An Unyielding Wind Chapter 6: Warcraft Army, the fastest update of the latest chapters of Aofeng!

The sky of Broken Soul Island is still the same color throughout the year.

The elegant breeze is blowing on the earth, but there is a moist and gloomy rancid smell in the air. A string of black bubbles rises in the deep pool below your feet, and a yellow mist stained with death poison fills the low altitude, slightly weaker. Some creatures are afraid that they will die if they connect near here.

This place is one of the famous dangerous places on Broken Soul Island, the poison swamp.

Compared to the eastern troll forest, the level of monsters here may not be too high, but the danger is much greater. Thousands of gregarious poisons are lurking in the dark part of the swamp, and they may suddenly emerge at any time. Some monsters have the ability to hide and transform. An inconspicuous, dry old tree in the swamp may pass by you. Shi suddenly turned into a giant python and took a bite at you, so you must be very careful when you act here.

However, for a group of people who are as strong as Proud Wind, there is not much threat to the periphery of the swamp. There is Xiao Jiu in the team, an alien with the coercion of a king-level monster, and ordinary monsters dare not approach. Even the high lord would inevitably bow to his emperor’s might, which made Xiao Jiu very proud.

Flying over the poison swamp, Aofeng and the beasts are also laughing casually.

In these years, I have always been running around, patronizing to improve my strength, and the time to communicate with the beasts has been much less. In addition, the Eudemons that were born in the space have nothing to do with her, except for the battle. Intimacy, all the way to the world, Aofeng has strengthened a lot of relationships with them.

Warcraft also likes beautiful things. Seeing that Aofeng himself is such a beautiful beauty, his attitude immediately became diligent. Warcraft is more arrogant than humans, but it is also much more casual and intuitive, and will immediately show a very strong interest in people who like it.

At first, Xiao Jiu jokingly changed back to the cute little snake mimicry, sticking to her body and wagging his tail, successfully won the proud smile and caress, the other monsters suddenly became angry, not to be outdone, and showed their mimicry. , Became a miniature one, so there was a wonderful sight of a hundred different small animals clinging to a stunning beauty…

Aofeng rides the nightmare war horse horizontally, with several cute little animals on her shoulders. From time to time, there are little animals flying around her to “invite pets”, and she is leisurely.

She couldn’t help but sigh: “It’s been a long time since I was so comfortable.”

“Mom, it’s been three days since we entered the poison swamp. Why haven’t we seen any islands? Where is the poisonous island? You can’t go in the wrong direction, right?” Xiao Jiu probed in the collar of Aofeng Asked with a small head, twisting.

Little mouse Xiaobing stood in line with him, and squatted under the collar of Aofeng, wagging his tail and smiled: “Hehe, the master must be lost. This is not the first time I have encountered this kind of thing. I saw it in the desert of Bailimen, and I met Manzano at that time!”

Being ridiculed by her own Eudemons like this, Aofeng was speechless. She raised her eyes to look at the endless black swamp in front of her, scratching her head and said: “I won’t get lost. My soul’s power must be locked in the direction. It’s just…I don’t know where the Ten Thousand Poison Island is!”

Aofeng complained, then sighed depressed: “Who knows that this poison swamp is so big, and Ten Thousand Poison Island is probably only a small part in the middle. I haven’t been here before. God knows where it is! What a mistake, I knew I brought a person who had been here before to show me the way. Hey, when will I find out…”

The beasts were embarrassed for a while, isn’t this still equivalent to getting lost…

No wonder they flew at their speed for three days and haven’t reached the destination. It turned out to be spinning aimlessly.

“Mother, don’t worry, you will be fascinated if you get lost! Otherwise, where can you help me last time? Maybe there is a lost lamb in danger here, waiting for your mother’s rescue. “After becoming mimicry, Manzano’s words were still gentle and full of elegant princeliness, not at all like Xiao Jiu.

Manzano’s mimicry is a small bat, which is much more eye-catching than the hideous body form, so he also enjoys the treatment in the proud wind collar. However, he did not disturb Xiaobing and Xiaojiu’s little lovers’ meeting, instead he squatted on the other side with his collar, squinting his eyes and making comfortable hums from time to time.

“Go, except for the guy who doesn’t have long eyes and wants to fight with the master, I don’t believe that someone will come to this place where the bird doesn’t shit. And I said Qin Hao, why did your emperor coerce so much? It’s so powerful that I can’t breathe, and I won’t go in and grab the site with you.” The little blue mouse that Lyle has turned into is lying sadly on Aofeng’s shoulder, and after a while he looks into Aofeng’s collar. At a glance, it seemed that he wanted to get in too, but when he thought that there was a Xiao Jiu inside, he had to dispel the idea.

