Apocalypse Cockroach: 1,237 sums up the harvest

Little Lolita was bought by Zhao Mingyue without any excuses. After asking Little Lolita’s preferences from Zhang Xiaoqiang, Zhao Mingyue completely conquered Little Lolita by turning out a large pile of canned fruits from the munitions warehouse. The fruit is much sweeter than chocolate, and with a unique flavor, the little loli who eats chocolate with a greasy taste these days can’t hate a long mouth. Sitting next to Zhao Mingyue, I can hear almost canned boxes. It became a hill to bury her, and the newly opened tin can’t even match her eating speed.

Zhang Xiaoqiang sits comfortably opposite Xiao Loli, holding an exquisite ultra-thin tablet computer, and looks at various data on the display leisurely, at least at this moment, he is relaxed and comfortable, Huang Tingwei Sitting next to Zhang Xiaoqiang, from time to time peeking behind the hot xianghaier standing behind Zhao Mingyue, xianghaier changed a large Epoch officer uniform, but the horrible giant. But the milk can not fit into the shirt, like The desire to appeal is really eye-catching. The military uniform not only does not hide her figure, but also has the great charm of uniform seduction, so that Huang Tingwei, who already has Xiang Xueer, swallows from time to time.

The tablet computer with the Chinese system replaced is a leisure work of an unknown scientist of Epoch, but the computer military computer before Doomsday is enough for Epoch. This unique and exquisite sample has become the ban of Zhang Xiaoqiang, lithium titanium high energy The battery was originally the core battery of the metal storm launch system. It is used in this ultra-thin tablet that can be folded like a newspaper. The total thickness of the ultra-thin tablet less than three millimeters thick has unimaginable battery life. It is no problem to use it continuously for 240 hours. If it is placed in front of Doomsday, even if Jobs is resurrected, it will only be able to take away all the limelight, but now, it is just a collection belonging to Zhang Xiaoqiang.

Zhang Xiaoqiang looked at the data on the computer for a series of fantasies. This time it was just an accident to Australia, but the effect was unexpectedly good. Not only did I get a lot of Chinese technical and experimental data, but also the most important high-efficiency engine of Epoch Once they have engines, they can build air frigates themselves. Although more than 60% of spare parts cannot be nationalized, as long as they can maintain their relationship with Australia, they can gradually figure out a solution. I know that before Doomsday, any high-performance aircraft needs to be conceived, designed, tested, assembled, and perfected. It can take at least two or three decades to form a large-scale production. If it is uniformly installed, it will take another ten years to be in one step. Construction is equivalent to saving decades of time. This is also the miracle of R&D speed for those who have specialized in scientific Evolution like Epoch cheating.

Swipe your finger and change the engine’s introduction page, but a group of medicaments appeared on the screen. These medicaments made Zhang Xiaoqiang squint. The original purpose of running away from Hubei was to find remedies for Yang Ke’er in Australia. The material of the outer skin of the deep-sea variant animal has a special name, ghost moss. Its appearance is like its name. It appears and disappears like a ghost. Not every sea animal that can collect this ghost moss has it, often There is no one among the ten, and it is not a single sea beast. Maybe all kinds of sea beasts can carry it. This ghost moss that grows from the skin of the sea beast has a medical value that is difficult to predict for humans. It can be called an elixir. Unfortunately, because of raw materials, large-scale development is not available, and it is temporarily in the experimental stage, and only a small amount of finished products have been developed.

As for the metal storm system and bullets counted in tens of tons, elite legion-type equipment, a large number of purified red algae fuel, and only equipment and materials only available in Epoch occupy a total of dozens of Foliage, those technologies, experimental data, and improvements are all calculated in TB, including forging, casting, surface treatment, welding, heat treatment, machinery, materials and other subjects. The only thing that makes Zhang Xiaoqiang worry is that The equipment of Epoch is not very safe. Previously, three shark hunting helicopters were out of control in the research institute, and a small supernova bomb was launched. The reason for the out of control is not known to anyone. Assad and Siller have organized an internal investigation and the cleaning process in Australia In tracing the truth in China, he never found anything.

Folding the tablet in your hand like a newspaper and putting it aside, Zhang Xiaoqiang raised her eyebrows tiredly. Shen Sheng asked: “Is there still no news for Miao Miao? Who is the person in charge of the transport ship?”

The tone in Zhang Xiaoqiang’s words was unwaveringly firm. Obviously, there was already anger. Miao Miao disappeared in the process of looking for him, which made him very upset. The good mood that he was about to go home disappeared, Huang Tingwei He lowered his head and whispered: “The search range of the transport ship is limited, there is no fixed route, the chance of finding should be very small, we suspect that Miss Miao Miao should go to the coastal area…”

Huang Tingwei did not say who the person in charge of the transport ship is. In his view, the captain of the frigate is still quite capable. If he is blamed by Zhang Xiaoqiang for this problem, it is more than worth it. There is no locator on Miao Miao. Looking for the same needle in the haystack on the sea of ​​kilometers, fortunately, Miao Miao itself is powerful, and has Rainbow Eagle as a mount. As long as he does not encounter a five-level mutant raptor, there will generally not be any danger.

