Apocalypse Cockroach: 209 Hostage Dogs Three/Five More

Colleen aggregated the satellite reconnaissance information from Inner Mongolia to Ke Siller and turned away. Ke Siller stared blankly at the photos of Zhang Xiaoqiang and Ishihara. For a while, he entered the Ishihara data into his computer because Ishihara had The data was backed up, so they regarded the leader of the new forces as Ishihara instead of Zhang Xiaoqiang

Just after finishing his work, Ke Siller stared at the plans of various Asian forces on the display, but the door behind him slipped silently. Suddenly, Ke Siller felt like he was cold from a needlestick behind him. Quickly turned around and saw that the person’s face could not help but changed, cold sweat suddenly oozed from his forehead, his blood color faded and only A4 paper was pale.

The person came to Siller quietly and quietly. The height of more than two meters made this majestic man like a D2zombie. His strong body was as thick as a wall, with a strong sense of oppression. The figure walking was supposed to be vigorous, but I did not expect that this man walked lighter than a cat. After seeing it, people had a different kind of illusion and always felt uncomfortable.

Tyr…, I…I…I didn’t move Colleen, I didn’t move her from beginning to end, I didn’t even touch my fingers…”

G Siller tremblingly argued that because he was too scared, he stuttered even when he was talking, and he hadn’t finished speaking. The huge shadow covered him, letting him sit on the ground uncontrollably, close his eyes, etc. dead…….

“G Siller, you don’t have to be afraid, I know everything that happened just now…”

The icy words are like minus coldness, covering Ke Siller entirely. Hearing Tyr, Ke Siller raised his head in disbelief and looked at him, this famous butcher.

Don’t dare to face it before. In addition to the tall brutality in the hearts of everyone at the base, the rest of the Tyr is just a huge shadow, covering the shadows of most people’s hearts.

The appearance of Tyr is not fierce and evil. On the contrary, he is very handsome. His short silver hair makes him look quite spirited. The silver gray eyes look at people, a little cold and ruthless, but there is a touch of sadness in that pupil .

“I have also learned about your business. Although it is not excellent, it is not a failure. Asia is not our focus. Therefore, if Colleen wants to threaten you, don’t worry about it, even if you really have something wrong. I will help you solve it…

After finishing speaking, Tyr turned and left, looking at Tyr floating like a shadow. Ke Siller saw the Tyr standing where his eyes tightened, and there was a ring-shaped ice circle on the ground, which was slowly emitting. Chilling, so that his exposed skin had goose bumps, he finally knows why Colleen likes to find other men, just because of the Siller system, no woman can be with him, so he was abnormally derailed by his fiancee. Anger, and at the same time have a good opinion of the man who refused his fiancee.

Looking at the ice on the ground, Ke Siller was not fortunate, nor did he take the guarantee of Tyr in his heart. He got up at the office desk and picked up the phone on the desk…

Zhang Xiaoqiang didn’t know that an organization was looking at his two sites at the same time. Now he and Miao Miao are carefully approaching the barracks. The zombie outside the barracks have been cleared, and the remaining zombies are almost all Evolution zombie. More than a thousand Evolution zombie hang out in the middle of the camp. These zombie have eaten human flesh. Originally zombie has already reached the critical point of Evolution to Evolution zombie, and a large amount of flesh and blood can provide them with energy to break through the critical point. Zhang Xiaoqiang needs to do, It is to lead these zombie out…

The mutant beast has not appeared, and the expected Blood Wolf Banner company and laborers have not been found. Zhang Xiaoqiang does not want to wait any longer. Even if he is shocked, he will lead zombie out to kill…….

Miao Miao carried a five-liter backpack and looked at the eyes of Zhang Xiaoqiang. Zhang Xiaoqiang took the trouble to explain all kinds of precautions to Miao Miao. Although some words of Zhang Xiaoqiang were said several times, Miao Miao did not have any impatience and smiled. Staring at Zhang Xiaoqiang nodded again and again, but the flash was too anxious, jumping around on Meow’s shoulder, and was upset by the upset Zhang Xiaoqiang and took a few turns to throw it out.

“Be sure to remember, don’t kill any zombie, and don’t pick up anything. After throwing things, you run, no matter if there is zombie or not, and you must be careful of mutant beasts, see mutant beasts, You have to run even if you don’t finish throwing things…”

Meow Meow nodded for the 101st time, Zhang Xiaoqiang let go of his heart slightly, his right hand flicked with lightning, grabbed the rushing flash, and said to Meow Meow:

“Hurry up and go back, I will keep it for you, and I will return it to you when you come back…”

Zhang Xiaoqiang looked at meow meow seriously, but twisted the big tail of the shimmer into a twist in his left hand. Meow meow took a deep breath, turned and ran towards the camp, and Zhang Xiaoqiang grabbed shimmer, Staring at Meow’s back without blinking.