When Lyle looked at me like this, Xiao Jiu immediately showed the heroic spirit of a man. He stretched out half of his body and shook his head and glared at him fiercely: “What are you looking at? Lyle, take care of your eyes! Dare to hit my little boy again? Bing’s idea, I ask you to know why the flowers are so red!”

Hearing these words, proud wind is embarrassed.

Who learned this little guy from!

Xiao Jiu and Lyle have always been rivals, and they are also well-known in Fengyun Space. Lyle used to pursue Xiaobing fanatically because of the same rodent beast, and was later abused by Xiao Jiu after promotion. This time, it converged.

“Qin Hao, I don’t care about Lyle’s affairs, but I also agree with you to reduce your breath. Otherwise, there will be no monsters coming to you. In the past few days, an opponent who can be abused has disappeared, and it is suffocated.” The little nine-tailed sable on the shoulder on the other side of the wind flapped its tail lazily.

Except for the dozen or so monsters that Aofeng originally contracted, the others are very afraid of Xiao Jiu, even the name is “Qin Hao”, Xiao Jiu is also a generation of quasi-monarchs, this cute nickname is just for Ao The wind must be cool and strong enough for the outside world.

When it comes to this, Aofeng suddenly said “Huh?” The four commander-level monsters on their shoulders were startled at the same time, and they all looked in one direction.


“There is a fight!”

“It seems that a team is fighting with a group of Warcraft, Master, this time you met a group of lost lambs! Should we go and help them?”

Aofeng sweats profusely, it seems that this group of talents is the “lost” party.

“Help, of course you must help. It has been 17 days since I entered the island. On the tenth day, all the teams have been teleported. Since this team is nearby, it should be here to try. It is very good for this poison swamp. Familiarity is the only thing, maybe you know where the Ten Thousand Poison Island is. And, isn’t Lightning just panicking, isn’t this opportunity for a fight here?” Aofeng nodded and laughed, patted the nightmare warhorse riding, fast Hurry in that direction.

From a distance, they saw a dark little spot, and they were overjoyed. They really didn’t come wrong! After Aofeng and others entered the swamp, they saw the first small island!

Although this island is obviously not Ten Thousand Poison Island, there will be a second one if there is one. I heard Xiaoqing say that there are many small islands around Ten Thousand Poison Island, and she finally touched the edge.

At this moment, the sky above this island is a scene where high-level monsters and human teams are fighting.

For some extremely powerful groups, the creatures on the periphery of the swamp are not enough to see, but if a small team with weak strength accidentally encounters a powerful high-lord-level monster or a group of lords in the Poisonous Swamp Grade poison, I am afraid it is very miserable.

This team is obviously not among the top ten teams, and it is very difficult to resist under the attack of this group of monsters.

“Hurry up! Hurry up and block it!”

“The third team, keep up!”

“Damn, there are too many venomous bees!”

A scream of hurried shouts continued to fly in the air, and many members of the team used their best to fight with these terrifying beasts in front of them.

The black venomous bee, whose normal form is about half the size of an adult, feeds on animals and is very cruel. Their single strength is at the beginning of the lord level, not too strong, but they are better than a large number. A team of 100 players has to face more than a thousand black venomous bees, and it is almost impossible to survive.

What’s more, there is also an extra-large black queen bee, which seems to be the leader of the bees, commander-level monsters. At this time, a figure is entangled against it, and it seems to be the commander of that team.

“Hey, why are they?” When he came closer, Aofeng was shocked to find that this team was actually the Dragon Slaying team she had crossed in front of the king of heaven.

The person who commanded the battle in the front was the leader of Tu Zhan who was beaten by the proud wind at the time. It was the leader of Tu Long who fought to the death with the Queen of Darkness. He was a leader of the sky. He did not lose the battle against the leader of Warcraft. Go, but his team is almost unable to withstand the siege of the bees.

The leader of Tu Long heard a miserable cry from the brothers below, and his mind was also quite restless. A swaying spirit was sprayed directly by the poison gas spit out by the black queen bee in front, and his spirit was dizzy. Queen’s beetail needle stabbed at this moment!

“Master!” Excited several exclaims.

Almost at the same time, they saw a blazing white flame coming from the sky like a meteor rushing to the moon, “Boom!” A sound of the ground, the black queen bee in the middle, a black lightning flew onto the ground, “Puff!” He grabbed the latter’s head, and then, a large group of various small animals also swooped over, attacking the group of black bees one after another.

The swarm of bees is in chaos!

“Who?” The Dragon Slaying team looked at the group of small animals in a daze. When they looked up, they immediately took a breath!

A stunning beauty in a red armor, riding a black horse, surrounded by a dozen mini-version monsters that hadn’t gone out to fight, landed from the sky.

Aofeng’s beauty is indeed a weapon of lore, and everyone in Dragon Slaying Team was just as stunned as they were in the Central Mountains.