“Coastal area? I know…” Zhang Xiaoqiang was lying on the back of his chair and closed his eyes. He was not very worried about the safety of Miao Miao. The tragedies on the Vladivostok side were all supported by Miao Miao. He didn’t believe it. What else can pose a threat to Miao Miao. Since Miao Miao may go to the coastal area, you only need to send an airship to search along the way. Miao Miao should still be looking for his whereabouts. Thinking of Miao Miao’s pure eyes, Zhang Xiaoqiang I could not help but feel a little moved, compared to the subordinates who have thoughts, Miao Miao simply regarded him as the most important person, even to the point of paranoia, as long as it is his things, Miao Miao will guard with heart .

Suddenly, the idea of ​​Zhang Xiaoqiang turned to the general trend of the Chinese renaissance. Hubei, Guangxi and Sichuan had been connected into a line before he left. Relying on the Yangtze River waterway, almost all the cities along the way were cleared. The center’s sphere of influence is expanding every day, the army and zombie hunters can kill thousands of zombie every day, and more or less survivors are found by the search forces and merged into the survivors in Hubei, During this period, the cumulative total reached more than 20,000 people. This has only cleared some zombie dense areas along the river. If you expand the search, I am afraid that it will be ten times the number.

There is also the Inner Mongolia area. After the Yinshan campaign, all the troops were vacated. According to the plan formulated by Ishihara, the strategy was divided into two steps. Part of the cavalry army led by Xu Hao was used as a mobile force to attack Beijing across the board. With the Yellow River and all branches of the waterway as the road, the zombie around the Qing Dynasty. After the end of the large-scale battle, in order to give Inner Mongolia a breathing opportunity, Zhou Jie’s government administration began to plan resources to develop industry and agriculture under the pressure of the army. Use the materials from Baotou and Hohhot to improve the quality of life of the survivors, and temporarily stabilize the originally floating people’s hearts.

Zhang Xiaoqiang does not deny the arrangement of Ishihara. Although Ishihara is good at the overall situation, it is narrowly limited in China. This is not a problem of Ishihara. For Ishihara and the entire China Renaissance, there is always only one enemy. It is the endless zombie. In the face of the number of zombie, most people will be desperate, that is, the Chinese Renaissance, in order to bluntly open a blood path from the middle of the zombie sea.

As for Beijing, Zhang Xiaoqiang will never be overlooked. It was originally a political center of China and an independent military area. Most of the military’s material reserves are there. Once the military area and military bases around Beijing are won, the Inner Mongolia army The combat effectiveness can be increased at least ten times, but unfortunately these equipments are more than enough to deal with zombie, but they are still not enough to deal with red algae.

So far, the enemy of Zhang Xiaoqiang is divided into three parts, zombie, Epoch, red algae, zombie, the largest number, but they are not taken care of by Zhang Xiaoqiang~IndoMTL.com~ Through the World War I in Shanghai, he has found a response to zombie As for Epoch, if there is no self-reliance in Australia and civil unrest in Europe, I am afraid that most of the energy should be put on the Epoch. After all, the two sides have too much enmity and the frigate is not so easy to grab.

As for the red algae, thinking of the pictures that Nu Wa showed him, Zhang Xiaoqiang could not help but fought a cold war, at least for the time being he was not going to touch, he also had a card against the red algae, the mother who was captured by him Insects and females are cleaning up the Yinshan mutant plants in Ordos, while recovering its tens of millions of people. These are all done under human monitoring. Once the females are not honest, more than 100 tons of explosives will be buried under the females. It explodes into popcorn, and the mother worm knows this too.

Maybe the flying beetle can deal with the red algae, but Zhang Xiaoqiang knows that the flying beetle can’t deal with Sea Race. For now, the danger of Sea Race has not yet fully manifested, but somehow, Zhang Xiaoqiang always feels that Sea Race is the biggest enemy of humanity. Thinking of this, Zhang Xiaoqiang opened his eyes and said to Huang Tingwei: “Order all squad operations except for the recovery of Beijing in the Inner Mongolia area to be temporarily suspended, the army switch to a defensive mode, spare no effort to reserve war materials, give priority to the manufacture of heavy machine guns and rockets. It is possible to store erosion weapons and incendiary bombs, and get in touch with Russia to repair the railway line from Hohhot to Siberia…

Order the Hubei region to stop full-scale expansion, reclaim Sichuan with all efforts, give priority to reclaiming Sichuan military industrial enterprises and aircraft manufacturing plants, speed up the search speed and immigration to Sichuan, I want Sichuan to become a military logistics base within three years. He independently manufactures helicopters, and Inner Mongolia and Hubei each produce half of the Evolution to form a three-thousand-person rapid reaction force to receive forces and survivors in the northwest region. Anyone who resists all arrests and commits evil crimes will be sent to the doctor for experimental materials.

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