Apocalypse Cockroach: 116 gold dog tags

In the early morning, after the breakfast was over, the busy camp became just organized. The women carried their children to the outside of the camp with their cloths on their backs to start a day’s work. These women are no longer as thin and weak as they were when they were out. No longer vain, walking out in groups with tools, talking and laughing with each other.

Women wear simple clothes and do not have too much dress on their bodies. From their cleaned faces, they can see a little ruddy. The continuous work has made their bodies tough, and there are some working women in the seventies and eighties. The children on their backs are all sensible, and hunger teaches them to be obedient.

Most of these children don’t cry or make noises. When their mother goes to work, they stay on their mother’s back. When their mother works, they sit on Tian Long and play by themselves. When they eat, they will find their mother. To the holy place in their hearts, the canteen.

The children who learn with Huang Tingwei are divided into two groups. Some of the children recognized by Ding Luo follow him to exercise outside the camp and learn various basic skills. The rest of them start daily learning, new notebooks and ballpoint pens When it was sent to them, everyone loved it with great care, and every word written was correct and meticulous.

When these stationery were issued, each notebook was written with 11 names. It was briefly described that these people sacrificed to get this batch of stationery.

The writers who wrote these words were all militiamen. They got up before dawn, picked up a pen and recorded the names of their fellow soldiers on their notebooks. The camp’s behavior was recognized by them, and they felt respected for the first time. Yesterday those companions were executed, they could also guess vaguely.

They knew it was a last resort, they knew it was the same thing, it was the same thing they wanted to know, and there were pimples in their hearts. They were sure by writing names to their notebooks in the morning. They knew that the camp had not forgotten those battles. In addition, the camp allows their next-generation successors to keep these names in mind, which is enough. The monument printed in their hearts is the most touching.

The militiamen stood neatly in the center of the camp. More than two hundred militiamen were automatically divided into two groups. One group was played yesterday to annihilate zombie. The other group was digging pits with shovel in lakeside.

Yesterday morning, all the militiamen were the same, whether they were speech or expression, or actions. Today, it is completely different. People are still those people, some are still civilians, and others have become soldiers who have passed the test of life and death

The militiamen stood on the open ground and looked straight up. They were all in a straight line. They did not move their ankles as before, whispering, and they were leaning their chests on their chins, silently.

The militias who did not fight could not imagine what their previous companions had experienced. They just felt that their companions had changed, they were no longer in groups, and became like regular players. This change made them disdain and thought it was act high and mighty.

Soon, the main leader came, Zhang Huai’an took the lead, wandered to the center’s rostrum with two dark circles, sat on a chair, Huang Quan, Lu Xiaobu, and other battle captains including several heavy firepower The team leader has arrived. Almost all the team members are present except the team members on duty.

When a group of people arrived, they sat down one after another and did not announce anything, what they were waiting for.

Wait until the late Zhang Xiaoqiang arrives on the rostrum, Huang Quan stands up, walks to the stage, and looks at the militia Gao He below;

“Everyone has it, be upright!!! Take a break · · · · · ·

“After consideration, a part of the militia will be distributed with firearms · · · · · · · ·

Zhang Huai’an spoke on stage yesterday’s decision at the meeting, which led to the following big uproar. Those militia who participated in the battle could not maintain their discipline. They whispered to each other and passed on each other. Almost all the militia were happy Having a gun means different identities.

“However, the gun can’t be delivered casually, it is conditional · · · · · · · ·

Zhang Huai’an is here, the buzz below is clear, everyone shut their mouths and raised their ears.

“All the soldiers who fought yesterday were listed in · · · · · ·

Huang Quan was drinking high on the stage. Instead of calling them militiamen, he directly called them soldiers.

A rifle with a military stabbing and a magazine attached to it was delivered to the militia. The militia took over the gun and put it on their hands for a while, then they carried it on their backs in the envious eyes of others and waited calmly for the following.

Of the 119 people, 109 people received the rifle, and the remaining 10 people looked at the stage with anxiety. These 10 people included Liu Biao and Chi Yong. Liu Biao was still wondering if he was playing a big blade, too Well, if people don’t shoot him, just let him play his special skills?

