Apocalypse Cockroach: 1074 political wrists

Zhang Xiaoqiang never liked the Japanese, nor did they think that the Japanese had anything to do with them. If the Japanese had not yet formed a climate and did not threaten the military power of the Chinese, he might think of the Japanese as their own. The enemy, because of this, after he landed in Japan, he did not want to gather a group of people to establish a base, nor did he want to rescue all the survivors in the depths of Japan. The only reason for him to help the Japanese was only those children who knew nothing As for these children, he still had the idea of ​​bringing it back to China one day, so he was on the sidelines with regard to the killing and hatred between the Japanese, and did not take the initiative to participate.

No matter Zuo Tian or Ono, even Nao Miyamoto, Zhang Xiaoqiang will not regard them as his own people. In his heart, he always thinks that the Japanese are unfamiliar wolves, so he has thousands of survivors. Without hesitation, it was handed over to Zuo Tian, ​​the survivors of Ten Thousand Axe Mountain and Evolution. He gave it to Ono, fearing that the trouble is on the one hand, and more is his disagreement with the Japanese, thinking that the future of the Japanese and himself There is no dime, and I don’t think I should take responsibility for the Japanese.

Among the Japanese, he is like a viewer of a 3D movie, neither intervenes nor speaks. He doesn’t care much about the life and death of other people besides accomplishing his own goals. Here, he Even with the abilities and skills that ordinary people can’t reach, they are quite stingy, and they don’t take too many shots. Every time they hit the point, most of the casualties were caused by the Japanese themselves, making him quite tolerant to other Japanese. It can even be said to be indifferent. The blood of the Evolution of Okamoto gathering place was slain by the blood of him, and it was only because Okamoto killed the Chinese that he opened the ring.

Under this weird and entangled psychological effect, he became nothing like himself. Even though he was very angry about the behavior of the Axan Evolution in his heart, he did not go to kill the executioners, all to the Japanese himself. Dealing with this made him less and less impersonal in Japan, but after the Japanese seized the Americans and the Russians, Zhang Xiaoqiang suddenly realized that he could no longer watch…

“Tell Ono that I want to keep all Russians and Americans alive, no matter what methods and reasons he uses, these people cannot die…”

Zhang Xiaoqiang was reluctant to ignore and watch his request to Nao Miyamoto. Nao Miyamoto was a little surprised, but there was no objection. He stepped forward and whispered a word to Ono, Ono violently turned back to use Surprised eyes looked at Zhang Xiaoqiang, Zhang Xiaoqiang‘s hot eyes stared at Ono, and the two of them froze for a time, seeing the ambition flame contained in Ono’s non-dodged eyes, Zhang Xiaoqiang flashed a sigh of anger in his heart, and his eyes suddenly changed It’s cold, he knows that Ono has begun to float away at this time. Thousands of Evolutions are only looking forward, so he doesn’t want to be restricted by others. Although Axe Mountain was killed by Zhang Xiaoqiang, in the chaos, Zhang Xiaoqiang has only been out all the time. A knife, no one saw it, even if you saw it, it would not say it, so Ono thought that he had the capital to compete with Zhang Xiaoqiang.

The two people looked at each other, making it difficult for Nao Miyamoto to be caught in the middle. Nao Miyamoto was originally a friend of Ono, and he turned to Zhang Xiaoqiang only after being introduced by Ono. He was able to follow Zhang Xiaoqiang because he had fluent Mandarin This advantage made him stand out on the same level as Ono, but after Ono got the right, he began to have a resistance, making him difficult to choose. Ordinarily he should not give up Zhang Xiaoqiang standing without hesitation Ono’s side, but he is just a Ordinary people. His only advantage is that he can speak Chinese. Without Zhang Xiaoqiang, he is still nothing. Ono relies on thousands of Japanese Evolutions, and his only chance is Zhang Xiaoqiang.

“Ono, do you want to rebel? If there is no adult, will you have your current position? The Evolution below will only obey you temporarily. Once there is an artificial counterattack, the first one to die is you, you have to think clearly… “In the end, Nao Miyamoto decided to stand behind Zhang Xiaoqiang, he had to gamble on his future. As a Ordinary people, there was no way out, even if Ono had a good relationship with him, it was just good, anyway, it could not be broken anymore. , It is better to use your own small life to blog.

Miyamoto Nao’s loud reprimand made Ono’s face ugly, and also made Zhang Xiaoqiang for the first time a lot of this flattering and flattering bullshit. Nao Miyamoto has a common Japanese face and looks very uncomfortable. At first glance, he was calm in his early thirties. From his seemingly sharp eyes, Zhang Xiaoqiang saw a trace of cowardice and worry. Obviously Nao Miyamoto did not have much confidence in Zhang Xiaoqiang, maybe Ono shouted, Gong This guy would kneel down on the ground and beg for mercy.

