Apocalypse Cockroach: 350, let’s talk slowly

Bai Xiao is a character who knows how to look for opportunities and can seize opportunities. In his view, today is just a normal hunt. But after he saw the search team sent by Zhang Xiaoqiang, he realized that the opportunity was coming. The number of teams could have easily defeated that small search team, but he did not, his goal would not be so simple, he was not in vain for decades, he had a big plan, this plan is far Beyond the imagination of his men.

Soon after he ventured into the team, he saw the Zhang Huai’an receiving them. Although Zhang Huai’an was no longer the old policeman who was waiting for retirement, he still saw the essence of Zhang Huai’an at a glance. Zhang Huai’an is a A character with a little ability but never a success. Zhang Huai’an has no ambitions and can serve as a competent deputy, but he cannot be an independent master because Zhang Huai’an has no determination.

Zhang Xiaoqiang Their love for children has given him the opportunity. Everyone else eats rice porridge and radishes. The children eat canned meat, which falls into the eyes of Bai Xiao. He naturally thinks that Zhang Xiaoqiang does not have the cruelty of Doomsday. In troubled times, the most important thing is not a child, but a man who can serve as a soldier. Zhang Xiaoqiang They take care of children so well, but let him think that Zhang Xiaoqiang they are a group of idealists with the benevolence of women.

Especially Zhang Xiaoqiang they killed those men who wanted to eat a child, and it became even more ridiculous in the eyes of Bai Xiao, what world? All the order has collapsed, and they are still doing these things that damage their foundations. Bai Xiao knows that there are not many living people now. If he has no food and no supplies, all the men in this area will be punished. He controlled, but now there is a lot of food, and Zhang Xiaoqiang, who is full of supplies, has killed a dozen men here in vain, which in his view is so ridiculous.

All this has nothing to do with him. His goal is to carry vehicles with a variety of supplies and ammunition. It was originally expected to launch a raid in the middle of the night and ran away. How do you know that the character of Zhang Huai’an has always been step by step and cautious, he is afraid The military train was unsafe, and people were asked to move the ammunition into a small building in the middle of the village for storage.

At the same time, Zhang Huai’an concentrated the care of women and children. Speaking of which Zhang Huai’an did well, it not only eliminated the potential safety hazards of the convoy, but also kept women and children away from those men who ate, fed, and had no place to vent. But he didn’t know that Bai Xiao and his dozens of men were still hidden in the survivor team, so he just gave Bai Xiao a chance.

Zhang Huai’an’s cautiousness broke Bai Xiao’s wishful thinking. Bai Xiao is a must for ammunition. He took advantage of the night to let some haystacks in the village be ignited, helping to save fire while igniting more fire heads, and finally While all the team members were mobilized, they took the women and children to the ammunition storage point.

As he expected, Zhang Huai’an responded to the panic. Among the flames and rebels, he subconsciously chose to rescue the fire. He believed that as long as the flames were extinguished, no one could hide in the fire of the quadruple anti-aircraft machine gun. After the encirclement and suppression on his own side, after Bai Xiao took the hostage, his occupational disease was offended.

Zhang Huai’an is an old policeman. Decades of law and order work has brought him a wealth of work experience. At the same time, he has also given him a routine of habitual occupation. For the police, ensuring the safety of the hostages is the first element. In addition, Zhang Xiaoqiang is very fancy to children, so he is unavoidable and afraid of using heavy firepower, and the Bai Xiao that has ammunition supply does not have so many concerns. He named his men to shoot on it and create pressure on Zhang Huai’an.

This time Zhang Huai’an is completely messed up. He dare not save the fire anymore. He is afraid that Bai Xiao will take the opportunity to flee. Taking no action to save the fire does not mean that he can take someone to take the small building. He is afraid that the hostages will be injured by the crossfire, although Yang Ke’er I want to rush in under the shield, but Zhang Huai’an does not dare to let Yang Ke’er take risks. If something goes wrong with Yang Ke’er, then I really have to wipe my neck by myself.

Leaders, the players can’t stand up, they can’t fight, they can’t rush or rush, they can only be guarded outside, there are a few stray bullets flying from time to time in the small building How suffocated grievances, dissatisfaction with Zhang Huai’an is brewing quickly, if they are not waiting for Zhang Xiaoqiang to come back to preside over the overall situation, it may have been skyrocketing.

It’s all as expected by Bai Xiao. He is waiting, waiting for the Zhang Huai’an outside to support him, and then sending someone to contact. At that time, it’s up to him to say what the conditions are, the hostage is in hand, the ammunition is not lacking, As long as he rushes out, he has enough capital. At that time, he will go to the mountain to hide. Whoever eats it may not necessarily be. When he gets rid of the hot spring base, he can make the next plan, which is also a long time for him to calculate the opportunity. The plan that did not arrive.

Zhang Xiaoqiang appeared, his wishful thinking was all broken, an inexplicable person, inexplicably entered his site, and killed all his men. Not to mention, the two grenades almost killed his life. Listening to the sniper constantly reporting to him the floor failure, he felt that Zhang Xiaoqiang was like a noose slowly tightening, and he could not breathe.

He doesn’t know who Zhang Xiaoqiang really is, and he can’t think of a humane who wields hundreds of soldiers. He would personally venture to his place to find his troubles, and wait until the Zhang Xiaoqiang, who was covered in blood, stood before him At that time, he had lost all his men. As the sniper fell to the ground, he was in a desperate situation~IndoMTL.com~ Decades of storms did not let him give up, he loved his life very much, he There is also a hole card, the last hole card, what else can’t be done to ensure that you can survive?

A dozen children of different sizes blocked Bai Xiao, Bai Xiao looked at Zhang Xiaoqiang, his face fluttered hard, trying to make a smiley face, after several unsuccessful attempts, Bai Xiao gave up to Zhang Xiaoqiang smile.

Zhang Xiaoqiang’s feet were already submerged in the blood of the sniper. He let his military boots soak in the blood, holding the rifle with the muzzle down, looking at the shadowy face hiding behind the child The middle-aged man, the moment he stepped on the platform, his sharp eyes saw a bulging bulge on the waist of all the children, the bulge was hidden under the clothes.

In addition to the unknown bump, each child has a black cable hanging down to the ground, converging and connected to a small mechanical box with a green indicator light in an inconspicuous corner. The middle-aged man and the woman still held a round thing in their hands. Zhang Xiaoqiang didn’t know what it was, but he knew it was definitely not a foundation box.

Bai Xiao looked at Zhang Xiaoqiang and wanted to find out his character to find a way out for himself. Zhang Xiaoqiang was also looking at Bai Xiao. He wanted to find a way to solve the self-detonation of Bai Xiao. Bai Xiao would die if he died, and he wouldn’t die anyway. He can let the future Spartan officers of the dozens be buried like this, Zhang Xiaoqiang still feels a pity.

“Karl · · · · · · · ·” blood-stained rifle was thrown on the floor full of blood and splashed a blood flower sliding in the pool of blood, seeing Bai Xiao looking at the rifle in the pool of blood with surprise, Zhang Xiaoqiang smiled, he stood in place Without moving, absent-minded glance at a dozen or crying or silent children, casually said: “Now we can talk, don’t worry, let’s talk slowly.”

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