Apex War God Chapter 1037: , in awe!

Just as Moldo was about to turn and leave the training ground, a hearty voice came over.

“Moldo, I heard you training students from afar. Your voice is so loud!”

I saw a middle-aged man over 1.9 meters tall, wearing a smoky gray fur coat, revealing a sturdy chest, and striding into the training ground with a pipe in his mouth.

Seeing this middle-aged man walk into the training ground, all the trainees bowed respectfully.

“Meet Your Highness Wolf King!!”

This middle-aged man is the patriarch of the werewolf clan, the current king of the dark world, the wolf king of the last days.

“Don’t be too polite.”

Apocalypse Wolf King raised his hand with a smile.

Before his voice fell, Moldo’s figure flashed, and he swept directly towards the wolf king of the last days, like a gust of wind swept out, with a war intent!

The speed is so fast that everyone in the room can’t see clearly!

All the students were shocked and didn’t understand what was going on. Why did the two move their hands as soon as they met?

However, many students looked surprised and watched the excitement!

The battle between the old king and the contemporary king is very rare!

At the moment of approaching the apocalyptic wolf king, Moldo twisted a punch, mobilizing a light blue storm energy, and blasted towards the apocalyptic wolf king!


One punch, the air oscillates, and the power, speed and angle are all perfect!


Many people let out an exclamation.

They know very well how terrifying Moldo’s punch is. Even a steel plate several centimeters thick will be shattered directly under this punch!

Apocalypse Wolf King seems to take it all seriously. Seeing Moldo punching him, he grinned, holding a pipe in his left hand, shaking his whole body, mobilizing a black-red energy, clenching his right fist, and directly greeted him. up!

Boom! !

The two fists collided hard, like two meteorites colliding!

One after another black, red and light blue energy surged out, and the energy that spread out was like a typhoon passing through, and it shocked many students around!

The coats on the two of them fluttered, and the thick steel plates under their feet cracked open in an instant!

Although the two just collided with a punch, the subsequent forces collided one after another like missiles!

Boom, boom, boom! !

Every time there is a collision, a powerful air wave will spread out!

The subsequent force of the two punches collided seven times before it subsided!

When the two of them retracted their fists, the steel plate under their feet was completely smashed into slag!

Seeing this scene, all the students present swallowed their throats, feeling that their souls were trembling!

Too scary, these two are two monsters!

Mordo tightened his coat and said with a smile: “Wolf King, I haven’t seen you for a while, your strength is good!”

Apocalypse Wolf King picked up his pipe, “Bada” took a breath, and said: “Moldo, the cruelty of the dark world, I think you know better than me.

The strong survive, the weak out. If I want to keep my position, I have to keep improving myself. “

“That’s right, you are really becoming more and more king, not bad!”

Mordo nodded with a smile, and then asked: “Wolf King, you came to me in the middle of the night, what’s the matter?”

“Let’s have a drink together and talk, how about that?” the apocalyptic wolf king suggested.

“No problem.”

Moldo nodded, and then left the training ground in a car with the last wolf king.

After the car left, all the students rushed to the position where the two were fighting just now to take a look.

I saw that apart from the shattering of the steel plate under the two of them, with the shattered place as the center, one after another cracks spread like spider webs in all directions.

The area covered by the crack is more than 100 meters…

All the students stared blankly at the direction the car was leaving in awe…

Around one o’clock in the morning.

In a room in a building, the lights are on.

Apocalypse Wolf King and Moldo were sitting on the sofa, each holding a bottle of vodka, drinking and chatting.

Moldo took a sip of wine, then sighed and said, “Wolf King, you came to me this time, probably to ask me to help, a heretical organization headed by the King of Decay?”

“Sure enough, I can’t hide anything from you.”

Apocalypse Wolf King laughed and said: “Yes, I came to you this time, just to ask you to come out to help, defeat the heretical organization dominated by the rotten king, and restore the darkness of the world. >

You also know that if the dark world is really destroyed, then there is no point in starting this hunter school. “

“That’s true.”

Moldo nodded, and then frowned: “However, I’m curious, what is the purpose of the rotten king?”

“I’m not too sure about their real purpose.”

Apocalypse Wolf King shook his head and said, “However, the purpose they have shown is to subvert the dark world and to regain control of the world from the Purgatory King and the Demon Kings.”

“Oh, the ambition is not small.”

Mordo smiled coldly, and then said: “It’s been quiet for so long, it’s time to do some activity, otherwise some people really think that I don’t exist anymore…”


Apocalypse Wolf King grinned, “Moldo, did you agree?”

“Can I not agree? If I don’t agree, my hunter school can’t go on!”

Moldo shrugged, and then said: “By the way, I heard that you, Ghostbat and Titan have jointly elected a new king?”

“That’s right.”

Apocalypse Wolf King nodded.

“What kind of person is that guy who can be admired by the three of you?” Moldo asked with interest.

Apocalypse Wolf King took a sip of wine and said with a smile: “That’s a very interesting guy, he’s only in his twenties, but he can already compete with Titan…”


Moldo’s eyes lit up, “If I have a chance, I want to play against this kid.

If he’s not as good as you say, then I don’t approve of him as king. “

Apocalypse Wolf King squinted his eyes and said, “Moldo, don’t underestimate that guy, he will definitely open your eyes…”

“I’m looking forward to meeting that kid…”

Mordo chuckled and then asked, “By the way, besides inviting me out of the mountain, did you invite a few other old guys?”

“Of course.”

Apocalypse Wolf King smiled and said, “I’m afraid Ghostbats and Titans should meet with the Wilderness Lord and the Doom Mage now.

Whether they’re willing to help out, that’s not clear. “

Mordo lit a cigarette and said, “I know those two guys. Although they abdicated, their hearts have never left the dark world, so they will definitely help.”

Apocalypse Wolf King nodded and said, “However, if we can ask Lord Rex and Lord Arno to help us, then our odds of winning will be even better.”

Moldo exhaled and said, “Let’s make an appointment and invite them together. Presumably those two won’t really sit idly by the current crisis.”

“I hope so.”

Apocalypse Wolf King sighed and nodded.

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