Apocalypse Cockroach: 234th divergence

“Captain Liu has already ordered that if our soldiers cease fire, we only need to take away their equipment, everything else is up to you · · ·

When he said this, the calm second lieutenant was a little nervous. Liu Zhenghua didn’t say that. Liu Zhenghua only hoped that Zhang Xiaoqiang wouldn’t vent his anger on the soldiers. Other things didn’t matter, even if they only left in underwear.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Xiaoqiang lowered the frame himself and demanded compensation. The lieutenant naturally regressed and wanted to keep the soldiers’ weapons.

After hearing this, Zhang Xiaoqiang looked at the second lieutenant suspiciously, wondering, is there such a cheap thing? Zhang Xiaoqiang‘s doubts fell into the second lieutenant’s eyes, and there was cold sweat immediately on the back. In his heart, Zhang Xiaoqiang nodded slowly. The second lieutenant immediately thanked him, turned around and ordered the soldiers to pack up their equipment and prepare to leave.

A group of armed policemen moved, and another group of armed police officers remained motionless. Seeing this scene, Zhang Xiaoqiang and the lieutenant looked at them together.

“Why not obey the order? Want to be a deserter?”

The second lieutenant is a little hot. These armed police officers turned to the staff of the party, which originally made him uncomfortable, and now he rebelled against the order. How to make him angry?

The armed police fighters glanced at each other, and one of them trot out, walked to the second lieutenant, stood upright, saluted, and then shouted their reasons:

“Report Comrade Lieutenant, we have passed the service period and have been approved to retire, we are no longer soldiers and do not need to return to the team · · · · ·

The interest of Zhang Xiaoqiang is here. I used to be at the missile base. The Lieutenant Colonel refused to pass the age of Zhang Xiaoqiang to WHgathering place, the reason is that the systems on both sides are different, and now these armed police refuse to return to the team, nothing more than they were with the Fang staff, and there is a gap with the Liu Zhenghua system, in other words, they committed As a result of the wrong route, the wrong route is the biggest mistake in China. Naturally, they are reluctant to go back, maybe they will be named and charged one day and die unclearly.

The lieutenant’s face was uncertain, the armed police behind him had pulled the bolt, and he was ready to shoot at all times. The action of the armed police caused tension on the side of the team, and they immediately pulled the bolt off for a while. The sound of the bullet loaded into a sound.

However, those veterans of the current year are very calm. They silently looked at the lieutenant and the comrades behind him, the guns were still on their shoulders.

Slightly dull, the second lieutenant’s expression flickered, looking at the veterans’ eyes with fierce glances, but unfortunately, he was not the only one who could do the trick here. Besides, the jokes between the armed police could not be seen by others.

“Well, · · ·, you hand over the weapons and all the equipment and ammunition, and the rest I don’t care about · · · ·

The second lieutenant still decided to let these people go. It’s not that he had the final say. Before leaving, Liu Zhenghua could not offend Zhang Xiaoqiang. He took advantage of Zhang Xiaoqiang today and could only push the boat and let go of his deserters.

one by one armed police stepped forward, disarmed the belt in front of the lieutenant, put down the rifle, and in a slight collision sound, various weapons and ammunition piled up on the ground. Among them, Zhang Xiaoqiang saw 12 40 rockets, His eyebrows moved slightly without a sound, watching them silently to complete the handover ceremony.

Fifty team members with only military water bottles standing in a square formation looking at the weapons on the ground. They knew what it meant to hand over the weapons. They were waiting for their fate in silence. They are not soldiers. At least, Liu Zhenghua cannot order them on the battlefield to let them die.

The lieutenant didn’t look at these people anymore. He asked the soldiers behind to tidy up all kinds of weapons and ammunition, nodded to Zhang Xiaoqiang, turned around and led the team towards the dock, where they would return to gathering place.

The second lieutenant’s reaction fell into the eyes of the retired soldiers, causing a commotion. They seemed to be abandoned? Do you even have a veteran’s fee?

Zhang Xiaoqiang shook his head helplessly, and the farce in front of him also watched. There was still a lot of work left. He didn’t bother to take care of others. He ordered Huang Quan to start preparing for a complete acceptance.

“This chief, can we leave by boat?”

The soldiers representing fifty veterans came over and asked Zhang Xiaoqiang. Zhang Xiaoqiang didn’t care. The island was his. He didn’t want outsiders to stay on it. Naturally, he agreed to leave.

The former armed policemen turned around together and walked towards the port at a neat pace, but Zhang Xiaoqiang shouted a word in the back:

“Everyone starves to death there every day. You’d better find some food here at lakeside and go there. It’s hard to find food over there · · · ·

Zhang Xiaoqiang is telling the truth. gathering place’s lakeside is not that long. It’s just that little place. Every day people who go to lakeside to find food don’t know how many. Even if lakeside is rich in products, it can’t withstand destructive fishing. lakeside is an undeveloped virgin land, a dream paradise there.

The words of Zhang Xiaoqiang are very powerful. Fifty people stopped to look back at Zhang Xiaoqiang together. Xiaoqiang didn’t continue to speak and commanded his men to count the supplies. They were embarrassed for a while. They didn’t know what gathering place was like. There were food and supplies here. It’s a pity that they are from other people. When they fish for food in lakeside, they can’t manage it for a while, and they don’t want to wait to be starved to death.

“Don’t you know that the head of · · · needs manpower?”

After discussing for a while, these people looked forward to Zhang Xiaoqiang, Zhang Xiaoqiang shook his head and said:

“Our system is very strict, every combatant must undergo strict training and life-and-death test, and have to go through more than one year of investigation~IndoMTL.com~ three large battles, although you are no better than mine The players are poor, but not selected by the system, I can’t do anything · ·

When I heard Zhang Xiaoqiang, those people were anxious and asked for Zhang Xiaoqiang accommodation. In the end, they had a unified identity, the Zhang Xiaoqiang militia reserve.

The hustle and bustle is settled. All the things to go are gone. A large group of ships and a small group of ships unloaded a lot of emergency supplies and weapons, and all the aborigines on the island left, leaving only Zhang Xiaoqiang on the island. One hundred militia, thirty official members, including Huang Quan’s search team.

Zhang Xiaoqiang decided to take people to spend the night on the island. Tomorrow, all the materials will be counted, and the resources of the entire island will be integrated to make a rough plan for the future development.

Huang Quan led people to accept the radio station on the top of the building. Some members of the team found a large amount of diesel and diesel generators left by the former owner. When the diesel was restarted, the electricity returned to normal.

Just as the roar of the diesel generator rang through the wharf, a woman rushed out. The woman was Hu Jiajia. After Zhang Xiaoqiang rushed to the basement, Hu Jiajia disappeared with her laptop in her hand, and then Zhang Xiaoqiang because of a This series of things left her behind.

When the original islanders retreated, Hu Jiajia was forgotten on Liangzi Island, Hu Jiajia got out and saw hundreds of people in and out, a little scared, leaned over to Yang Ke’er next to Zhang Xiaoqiang, Yang Ke’er was a bit happy to see Hu Jiajia It can be regarded as her newest sister.

“Are there any fancy ones? Tell me something?”

Yang Ke’er leaned on his small chin and pointed to the busy players. Hu Jiajia looked over at them, his eyes lit up, and he involuntarily extended his red tongue and licked Leigong’s mouth, adding a touch of sparkling light. The saliva slipped out of the corner of the mouth and was blown by the lake wind, pulling out a long and long thin line · · ·

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