An Unyielding Wind Chapter 17: Outsmart Battle League (Part 2), the fastest update of the latest chapters of Aofeng!

Looking at Qin Shuang’s excited and eager expression with a bit of astonishment, Aofeng touched his chin and looked at the crowd and said, “This…My real name is indeed Qin Aofeng, but you also know that I was caught by that Haichuan. The lord is wanted. I didn’t tell you your real name when you first met. Qin Shuang, brother, shouldn’t you be angry?”

In principle, Qin Shuang is an informal person, and Aofeng thinks there is nothing to say about this matter, and never thinks that the three of them will blame her.

“Qin Shuang, the identity of Chasing Yun being wanted by Haichuan should not be exposed. Let’s forget about the previous things. Even if we know her real name, we should call her Chasing Cloud. Now we can’t provoke the Lord Haichuan. Don’t harm her.” Sima Yurong frowned and said, including Baili Qingxiao and his two guardian warriors, all with a color of understanding. Now Aofeng has no reservations about them, and even carries thunder flames. The news of the Burning Cannon was told to them, what can they be faulty about?

Aside from being able to hit the dead and making people want to curse “abnormal”, this kid has nothing to dissatisfy.

“Hey, what do you think of me? Am I so careful!” Qin Shuang stared at a few people and said, “This matter and that matter are not the same! It’s just that Qin Aofeng’s name is exactly the same as someone I know, that makes me so excited.”

“The same name and the same surname?” Everyone came to their senses. No wonder, Qin Shuang’s appearance just now doesn’t seem to be to blame. On the contrary, it seems to have found someone who has been looking for for many years, but there is such a coincidence in the world. What?

Aofeng raised his eyebrows in surprise, his eyes were filled with surprise and confusion, and a ray of light flashed in his mind, as if he had caught something, but he was so surprised that he was a little bit off. Vague and elusive.

“Yes, you also have the surname Qin. Is that Qin Aofeng who you are?” Sima Yurong raised his brows and said in surprise.

“Yes, if it is really the Qin Aofeng I was looking for.” Qin Shuang took a deep breath, holding one of Aofeng’s arms, and said excitedly: “Do you still remember, when you were in the team with me? Speaking of the person you admired, how did I tell you? Now that I think about it, I understand a little bit. What you ask him must be looking for him everywhere! He once told me that he has A child named Qin Aofeng, you are my master’s child, right?”

Master’s child?

These five words are like a thunderbolt from the blue sky, and they stupefied the Aofeng people! The proud wind, who has always been calm, has rarely appeared dumbfounded!

Uh…this…the child of the chief?

Sima Yurong blinked in confusion. What’s the matter? Isn’t Aofeng and Daxiong together? Isn’t Aofeng also a disciple of the leader? This…what the **** is going on? …

As for Baili Qingxiao, his eyes are full of question marks, confused, and completely ignorant of what Aofeng and Aofeng are talking about.

Everyone was puzzled, but Aofeng’s eyes widened suddenly, and his heart seemed to suddenly become brighter!

She was not a fool at first, just after thinking about it for a while, she could realize that after Qin Shuang’s remarks, the ray of light was completely grasped by her, and the clues were completely strung together at this moment!

Isn’t the person she admired in the team last time, her father, the red lord? Qin Shuang’s attitude at the time was quite strange, it turned out to be because of this! No wonder the reaction of the people in the team was also very strange. How could he not feel funny because the person he said was right in front of his eyes?

Thinking of the weird intimacy when I first met the leader in the restaurant, and when he met again, he suddenly fell from the sky to help her unravel the inexplicable sense of security when attacking, Aofeng’s heart couldn’t help it. It trembled, it turned out that these were not without a reason, the flesh and blood nature in the bloodline had already attracted them to recognize each other! It turns out that Qin Shuang followed Qin Shuo’s last name! No wonder she felt that he had a familiar feeling, no wonder she felt that she wanted to be close to him!