Looking at Meow Meow’s back, Zhang Xiaoqiang thought about it, did he bring Ellie Sha out, replace Meow Meow, and do some dangerous tasks that only advanced agile Evolution players can do, and then he dismissed this idea, Ji Xiaocao is very To his liking, he already had a plan to marry Ji Xiaocao to his son. Ellie Sha was the godmother of Ji Xiaocao. How can you protect this annoying little girl?

Miao Miao ran around the zombie with a backpack, grabbed a sticky plasma bag and threw it to the ground. Then, like a bait, she broke the plasma bag along the road, unconsciously, meow meow I ran half the distance. Suddenly, Miao Miao saw zombie surrounded by the warehouse building in the distance, many of which were D2 type zombie. Two tall mutant beasts were walking around the warehouse far away, and my heart moved. Actively ran over there….

Zhang Xiaoqiang‘s first glance saw Meow Meow rushing back, his heart tightened violently, Meow Meow had thrown away his backpack, turned into a black line and rushed out, behind her, followed closely by another black The thread and the red thread, apparently, meowed the mutant dog…

“Prepare, prepare with firepower…”

The Zhang Xiaoqiang commanded the cavalry battalion behind him, and in preparation for the soldiers, twelve heavy machine guns and two T62 tanks formed a huge fire ambush circle.

The two mutant dogs that followed meow gradually narrowed the distance between them and meow. Behind them, more than a thousand zombies were moving along the road facing this side. The ones running in front were all the same S-Type Zombie and D-Type Zombie follow closely behind.

When Miao Miao rushed out of the camp, a red line jumped high behind him, two sharp claws pounced on Miao Miao’s back, Zhang Xiaoqiang flashed from one side, grabbed the dog paw, and flung it out He fell back and smashed the red mutant giant dog **** the grass. the next moment jumped up and split his legs around the black dog head, riding on the back of the dog.

The red giant dog rolled up silently from the ground and stood, turning his attention to Zhang Xiaoqiang. the next moment jumped up and jumped straight at the Zhang Xiaoqiang on the back of the black dog.

At this moment, the black dog stood upright, throwing Zhang Xiaoqiang out of his back. In the eyes of the red giant dog, his companion blocked his front road and whimpered, and the two big dogs slammed together. .

Zhang Xiaoqiang slipped from the dog’s back, fell on the ground and rolled for two circles to remove the force. Before he stood up, the huge shadow enveloped him, and he looked up and saw that the two big dogs colliding together were like mountains. He pressed.

Too late to think about it, Zhang Xiaoqiang gave way to a rollback, the next moment jumped from the ground, jumped to the head of the black dog, hugged a head larger than the 17-inch display, and the rat king blade swung down fiercely. Straight piercing the big dog’s eyebrows.

The rat king blade just stabbed the big dog’s eyebrow, and a big mouth with a strong odor was bitten on the left shoulder of Zhang Xiaoqiang~IndoMTL.com~ For a time, both big dogs stopped, and so did the mutant beast Dangerously foreseen, like Zhang Xiaoqiang, the black giant dog smelled of death, knowing that after struggling for a while, death would come, and he lay on the ground with a rapid gasp, daring to struggle, and Zhang Xiaoqiang also knew that if he stabbed Going down, the red giant dog will bite off his half body, and he can feel the absolute sharpness of the canine teeth, because the sharp canine teeth have pierced his protective clothing and are embedded in his body.

The red giant dog already has wisdom, knowing that if he bites himself, the thing in Zhang Xiaoqiang will definitely stab it. Once it stabs, it will lose its companion, so the whole scene is weirdly deadlocked.

the next moment, the figure of meow suddenly appeared on the neck of the red giant dog. A small rat king blade hung on the larynx of the big dog. Eventually, the red giant dog became the meow’s dog. .

It’s ridiculous to say, but it did happen. It caught everyone around by surprise. The time was too short. The short time made them just blink a few times, and everything happened strangely in front of them.

Elder Brother Cockroach, should we do this?”

Xu Hao is in a hurry. The big bow in his hand lifts and falls, but he can’t make up his mind. Now both giant dogs and Zhang Xiaoqiang have become ants on a rope, whether Zhang Xiaoqiang killed the black dog or the red dog. Zhang Xiaoqiang is mortal, and Zhang Xiaoqiang can’t guarantee that he can live if he puts the black dog…

ps; Tonight. Cockroach ushered in the National Day feast at the end of the day. [National Day three consecutive bombings] yy书友汇

Address: fantasizing channel. Channel number: 88066305 Event time: 8:00 to 9:30 Content: 1 Event warm-up 2. Introduction to the opening novel of the event. Singers’ song 5. Prize quiz 7. Blessings all over the sky 8. Lucky numbers

At that time, we hope that most interested book friends will participate.

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