Ancient True Dragon Art Chapter 458: Hunting again

“Sister, where do you say he will go?”

Chi Tianjiao is bored, and she knows her elder sister when she comes to Tianhuang County. There is nothing else to do. In her spare time, she thinks about where Teng Hai goes. It has become a habit after a few days.

“I said girl, don’t you ask me this question dozens of times someday, I had the answer that time, so crazy!” Chi Tianjin laughed relentlessly, making Chi Tianjiao make a lot of money. Red face.

Chi Tianjin said again, “Didn’t I know with Scar, he will tell us as soon as he has news from Teng Hai, but he is just wondering why Scar’s transmission token can’t contact Teng. Where is the sea?” Chi Tianjin frowned and thought, hard to understand.

“Then shall we wait here?” Chi Tianjiao was unwilling.

“Otherwise, where are you looking for Yutian Continent so big?” Chi Tianjin sat opposite Chi Tianjiao, raised his eyelid and glanced at him with a smile in his eyes.

Seeing Chi Tianjiao not speaking, Chi Tianjin’s eyes rolled around, and he said, “You said that Teng Hai is also so good. My sister is so good. He is still not satisfied. He also said that he has his own genus. Anyhow!”

“Sister~” Chi Tian is shy and she doesn’t know what to say.

“Okay, okay, let’s not say it!” Chi Tianjin chuckled, “Don’t worry, then Teng Hai’s strength will only be stronger than your sister and me. How can an imperial emperor encounter danger so easily !”


Infinite City.

In an inn.

Two ordinary-dressed youths talk in a low voice.

“Our errand is really hard, I don’t know when we are the boss!” One of them complained. When talking, it was a young man with eyebrows, a little more masculine, a touch of femininity, and more She was dressed in light green, like a woman, but she felt a bit disgusting.

“Yes, originally we thought we could live a good life after rushing to the black-robed adult!” The other looks just the opposite of the man in green, with hair like steel needles and strong muscles. , Like a savage.

“Those people don’t know how they found us. Let’s find someone suspicious.” The man in green complained.

“Shhh, you can keep your voice down, you don’t know how terrible those people are!” The big man shrank his neck and stared at him, “They asked us to check who the Lord Black Robe had contact with before, but it’s the adult I never tell us whereabouts, but we can directly tell those people that the adults have contacted the black dragon!”

The big man seems to be that kind of brainless person, but his eyes are full of cunning flashes, more than that of the man in green.

“You mean the black dragon? Isn’t he dead?”

“Yeah, did you forget what the adults said before? The adults said that they would start with the mercenary group, and then the three major mercenary groups of Fire Dragon, Purple Bear, and Thunder will deal with Spikes. I guess Master Black Robe I must have found one of the three major mercenary groups, and then…”

The big man stopped when he said that, but the man in green frowned, “Even if the black robe master had been in contact with the mercenary group before his life, the black dragon died. The clues of our investigation are different. Already?”

“You are stupid, just say that you have been in contact with the Fire Dragon Mercenary Group before your life. We don’t care about the rest. The Black Dragon is dead, but there are still people in the Fire Dragon Mercenary Group!” The big man looked idiotically. The man in green.

The green-clothed man’s eyes lit up, and finally he wanted to understand, “That way, those people’s eyes will be shifted to the people of the Fire Dragon Mercenary Group, and the Fire Dragon Mercenary Group has left Tianhuang County, as if It’s like absconding!”

“What does it mean, it means absconding!” The big man looked serious.

The man in green was taken aback, and then he reacted, “Yes, just absconding! Haha!”

“Come on, drink!”



“Brother Long, our hunting team is going out today!” Shen Bao found Teng Hai who was teaching the children how to shoot marks in the village, and said. This is what Teng Hai said. Before letting him lead the hunting team, he must tell him.

Teng Hai nodded, “Old Shen, wait a minute, I will go with you!”

“Go together?” Shen Bao’s eyes widened.


“Okay! Okay!” Shen Bao rubbed his hands, feeling a little embarrassed. Before, he was a little worried about the hunting team’s trip, but now he doesn’t feel that way at all. If a beast master follows the problem again, he should disband the hunting team directly.

Teng Hai turned his head and clapped his hands at the children who had practiced well. “Okay, after the training is over, you can go home.”

The children broke up with cheers, Shishi habitually stayed at the end to say goodbye to Teng Hai, “Goodbye Master Long!”

“Goodbye, Stone, I will visit your house tonight to see your Abba’s injury!”

“Okay, let me tell my mother and Abba, thank you Master Long!”

“Let’s go!”


Teng Hai followed Shen Bao and assembled the hunting team. With Teng Hai following the hunting team, it was very emotional.

“I won’t deal with ordinary people. If you have problems, you can solve them yourself; but if the tiger demon is a disaster, you don’t have to worry!” Teng Hai assured.

“Okay, thank you, Brother Long!”

The original name of “Little Dragon” became “Brother Dragon” in an instant. This kind of friendship between men has become much closer in an instant.

Teng Hai smiled and nodded in response.

Songpoling is three to four hours away from Fengzhaizhuang, and it takes half a day to drive. If the hunting team goes out, they will usually take two days outside, or even three days before returning; like the same day they returned last time, That was because of an accident.

The hunting team prepared a horse, and Teng Hai happened to be riding Shi Feng’s horse.

Drive! drive! drive!

The shouting was mixed with the sound of horse hooves, and the hunting team embarked on a hunting journey again.

At midday, Songpaling was already in sight.

On the other side of Songpa Ridge, a few small tents are playing in a hidden place.

“Captain, Captain! The hunting team of Fengzhaizhuang is here again!” Someone reported, and a voice was heard from the tent walking out.

“The hunting team in Fengzhaizhuang? Where is it going?”

“You can get to Songpo Ridge in a quarter of an hour at most!”

Tuya, the hunting captain of Tujiazhuang, nodded ~ Turning to face the blue-clothed youth standing not far away, “Master Lan, act! This time we will lead the tiger demon again, and then you go Songpaling, go get what you want!”

“Okay, try to delay a little longer!” Master Lan nodded and smiled.

“Let’s move up Songpaling too!” Tuya yelled, “Tuzen, you are on the Okinawa boat, remember that you must wait for everyone to board the Okinawa boat before cutting the rope!”

“I see, Captain!” Tushan agreed with a grin.

The hunting team in Tujiazhuang moved quickly, performing their duties in an orderly manner. The blue-clothed youth who was called the ‘Lord Lan’ also disappeared in place, not knowing where he went.

Law! law!

Fengzhaizhuang’s hunting team finally arrived at the foot of Songpo Ridge. It dismounted and tied its horse in the forest. It was also ready to go to Songpo Ridge with its bow and crossbow equipment.

(End of this chapter)

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