Ancestor, Watch Over Me Chapter 122: Power of Thunder

The little guy who came out of his shell, the size of a palm.

The head is golden, the body is silver, the whole body is covered with fine scales, exuding a silver-white light, and there is an antenna on the top of the head, and the arc is crackling.

It is full of spirituality. Its big eyes are as bright as black gems, which are in sharp contrast with the silver-white body. It flashes every time it blinks, full of aura.

At this moment, it drilled out of the eggshell, swallowed the eggshell clean with a few swallows, then curled up on the ground, very humane, with a pair of smart big eyes, looking at Liu Fan pitifully .

A small silver paw was placed next to his mouth, as if sucking, like a hungry child.

Liu Fan sighed, fortunately that he is a boy, and fortunately that he can’t move, otherwise he might have been tempted to hold it in his arms.

This spiritual little guy is so cute.

“Yeah yah, papa… papa…” the little guy made a voice, not as rough as the Tyrannosaurus rex at all, but very delicate and immature.

It staggered, staggered, fell several times, and finally came to Liu Fan’s side, rubbing Liu Fan’s hand with its round head, like a baby who started to learn, babbling constantly, non-stop Called Baba, looking at Liu Fan pitifully.

This little guy is so mysterious and so spiritual that he can even act like a baby!

Liu Fan was accustomed to seeing the sinister rivers and lakes, and his heart was already cold-blooded, but at this moment he was touched. He decided to take this little guy with him and temporarily adopted him.

A drop of golden blood came out from his fingertips, exuding a golden divine halo.

The big jewel-like eyes of the little guy lit up, and he rushed over. The two small front paws held Liu Fan’s fingers and sucked gently, as if they were breast-feeding, he narrowed his eyes comfortably and kept sending out The contented babble, the little tail wagging from side to side, is very cute.

It ate the drop of blood on Liu Fan’s finger, and the golden halo circulated on his body. A terrifying and ancient sacred power precipitated in its body, which was Liu Fan’s divine body power.

Maybe it was full, it became energetic, jumped on Liu Fan’s belly, and looked around curiously.

Suddenly, it stayed for a while.

It saw two thunder dragons crawling beside Liu Fan, even if they were lying down, they were as big as a house.

The little guy raised his neck high and looked up, and found that the two big guys looked a lot like it, and they felt like they were connected by blood.

It lowered its head again, tilted its head and looked at Liu Fan who was stepped on by it, and it also had a very kind feeling.

Suddenly, a sense of confusion appeared in its big, jewel-like eyes.

“Who the **** is Baba?”

“Are these two big guys or this guy lying on the ground?”

The little guy was confused, and covered his mouth with one paw, looking astonished. It’s just too small, this one looks cute and cute.

It looked up at the two Thunder Dragons, then tilted its head to look at Liu Fan, obviously a little messy and confused.

As soon as I was born, I was faced with the problem of choosing who is my natural papa.

So poor!

Loving it!

The two thunder dragons let out a low roar, seeming to be calling their children.

However, the little guy obviously has a choice disorder. He stood on Liu Fan’s belly in a daze, looked at the two Thunder Dragons for a while, and Liu Fan for a while, but still did not make a decision.

The eyes of the two Thunder Dragons were full of grievances, and they wanted to take the little guy over, but due to the terrifying aura on Liu Fan, they dared not move the slightest.

At this time, two more clear sounds sounded.

The two strong eggs cracked.

Two little guys got out,

After they ate the eggshells, they flicked their tails and swayed to the two brontosauruses, rubbing their heads against the two brontosauruses, very affectionate.

I didn’t even look at Liu Fan.

In the eyes of the two Thunder Dragons, joy suddenly appeared.

Liu Fan looked resentful, really two unscrupulous guys.

At this moment, he felt a tickling in his belly, only to realize that the little guy got into his clothes at some point, rubbed his head and played in it, his mouth kept babbling.

It finally chose Liu Fan, the “Baba”!

“You still have a conscience!” Liu Fan finally got a little comfort, “Let’s name you “Dajin”!”

Liu Fan’s thoughts reached the little guy’s mind.

The other two unscrupulous little guys, Liu Fan named them “Second Silver” and “Three Silver”.

The little guy blinked as if he didn’t understand, and then rolled over Liu Fan’s belly happily. He was very happy. The tentacles on the top of his head didn’t send out a thunder and lightning to Liu Fan.

Its electric arc is small, but it is golden, and it is several thousand volts. Liu Fan’s body is tyrannical and unconscious, but if it is someone else, it will instantly become coke.

The power of such thunder and lightning made Liu Fan’s heart moved.

“If I can cultivate such lightning power, can I increase my strength again?!”

Liu Fan moved his heart, sinking his heart, perceiving the movement of thunder and lightning in the little guy’s body, and imitating and experimenting on his own body.

The little guy sensed Liu Fan’s thoughts, he couldn’t help but raised his head, looked at Liu Fan dumbly, and then lay on his belly to play.

After a while, Liu Fan withdrew his thoughts and felt the movement of thunder and lightning in the bodies of two adult thunder dragons.

The two thunder dragons were afraid of Liu Fan’s breath, and did not dare to resist the slightest bit, allowing Liu Fan to “observe” them.

Liu Fan was surprised to find that their lightning operation method is much simpler, far inferior to the esoteric mystery of the little guy.

But he has never been exposed to the thunder and lightning practice method, such a simple thunder and lightning operation method is exactly what he needs.

The martial arts practiced thousands of years ago, such as “Ben Lei Palm” and “Lightning Feet”, are all very scary by name, but they have nothing to do with thunder and lightning.

Time flies, and three days have passed in a blink of an eye.

The sky was overcast with clouds, and suddenly there was a violent wind, thunder was rolling, and electric light exploded in the sky like a cobweb.

The third layer of Tianzhou is no different from the real world, with all kinds of weather.

Liu Fan was awakened from his sentiment, and found that two Thunder Dragons had not known when they had risen, standing in the distance and roaring, the antennae on top of his head were constantly emitting arcs.



Among the dark clouds in the lightning pierced the sky and hit the tentacles of two Thunder Dragons. The electric arc raged on the Thunder Dragon’s body, making a painful low roar, but its momentum was rapidly increasing. .

Two small things, two silver and three silver, learning the appearance of a thunder dragon, Yang Tian shouted, calling for Thunder, but their voices became hoarse and there was no response.

At this time, the little guy lying on Liu Fan’s belly stood up and let out a long roar.

Its voice was immature, even milky, but the sky was thunderous, and the black clouds were tumbling, turning into a huge black cloud vortex, and a stout lightning bolt burst out of it.

This lightning is hundreds of times more terrifying than the thunder summoned by two adult thunder dragons, and the destructive aura caused the surrounding ancient trees to burn.

The little guy was obviously shocked, his head shrank, and he hid under Liu Fan.

The thunder rumblingly came and struck Liu Fan’s body.

“I knew that I would sell my father before I grew up. It’s really promising!” Liu Fan sighed, thunder and lightning had already overwhelmed him.

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