Apocalypse Cockroach: 14. Li Caoyuan’s regret medicine five/five more

Looking at the back of Xu Hao disappearing at the end of the grass, Zhang Xiaoqiang turned his head just now, and he was smoked by a rotten corpse odor. There were ten thick woods standing beside the gate, and each one was embraced by one person. It was nailed with steel chopsticks. More than a dozen corpses hung ropes around the necks. Some of the corpses were rotten, leaving only the skeleton, swaying in the wind, and some still fresh, with blood dripping from time to time. Dark brown marks accumulated on the ground.

Zhang Xiaoqiang had smelled a stronger smell of corpses than the other two days ago, and he didn’t care. He greeted Li Caoyuan and walked inside, but Li Caoyuan was scared and stupid, looking at the swinging corpse on the pillar, he could hardly move Step by step, I saw Zhang Xiaoqiang walking away, and saw many people around the gate looking at him with cold eyes. An excited person quickly chased up and followed Zhang Xiaoqiang in half a step looking at his toes.

Walking in a crowded market, passing by with people around you, Zhang Xiaoqiang feels a bit like visiting the market in gathering place, but the supply here is more abundant, one by one carpets are filled with various goods, knives, arrows, clothing Futons, toothpaste soaps, as well as a variety of well-packaged foods and some candy snacks, of course, more are cakes made of whole grains and horse milk in bottles.

Zhang Xiaoqiang has a general look, there are a lot of things in it that make him excited, such as white jade, bright red agate, and various hand-woven wool and crafts, but only Zhang Xiaoqiang will be interested, other People are still struggling for survival, only Zhang Xiaoqiang has not suffered much.

Zhang Xiaoqiang walked forward, Li Caoyuan behind him pulled him, Zhang Xiaoqiang looked at Li Caoyuan, Li Caoyuan looked at the shoes on the carpet beside him.

Zhang Xiaoqiang understood that Li Caoyuan’s shoes had been damaged during the past few days, and even his toes were exposed. He wanted to buy a pair of shoes. The only thing on his body was a kettle with clear water. The boss asked.

There are many types of shoes on the ground, but they are all second-hand goods, and many of them have worn soles, maybe they were taken off on the feet of the victims.

“Choose a pair yourself, be strong.”

For these things, Zhang Xiaoqiang doesn’t care. No matter what they are, there is not much value in the eyes of Zhang Xiaoqiang, because there is no more, you only need to find the town and eliminate the zombie inside. All kinds of materials are left to him. This is also his usual practice, and only he does not think that zombie is so powerful.

Soon, Li Caoyuan chose a pair of hiking shoes. It seems not too old, and the code is also right. Li Caoyuan laughed suddenly.

“How to checkout?”

Zhang Xiaoqiang asked the boss, the boss is a woman in her thirties, with ordinary looks, high frontal bones, and bright eyes. When choosing shoes in Li Caoyuan, he did not recommend the best without permission, but waited for Li Caoyuan to decide for himself. It can be seen from some details of her words and deeds that this woman had a good education before Doomsday, and she was also a shrewd and capable person.

“I’m all used goods that I have collected. I don’t need too much supplies. If you have food, you can take it for five pounds. If it’s inside the dried meat, it’s only one and a half pounds.”

The woman said plainly, Zhang Xiaoqiang also felt that it was not outrageous, because he saw many people wearing nothing with bare feet. Obviously, the lack of materials here is a common phenomenon.

Zhang Xiaoqiang put meow meow down, let her stand by herself, rummaging through her backpack, she just took out the dried meat, she hadn’t claimed it yet, a bright sword flashed, and a sharp scream rang around her, A thin boy rolled on the ground, blood was sprayed from his broken wrist, and a black palm beside him fell to the ground.

Miao Miao glanced at the boy on the ground with the Rat King Blade, and Ren Xuesi condensed and dripped at the edge of the Rat King Blade, and then clipped into the scabbard, acting as if nothing happened, as if he could not hear the boy’s cry.

“What’s going on?”

