Ancestor, Watch Over Me Chapter 4: The most important thing between people is to treat each other with sincerity

   “For so many years, everyone thinks they know me well, but I want to tell you that you don’t know me at all!”

  ”Today, I want to be honest with you, and talk frankly about a big secret hidden in me. I have hidden this secret for more than 20 years!”

   Outside the ancestral hall, Liu Chao spoke passionately, and the stars spit in his mouth.

  The Liu clan members pricked up their ears curiously.

Beside   , the elder Liu Dahai looked at Liu Chao, his eyes were full of doting, and he smiled kindly: “Baby disciple, since it’s a secret, don’t say it!”


   Liu Chao waved his hand, his face serious, “I want to say! Don’t stop me!”

  When he saw Liu Dahai, he wanted to discourage him. Liu Chao stared at him, drew out the sword from his waist, and shouted: “If you stop me again, I’ll be anxious with you!”

   Liu Dahai was taken aback, what happened to my cute baby apprentice? !

   Patriarch Liu Tao and several other elders, as well as the Liu clan members under the steps, all looked weird. They secretly asked Liu Chao what happened to him. He said very few things in ordinary days.

   Inside the coffin of the ancestral hall, Liu Fan was stunned.

   “This sincere treatment curse is a bit evil!”

   Liu Chao at this moment is like a different person!

   Liu Fan continues to observe…

  On the steps outside the ancestral hall, Liu Chao cleared his throat, stretched out a finger, pointed at all the Liu clan members under the steps, and said proudly, “I am blunt, everyone here is Scum, rubbish!”

   Liu Chao said what he had kept in his heart for many years, and started the group mocking mode!

  The members of the Liu clan were taken aback, and immediately angry, how could Liu Chao swear casually.

   There was a commotion in the crowd.

   Liu Dahai was startled when he saw this, and hurriedly signaled Liu Chao not to talk nonsense.

   Unexpectedly, he also got shot bang bang!

   Liu Chao turned his head, his eyes fell on him, the corners of his mouth rose slightly, and he sarcastically said: “Old guy, what are you in a hurry? I tell you, you are actually a big idiot!”

   was talking, but his eyes were extremely sincere, staring directly at the sluggish Liu Dahai.

   Seeing that Liu Dahai did not respond, Liu Chao emphasized his tone and said solemnly: “I’m telling the truth. In my heart, you are really a big idiot!”

   “The most important thing between people is to treat each other with sincerity, so I didn’t lie to you! I told you the truth!”


   Patriarch Liu Tao shouted angrily, “How can you talk nonsense in front of the ancestor’s gods!”

   Liu Chao stared, “What ancestor?! Actually, I am not Liu Chao, I am Lu Wushuang, the descendant of the Lu family!”

   “Twenty years ago, the head of the Lu family killed a couple of the Liu clan who had dystocia and replaced their child with me. Liu Dahai thought I was the child and took me away and raised me!”

   “So, I am from the Lu family, my surname is Lu, and my name is Lu Wushuang!”

   “The head of the Lu family promised me that as long as I learn the Liu family’s physical exercises, and then win the position of the Liu family’s head, I will join hands with me and completely replace the Liu family!”

   Liu Chao finished speaking, but all the members of the Liu clan looked dull and did not react for a while.

  ”Sincerely treats each other curse, so strong?! Then Liu Chao really treats each other sincerely, without any concealment.”

   Liu Fan was shocked!

  The power of the spell of the ancestor’s wrath is as powerful as he expected. Looking at Liu Chao’s appearance, he has completely released himself!

   Outside the ancestral hall, the head of the patriarch, Liu Tao, looked in disbelief.

   This secret is amazing!

   Several elders opened their mouths in surprise, while the elder Liu Dahai trembled, his face was pale, his fingers Liu Chao, and his lips trembled. You, you, you talked for a long time, but you were so angry that you couldn’t say a complete sentence. .

   “I’m curious, this is so secretive, why do you want to tell it in public?”

   Liu Tao’s complexion returned to calm, his eyes were murderous, but he still asked curiously.

   Other tribesmen also watched over.

   is such a top secret, how can Liu Chao tell everyone in a grand manner? !

   Is there fraud? !

   Liu Chao and Liu Tao looked at each other, and then glanced at all the members of the Liu clan, his eyes were extremely sincere, and said: “I said that the most important thing between people is to treat each other with sincerity. If you have any secrets, you should speak up. Speak out, don’t you?!”

   “Is that so?!”

   Liu Tao blinked his eyes, a little confused, turned his head to look at the elders, all with a dazed expression.

   Listening to Liu Chao’s words, they feel that their outlook on life and values ​​have been subverted at this moment!

   “Citizens, go to death!”

   At this time, the elder Liu Dahai couldn’t stand it anymore, he let out a sharp roar, and slammed Liu Chao’s chest with a palm.

   The former Liu Chao was his pride, but at this moment Liu Chao was his shame, which made him lose face in front of his people.

   Liu Chao spouted a mouthful of blood and fell to the ground, looking at Liu Dahai full of murderous eyes, very weak, but still very serious and said: “Remember, the most important thing between people is to treat each other with sincerity. …”

   After talking, I’m so angry and die!

  The Liu clan members were silent. Looking at Liu Chao’s body, they couldn’t say a word for a while, and many of them were full of question marks.

   “Liu Chao today is too weird!”

   “It feels…it seems…as if you have changed yourself!”

  ”When he died, he told us to treat each other sincerely… how weird he is!”

   In front of the ancestral hall, in the courtyard, people of the tribe whispered.

   The wind blew, and the yellow leaves fell on the big willow tree in the yard.

The    people looked up at the sky, and then looked down at Liu Chao’s body. Finally, all their eyes fell on the coffin in the ancestral hall.

  ”Could it be that the ancestors have appeared!?”

  In the somebody suddenly yelled.

  In a short time, everyone was in a commotion, and then all the ancestors appeared.

   Then, he knelt down and bowed to the coffin in the ancestral hall.

   at the entrance of the ancestral hall, the patriarch Liu Tao, and several other elders, all suddenly turned back, looked at each other, and said in the same way: “Maybe, it is really the ancestor who has manifested!”

   The Fifth Elder and the Sixth Elder exclaimed in excitement: “What do you mean maybe? The ancestors have appeared!”

   After saying that, they hurriedly bowed, and Liu Tao and the others hurriedly bowed to their bodies.

   in the coffin of the ancestral hall.

   Liu Fan was excited.

  Because of this moment, green filial piety values ​​continue to fly out from the heads of the tribesmen, and the values ​​are very large and very high.

  ”The tribe member Liu Daquan worshiped you, and his filial piety value +50…”

  ”The tribe member Liu Erquan worshiped you, and his filial piety value +45…”

  ”The patriarch Liu Tao worshipped you, and his filial piety value +100…”

  ”The five elders Liu Wuhai worshiped you, and the filial piety value +200…”

   Liu Fan watched the “swish swish” increase on the system panel, and he was in a good mood.

   However, when he saw the filial piety value on the head of the great elder Liu Dahai, Liu Fan suddenly became unhappy.

   Because of Liu Dahai’s head, the filial piety value is exactly the same as before, still the number “10”.

   In addition, the two elder Liu Erhai and the third elder Liu Sanhai have the same filial piety value, one is “12” and the other is “13”.

   “These three old guys…”

   Liu Fan has a toothache!

   want to clean up people!

   As for those snot babies, there is still no filial piety on their heads.

  In their eyes, only the braised pork head on the altar table…

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