It turns out that he is the Great Lord in Red! He is Qin Shuo! It turns out that the father she was looking for has been accidentally hit by her!

Aofeng’s eyes were extremely bright at this moment, and his breathing became disordered. The more he thought about it, the more his heart was beating. In contrast to the cold normal state, he held Qin Shuang’s clothes with his backhand and asked excitedly and eagerly: ” What you said is true? Is his name Qin Shuo? He also has a child my age?”

Actually, Aofeng was basically certain in his mind at this time. I only asked this out of disbelief. I hope I can confirm it again.

Not many people know Qin Shuo’s real name. Like Qin Shuang, he became famous under the name of “The Great Lord in Red”. Aofeng is not afraid of leaking her own secrets. She doesn’t mind letting Sima Yurong know them. , But Qin Shuo’s identity at this time was secretive. Since Qin Shuang avoided the name of the red lord in his words, the always smart Ao Feng did not mention it.

Hearing the word “Qin Shuo”, Qin Shuang looked at Aofeng without a trace of suspicion. She was so calm that she almost jumped with joy!

Qin Shuang nodded desperately, clasped Aofeng’s shoulders and laughed: “Of course it’s true! I also know that the master has two children, and you should have an older brother! By the way, why don’t you have a brother? Come find him with you?”

A ray of longing passed through Aofeng’s eyes, and he sighed softly: “My brother, for my future, I went to a very far place. It will be a long time before we can meet again. This time I came to him alone. Of.”

“It’s okay, I will also be your brother in the future! The master said when he adopted me, he may never see his children in his life, so he treats me like his son. It is natural for me to be a brother. I want to take care of you!” Qin Shuang’s eyes were soft, and he laughed softly: “Unexpectedly, you are actually the child of the master, the master knows that he will be crazy happy!”

Will Qin Shuo be so happy? Aofeng doesn’t know, but Aofeng only knows that the joy in his heart is already overflowing!

The leader, calm, cold, strong and domineering, no longer fits her father’s standards better than him.

It’s just that she really didn’t expect that he would be Qin Shuo. Tianya once said that Qin Shuo is a passionate man, but unexpectedly, his personality will change so much now that he wants to lose it. After Fengqin, his temperament changed drastically, coupled with the tempering of these years, resulting in his somewhat cold personality now.

“Father…he is my father…” he muttered these words, Aofeng’s eyes were slightly moist, and suddenly raised his hands and knocked his head in annoyance: “I’m so stupid! I’m so stupid I’m so slow! Why didn’t I think of it earlier! Obviously there are so many clues, and obviously I still want to find him, but I am surprised that I need you to remind me!”

“Don’t do this, it’s no wonder you.” Qin Shuang grabbed her hand and shook his head: “Actually, it may not be something that you can think of, but there is a saying that is close to humans. Sometimes, I clearly want to do something. , I was really timid when I was in front of you. Perhaps you subconsciously avoided your feelings for him, afraid of disappointment, so I didn’t dare to think about it. I think the master is the same. He had seen Qin Aofeng’s wanted order, but he was But he just muttered to himself “impossibly” in a daze, thinking of it as an existence with the same name and surname as you, I can’t believe it.”

Aofeng listened to his words and nodded slightly. That’s right, Qin Shuo’s attitude towards him was too good. He must have a special affection for himself, but he didn’t think about it.

The two talked excitedly for a while, and Sima Yurong and Baili Qingxiao over there finally heard that something was coming, and couldn’t help but laugh together.

Sima Yurong said with a smile: “It turns out that family members who have been separated for many years reunite again. I didn’t expect you to meet again but you didn’t know each other, but now I finally know. Chasing the cloud, you and brother Qin Shuang Find a room and talk about it. We just need to ask about these personal matters. Hurry up and drive back to your mansion. I’m afraid someone will follow along. And you want to see your father earlier, right? “

“Okay, okay!” Aofeng’s rare emotion was excited, and she replied repeatedly. Indeed, her heart had already flown back to the camp at this time, and she wished to rush back to see Qin Shuo immediately.