To their reaction, Aofeng was not surprised. The Dragon Slaying Team was the last two teams to enter the island in the South. The Central Mountain Rally had no time to participate in the past, so they didn’t recognize her dressed up. Although she met them at the entrance to the south, she did not interact with them much. After all, she was not a friend, and they had conflicts on Tianwang Mountain.

Looking at the black bee swarm around, Aofeng’s eyes moved, and he said loudly: “Brothers of Dragon Slaying Team, please resist this swarm of poisonous bees temporarily, but please don’t shatter their soul pills and collect Give it to me, it is of some use to me, I wonder if you are willing to help this small favor?”

“Wish…Yes! Yes! Of course we do!” A group of dreamlike men woke up one after another, as if they were given a shot of stimulant, their whole bodies were full of strength, and they were waving their weapons frantically towards Those black bees rushed past!

Serve the stunning beauty! What an honor it is!

What’s more, it was actually this beauty who suddenly came and pulled them back from the death line, and Zhien Tubao would also help her.

The leader of Tu Long stared at the team members who suddenly became like wolves and tigers, and became depressed. The appeal of this great beauty was actually stronger than that of his genuine team leader!

He couldn’t help but gritted his teeth and cursed secretly, these stinky boys, how hard they usually do! Even though he cursed so much, he himself wielded the dragon sword and rushed forward with the same valor…

“Well, it seems that it is good to dress like this, they will work harder if you ask someone to help them!” Aofeng sighed and felt his chin thinking, the little sable jumped over and got into her arms. Cengceng, please offer a soul pill.

“Master, this is the soul pill of the Black Queen Bee.”

Now all the monsters have become good babies, obviously this is also the charm of beauties!

Aofeng took the soul pill and touched Little Sable’s head rewardingly, and started the contract. The destruction of the beasts ** above the lord level is no major problem. Only one soul pill is needed to conclude the contract. **It is the easiest to contract with a serious injury. No matter how rebellious these beasts are, their soul pill status will become very fragile.

Previously, Loykin and Loykin rushed all the way to the Central Mountains, and they rushed here all the way because of the Flower of the Sea of ​​Broken Soul. They came and went in a hurry and hardly had a rest. The western region is much flatter than the eastern part, and there is a great lord and powerful monsters The group has not encountered it, until now Aofeng has spare time to contract Warcraft.

This Broken Soul Island is the best place to expand the Warcraft Army. Aofeng has long been willing to accept some gregarious warcraft. As the saying goes, more ants kill elephants, and more helpers are always good. However, the premise is to reach the lord-level group as a whole, and for those below the lord, her current strength is of little use. This black bee swarm is still the first group of gregarious beasts she contracted after entering the island.

The soul pill of the black queen bee fell into Aofeng’s hands, and the group of bees was furious, rushing towards this side frantically. But without the fighting power and command of the Queen Bee, the dragons have no leader, and it is difficult to beat the human team with commander-level powerhouses. In addition, these mini-versions of Aofeng are very small but extremely sturdy. Although the number of bees is longer for a while Can’t break through.

After a while, the Aofeng contract, the Black Queen Bee, called out to the enthusiastic crowd: “Stop, everyone!”

Everyone was stunned and looked back, but saw that there was another black-haired woman with a slightly strange look and slender eyes beside Aofeng.

The black-haired woman beckoned, and the swarm of bees immediately stopped the attack and flew together in an orderly manner.

“Cesya, I have seen the master, thank you for his gift, I can finally become a humanoid monster!” Cesya’s clear voice was filled with excitement, and he bowed down, and the magic **** energy provided energy for the contract. She has reshaped a new body, and the human form is directly transformed.

“This…Is this the black queen bee?” The dragon slayer team was dumbfounded and speechless.

Looking at the swarms of bees flying behind Cesiah, Tu Long and the others looked at Ao Feng and became extremely awed. They actually met the legendary soul trainer! And he is also a soul trainer who can contract so many phantom beasts!

After all, these people have traveled across the continent for thousands of years, and they have a lot of knowledge. Naturally, they understand that the mini-version of monsters next to her must also be her Eudemons.

And the most powerful soul trainer is not its own Eudemons, many soul trainers will ask the refiner to refine a special life space phantom weapon, which contains many small creatures living in groups, contracting a group living The Warcraft leader can get many deployments to form an army of Warcraft.

This is not the envy of others. Only the soul trainer can meet the gregarious beasts in the wild to seize the leader and tame and surrender on the spot. However, the life artifacts and mansions in Broken Soul Island cannot be used. Everyone in the Dragon Slaying Team takes it for granted that these beasts like Aofeng were recovered by her on the island, and their respect for her has increased. There are many of these beasts. What a terrible strength it takes to subdue a commander-level monster! Obviously, this big beauty, who has never heard of it before, is definitely a super power at the commanding level!

Although Aofeng deliberately contracted all the black bees, there are too many individuals in the colony. Thousands of beasts do not know when they will be contracted, so they can only contract with Cesiah to order the colony.

