zhang Xiaoqiang made people shove the poor to the side and let the troops pass. This is the case of desperate poor people who committed suicide.

This is the reason of the poor themselves. They have an extraordinary desire for survival. In order to escape early, they ignore the life and death of others and are absolutely selfish. As long as they can survive, they dare to do it even if they can hurt the sky.

Because of their habits, Zhang Xiaoqiang is very annoying, and even wants to give up on them a few times, so does not give food on the road, just because these poor people are a bunch of rat **** in the eyes of Zhang Xiaoqiang.

So, the most jealous of the poor are the formal people who have no worries about food and clothing under the Zhang Xiaoqiang. Similarly, the poor also envy the same group of people. Just as the poor hated the rich before, they hated the rich at the same time. One side wants to be rich.

For the poor, there is too much uncertainty in Doomsday, they can find food today, but tomorrow? What about the day after tomorrow? It is the most practical for them to have a long-term meal ticket, as long as they do not need to fill up their stomachs, they must be worried.

After understanding the needs of the poor, Zhang Xiaoqiang could not be said to be pitiful or sad, and agreed to the plan for the poor to use food supplies for identity, but Zhang Xiaoqiang divided the poor into several levels.

According to the materials and food provided by each person, it is divided into three levels: upper, middle, and lower. The one-hundred pounds of food that is handed over is a lower-level official. When there is no power to find materials, you can get a week of relief. One week later, you have to find it yourself. Of course, one week’s treatment is to eat and eat well and get systematic training.

Members with more than 500 kg of food turned in are middle-level official status. Even if they no longer look for food, they can find a job in the system and feed themselves, just like ordinary civilians at the base, but they are not free to find Woman’s right to marry.

The upper-level official staff is the reserve, they don’t have so many restrictions, they only need to train, and at some point, join the regular soldiers to become part of the base’s armed forces, and the poor want to arrive, everyone must pay a ton As far as food is concerned, I believe no poor can do it.

Armed forces are the backbone of the base. They are the cornerstone of the base and the main force to clear zombie in the future. They can enjoy various benefits and the benefits of the class through points. Similarly, they can also bless The descendants of Ze are the bottom of the operation of the Zhang Xiaoqiang contribution system.

The regular team members are the beams of the base. They are the backbone of the base and the reserve for the future managers. They are the backbone of the battlefield and the expansion blade of Zhang Xiaoqiang.

The rest are the real managers, the Chief of each department, the managers of various departments, and the entire base is managed by pyramids. Although Zhang Xiaoqiang does not have much management experience with most people, it is almost enough for now. At this time, all of their goals are survival and expansion, storing materials as much as possible, searching for resources, and laying a solid foundation for the real rise in the future.

The time slowly passed. The migrating team of giant pythons automatically split into pieces. They rested in the camps prepared during the day. The poor people who went out to find food also returned separately. They took their day and found one. Prepare their dinner in a clean place.

The people who go out to search for food are generally men. There are only a handful of women. They are more or less harvested. In addition to food, there are various kitchen utensils and daily necessities. Pressure cookers are essential. Some leather must be used. The pressure cooker can only be cooked.

The ragged clothes on the poor were mostly replaced with neat and clean clothes. Many people also washed themselves with soap and washing powder. Some women also removed the smelly and unpleasant dirt on their bodies. Although they were all thin and thin, they also recovered. A little bit of appearance.

The men are full, they have strength, and they naturally have desires. They use food to find those women in exchange for their needs, and they don’t need any tents. They are doing the most primitive entertainment.

Compared to the quiet camps of ordinary people, the slums are lively. The soldiers guarding around the slums looked at the unscrupulous slums with disdain, carefully guarding the movements in the dark.

Military vehicles are driving on a wide road surface. Under the illumination of the lights, there are people resting on both sides of the road. A little campfire is on both sides of the road, just like the street lights in front of Doomsday.

Compared with the congestion during the day, the pavement at night appears empty and unusual. Only the assault vehicle patrolling on the road runs on the road. All the commanding heights on the road are guarded by some people. Some roads linking the towns use heavy machine guns on both sides of the intersection. After being sealed off, after being withdrawn from gathering place, the first to count is the first-line soldiers. In addition to hundreds of casualties wounded by accident, all the soldiers together are only in the early sixties. This is still adding the police and armed police forces. /

In the past, the armed police and the police had 1,900 people together, and later they added 500 former college students. Now, there are only 1,200 people on the two sides, which is almost half the number of employees.

Zhang Xiaoqiang has mobilized nearly 7,000 people, and it is the biggest force in the troop dispatch, and it is also the most wasted. From the beginning of the blockade to the complete evacuation, his soldiers lost more than a third.

Not only him, even the 600 soldiers of the small soldiers are left with only 400. This is the lightest downsizing, but this small army is also the most lossable, and even their highest commander is killed in battle. .

The small team of 400 people is a big temptation for Zhang Xiaoqiang~IndoMTL.com~After the soldier died, he didn’t care too much about the sentiment, he directly annexed, and Zhang Xiaoqiang didn’t do anything. This The small army was still led by the soldier’s woman Jona.

Of course, Zhang Xiaoqiang once wanted to replace this small army with his own people. How do you know that the woman of Jona took out dozens of tons of rice tickets to make Zhang Huai’an have nothing to say, after all, they still owe the soldiers Humanity.

There are 500 people left in the police. Zhang Xiaoqiang speaks and takes out 30 tons of food and 100,000 rounds of bullets to let the armed police make their own lives. Unexpectedly, they were rejected by the police. Instead, they supported Guo Fei as the leader and prepared Crossing the river with Guo Fei, Guo Fei who became the leader of the 500-strong combat force was unwilling, because he never wanted to lead troops.

The willingness of the police was confirmed by Zhang Xiaoqiang, forcing Guo Fei to become the so-called leader, and let Li Zhi take his rookie squadron to the formation of Guo Fei, merge with the five hundred police into a brigade, Guo Fei is the captain, he and other A police officer is the deputy captain.

The police force silently changed a vest and was annexed by Zhang Xiaoqiang. It is not that Zhang Xiaoqiang has the domineering power, but the old policeman was almost killed. Most of the rest are veterans and college students recruited by Qian Kaixi. However, they did not agree with the identity of Qian Kaixi and the police, not to mention that Qian Kaixi was abandoned after they escaped.

Having seen the zombie of Chengshanchenghai, they don’t believe that they alone can block the tide, they naturally want to hug the thighs of Zhang Xiaoqiang, but before the police hit the black gun of Zhang Xiaoqiang, the relationship with Zhang Xiaoqiang is stiff Guo Fei is just a prop. It is the prop they sell to Zhang Xiaoqiang. After all, in Doomsday, it is the most important thing to survive.

The elite of the rest of the battles are assigned to the commanding heights to guard the two long lines of the highway, and the assault vehicle patrolling back and forth is always ready to support possible emergencies.

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