Sima Yurong and Baili Qingxiao each found a room, and Aofeng also pulled Qin Shuang into a side hall, pulled a chair to sit down, and waved his hand gently, and Fengyun Mansion shrank and invisible, smoothly Flew in the direction of the camp.

Taking advantage of this period of time, Aofeng’s eyes showed excitement and gleamed Qin Shuang and asked like a gun: “Has he been doing well these years? Is he thinking about my mother all the time? He didn’t look for anything else. Did you mention his relatives in his hometown, such as me and eldest brother? Has he been wandering around? He has fought many masters, right? You have been by his side for so many years, you must know, tell me! “

Qin Shuang was dizzy when she asked, and the person who had always been cold and cold suddenly became excited. This energy is really incredible…

Seeing that Qin Shuang’s eyes straightened a bit, Aofeng also noticed that he seemed to be asking too many questions. He couldn’t help but scratch his head and smiled, calming down a little: “Brother Qin Shuang, don’t worry, speak slowly. Just fine.”

“I understand your feelings, don’t worry, as long as I know it, I must know everything is endless.” Qin Shuang nodded gently at Aofeng, and slowly said in a calm and heavy voice.

The huge Fengyun Mansion was very quiet. Only Qin Shuang’s voice echoed in the room. Aofeng listened in awe, and his mood changed with Qin Shuo’s experience in his words.

“In the past few years, my master’s life can’t be said to be bad, but I understand that he is unhappy. Before, I didn’t know, but since I met the master, I haven’t seen the master smile sincerely. There is always a ray of melancholy and heaviness on his face. Sometimes he looks at the far north, and the look on his face becomes quite nostalgic and soft. Although I don’t know who he is thinking about, I’m sure it’s right. He is a very important person.”

Ao Feng nodded with gleaming eyes: “He must be thinking of my mother. The goal of our efforts for so many years is to save my mother in the Continent of the Gods. Our opponent is too strong, so he will leave his hometown and refuse to be dragged down. We, but I still came, and my elder brother also went to the Continent of Gods for this goal, because it is not only his wife, but also our mother. Of course, we can’t just let the father work hard.”

“I think so, so I told you at that time. My master is extremely resistant to women and doesn’t approach any woman at all. He is really infatuated with your mother. So many women in the northern continent embrace him. Don’t bother.” Qin Shuang sighed: “It’s just that the master also said that he left you, I’m sorry, I’m afraid you will resent his abandonment, I think this is because he subconsciously didn’t dare to imagine that you were his child. Reason.”

Aofeng chuckled lightly: “There are so many barriers between people who really care, especially relatives. Since he knows that he cares about us and is still thinking about us, why don’t you give me this understanding? Without even the most basic trust, then I don’t deserve to be his child!”

Qin Shuang’s eyes were slightly bright, and he looked at her in surprise and whispered: “Aofeng, you are so special. The belief in your heart is always so clear, as if there has never been any misunderstanding in your eyes.”

“What is a misunderstanding? The so-called misunderstanding is that you don’t care about that person at all.” Aofeng smiled lightly, touched his chin and said: “I have seen such a story a long time ago, a man loved For his wife, they were living a very happy life. But one day, another woman who likes men made a vicious trick. She deliberately forged evidence while the man’s wife was pregnant so that the man found out that his wife had an affair with others. So the man was furious and ordered his wife to kill his child. His wife committed suicide in despair. At this time, the man suddenly realized that this was another woman’s vicious scheme. So the man who killed his wife and child by mistake frantically pinched. Another woman died, and she also died of depression in pain.”

Aofeng narrowed his dark star eyes slightly, and then said: “This story, many people seem to be that bad woman’s conspiracy and tricks, that bad woman is not good, but I think that man is purely responsible. He doesn’t deserve to love his wife at all, because the person he loves the most is himself! He is indiscriminate only because of his ridiculous selfishness! If you really care about a person, he will think about her from the bottom of my heart. I can feel every thought of her, empathize with what she thinks and do, and put herself in consideration for it. If he really loves his wife, why not listen to what his wife says but listen to the words of a third party? Isn’t it ridiculous? How can you be ignorant of conspiracy and tricks if you really use your heart to watch and listen?”