“Dear Dragon Slaying Team friends, you can come down. I still have something to ask you.” Aofeng waved and smiled to the stupid crowd in the sky.

Everyone in Dragon Slaying Team woke up like a dream, and then they flew down, landed on the island, counted the injured, and collected some soul pill that they had just collected to Aofeng, but Aofeng was not in a hurry. After contracting these poisonous bees, they asked everyone in the Dragon Slayer Team about the direction of Ten Thousand Poison Island.

“Ten Thousand Poison Island? Does Bi Luo Mianxia also want to participate in the battle for the Flower of the Sea of ​​Broken Soul?” When Aofeng asked about the location of Thousand Poison Island, Lord Dragon Slaying was startled and surprised.

Don’t want to be too ostentatious to cause concern, Aofeng didn’t say that he was the leader of the Fengyun team, and casually reported a pseudonym he had used.

“So?” Aofeng was taken aback, heard the problem, raised his eyebrows strangely: “Do many people know about this? Are there other people who want to participate in the competition?”

She thought that there was only one opponent, Thousand Annihilation, and things seemed a bit complicated now.

“Didn’t you know?” The leader of Tu Long paused in amazement, and then said again: “Actually, this is nearby. This news is not a secret. We stayed nearby for seven days after entering the island because we discovered this. The flower of the sea of ​​broken souls. The place where the flower of the sea of ​​broken souls grows is very conspicuous. It is on a cliff facing the swamp on Ten Thousand Poison Island, and beams of black light will be emitted from the buds, slightly away from the island. I’ll see it later. And except for the Flower of Broken Soul Sea that grows in a special place, when it matures for a month, it will spread out a burst of energy every three days, and the entire poison swamp will spread, so All the strong in the swamp of the path stopped and waited here. Today is the time when the energy is spreading, and you can feel it after a while.”

As soon as he said this, Aofeng’s brows wrinkled slightly, and many Eudemons opened their eyes, looking up in a certain direction. In that direction, an extremely majestic aura was like a wave. It rushed over, and soon arrived.

Aofeng only felt that a strange fragrance penetrated into the tip of his nose, an instant arousing spirit, and the whole person became more energetic under the stimulation of this smell. This fragrance is extremely attractive, like a delicious meal, but unfortunately The time passed in a blink of an eye.

“Damn! I didn’t come at the right time!” Aofeng couldn’t laugh or cry. They entered here three days ago. Obviously, their breath had just exploded once, and it was only now that they were late.

“Tu Long Mian, now that I know the direction, then I will take the first step.” Aofeng said hello to Dragon Slaying Team and the others and wanted to say goodbye. Since they are all targeting the Flower of Soulbreaking Sea, she too I don’t want to involve them too much, otherwise it is hard to say who the spoils are.

“Bi Luo Mianxia, ​​don’t be anxious. You can’t get close to Ten Thousand Poison Island now. It’s better to join us in a gathering of people and horses in three days.” Tu Long shook his head and stopped her and explained: “At this moment, the island of Ten Thousand Poisons has been occupied by a large group of various poisonous beasts. Many beasts are still coming, even the lord has several. The fragrance of the flower of the sea of ​​broken souls is especially attractive to the beasts. I believe the beasts under the crown also have feelings. Perhaps this group of black bees rushed away, but they ran into us halfway.”

“Yes, mom, it tasted delicious just now! Xiao Jiu really wants to eat it!” Xiao Jiu grabbed the mouth of Aofeng’s collar, looking at that direction, drooling.

The queen of black bee also said: “Master, every time the flower of the sea of ​​broken souls matures, there will be a scene of gatherings of beasts. It is a high-lord-level monster, and it can’t resist the temptation of that fragrance, unless some grow in special The smell and energy of the place are suppressed. The lowest level of tens of thousands of beasts is also the lord level, and at least ten great lords will appear when they mature. It is indeed impossible for you to break through so many beasts with one person.”

“Ten thousand lord-level beasts? Ten big lords? His…” Aofeng took a breath.

No wonder it is said that the flower of the Sea of ​​Souls is rare, who can easily get that flower under the siege of so many monsters!

But I heard that there were ten great lords gathered here, and she was also agitated. If these beasts were contracted by her, what would she be afraid of?

“Of course, those monsters are not working together. Their goals are on the Flower of the Sea of ​​Souls. They are inevitable to kill each other, and there is also the most powerful Ruyi-class lord Wanzu Golden Winged Centipede. At that time, we can definitely take advantage of the loopholes.” Tu Long said with a smile: “So, those of us who have entered from outside Soulbreaking Island temporarily formed an alliance, at least better than those monsters, and have the power to protect themselves. After entering it, you will rely on your ability. Three days later, it will be the period of maturity. Why not act with us under Bi Luo Mian?”