The conflict between Ono and Zhang Xiaoqiang has attracted many people’s attention. For Miyamoto’s dare to reprimand Ono, it also made many Evolution people look fierce and glared at Miyamoto together. As long as Ono spoke, they would shatter it and shatter it. In Zhang Xiaoqiang‘s increasingly cold eyes, Ono finally gave in. He remembered that Zhang Xiaoqiang was in and out of millions of zombie, and he thought of the machine gun of the Americans. The machine guns of Axe Mountain could not help Zhang Xiaoqiang, so he was unwilling to work with Zhang Xiaoqiang turned his face on the spot, turned his head and shouted at the following survivors:

“This is the Evolution from China. He is my friend. This time he was able to kill Axe Mountain. He exerted a lot of energy, so we have to respect his ideas…” Ono used probabilities for stealing. Leaving Zhang Xiaoqiang out of the Japanese group, even if Zhang Xiaoqiang is a hundred times stronger than him, it is no longer possible to become the leader of Axe Mountain. After all, whether it is Chinese or American, in the eyes of the Japanese are foreigners, Miyamoto The man translated Ono’s words to Zhang Xiaoqiang, and by the way, analyzed the small abacus of Ono, very angry.

Zhang Xiaoqiang squinted and stared at Ono, who blinked for a while. After a long breath, he whispered to Nao Miyamoto: “Tell him that all the captives will be handled by me. Axan gathering place. I will not intervene. The weapon I found. Give me a sniper rifle, and I don’t want the rest. After that, Fushan gathering place has nothing to do with me…”

When Nao Miyamoto heard this, he was very anxious. He turned to Zhang Xiaoqiang, did he just want to rely on Zhang Xiaoqiang to go further? If Zhang Xiaoqiang is so compromised? Where is he? I wanted to persuade Zhang Xiaoqiang, but in Zhang Xiaoqiang Ling Xian’s eyes, Nao Miyamoto never said anything. He nodded dejectedly, and conveyed Zhang Xiaoqiang‘s words to Ono.

“No, the Americans must die. They caused too many of us to be killed or injured. The Russians cannot move. They must be used as bargaining chips. You can take the British. You know, the British also killed us a lot. People, this is in your face…”

Ono’s bargaining made Zhang Xiaoqiang smile. He didn’t expect Ono to say that, and he really recognized the shamelessness of the Japanese. Last night, Jimma and Kono were their comrades, leaving the border and the nation apart. The difference is that in the most basic human nature, those who rush to their Evolution a thousand times, but unexpectedly, Ono became the leader of Axe Mountain, and in a blink of an eye, these British were regarded as captives.

Ono has no guilt to say this, and most of the British people who stand in the crowd have changed their colors. Some of them understand Japanese and heard Ono’s declaration. These British people were approaching Zhang Xiaoqiang in anger, preparing Together with Zhang Xiaoqiang, looking at the gloomy Ono, Zhang Xiaoqiang suddenly flashed a weird thought in his heart. If Ono is confident to clean up himself, wouldn’t he also become a Japanese captive? In other words, in addition to obedience to the strong, the nature of the Japanese also has their villain success?

“Miyamoto…, tell him that I have no intention to bargain with him. If he doesn’t do what I say, I don’t mind changing the leader of Axe Mountain, I can kill Axe Mountain, I can kill him… “Zhang Xiaoqiang was finally angry, and the anger that raged in his heart was transformed into killing intent in his body and spread to the surroundings. Some Evolution who were not good for Zhang Xiaoqiang touched him in silence, waiting for an outbreak at any time, like this Under the actual killing intent wash, these Japanese people all felt that their bodies were frozen by the invisible cold, and they could not even touch their fingers. They all showed horrified eyes to Zhang Xiaoqiang. ,

“Ono, your lord has no patience. Axe Mountain is not yours to kill. The adult can kill him and you…” The original Zhang Xiaoqiang kindly helped the village Ono and gave the credit of killing Axe Mountain to Ono as His high-end capital, did not expect Ono to bite him back. Since everyone would tear his face, he did not believe that Ono’s foundation was unstable and he could mobilize all Evolution to siege himself.

