Ancestor, Watch Over Me Chapter 226: Phantom World

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The month is as light as yarn.

Night, sinking like water.

On the ninth floor of the Ancestral Tower, in the ancestral hall, in the coffin, Liu Fan opened his eyes.

Old Cucumber’s performance surprised him.

I thought it was an old hooligan, but didn’t want to, it was him who was dirty!

Old Cucumber is actually a kind melon with love and compassion, and it is also a melon full of positive energy like Huoxiang Zhengqi Water!

However, it scolded its descendants as bipeds. Doesn’t it mean that his ancestor is also a biped? !

So, Liu Fan wanted to talk to Old Cucumber and teach him how to make cucumbers.

At the same time, he was also curious about its origin, and always felt that this cucumber was not simple.

“Phantom World!”

Liu Fan used an illusion technique in the memory of the old man of Skyfire to construct an illusion of heaven and earth with his soul power, inspiring the deepest secret in his heart.

In the house of Saint Cangwu, the old cucumber is cultivating.

Suddenly, it felt something wrong, it seemed to hear its mother’s voice…

“Three inches, three inches, where are you? Mom misses you so much…”

Old Cucumber was shocked. He woke up from the practice, opened his eyes and stayed for a while.

This is a large plain, spanning hundreds of thousands of miles in an area, at a glance, it’s boundless.

I saw here, white mist lingering, spiritual energy ups and downs, the sky was multicolored, there were phoenixes flying, golden dragons hovering, and countless spiritual butterflies fluttering like ribbons.

The ground is a large plain of hundreds of thousands of miles, full of various melons…There are watermelons, pumpkins, northern melons, winter melons, loofah, cantaloupe, cantaloupes…

This is the world of melons!

The melon is the only creature!

In the middle of the Great Plains, the most fertile land, is a cucumber vine with a huge cucumber on it.

It is thousands of feet long and hundreds of feet wide, which is more exaggerated than a train, like a dragon on the ground.

It is the hegemon of the melon, the king of the fruit!

Many melons respect it as the king of melons!

The king of melon has grown up for an unknown number of years. The melon vine is like a giant tree with vicissitudes of life. Each leaf is as big as a millstone, and the crystal glow is flowing above it, filled with chaos.

Its melon body is like the most precious colored glaze and yellow essence cast, glowing with golden color, on the melon thorns, turquoise liquid is constantly seeping out, dripping to the earth, like a sea river, slowly flowing through the plain, moisturizing Hundreds of millions of melons and fruits.

On the melon vine below it, there are seven small flowers.

Years have changed, time has passed.

In a flash, countless years passed.

The color of the melon king became deep and dull, black spots have appeared in parts of the melon body, and the leaves were no longer as tender as they used to be, and they began to turn yellow.

It’s getting old!

Under it, seven small flowers finally bear fruit, and seven small cucumbers.

The six above are very large, very fresh and tender, and begin to exude chaotic air, and the melons are golden in color, like their mother, the king of melons.

Only the bottom cucumber is three inches long.

It seems to be malnourished, half of the child is still yellowing, as if sick.

The king of melon drips his divine liquid every day to nourish it and let it grow up day by day. The six brothers and sisters also take good care of it and often help it catch bugs.

But it is inherently inadequate, and it is still the weakest among the seven siblings.

My brothers and sisters have grown to a length of several tens of feet, only it, as if it were an odd number, only three inches!

The king of melon named it “San Cun”.

When one day.

The melon plain shook suddenly.

Next, the enchantment of the void was opened from the inside, and countless black mist rolled in from the outside, filled with an evil atmosphere, and countless locusts rushed into this area.

In an instant, countless melons and fruits were robbed.

The king of melon was furious and roared that shook the sky. She, who was already vicissitudes and aging, was forced to sublimate.

The melon body suddenly released a golden light, and the melon thorns aroused dense sword energy, which stretched hundreds of thousands of miles across the area.

The murderous spirit is shocking!

This is an unimaginable fierce fight. Although she is a melon, she is comparable to any peerless power. The golden melon body lays across the void, and the void is compressed, and the atmosphere of chaos is permeated.

The billowing black mist hits, but none of them can get close to her.

She seemed as if there were no ways to invade, the golden light emptied the black mist of the void, and the sword Qi killed countless locusts, and fell like rain.

But the enemy is very fierce, and there are stronger poisonous insects.

One of the centipedes is thousands of feet long, and the densely packed limbs exudes a god-like luster, and the whole body is filled with an evil atmosphere.

This is a centipede king.

It focused on King Melon, King Melon broke away from the vine, escaped into nothingness, and fought with King Centipede.

Their battle is extremely fierce, and the aftermath penetrates the space barrier, sending out a breath of terror.

On the plains, the seven children of King Gua are also fighting. After countless years of gestation and growth, they have also grown up, young and strong, and it is the time when blood is surging.