“So, I always feel that the misunderstandings and regrets in the world are not caused by others, but because I have never used my heart!”

“These thoughts are actually born in our own hearts. Some people, because the mistakes made in their hearts cause harm to the people they care about, they hate this resentment and that, blame them on others, and more It’s a coward! It’s just unworthy of being a man!” After a pause, a firm light flashed across Aofeng’s eyes, and said with a chuckle: “And I know exactly what I want, so I never do in Qin Aofeng’s world. This kind of thing will be allowed to happen! Whether it is a father or someone else, as long as they are sincere to me, I will return them at all costs. Even if I don’t say some things and feelings, can I not feel it? Let those doubts go to hell! I believe him!”

Listening to Aofeng’s words, Qin Shuang’s heart was deeply shocked. Although she looked cold, her heart was so fiery and firm. It is precisely because she has always treated the people she values ​​with sincerity that she can bear it. Constantly wanting to be better for her.

Staring at Aofeng tightly, Qin Shuang said in a slightly low voice: “If I were that man and you were the wife, I would never let this happen, even if it was blind, I would Trust you.”

Ao Feng was startled and raised his head in surprise.

Qin Shuang scratched his head and smiled: “Uh…Don’t look at me like that. The master said that he has a pair of children…You are his youngest daughter, so you should be my little one. Junior sister, right?”

“Little Junior Sister?” Aofeng trembled twice in horror. She was a little allergic to this title. She always felt that “Little Junior Sister” felt like those delicate girls in martial arts movies, or unable to protect herself. A weak girl who needs a man to protect her.

Fortunately, Qin Shuang immediately laughed again: “But I naturally call you’little brother’ to the outside world, otherwise there will be so many men in the Northern Territory who intend to pursue you to bring the red maple to the ground. Master must be annoying to death.”

Aofeng also knows the popularity of female powerhouses in the Northern Territory, and she can’t help but smile, but some people who want to see her father’s cold and calm people suddenly see the expressions of a large number of family seekers, it must be very interesting… …

Qin Shuang went on to say: “Although the master looks a little cold and unkind, he is still very warm and kind in his bones. He is very kind to the brothers and the followers in the team, so we all respect him and respect him. You can do anything for him. You are really similar to him in this point. You deserve to be his child. The infectious power in you has made me feel irresistible in these days of getting along.”

“Really?” Aofeng was naturally delighted when he said that he was similar to his father.

Qin Shuang looked at Aofeng’s rare childlike joyful eyes, and nodded with joy in his heart: “Absolutely, and blue is better than blue! The master’s temperament is somewhat violent and rough, you It’s easier to feel touched than him. Also, your pervertedness is also increasing! Master is 57 years old this year. He was promoted to the High Lord five years ago when he was fifty-two. I Look at your little pervert in ten years!”

Ao Feng Yile: “Yeah, my father is not yet a hundred years old. At that time, Lord Feiyun was interested in a strong man who was less than a hundred years old. If he was not afraid of being found out, he suddenly said ‘ I’m not over a hundred years old’, the expression on Lord Feiyun’s face must be wonderful!”

“Ha, you little villain, I really doubt that you said that the master was like a bear and a little white face was on purpose.” Qin Shuang laughed on the spot when he heard it, and couldn’t tell that Aofeng looked cold and cold. , But actually full of bad water!

“Don’t you want to know his history of fame? Let me tell you how he challenged those strong…”

Qin Shuang said happily, and Aofeng listened with relish. The more I listened, the more I realized that this old man was really tough!

