Apocalypse Cockroach: 2017 Subversion

The staff officer in the intelligence room rushed out to report to Zhang Xiaoqiang. From his pale face, the officer could have expected the result of the encounter between the two monster, but the water waves brought by the giant turtle’s movement made some ships in the fleet. Almost overturned, if two sea beasts fight? Compared to the anxiety of the staff officer, Zhang Xiaoqiang was relieved after hearing this. They floated on the sea without help, and they could only respond in time when they had information. Since he knew the uneasy heel, he already knew what to do That’s it.

“All ships are not allowed to act rashly without my orders, we are here to wait, wait ahead…” “kā kā kā…, boom…”

Just when the Zhang Xiaoqiang issued the order, the sea breeze faintly brought gunfire, and at the end of the sea farther away, the plume of black smoke rose from the sea level in turn, and then there was a sound from the communicator inside the fleet. The cry of crying for help, the moment when these calls sounded, most crew members raised a psychologically distorted refreshment, because these calls were all the calls of the navy soldiers who had left previously.

Hearing a cry for help, Zhang Xiaoqiang didn’t want to ignore it, Blood phoenix was even more fortunate. Only the Yuan Yong, who was the most disgusting navy in the past, said a fair word: “These people find themselves dead, and they also drag the survivors to death The children on the boat…”

This seemingly fair word emphasizes two words. Child, this sentence also caused waves in Zhang Xiaoqiang’s heart, turning his head to glance at the black sea level of silence. Yang Wannian asked carefully. : “Elder Brother Cockroach, do you want to contact me? In case…”

I thought Yang Wannian would say that in case it can be rescued, then I knew it later and said, “What if they lead the mutant beast?”

Yuan Yong‘s temperament is hard-mouthed and soft-hearted. Hearing this, his eyes flickered with displeasure, but Zhang Xiaoqiang seemed to be awakened. He suddenly awakened from the tangle and said firmly:

“No one is allowed to act rashly. All ships are in first-class combat readiness. They should be able to see us, depending on whether they can survive a disaster…”

The decision made by Zhang Xiaoqiang was not to complain with virtue, but he could not rest assured that the children always felt that there was a debt, but he could not order the entire fleet to rescue in the past, in case Xiang Xueer suppressed the mutant beasts who pursued the navy. Maybe even they will take it in themselves, the best way is to wait for them to come over, and then arrange according to the specific situation.

With orders, the fleet is waiting in place, the waves brought by monster are getting smaller and smaller, the information coming from the front is endless, and the real situation of the navy fleet is also known by the intelligence system, even if the navy’s Most of the fleet has sunk, and Zhang Xiaoqiang has not acted rashly. Waiting in a depressed atmosphere, just when they focused their attention on the navy, the collision between the two monster in front finally unfolded.

The giant turtle is always exposed to the surface of the water only by the turtle shell. The true appearance of the snake-shaped sea beast is more like a dragon than the water snake. The monster that can fight the turtle is at least a fifth-level mutant beast. This fifth-level sea snake has long been out of snakes. The shape of the twelve, more than ten meters long and sharp horns extends from its nose along the forehead to the back of the brain. The four blood pupils and big eyes are arranged around, making this sea snake look more weird than the alien creature, with a white body Surrounded by black, like the silver ring snake on the land, the flat body has thick scales, and the most striking is the snake head. The four blood pupils have different angles to see things, which are smaller than water snakes than mosquitoes. The drone is always in sight of the sea snake, enough to prove the sensitivity of the sea snake.

In the waters surrounding the sea snakes, countless sea beasts splashed waves on the sea and swept forward bravely, and more than ten kilometers away, there were also a certain number of mutant beasts moving forward in the water around the giant turtles. Charged, two five-level monsters are like a million generals, and they have fought each other in a life and death battle. An monster buried his head in the water suddenly stretched out a huge head and raised a high-pitched tweet, which is thick and long. The soaring neck is like a thousand-year-old tree with rough scars on the mottled skin. Two huge eyes are only one as bright and deep as a black gemstone, and the other eye is left with a black hole. Although it looks miserable, it looks It shows that this turtle is not a pure generation, and it can prove that it is fierce and fierce.