Aofeng has always liked the scene of everyone fighting for treasure together, because more people means you can fish in troubled waters.

There are bound to be casualties under the melee. Then she can take advantage of the opportunity to contract injured monsters. Who doesn’t like picking up cheap things? For those high-lord-level beasts, she can say that she is determined to win, and the Golden Winged Centipede was originally her goal.

“Under the crown of Tu Long, it is actually not easy to win the Flower of the Sea of ​​Souls with the strength of your team. Why do you want to participate in the opportunity to be someone else’s wedding dress?” Aofeng asked in a puzzled manner.

Tu Long commanded: “Under the crown, I don’t know, there is indeed only one flower of the Sea of ​​Souls, there is a golden-winged centipede guarding it, we are almost impossible to get it, but the companion next to the Flower of the Sea of ​​Souls But it’s impossible for the grass spirits and wood spirits to be taken by one person? The strange objects are unearthed, and the accompanying things are not bad. The black light radiated by the flower of the broken soul sea has the effect of stimulating the life of all plants. The energy bursting out in the world is even more infectious. At that time, the vegetation on the entire island will have some escape energy, and the harvesting and refining can also increase a lot of power.”

“Of course, these energies are a fraction of what is in the Flower of Broken Soul Sea. It is impossible to rely on it. My team brothers can use this overall strength to make a lap. Other strong groups It’s the same idea, and everyone who sees this thing has a share. Those monsters who have not yet reached the peak of the lord can also rely on this enhancement once. It’s just that the vegetation aura is stored soon, and it must be refined within three days of picking it in time, otherwise It will be lost completely.”

“Well, this is indeed a good thing to attract people. No wonder you are tempted. Then why did you come to the outskirts of the archipelago again? Since it has formed an alliance inside, it should be safer?” Aofeng touched his chin again Tao.

The leader of Tu Long smiled bitterly: “No matter how good things are, we must have life and enjoyment. Today, we discovered that a dead opponent was actually planning to attend the party, so we had no choice but to leave here, but unexpectedly encountered an attack here and bumped into it. Mianxia. The reason for inviting Mianxia is to get the shelter of Mianxia, ​​but the opponent is mixed with a group of vampires led by Ten Thousand Beasts. The background is not small. If you don’t want to cause trouble, you can go directly to Nawan. You can see the alliance camp on the largest island in front of the poison island.”

Aofeng couldn’t help but stunned: “The vampire of Ten Thousand Beasts? Didn’t it mean that Lantis was sent by Ten Thousand Beasts? Why are there other people?”

The leader of Dragon Tu shook his head and smiled: “Under the crown, this is wrong! Lantis, that is the heir of the Eastern Seas, naturally represents the forces of the Sea of ​​Souls, and this group of vampires is the leader of the beasts. The person sent.”

“The red lord sent the red team, how can Shatis be willing to fall behind? He also made a team out and grabbed a place for the northern team, all composed of vampires, such abnormal monsters, a team The vampires are the pinnacle of the lord, and the eight princes lead the team. Of course, they are not as good as there. But they are no better than the red team. When the crimson murderous sword comes out, it is invincible below the lord, and equipped with them and others. One grade.”

“Eight princes? Isn’t that the eight commanders? It is said that the eight princes and the eight princes of the ten thousand beasts are all strong in the sky list. This Shatis is really willing to pay the blood!” Aofeng smiled coldly when he heard it. He narrowed his eyes suddenly and said: “I understand, the opponent you said is Lord Qinglu, right?”

“It’s him!” Everyone in the Dragon Slaying Team gritted their teeth, and they were full of resentment when they spoke.

“At the beginning, his brother, Lord Qinghe, was instigating discord in our team, causing us to run into the red lord and his son. In the past three years, everything went wrong. It was this guy who made that **** conspiracy!”

“The Blue Crane killed our team brothers without saying, he even used us as guns, so that the admirers of the Red Lords and his sons now spurn us when they see us. It’s really hateful! We also worship the Reds. Lord, father and son!”

Aofeng couldn’t help laughing. He didn’t expect that this kind of sequelae was left in the first battle. Speaking of which, Dragon Slaying Team was really wronged, and the team brothers suffered unprovoked damages and gained a bad reputation for the brothers’ justice. She and the Ten Thousand Beasts are hostile anyway, so it doesn’t matter if you help them. The green deer lord who slipped through the net was not in the Ten Thousand Beasts, but he dared to come out and wander around.

“Well, then I will go with you then.” Aofeng agreed, and said again: “But these three days are not to be wasted. I want to walk around this swamp and domesticate more monsters. , Your team has suffered a lot this time. Just rest on the spot. I will let a team of poisonous bees patrol around. They will call the police when they are in danger. I will come back to join you in three days.”

The leader of Tu Long nodded and said: “The strength under the crown is far above us, and we will not follow you to hold you back, but you have a life-saving grace to us. If you have any needs, please give us orders. Our ability is absolutely I won’t frown.”