As early as more than ten years ago, he was able to face the top ten powerhouses in the top ten. On the one hand, he was promoted quickly and the zombies were powerful. On the other hand, he had the power of God to refine the lord’s treasure. , Qin Shuo’s strength can also completely cross the threshold challenge, and within the seven swords, he can compete with the peak power. After becoming the high lord, the Red Maple leader even killed two high lords in a row, which shocked the world.

However, that battle was also a pain in his heart. The cruel killings in the North always made some people die in the battle. His brother “Bero”, who had followed him for more than ten years, fell in that battle, so they He had a deep grudge with the lord Haichuan who was watching the fire after provoking the matter. Aofeng killed Haichuan’s most beloved son and asked Qin Shuang to applaud.

To give a brief overview, Aofeng has already driven Fengyun Mansion back to the camp, and the two of them found a remote shaded corner of the mansion and walked quickly to the camp with excitement, but they were coming I was completely stunned at the entrance of the camp!

The campsite in front of it had been expanded two or three times at this time, and the densely packed tents stretched to the foot of the mountain. Many people were walking around, brightly lit.

“What’s the matter? Why isn’t it ours?” Aofeng looked at the guards of the two **** emperors in front of the camp, turning to Qin Shuang in surprise.

“I don’t know, we went out for a while, why did it become like this!” Qin Shuang was also dumbfounded, and he didn’t know why.

The two were stunned. The people who guarded the camp saw them from a distance. They pointed at them with a weapon in their hands, and shouted proudly: “The people in front, this is Haichuan, The forest and sky are a joint camp of the three great lords. No one is allowed to approach within 500 meters of the camp. Those who are acquainted should get out of the way quickly, otherwise don’t blame us for being polite!”

Aofeng and Qin Shuang were taken aback at the same time, both of them opened their eyes wide, and looked at each other in horror. There is no need to ask any more. These words have made it clear why Qin Shuo and others left first!

The three high lords who chased Qin Shuo actually found here! Does Qin Shuo have any reason not to run away?

The sudden appearance of the three high lords immediately destroyed Aofeng’s beautiful mood, and she almost ran away with anger! Seeing that his father, who had been searching for a long time, was right in front of his eyes, he rushed back enthusiastically, only to find that he was thrown into the air. Such feelings cannot be described in words.

“These three **** who deserve to be struck by thunder!” Aofeng cursed angrily with red eyes!

“The master sent me a message using the communication array. They really took a step ahead because they discovered these three high lords, and went to the king to take it. The master’s strength and soul perception are above them, but they are close I still find out that I have to go. He asked me to stay with you and join him after watching the Battle of Bailimen. When I was a red leader, I wore a ghost mask and I was no longer a rookie. The level on the list, they don’t know me.” Qin Shuang took out a small round crystal ball that he carried and looked at it, raising his head and said to Aofeng.

This small ball is the Spirit Orb of Communication, but it can be used for communication within a short distance, and the Teleportation Array must be used when the distance is far.

“Hey, this is the second time I missed my dad, do we really have no chance?” Aofeng looks a little bit lonely.

“It’s okay, he will care about you more when there are twists and turns. Anyway, he has found it. Are you afraid of running away.” Qin Shuang looked at her eyes, his heart tightened slightly, and he held Aofeng’s shoulders to comfort She: “I will also use the communication array to send a message to the master later, tell him your situation first.”

After this resistance, Aofeng has calmed down from his excitement at this time, and shook his head quickly and said: “No, he is still very impulsive, knowing that I killed Haichuan’s son. Under Haichuan’s eyelids, how can I still sit still? Maybe I will run back to come from the snare, and I have to solve Bailimen’s affairs, temporarily unable to go, wait for our side to find him, send a message It’s better to say it in person.”

“Yes.” Qin Shuang nodded and said softly: “Then we should go camping elsewhere?”

Aofeng was about to nod his head, but the disgusting scream from a distance came again: “You two guys, why don’t you hurry up! Do you really want us to get rid of people?”

The guards over there became impatient when they saw Aofeng talking here for a while.