Zhang Xiaoqiang didn’t believe that Miao Miao would harm others for no reason, so she asked her, and at the same time, she felt uncomfortable. She has always been normal in her education. How can you teach such a **** shota? Did you learn from Yang Ke’er?

“He wants to steal my wine…”

At this time, Zhang Xiaoqiang only saw the dazzling luster of the gold jug around Miao Miao’s waist. Miao Miao didn’t care much about the hip flask, but she cared about the mare’s milk. Zijiu, and she was also a super The thief head will naturally not let others succeed, plus the failure of the Zhang Xiaoqiang education work, so meow out the manual next to the death of the dead, leaving no room, called the last generation of **** loli.

“Oh, you put the hip flask in your bag, and it’s strange not to recruit thieves outside…”

After knowing the reason, Zhang Xiaoqiang warned meow to hide the hip flask, but ignored the howling boy on the ground, proving that his education was indeed a failure.

Meow is **** and cold, Zhang Xiaoqiang is indifferent, and even the boss lady seems to be commonplace, receiving the dried meat passed by Zhang Xiaoqiang, and does not care about the children on the ground.

Looking at all the people around there is no sympathy, some are only indifferent and indifferent, Li Caoyuan‘s heart suddenly fell into the ice cellar, he felt for the first time that he came out of the home without food and clothing, really is not a good idea.

“What’s going on?”

Two men carrying rifles came over. Zhang Xiaoqiang looked at the guns on them. It felt like a five or six submachine gun, but it was different. It seemed that the caliber was wrong.

“It’s alright, I was caught trying to steal something.”

The female boss made a business and was in a good mood. She actively explained to the person that the two saw the gold kettle in Miao Miao’s waist at one glance, her eyes became greedy, and then saw the Type 92 on her waist. Pistols, sabers, quirky daggers with golden scabbards, and the ninety-five rifles on her back, could not help but conquer their greed, a child dare to put all kinds of valuables on his body in such a big swing, not Being supportive means that there is a strong guardian around them, neither of which can afford them.

The two men dragged the children on the ground to the camp door. Zhang Xiaoqiang nodded to the female boss and took Li Caoyuan to move forward, and the Meow Meow flew to the Zhang Xiaoqiang backpack~IndoMTL.com~ except Li Caoyuan. No wonder, the female boss was so surprised that her eyes were round.

Not far away, Zhang Xiaoqiang saw a place selling food. He remembered that he had less than two pounds of dried meat, and then five bags of military rations and five bags of compressed biscuits. It seemed that he would have no food the day after tomorrow. , So he decided to buy some food.

Different from other places, the boss who sells food holds an old-style Mosinagan rifle. It seems that the bullet has been loaded. The Zhang Xiaoqiang can recognize this rifle at a glance because there are tens of thousands in his base. Only an imitation of this rifle.

Zhang Xiaoqiang saw the blood stains around the stall, but understood the boss’s approach. There are always hungry guys who want to*. At that time, in order to be free from losses, only one shot was needed to kill the man, as long as he died There will not be too many problems in the stall.

The boss is a Mongolian. He speaks Chinese very well. Although he has a quirky accent, Zhang Xiaoqiang can still understand. The boss’s food only accepts two things, gold and bullets. Among them, the value of the bullets is more than gold.

The food on the stall is very rich. There are all kinds of dairy products, various kinds of dried meat, fried rice, tea bricks and some vegetables in flower pots. Among them, mutton and beef are the most, and they are also behind the boss. There are a lot of potatoes stacked together.

These things are easy to keep. If you want to eat something fresh, you have to eat it in the restaurant, but only gold and bullets are also received in it.

Zhang Xiaoqiang didn’t know the price, but he wouldn’t be the wrongdoer. He chopped half of the boss’s quotation directly, bought 20 pounds of dried meat, two tea bricks, some fried rice, a bag of potatoes, and paid a total of 30 5.8 Millimeter bullets, the boss seems to be very happy, gave two generations of horse milk for free, and was divided between Miao Miao and Li Caoyuan, making Zhang Xiaoqiang suspect that he fed Miao Miao a sip of wine and fed a little drunkard out.

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