What he said was not self-conceited. The strength of these beasts of Aofeng can be seen very clearly from the battle just now. Among these beasts, there are at least 30 lord peaks and four are the commanders of the beasts. The black queen bee and the swarm of thousands of lords just contracted, unless they encounter a high-lord-level beast, there is nothing that can withstand it. Aofeng’s own strength is still unknown, it is impossible for a soul trainer with so many phantom beasts to be weak.

The leader of Tu Long faintly felt that the personal strength of the woman in front of him was absolutely extremely sturdy. Although he was not very clear to what extent, the intuition of the master had made him instinctively respect her.

The two parties negotiated properly, and then took a rest for a while.

Learning the specific maturity period of the Flower of Broken Soul Sea, Aofeng is no longer so anxious. Taking advantage of the Dragon Slaying Team to take a break to heal her injuries, she slowly contracted all the black bees so that they can get out of the monster form. .

It’s surprising that the black bee colony is actually all female beasts, and their strength is in the initial stage of lordship, and the relationship between queen bees and worker bees in nature is similar. Such a group of female beasts is of course quite popular with some male beasts. Love, the beasts under her quickly became one with them.

It is too eye-catching. Aofeng still keeps the black bee colony temporarily in the form of a beast, and instructs them to scatter out to explore the news of other lord-level beast groups. Cesiah also takes the lead and intends to make a contribution to the master.

The black bee was originally a resident of the swamp, and coupled with their outstanding detection ability, they soon found several groups of monsters, but almost all of them were god-level groups.

Lord groups such as the black bee are counted in the upper level of the entire Broken Soul Island. You can find a lot of them only in places like the poison swamp that are rich in monsters, and you can’t see them in other places. Even the troll forest has only forest giants. It’s nothing more than a group of lords.

In a mentality that talk is better than nothing, Aofeng ordered Cesiah to bring all the leaders of the God-ranked Beast group over to the contract, and let them lead the beasts to continue investigating. Most of these boss monsters are at the lord level. The most important thing is that they can master a group of at least a thousand monsters. The effect is not small, and the number of god-level monsters is too much, and Aofeng has no intention to contract one by one. .

Half a day later, Aofeng finally received the news from the beasts. After all parties inspected and secretly visited, the various beasts all over the swamp probably found three lord-level beasts that have not yet gathered around the island of Ten Thousand Poison.

The swamp brown scorpion group, the swamp dragon wolf group, the swamp sky eagle group.

These three groups of monsters are extremely powerful groups. Compared with the black bee group, the overall strength of the dragon wolf group is even more terrifying. Their status in this poison swamp is comparable to the troll forest. In the trolls, the strength of a single lord is stronger than that of other races, there are more than a hundred dragon wolves at the peak of the lord, about ten monsters, and a lord dragon and wolf.

They may not be as good as the mutant monsters produced in Fengyun Space such as Xiaojiu in terms of bloodline, and their potential has basically been tapped, but the strength in front of them still makes Aofeng very greedy.

Aofeng took a group of beasts and set off in mighty force, almost swept the swamp brown scorpion group and swamp sky eagle group in the form of remnants of wind. It took another half a day to contract them all, rest for half a day, and went again. The resident of the swamp dragon wolves launched a crazy attack.

The fighting power of the dragon wolf tribe led by the dragon wolf lord is indeed strong, and they are also very cunning. Seeing that they are about to be caught, they immediately retracted into the depths of the swamp. After a full day of fighting, Aofeng took them down. It was she who burned the swamp, causing the swamp to evaporate into a big hole, and captured the cunning dragon wolf lord before ending the battle.

Although Lord Dragon Wolf is unwilling, he is still convinced. He is just an Upanishad Army-level Lord, and Aofeng’s strength is above him, so he can’t accept it.

The dragon and wolf races are also contracted one by one. The proud warcraft legion is a bit scary. Within three days, it has expanded to three thousand lords, a dozen leaders, and a terrifying lineup of one high lord. There are also tens of thousands of god-ranked monster minions who are not included. Dragging them out can definitely cause a group of people to foam! Aofeng looked at the reorganized army of Warcraft with vigor, and felt that his three-day expansion seemed a bit crazy.

“Three days have come, and it’s time to go to the rally. Others first turn into monsters and mix behind those monsters. Don’t conflict with people, Shachel, Brown, Skyhawk, Sezia, and Xiao Jiu, Manzano, Lightning, Lyle, you are by my side.” Aofeng assigned tasks to the monsters. Originally, she wanted to stab a thousand beasts in the back. She didn’t want to expose her strength prematurely.

These seven commanders, a great lord, are the most powerful among all Eudemons. They can definitely compete with those vampires led by Ten Thousand Beasts. Other dragon and wolf leaders are not weak, but After all, it is the second line of existence in the ethnic group. Unlike the first line of warcraft bosses who have so many special skills, Aofeng asked them to keep some hole cards for themselves in the back.

