Apocalypse Cockroach: 197th fire junior/five more

Not everyone stopped working. In the final trap deep in the maze, you can see the crowd like ants is busy, the busy center is another **** fish, these people are survivors who arrived in the middle of the night , They are also striving for their revenge.

At a commanding height at the entrance of the maze, all the heavy firepower groups in the camp gathered around. In the middle of the heavy firepower, on a off-road vehicle, a screaming noise rushed across the roof of the car and spread outside the car, a pair of big feet extended In the window, one foot was covered with a flip-flop, and the other foot was bare, but on the ground under the foot, you could see the flipped flip-flop.

The owner of Bigfoot is Zhang Huai’an, Zhang Huai’an has been busy all night, taking a little leisure at dawn, hurry up to sleep, not everyone on the heavy firepower position is sleeping, and several members of the heavy firepower team did a good job last night. After sleeping for a while, on duty, he looked towards the place near lakeside, where dozens of black smoke was slowly blowing into the sky, forming a black cloud in the sky.

The place where the black cloud originated was the temporary camp of Zhang Xiaoqiang last night, and now it is a temporary canteen. Except for the reserve sailors who stayed behind, all the staff came here, including the cook who worked for the ten thousand people in the camp. Sisters.

The camp is expanding, the number of staff is increasing, the number of kitchen ladies and sister-in-laws is also increasing, from the original dozens of people to the current hundreds of people. The additional staff are the first women in the camp, hundreds of women There is only one man. He manages the entire kitchen. The Liang zi who risked his girlfriend Mohe mussels is now a good man. He works with his wife every day, works together during the day, and falls into the nest at night.

Seeing the black clouds hovering in the sky, many patrolling militias could not help swallowing a spit, tightening the gun belt on their bodies, and continuing to patrol, they all had earthworm meat for dinner yesterday and ate Earthworm meat, they began to miss the fish again, they will not eat because of the ugly death of the big fish, in Doomsday, they will never let go of any time that can eat meat.

The saliva of the militiamen did not have time to swallow in their mouths. The direction of the gathering place suddenly rolled up soot, and the carts were galloping here. When they saw the carts, the militiamen recognized When I got out of the vehicle that was not a camp, I was shocked. Without a word, the leading Chi Yong fired a gun and fired bullets into the sky, alerting the entire temporary processing plant.

The sudden gunshots awakened the newly-sleeping crowd one after another. At the same time, the crowd awakened, and also awakened the Zhang Huai’an sleeping in off-road vehicle. Both big feet moved abruptly, and it seemed that they wanted to bounce in place, but unfortunately Zhang Huai’an forgot to sleep on a military vehicle instead of sleeping on his warm bed. After a scream, Zhang Huai’an tragedyed · · · · ·

The time-honored members of the battlefield react faster than the militia, and the militia respond faster than other men and women. With the loud shouts of Huang Quan and Lu Xiaobu, hundreds of armed men were in place, All kinds of heavy firepower pointed the muzzle over there.

During the rumbling sound, Armored vehicles also began to warm up and start. In the first few minutes of the arrival of unknown forces, the entire combat deployment has been basically in place, except for the panicky poor people behind the combatants, and the women who are shaking with their children. .

The composition of the team coming over is very complicated. There are dark green military trucks. There are various models of off-road vehicle. Among them are luxury motorhomes and a bright yellow sports car. These vehicles are mixed together, giving people the first The impression is that the soldiers are scattered, and the people are all together.

When these vehicles were within a distance of 300 meters, the camp’s warning fire exploded the one by one pit in the open space in front of their head, stirring up a series of soil pillars. The dense soil pillars blocked the entire fleet in an instant. The illusion is that the team there was instantly wiped out by the camp’s firepower.

There is a fire warning here. Zhang Xiaoqiang, who monitors the crowd to decompose the big fish in the depths of the maze, heard the gunshot. I don’t know what happened there. I instructed Wang Le to pay attention to collect the colloids and crystal nuclei of the big fish. I took Yuan Yi and flew out of the maze. The two were like two breezes. They ran on the rough ground in the maze. The countless pyramids around them were passed by them.