The turtle does not have fangs or the sharp long horns of the wind like a sea snake, but it has a huge tonnage and a sturdy turtle shell. In the face of the provocation of the sea snake, it shows no weakness, and the speed of the two monsters is not slow. The water wave brought by the charge is like a sea wave in a storm, which is tilted and rolled, and like a water wall standing up and down on the surface of the sea. The sound of the rolling water wave is amazing. From time to time, a huge water wave hits the sponge and rolls up to dozens. The white spray of rice, some small mutant beasts were instantly smashed by the force of the water wave, and when the herd went away, the thousands of mutant beasts floated on the water surface behind the waves.

In the moment when two monsters collided, the navy’s ships also entered the sphere of influence of the fleet. I saw that the miserable navy had only three ships left, none of the three ships were civilian ships, and two The **** boat, a missile boat is the only remaining ship in the previous 20-plus fleet, and these ships are still in the chase of the herd. The number of mutant herds is not very large. Two **** boats and 022 missile destroyers and The battle formation composed of fighting and retreating formed a cross fire to block the beasts in the sea. A scarlet light chain burst a **** wave in the water. From time to time, a huge fish was seen floating on the water. It was then bitten and torn by the mutant beast that was being chased.

When the navy fleet approached the main fleet, a loud cry for help came continuously, and the navy’s ammunition had bottomed out. All the heavy machine guns could only be fired but not fired. Looks like, Zhang Xiaoqiang‘s head seems to be hit by a hammer, producing a severe sense of vertigo, is all civilians lost?

Elder Brother Cockroach…, do you want to do it…”

Yang Wannian urged on one side, the destroyer’s 100mm gun had been aimed at the sea there, as long as Zhang Xiaoqiang nodded, one hundred and twenty shells per minute would fall there, around the destroyer, two missile boats And the nine frigates were ready, and they opened fire only when the attack order was launched, and the survivors were lying on the side of the ship looking at the remaining ships of the navy, either crying, or fearing that many people even resented the navy, Resented them for making so many twists and turns, burying the lives of thousands of survivors, not to mention, and attracting sea beasts to them. At this time, no one remembers the merits of the Navy in guarding them on the island, only blaming the Navy for not Self-restraint.

Elder Brother Cockroach…, let’s not save them…”

Another shout interrupted the command of Zhang Xiaoqiang‘s mouth, making Yang Wannian surprised. I saw Yuan Yong rushed out of the bridge. His face looked angry as if he was going to eat people. Wait for him to stand in front of Zhang Xiaoqiang , He pointed his teeth at the distant navy and said:

“They destroyed civilian ships in order to escape…”


“No way~ IndoMTL.com~ Yuan Yong made people around dumbfounded. Zhang Xiaoqiang first did not believe that on the island, for the children of a whole company of defenders who died, even as an enemy, Xiaoqiang also admired , I did not expect a sudden reversal to subvert their cognition, how could this be accepted by him?

“It’s true… these sea beasts are just a small part. Most of the sea beasts are eating food from people and ships. I previously ordered a drone to investigate, and the picture of their fire was knocked down. We photographed…and, not all navies agreed to trade lives for opportunities, and another **** boat was calculated by comrades…”

Yuan Yong told Zhang Xiaoqiang all the things that happened before and after. The feedback of the drone’s screen was delayed due to the distance. Until now, they were receiving the feedback screen. When they saw the screen Yuan Yong, they almost mad and rushed directly to the Zhang Xiaoqiang reported, but he was thinking that Lou Fenjun was worthless, because he knew that the reason for Zhang Xiaoqiang to spare these navies was Lou Fenjun‘s request.

“It seems that the navy is not always a warrior who forgets his life… Maybe I shouldn’t kill that officer…” Zhang Xiaoqiang thought for a while, that officer was killed by him because of his stubbornness. To these survivors and the navy, he has always had a entangled mentality. In order to avenge Lou Fenjun, he killed those children, and because of the request of Lou Fenjun, he had to take over these survivors. The previous battle caused Zhang Xiaoqiang to suffer heavy losses, but he He also had to hold back the depression in his heart to rescue these people, and it was a mess from beginning to end. Zhang Xiaoqiang did not know what to do. When the navy encouraged the survivors to make trouble, he gave up suppressing and let these people make their own lives. In fact, he is still deceiving himself. He has long known that letting the other party leave is not a way to make a living but to find a way to die. Perhaps he also hopes that these people die in his heart.

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