Seeing Aofeng’s order, the beasts responded and flew toward the Ten Thousand Poison Island.

On the eve of the maturity of the Flower of Broken Soul Sea, the monsters in the Poison Swamp have completely rioted, and various groups of monsters can be seen flying past, even some small groups of gods, gods and other proud winds who are not thinking about contracts are also Running there, her group of beasts won’t attract anyone’s attention.

Aofeng brought seven mini-version mimicry monsters, riding on the Mount Dragon Wolf Lord Lord, returning to join the Dragon Slaying Team.

The look of Dragon Wolf is very cruel, and it is a bit funny to turn into a mimicry, so he refuses to live in the countryside and do what he is, so Aofeng has to let him be a mount.

“Under the Bi Luo crown, you are finally here! The time for the assembly is coming!” Tu Long commander was waiting impatiently on the island, and suddenly saw Aofeng riding a majestic mount from the sky, afraid It is overjoyed.

Seeing that the time is approaching, everyone in the Dragon Slayer team is also a little worried that Aofeng will break the appointment. A strong person like her can go to the meeting place by himself. Bringing them will cause trouble, even if you really change your mind. , Is also the freedom of others. Now I saw that Aofeng hadn’t forgotten them, and returned after abiding by the agreement. Everyone had a better impression of this big beauty.

“Men, your mount is…Swamp Dragon Wolf?” Because of being so happy, everyone didn’t pay attention to other things at first. When Aofeng fell to the ground, Tu Long commander stared at the monster she was riding on. , Asked in amazement with his mouth wide open.

When everyone in the Dragon Slayer team heard this, their faces instantly stiffened a bit, and at the same time waves of panic appeared on their faces.

Swamp dragon wolf, and the forest troll in the troll forest are the same level of existence! Their group strength is extremely powerful, and they are the king and hegemony in this swamp, and the general high lord dare not provoke them, and they are actually caught by Aofeng and come over as a mount? Although this dragon wolf has reduced its breath, it still gives people an unusually powerful feeling. At least it is a commander-level monster, she is not afraid that the swamp dragon wolves will rush over and break her body into pieces!

When I think of the terrifying dragon and wolf pack, Tu Long’s leader almost stands up his hair. This big beauty is also bold enough to catch the group of dragon and wolf!

Compared with Dragon Slaying Team’s uneasy expression, Aofeng’s expression is very relaxed. He patted the big head of Lord Dragon Wolf and smiled: “Yes, I spent some time to catch this guy. Otherwise, why? It will be so long and he is really cunning enough. He can entangle with me for so long in one-on-one matches, but in the end I was caught.”

The lord of the dragon and wolf, Shachel glanced at her sadly, and sobbed secretly. No matter how cunning, it is not because you, a violent woman, have been burned into a roast wolf!

Listening to what Aofeng said, the leader of Tu Long breathed a sigh of relief. Since it is a one-to-one singles, it must be a dragon wolf who accidentally left alone, but he still cautiously said: “Bi Luo Mian, wait a moment. Did you take him back into the Eudemons Space first? This… The swamp dragon wolves should also be attracted by the Flower of Soulbreaking Sea today. If you see Mianxia turning their companions into contract beasts, you will definitely not give up. , Their leader is a high lord…”

Aofeng glanced at Shaxel in amazement, raised his eyebrows amusedly, and said to his heart, of course I know that it is the Great Lord, and he is in front of you!

She understands what Dragon Slaying Commander is worried about, but she is not eager to say something, lest the Dragon Slaying Team show some footwork in front of the group of vampires in the Ten Thousand Beasts, she chuckled: “Don’t worry about this, I have my own measures , Let’s go.”

Seeing that Aofeng looked like a bamboo in his chest, everyone in the Dragon Slaying Team didn’t have much to say, and immediately led the way, a group of people marched inward along the isolated island group, and when it was not long, they came to the destination.

The poisonous island in the distance is in sight, but in the current situation, there are no islands at all. Around the poisonous island, all kinds of monsters are densely packed into a huge circle, covering it. The sky over the entire island.

The magnificent sight makes people feel chills at a glance.

Aofeng looked at it, and there are at least tens of thousands of monsters. Among them, there are tens of thousands of powerful lord-level monsters. There are countless god-level monsters. I haven’t found too many lord beast groups in other places in the swamp before. The lord group has come here in advance, only the extremely powerful group of the dragon wolf group, don’t have to worry about not being able to squeeze in to dare to hang behind.

Somewhere on the island, black light radiates from time to time, reflecting the sky and the earth. Wherever the black light reaches, the monsters are in a big riot. I want to know that it is the light emitted by the flower of the sea of ​​broken souls. .

