Apocalypse Cockroach: 2018 is no longer a safe area

Elder Brother Cockroach, the survivors below asked us to sink the naval warships to prevent them from attracting mutated beasts.”

The entire fleet was messed up, and the survivors below started to make trouble again, only because they saw the miserable appearance of the navy, fearing that the navy would kill others who followed them and then harm themselves, and the navy kept calling Support, even the words of surrender were spoken. Zhang Xiaoqiang stood on the deck and looked at the navy speechless who was slowly approaching them. Although the other party subverted his knowledge, he also understood that if he changed his place, he might not necessarily There is no command to fire, it is a simple reason to die together, it is better to escape a part of it.

“Don’t worry about the survivors, if you dare to make trouble, throw me down to the sea. I didn’t say anything. Why did you twitch in front of me? And, from now on, the navy will be lifted. They and we will It doesn’t matter, we’re not involved in death or alive…”

Zhang Xiaoqiang finally made the decision, when he did not see these people, if according to his previous nature, he said that these guys should not be allowed to eat their own fruits, but now all kinds of tangles make him give up the so-called sense of justice, in the end these people are just to live Going on, there is no absolute justice in this world. He is not a judge. He doesn’t want to refer to any human truth anymore. He just wants to keep the fleet back to Yangtze River safely.

“This…, okay.” Yuan Yong opened his mouth to explain, but he never said it. The look at Zhang Xiaoqiang was a little different. Perhaps in his opinion, Zhang Xiaoqiang seemed to come out of the tunnel and the whole person changed. I became a little bit ignorant. The Elder Brother Cockroach, which used to be decisive and jealous, seems to have disappeared. Of course, this idea can only be whispered in my heart, but I dare not say it. Today, no one can shake the status of Zhang Xiaoqiang, whether it is Hubei or Inner Mongolia, including Shanghai, was beaten by Zhang Xiaoqiang. No one can replace it. Even if the Zhang Xiaoqiang command is wrong, they can only execute it and cannot refute it.

The fleet neither fired nor moved. Waiting for the three naval vessels to draw close to them, the time was not long. The ship chased by the mutant beast and desperate to go into the sea finally reached the safe area within two kilometers. At the moment when Zhang Xiaoqiang was about to order the boat to sail, a scream came from Xiang Haier’s mouth, and then the charming and pretty girl Craya seemed to have suffered the most terrible fright, and her whole body was paralyzed on the deck. With a trembling head, Zhang Xiaoqiang saw a slight fluorescent light flashing on her sword-shaped symbol like a crystal on her eyebrows, as if awakened.

Zhang Xiaoqiang didn’t ask Xiang Haier, and looked directly at Zhao Mingyue, then Yang Wannian shouted loudly:

Elder Brother Cockroach…, let’s fire quickly, the mutant beast will rush over…”

As soon as the voice fell, the waves on the side of the destroyer suddenly rushed out of the shocking water waves, and a dark, dark shadow came with a strong smell of sea fish, before everyone on the ship could see, the blade-like sharp teeth It was embedded in the big mouth of the blood basin and bite to everyone. This large mouth with a bad smell has a range of at least more than ten meters. It instantly wrapped a 16-meter-wide deck. What happened suddenly caused most people to fail to react. Yang Wannian and Yuan Yong could only stand stiffly and watched, Zhang Xiaoqiang and Zhao Mingyue were not in this column, but Zhang Xiaoqiang was still pulling out the rat king blade, the big mouth was covered, and there was no time for him.


Zhao Mingyue sipped, fluttering lightly, standing in front of the heavy rain, the big mouth closed one by one, and instantly bitten Zhao Mingyue. At the moment of everyone’s exclaimation, Zhao Mingyue‘s face flushed up. The invisible barrier resisted a little bit, and then the invisible barrier suddenly shattered. Zhao Mingyue avoided the final bite of the big mouth in a few centimetres and flew backwards, and the the next moment big fish hit the deck with one head. The ship was half-pressed into the sea water, and the tumbling sea water immediately surged onto the deck and rushed the one by one crews everywhere, and the rat king blade of Zhang Xiaoqiang was finally thrown out. The shuttle-like rat king blade was chainsaw-like on the head of monster. Cutting, the blood and skin and tissues stimulated seemed to be under high pressure. The water jets sprayed from the water gun generally rose into the sky, and then Zhang Xiaoqiang flashed the firebird scimitar to monster‘s mouth and dragged the knife across the mouth…

This time Zhang Xiaoqiang has no reservations, using his ability from the fourth-level mutant beast colloid, the Firebird scimitar instantly becomes a sun, and the dazzling light prevents everyone on the deck from opening. Eyes, and then a scorching heat wave spread on the deck, and an instant scorching smell was heard, the next moment, a wailing howl, as if a strong wind was blowing, the original deck of the ship was wet, and everyone no longer stood The dwellings turned over one after another, and the crews who had turned over before were directly blown to the side of the ship by this strong wind. If they had good luck, they could find something to fix. If they had bad luck, they were directly thrown into the sea.

