Apocalypse Cockroach: 214 suicide five/five more suicides

(Regarding the **** bird’s paw problem has been revised · ·, please also see the wrong place, please remind · ·)

Sun Kefu escaped. To be precise, Sun Kefu escaped from under the feet of Zhang Xiaoqiang. Zhang Xiaoqiang was seen from the beginning to the end, looking at the crowds who slaughtered and swallowed the big birds. Zhang Xiaoqiang was not a taste in his heart, he felt He is the accomplice of the **** bird, and those people are all because of his inexplicable calculation of wasted losses.

The escape of Sun Kefu made Zhang Xiaoqiang extremely undesirable. As a man, as the leader of a party, he had to throw away his comrades and escape alone, just like the dog of the bereavement. Actually threw away his followers and escaped, Zhang Xiaoqiang was determined to kill Sun Kefu.

Zhang Xiaoqiang had taken off the grenade when Sun Kefu was about to escape. As long as he pulled the tab, he was confident that he would throw the grenade into the high-speed Mercedes-Benz car window and let Sun Kefu go to heaven. Does he have a face to do this? Sun Kefu has not slaughtered humans at least, but he has been an accomplice of big birds, which makes him very unpleasant.

Sun Kefu escapes, the big bird is free, all forces including the armed police are all collapsed, except for a few armed policemen spontaneously organized to shoot at the big bird, how far are the other people fleeing, how the two big birds want to play the game, Crowds ran into the crowds, either grabbed them and brought them to the sky, throwing stones away, or incited wings in the crowds, and fled those who fled, falling to the ground without knowing their lives.

Seeing this, Zhang Xiaoqiang knows that there is no need to wait any longer, wait any longer, the people below will die, ‘It’s finally their hypocrite’s turn,’ Zhang Xiaoqiang said to himself.

“Huangquan Band Search Team is on standby to prepare to respond, Yang Ke’er stays, Yuan Yi drives, Shangguan is deputy · · · · ·

When Zhang Xiaoqiang left Yang Ke’er in place, Yang Ke’er‘s eyebrows were raised, and he had to refute, seeing Zhang Xiaoqiang staring at him fiercely, Yang Ke’er was absent, he stomped hard, and turned away to watch Zhang Xiaoqiang .

Huang Quan was a little worried. Seeing that Zhang Xiaoqiang had already decided, he could only nod his head and lead his life loudly.

Zhang Xiaoqiang turned back on one or two airborne assault vehicle and pulled the bolt of the 89-type 12.7mm heavy machine gun. Yuan Yi was in the driver’s seat, Shangguan Qiaoyun was in the co-pilot’s seat. The three were ready, following the Zhang Xiaoqiang order, airborne assault vehicle Turn dexterously and drive towards the scene of the fire and smoke in the distance.

assault vehicle is not a comfortable car. For the first time, the Zhang Xiaoqiang sitting in assault vehicle felt the bone rack screaming and moaning. When Yuan Yi rushed down the road in the wilderness, it would be even worse. The whole body Vibrate like a roaring diesel generator.

During the vibrations and bumps, Zhang Xiaoqiang bypassed many burning cars and approached the chaotic big convoy. The big convoy has completely collapsed. Hundreds of large and small vehicles parked in large numbers, and most of the car bodies It is intact. Only a dozen or so burning cars are burning. It is these dozen or so burning big trucks that have destroyed people’s confidence to flee in cars. As long as a car is started, the big bird will come to the door as soon as possible.

When the airborne assault vehicle of Zhang Xiaoqiang approached the big convoy, the weak resistance there had completely disappeared, and the instinct of the beast was observed. Only the dangerous ones would be wiped out by the two big birds in the first time, and all the armed police who fought back The big bird caught the sky or split the body, or fell dead.