Gherkin fought with his brother and sister.

They are vertically and horizontally void, like seven sharp swords, killing countless poisonous insects, clearing large areas of black fog and protecting countless fruits.

Seeing victory is imminent.

But suddenly, the void burst.

The king of melon came back from a serious injury, and the thousand-foot-long melon body was cut off in half, and the centipede king appeared on the opposite side of her. It was even more miserable, with only one head left.

Guard King condenses his sword energy and plans to kill the Centipede King with the final blow.

At this time, behind the King Gua was suddenly attacked.

A black bitter gourd attacked her.

It is a bitter gourd several hundred feet long, but the whole body is as black as ink, exuding evil aura, the body is like a spear, filled with endless sharpness, it is obviously a bitter gourd, but it looks like a sharp sword. .

It pierced the body of King Guar at once.

The golden light on King Melon’s body began to dissipate, and the injured part began to turn black and become contaminated.


The king of melon roars.

“God Spirit Fruit Realm belongs to us… From now on, this is the Dark Fruit Realm…”

The centipede king laughed, and the black bitter gourd was also laughing.

The seven children of King Melon were killed in anger, trying to save their mother.

“Go fast, keep the seeds…”

The king of melon cried and roared.

The centipede king moved away from the sky to chase and kill seven children.

The melon body instantly shined, and the chaos gas turned into a sharp sword, cutting off the black bitter gourd that pierced his body, to stop the centipede king.

The black bitter gourd let out a painful roar, chasing up from behind, blocking the king of melon.

A scream of screams came from the void in the distance.

A child was robbed and died unexpectedly. The Centipede King laughed loudly, and the laughter shook the empty black clouds.

Among the seven children, the youngest cucumber was running for his life. Behind him, his six elder brothers and sisters were blocking the Centipede King, but they were killed one by one by the Centipede King and fell to the ground.

“Big Brother——! Second Sister——!”

The Cucumber was roaring, in distress, and wanted to turn around to rescue, but was taken by the remaining third brother and sixth sister to escape.

The other brothers and sisters have all died in battle.

“You can’t escape, Cucumbers…” The Centipede King came again.

The third brother touched Cucumber’s forehead with the melon head, and smiled: “Seventh brother, we must live and keep the seeds…”

After speaking, it returned to the battlefield and faced the centipede king…

“Three brothers——!”

The cucumber burst into tears, his voice hoarse, and the melon body trembled in pain.

“Quickly go!” Its six sisters took it and fled away. Behind them, countless poisonous insects and black mist rushed over, covering the sky and the sun, as if the end of the world.


Sister Liu opened a triangular starry sky channel and threw the cucumber into it.

“Hurry up, seventh brother! Live, keep the seeds–!”

After she finished speaking, she rushed towards the poisonous insects and black fog behind her, and the six sisters glowed with golden light all over her body, turning into a sharp sword, horizontally and emptyly, beheading all directions.

But in the distance, there was the long whistling sound of the Centipede King, and the suffocation was rolling.

She smiled decisively, closed the starry sky channel, shattered the altar that opened the starry sky channel, and killed the Centipede King.

“Sixth Sister——!”

Gherkin yelled, his voice was I wanted to rush back, but the starry sky channel began to disintegrate and explode.

The space turbulence hit, Cucumber was involved in nothingness, was seriously injured, and fell into a coma.

It floats.

Being protected by the chaos, I don’t know how many years it has floated.

One day, it suddenly woke up, but it was at a loss. There seemed to be some vague memories in his mind, but he couldn’t remember it.

It seems to have amnesia.

I forgot everything.

I vaguely remember that I have to live and have a very important mission waiting for it to be completed.

It has crazy memories. It wants to retrieve his own memory, but can’t remember anything, but I don’t know why, it hurts so much that I can’t stop tears streaming down my face.

Time is passing.

Year after year passed, and in the blink of an eye, more than two thousand years passed by in a flash.

It drifts in nothingness, and most of the time falls into a deep sleep to heal its wounds.

But one day.

It was suddenly awakened by a violent wave.

Vaguely, it felt that there were terrifying creatures fighting in the starry sky outside of nothingness, and a terrible aftermath broke out, causing nothingness to set off a storm.

It panicked, and hurried to avoid it.


The starry sky was suddenly shattered, and a black-haired giant claw came in. It was huge, but it was full of damage and blood. The hair on the giant claw was as terrible as a python, and it was constantly swimming.

The cucumber trembled with fright.

It had never seen such a terrifying creature, so it cautiously avoided it.

But suddenly, a piece of hair saw it and suddenly wrapped around it, opening its mouth wide to swallow it.

The Cucumber screamed in fright, thinking that she was going to die here.

But at this moment, I suddenly heard a thunderous and majestic voice from the starry sky beyond the void…

“Bulldozer secret technique, kill–!”

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