The running Zhang Xiaoqiang is also worried that Yuan Yi can’t keep up with his pace, and he is intentionally falling a bit, looking back to see Yuan Yi without any effort, steady pace, smooth breathing, it seems easier than him, Zhang Xiaoqiang is surprised, Yuan Yi Never show in front of him, he does not know what the ability of Yuan Yi is.

Then Zhang Xiaoqiang increased the speed to the fastest. Hearing the undetectable running sound behind him, Zhang Xiaoqiang knew that Yuan Yi did not pull down in one step. This was his surprise. He knew that if Yuan Yi was willing, he would be dropped. It will only be him. Obviously Yuan Yi is not as weak as she showed. Perhaps there is a T. rex hidden under her gentle surface, but Yuan Yi is not willing to show her most brutal side to Zhang Xiaoqiang.

Zhang Xiaoqiang didn’t think about it, he felt a little arrogant, he no longer ran on the flat ground, started to run on the pyramid, crossed the pyramid and took a short cut, and rushed outside in the shortest time.

Zhang Xiaoqiang suddenly rushed to the pyramid, and suddenly fell to the ground from the top of the pyramid over a length of more than ten meters. The Yuan Yi behind him was like a shadow, no matter how Zhang Xiaoqiang jumped, she always followed behind Zhang Xiaoqiang, but only in Zhang Xiaoqiang When he began to gasp slightly, Yuan Yi was still walking like a leisurely stroll as before.

This is because Zhang Xiaoqiang is a bit depressed. He doesn’t care that his woman is very strong, but he doesn’t care about his woman. The strange power of Yang Ke’er was that’s all, but Yuan Yi is different.

She was built by herself, from the previous cowardice to becoming stronger~IndoMTL.com~ The character slowly became like water, in his heart, Yuan Yi has always been the one who silently stood behind him and needed him to protect Gentle woman, now · · · does not seem to have his guardian, Yuan Yi can also live well, thinking of this, some macho Zhang Xiaoqiang hurt self-esteem.

The entrance is not far away, Zhang Xiaoqiang is in a slightly relaxed mood, and he looks a little trance. For the ability of Yuan Yi, for his big man’s face, Zhang Xiaoqiang rushed into a pyramid and jumped up, just jumped up. Hearing a soft whisper from behind, Zhang Xiaoqiang replied that Yuan Yi couldn’t run, turned his head to look at her, but saw a trace of anxiety in Yuan Yi‘s eyes, the figure suddenly accelerated, pulled a faint afterimage and jumped into the air, after First come first, actually flush with Zhang Xiaoqiang.

Zhang Xiaoqiang is a bit inexplicable, his right hand is tight, he was pulled into the hand by Yuan Yi, followed, his body was taken out by Yuan Yi involuntarily, then Zhang Xiaoqiang saw that the place where he landed was a huge pit, inserted in the pit Full of dense barbed steel spears blackened by fish blood.

Peng· · · ·Yuan Yi took Zhang Xiaoqiang to the opposite side of the pit, Zhang Xiaoqiang calmly let go of Yuan Yi‘s small hand, nodded slightly to her, turned around and wanted to run outside, Yuan Yi still followed behind him Zhang Xiaoqiang was as calm, and did not happily save the Zhang Xiaoqiang children before.

Zhang Xiaoqiang is very hot, he wants to find something to vent, to say that he would rather not let Yuan Yi save him, that pit can not hurt him Zhang Xiaoqiang, as long as he pulls out the pistol and activates dynamic vision, he does not have those things In my eyes, being saved by my own woman, how can this macho Zhang Xiaoqiang be cool?

Zhang Xiaoqiang rushed to the point of heavy firepower and saw Zhang Huai’an crying on the stretcher, Zhang Xiaoqiang fluffed and shouted:

“Who did it? Who? Bring me his head!”

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