“Under Bi Luo’s crown, below is the meeting place.” Tu Long commander’s nervous voice came.

The proud wind who was watching Ten Thousand Poison Island regained his gaze and looked back at his feet. This is also a rather small island. A simple camp has been set up in the center of the island. Now many powerful lords have gathered, almost as many as Thousands. The Poison Swamp has a huge area, and many lords who enter the southwest region are attracted by the energy fluctuations. Coupled with the spread of the news, many who hear the wind will also come, and a quarter of the island lords gather Here.

Of course, none of the lords who participated in the previous assembly in the Central Mountains came here. After knowing the whereabouts of He’s Bi, the Flower of Broken Soul Sea is no longer attractive. If you can enter the legendary dungeon, Broken I don’t know how many strange things like the Flower of the Soul Sea will have.

“Go down.” Aofeng smiled and waved, and everyone landed.

The sudden arrival of such a brigade of nearly a hundred people immediately attracted considerable attention. The first thing to bear was the heroic arrogance of riding dragons and wolves, which, of course, set off a magnificent wave among all the strong men. wave. Because of the change of attire, none of the visitors from the north and the south knew her origins. Of course, it was even more mysterious and fascinating.

In comparison, Dragon Slaying Team received much less attention, but some people still noticed them.

“Long Tu, you really dare to come back! For a little improvement, you don’t even need your life, really stupid! You don’t think that bringing a woman back can be used as a backer, right?” The thin and gloomy man voice came from the group of people surrounded by the crowd, and the voice was yin and yang strange, full of bad taste.

Ao Feng raised his eyes, his gaze fell to the center of the crowd. Sure enough, he saw a group of kinsmen who were all dressed in black cloaks and blond and blood eyes. Most of these vampires were very handsome and beautiful, standing out among a thousand people. There was an extraordinary arrogance in the corners of the eyes and eyebrows, all of them raised their necks high, their eyes seemed to grow in the sky, and they were extremely arrogant.

Seeing Manzano’s elegance and nobility, the appearance of these blood races can’t cause any shock to Aofeng, and their aristocratic temperament and Manzano are also two grades, the pure blood royal family’s noble reason From the inside, these blood races are obviously not pure enough but they want to pretend to be like this, which makes people feel nauseous.

The one who just spoke was the only non-blood human in this group of vampires. Aofeng recognized his familiar appearance at a glance-Lord Qinglu!

Lord Qinglu was staring at the people of Dragon Slaying Team, his eyes were red.

This guy has always been worried about the death of his brother, Lord Qinghe, but his current strength is unable to retaliate against opponents who are too much stronger than him, so he has to vent his anger on the “unfavorable” Dragon Slayer team. Dragon Slayer also gritted their teeth with hatred for this despicable villain. Two days ago, because of the arrival of this dry vampire, the two sides had a dispute. The Dragon Slaying Team knew that it was invincible and retired. Unexpectedly, it was back today and brought back a stunning beauty.

Since they dare to come back, they must have a certain degree of reliance. It seems to everyone that there is only one more member of the entire Dragon Slayer team. Is this beautiful girl still a peerless master?

Lord Qinglu naturally didn’t believe it.

Lord Qinglu was one of the culprits who killed Baili Qingxiao. Of course, Aofeng would not be polite with him. Before Tu Long commanded him, he smiled coldly and said: “Lord Qinglu seems to be too clever. , Back then, you and your brother designed to frame Lord Zhanfeng’s grandson, but now you dare to run out and jump, do you really think that you can keep you safe and happy by taking refuge in the Ten Thousand Beast Leader?”

She was still riding on the mighty dragon and wolf mount, looking down at Lord Qinglu, with a majestic aura of lofty majesty, even more arrogant than the blood races of the ten thousand beasts!

As soon as the crowd of Wan Beast leaders heard this, their expressions changed, and their murderous gaze projected over like proud wind! She was clearly despising the Ten Thousand Beasts collar!

The male vampire at the front showed a fierce look, and he leaped to the front of Aofeng, pointing to her nose and shouting: “What are you? How dare you look down on our Ten Thousand Beasts collar, I see you It is impatient to live…”

The words were not finished, but suddenly there was a feeling of extreme coldness in the air! Everyone shivered, as if they were suddenly pierced by a needle, as if seeing a pair of eyes suddenly opened coldly!

A blade of inky black like a crescent moon, just like this, it blew through the air!

Strong and weird, almost silent, like the sickle of the **** of death, it is hard to imagine that there are such strange blades in this world!

The moon-shaped inky black blade flashed past! In the eyes of everyone’s astonishment, the male vampire pointing at Aofeng, his body was divided suddenly, blood spurted wildly, and fell on his back!

On the ground, two corpses were lying coldly, and a soul pill that had been split in half was particularly conspicuous in the vampire’s special ink blood.

“The one who moves her, die!” followed by a cold voice that shocked people.

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