The light is gone, the Zhang Xiaoqiang on the side of the monster’s head has long disappeared, and the corner of monster’s mouth seems to have become a magenta scarlet. This scarlet is not dyed by the blood of the monster, but the scarlet flame of burning charcoal, monster The flesh of the mouth of the mouth is like being poured with steel-making water, and countless burnt black smoke rises at the mouth of monster. The bright flame turns large pieces of flesh into coke, spreading to the entire head of monster, and the mouth of monster Only the hole was burned by this strange high-temperature flame, and the monster twisted its huge body violently in the severe pain and retreated into the sea. In its twisting struggle, the warship shook violently.

The Yang Wannian sliding on the deck roared loudly and issued a fire command in his mouth. As his order was issued, the crew members who were on the side of the heavy machine gun resisted the vertigo and turned the muzzle of the heavy machine gun against The big fish that was receding into the sea was ready to fire, and suddenly a screaming scream came from the deck, but Blood phoenix was hit by monster‘s head while he was avoiding, and slid down the middle of the deck towards the gun If there is no accident, the whole person of Blood phoenix will hit the naval gun and turn into meat. At this moment, the fast sliding Blood phoenix is suddenly screwed up by an invisible big hand and lifted into the air, and then the invisible big hand suspended Blood phoenix breaks Blood phoenix turned over and fell on the deck again, but the force that made him slide was eliminated for most of the time, and there would be no worry of his life.

The fast-sliding Blood phoenix saw the Zhao Mingyue flying from the bow of the ship in the shock of the ears, and the Zhang Xiaoqiang was being held in the hand by Zhao Mingyue. The Blood phoenix was so sad that it was all hit by the head of the fish. Rescued by Zhao Mingyue, why is the difference so big? The thought just flashed a little, and I saw that the monster, whose half of his chin was melted by flames, quietly slipped into the water. On the undulating sea, the destroyer hull was slowly sideways by the huge body of monster, far away The frigates and missile boats are staring at the chaos here. The resistance of the destroyer itself does not have much effect. The crater of the 12.7 mm bullet exploded on the skin of monster is like sesame sprinkled on the biscuits, it looks so ridiculous, The only naval gun that could cause damage to monster could not hit the monster lying on the side of the ship. When everyone believed that monster would return to the sea, Zhang Xiaoqiang and Zhao Mingyue appeared here on the head of the monster. The crew was ready to applaud the victory. No one cared about whether Zhang Xiaoqiang was screwed in the hands by Zhao Mingyue. They only knew that Zhang Xiaoqiang could destroy half of the mutated beast’s chin, and it would certainly kill the monster that invaded them.

A roar screamed out of Zhang Xiaoqiang’s throat, his wide-eyed eyes suddenly burst, can’t wait for Zhao Mingyue to take him with him to the head of monster~IndoMTL.com~ The firebird machete in hand The knife was generally thrown out, and the shiny scimitar was in the center of monster‘s eyebrows. This time everyone saw the damage of the Firebird scimitar to monster. I saw that the scimitar was inserted into the head of monster without hindrance, as if inserted into the watermelon. The toothpick is generally ridiculous, but this toothpick is a reddish steel needle, and a tongue of fire rushed around the blade. The skin and tissue around the machete was as bright as the chin of monster, flowing slowly like fire Fly ash, the monster wailing hoarsely, countless Martian seeds squirted out of its burning mouth, and then the upper and lower layers of flames joined together to wrap the entire head…

Silently, the monster’s head was burned into a red skull. This huge skull was stuck on the side of the ship and burned. The scimitar only emits hot heat at the moment of cutting the monster. Once the scimitar leaves, The general flame of magma just burns the flesh and blood of the mutant beast, and it has no effect on any other objects. As people see, the head of monster is stuck on the side of the ship and burns. When it reaches the deck, it will turn into ashes…

monster was killed like this. The crowd fell to the ground before they had time to cheer. He heard a loud explosion in the distance, and the remaining navy ships rushed into the safe area within two kilometers. The limit was reached, but the safe area The interior is no longer safe, making them a martyr for the disaster. Several mutant beasts climbed onto one of the frigates that had been scarred and tilted. The navy on the frigate detonated the frigate’s ammunition and The mutant beasts died together, and the tragic scene was not this single case. Then another frigate also followed in the roaring sparks. The remaining destroyer seemed to have no courage to explode, or wanted to escape due to the extremely high speed of the ship. After a robbery, he crossed the side of other ships and fled to the distance…

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