“The following people are the meritorious staff yesterday, Liu Biao, Chi Yong, XXX· · · · · ·

Ten people were named to the stage. They were named only after they made a credit. How excited they were, with some expectations, they silently calculated whether they would pay bonuses this time or something else.

“Our team has always followed clear rewards and punishments. There are still meritorious deeds, there are penalties for those who have escaped, and those who escaped are killed! These ten team members are the first batch of meritorious militia. I hope it is not the last batch of · · · · · ·

Zhang Huai’an talked about his temperament and stood in front of the stage to start his ideological work. The following militiamen did not dare to move. To be honest, the ten people on the stage were somewhat desperate and had given up. Looking forward to the reward, expect Zhang Huai’an to send out kindness, let them go, Zhang Xiaoqiang on stage and several captains are also annoyed, so much nonsense from Zhang Huai’an?

cough cough cough · · · · · · · · ·

Zhang Xiaoqiang can’t stand it anymore. He coughed pretendingly. The soft cough of Zhang Xiaoqiang fell into the ears of Zhang Huai’an and became thunder. The cold sweat on the forehead of Zhang Huai’an came down. Forgetting the shape, Elder Brother Cockroach was still waiting.

“I’ve said so much today. Below I announce that the following personnel will be promoted to the militia leader to assist the militia leader to manage daily affairs. Now grant them guns.

Ten shining 81-style rifles were delivered to the stage, and each of the 10 meritorious servants was one of them. These 81-style rifles were all trophies for the conquest of the black market. The number is not much, about thirty or fifty, It is impossible to distribute it evenly, and because there is not much ammunition and no combat power is formed, it will be shelved.

Ten people went down to the stage, just entered the team, Liu Biao could not help but excitedly whispered to Chi Yong: “What did I say? Killing him to be a good person is only the first step.”

Chi Yong did not answer, stroking his rifle and staring.

Zhang Huai’an announced the end of the meeting, the militiamen were disbanded, Zhang Xiaoqiang also rocked the wheelchair to get away, and Zhang Huai’an remembered looking for Lu Xiaobu to drink~IndoMTL.com~ turned around and found that Lu Xiaobu had long disappeared.

There is one thing hanging in the mind of Lu Xiaobu. Yesterday I got a batch of gold, and in my mind hanging his gold dog tag, the meeting went to the Wang Le processing plant.

Wang Le was finally commissioning the second airborne combat vehicle. When Lu Xiaobu came in, it shouted.

“Captain Lu, thank you for your wine. Nothing. If you want to speak in the future, you must think of me if you still have such a good thing. It is best to secretly give me. Don’t let Zhang · · · · See that old thing.”

Wang Le almost talked about it. Zhang Huai’an‘s nominal identity is the captain of the team. It is not what he can call his name.

“No problem, but this is not easy to find, it is also luck, the cellar where the wine was put collapsed, we just found it, I remember your thing, whether it is good or bad, you are here That’s right.”

Lu Xiaobu was talking pretty, and Wang Le laughed.

“Director Wang, the batch of gold you took yesterday, do you see?”

Lu Xiaobu said his purpose by hitting the iron with heat.

“It’s not easy to do. It’s not a good thing to create dog tags in pure gold. Sweat stains will corrode the gold and cause fading. You have to engrave the person’s name on it. It is impossible to inscribe hundreds of words. You can only use numbers and English letters. Instead, as is the case, the thin steel sheet is used to sandwich the gold in the middle, how about the three brands connected together?”

Lu Xiaobu hesitated for a long time, nodded with clenched teeth, and it was a meaning to make a dog tag. The meaning of commemoration was greater than the actual meaning.

“How much?”

For this kind of thing, Wang Le does as much as it wants, and naturally does not care about the quantity.

“You must have your finger broken at the oath!”

The abnormal response of Lu Xiaobu’s answer. originally is that he insisted that he should be a brother with Li Zhi, but the other players all made a vow together. This story will always be remembered by him.

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