Miyamoto’s is spoken in Japanese, and the following survivors and Evolution people immediately heard clearly. For a time everyone was clamoring, the twilight of the sky was gradually dissipating, and the morning light was gradually swaying on the black sky, while standing The Zhang Xiaoqiang, which appeared vague on the back of the firelight, was finally seen by everyone. When they saw Zhang Xiaoqiang for the first time, they took a breath at the same time. It wasn’t Zhang Xiaoqiang’s burly and frightening figure, but a giant cut on the back. The saber dreads every survivor. Such weapons have never existed in Japanese legends or myths. When they can see them with their own eyes, they will naturally produce a concept of Zhang Xiaoqiang which is also a legend. What I said also began to believe that the axe mountain wearing armor and holding a machine gun is far more powerful than before, so that the powerful Evolution cannot be killed by Ono.

“We want the truth…, Axe Mountain is so dead…” The bomb detonated by Miyamoto caused a huge uproar in the crowd below, people began to call, and the noisy sounds swept the smoky gathering place again. At a time, Ono sweated like rain, but it was Miyamoto’s turn to be proud, but Zhang Xiaoqiang did not feel the slightest refreshment, because he saw that the gathering place that had just returned to order began to become unstable again.

“The truth is that Axe Mountain is dead… The Russians and the living dead who have surrounded us haven’t left yet. You need a leader. I Ono is not greedy for power. At this time, anyone wants to be a leader. I will give way, now please think about what you want in this crisis…”

Ono spoke, he did not turn the subject to Axe Mountain, but used the hostile forces of the outside world to remind the crowd below. It is not a matter of investigating the cause of Axe’s death. It is a problem that everyone needs to restore order. Ono’s trick is quite clever. , Suddenly leaving Miyamoto speechless, but also leaving those noisy survivors speechless, but Zhang Xiaoqiang at this time gave up his plans to continue to investigate, Ono is also a wise man, but he showed some Some things contradict each other, he is not far away from him, is he really not afraid of death?

“Ono, I don’t have to say who I am or who I am, I ask you not to agree…” Zhang Xiaoqiang took out the sword and put it in his hand during the speech, staring at Ono’s eyes filled with naked killing intent, once Ono didn’t agree, he didn’t want to care so much. When this slashing sword fluttered lightly in the hands of Zhang Xiaoqiang, most of the Evolutions closed their mouths, but Ono at this time concealed a glance at Zhang Xiaoqiang, Said aloud: “I admit that Axan was killed by the Chinese. Now the Chinese have made his request. Do you want to agree…”

“Adult, I am afraid something is wrong, Ono wants to provoke alienation…” Miyamoto has always been concerned about the form of the scene, and he was worried when Ono put the initiative to the crowd below. Since ancient times, the public has been hard to commit. Ono burned everyone’s flames to Zhang Xiaoqiang. I’m afraid the first person to die was his dog legs. Zhang Xiaoqiang looked at Ono for a long time without saying a word. He didn’t think of killing him, and rushed to the camp last night. Ono followed himself into the camp~IndoMTL. com~ He is still very committed to this relationship, not wanting to kill doesn’t mean he won’t kill. No one has ever dared to treat himself like this. Zhang Xiaoqiang has been extinct for a long time since Zhoushan Island. killing intent has risen again…

“Americans and Russians are not just these people in front of them, they also have their own military and aircraft behind them. We are just a small gathering place in our hearts. I personally think that they must be treated with caution. China People are willing to take responsibility, why don’t we promise him? After the people hand over to him, it has nothing to do with us, do you say is it…”

No one is stronger than Axe Mountain. The slashing sword in Zhang Xiaoqiang‘s hands is quite deterrent to them. Ono’s proposal was not echoed. In silence, the initiative returned to Ono’s hand again. When Ono’s topic changed, he said Out of Miyamoto’s unbelievable way, let Zhang Xiaoqiang suddenly understand the true meaning of those words that Ono said before. It is not how powerful Ono can stand on this platform. He may be rushed by the following Evolution at any time. , Zhang Xiaoqiang will not stay here to help him suppress the opponents. After Zhang Xiaoqiang leaves, everything has to depend on him, so the cornerstone of his rule is not Zhang Xiaoqiang, but the Evolution below. Busan gathering place has experienced the axe totem, no Power and dictatorship are needed again, and he wants to achieve the goal of Zhang Xiaoqiang in the form of order. Even if it can be suppressed now, there will be bad results in the future. After all, there is no second Zhang Xiaoqiang to help him, so he must learn to guide public opinion and use Most people’s opinions achieve their goals, which is why he wants to break with Zhang Xiaoqiang. It is not that he wants to rebel. Zhang Xiaoqiang can kill Axe Mountain and kill him. To reach the goal of Zhang Xiaoqiang, he must be with Zhang Xiaoqiang. In the eyes of others, he is not a puppet of the Chinese. In all kinds of entanglements, he made a previous farce.

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