The escaping crowd runs farther and farther. The ant-like crowd makes the big bird a little difficult to start. Dazzling, I don’t know which one to start with. With wings, the distance of a few hundred meters quickly arrives. , The big bird planned to kill some who ran ahead, often dive down in the sky to determine the target, and flew to the top of the escaper’s head, the claw caught his entire body, on the way to the sky, on the paw The human body is like a broken water bag, sprinkling blood all the way down.

The scene of the big bird massacre fell into the eyes of Liu Zhenghua. He had been sitting motionless and the crowd fled. He knew that the armed police automatically resisted him. He also knew that the rebels were slaughtered. He knew that the runaways were like black rabbits. He grabbed it and threw it away. He saw it all in his eyes. His brain was messed up. He didn’t know what to do, and he didn’t know if he wanted to escape or hide. He didn’t even know he was a **** horse.

There are countless corpses on the ground, the same is true for Liu Zhenghua, maybe he is sitting motionless on the ground, neglected by the **** bird, looking down from the sky, the ground is full of smoke, and countless big vehicles have a coffin in a random row, In a place where corpses were scattered, a middle-aged soldier sat on the ground and stared at the big bird in the sky.

The big bird kills a lot, and Liu Zhenghua has no expectations in his heart, or he is completely discouraged and no longer has any hope for humanity tomorrow. He sees the big bird will be an armed police soldier Catch the sky, throw it down with the catch, the soldiers screamed loudly in the sky, the rifle full of bullets in his hand caught flying in the hand, but did not expect to use the last time to fight back against the big bird.

The same is the armed police, also thrown into the air by the big bird, and also holds the weapon in his hand, but it is two contrasts. Seeing that his warrior has been emboldened, Liu Zhenghua closed his eyes in pain, and his right hand was trembling. Withdrawing the pistol from his waist and lifting it to his chest, hesitated for a moment a little bit, and stuffed the trembling muzzle into his mouth.

Liu Zhenghua has a cold muzzle, his eyes are looking at the free-flying bird in the sky, his eyes are filled with deep resentment, and his finger pulls the trigger.

Liu Zhenghua didn’t die. He didn’t open the insurance in a trance~IndoMTL.com~ The first time he decided, the second time he didn’t get firm once. Liu Zhenghua had time to think and remember.

“Card · · ·” he changed from a one-handed gun to a two-handed gun, opened the insurance with his thumb, looked at the thick smoke in the sky, he slowly lay down on the ground, recalling the previous pride and frustration, The picture freezes at the moment he takes the huge convoy out of gathering place, closes his eyes and prepares to pull the trigger again.

A loud tweet came from the sky. The tweet was so loud that Liu Zhenghua opened his eyes unconsciously. I saw Big Yellow Bird in the sky flapping its wings, rising slightly, following the dive, like an arrow off the string shooting down to the ground .

The sound from · · · Type 89 heavy machine gun continued to come, and Liu Zhenghua was shocked. In his team, the only heavy mobile machine gun was the mobile unit he had ordered to retreat. Did they not listen to the order and went back here to fight with the big bird ?

When sitting up at Liu Zhenghua and looking up at the sky, a little blood flower burst out at the roots of Big Yellow Bird’s wings, Big Yellow Bird made a whimper, turned obliquely, trying to escape, and then caught up with Big Yellow Bird On the back, a piece of feather is flying, Big Yellow Bird is in tragedy. On its back, the blood water fountain generally sprays out from the back. In the blood shower, the streamer perseveres and continues to chase behind Big Yellow Bird.

Big Yellow Bird continuously changes direction in the sky, the huge bird body dances hip-hop in the air, and takes a ghost step. In the dazzling transformation, the big bird dodges the flying bullets.

For other people, even the Vulcan cannon can not hit the big bird, but the bullet underneath can hit the big bird without falling. Big Yellow Bird is different from the **** bird. The skin on the body is different. There is no Evolution to the strength of the bullet that can be removed. The blood is flying to zero, and the body of Big Yellow Bird is shaking in the air. At this time, the Type 89 heavy machine gun‘s fifty-shot bullet box is empty.

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