Originally, Aofeng missed her father’s anger because of the arrival of these three high lords. At this time, they were scolded by them, and her anger immediately rose!

“Who did you tell me to go?” The cold and Lirudian gaze shot hard, and it was surprisingly bright in the night! It was like two cold lights, slashing like a knife on the guards!

Hearing the cold and proud voice of Aofeng, the guards trembled for a moment, and their whole bodies seemed to be immersed in a pool of ice for a thousand years, and they shivered fiercely.

But then, the few people reacted and couldn’t help being furious.

It depends on the owner to hit a dog! where is this place? Before the High Lord Haichuan’s camp, there were people who dared to run wild, something that had never happened before!

Several guards flushed, feeling a great humiliation, and shouted angrily: “You are looking for death!”

“Everyone, there are guys with short eyes who dare to make trouble! Kill them!”

Seven figures leaped over immediately, bringing a fierce wind. In addition to the four **** emperors in front, there were three lord-level powerhouses behind!

“You guys are just looking for a beating!” Aofeng snorted coldly, and a few faint light flashed in his eyes, and turned to Qin Shuang and said: “Don’t be polite with them, hit harder, the bigger the movement, the better, I promise not Something happened! These guys prevented me from seeing my father. How could I make them so comfortable!”

In the past two days, Qin Shuang already knows Aofeng’s character. She will not do anything unsure, so she smiles without worry, squeezes both hands, and the joints of both hands emit a “chuckle”. With a crisp sound, he laughed in response: “No problem, I’m panicking without a fight these days!”

As soon as the two of them moved, they flew out like two meteors. Although Aofeng deliberately suppressed the speed, it is not comparable to those of God Emperor level. The distance between the two is less than 100 meters. , One ups and downs, already fiercely clash!

Aofeng greeted the four **** emperors, Qin Shuang stopped the three lords, the two of them raised their fists neatly without using weapons, and then saw a burst of fist shadows blasting at the other side. !

Extreme violence!

The two didn’t have much research on boxing, but they were both powerful men who understood the profound meaning of attack. How could they be underestimated? The Upiy of Attack is applicable to any attacking tactics, but it does not have the power and damage of a specialized weapon. Even so, the style of fist that can be played casually is not comparable to an ordinary lord.

The seven people on the opposite side originally relied on the large number of people, and did not put the two Aofeng in their eyes at all, but now they are horrified to realize the difference in strength as soon as they make a move, but this time it is obviously too late to regret!

“Bang, bang, bang, bang!” As far as the fist winds, I don’t know how many times the seven people have suffered. The wild and wild offensive fell on them like flowers and rain. Amid a scream, these seven The unlucky guy flew back at a faster speed than when he came! Directly rammed into the tents of all parties in the camp, immediately causing a mess in the camp!

Aofeng and Aofeng both settled on the ground, just standing at the gate of their camp, both snorted in relief and smiled at each other.

The two are actually quite similar in tempers, and their arrogance and domineering action are quite consistent.

At this time, the chaos in the camp ahead has gradually calmed down, and it seems that someone has walked out of the main camp. Then, a large group of people quickly moved in this direction!

Standing coldly in front of the camp, Aofeng did not squint, looked into the distance, and naturally saw the leading three.

The first person was wearing a blue-gray gown, with blue hair and blue eyes, but the blue was a bit darker gray, not as intoxicating and gentle as Lan Xiu, but with a hint of coldness and death. It will make people feel extremely uncomfortable. This man has a strange face, and the lines on his face are quite cold and hard like blocks of rock. He is quite sturdy, and he is about 25 or 16 years old. Knowing is the first adult demons!

The woman with blonde hair and golden eyes on the left has a beautiful face and a strong figure. A pair of Danfeng eyes hangs slantingly. She is wearing an unusually “cool” golden yellow skirt. This skirt looks in the eyes of Aofeng, Some cheongsams, like those used by hotel receptionists, have a slit on the left and right sides below the waist, and the woman’s slender and round snow-white thighs are slightly exposed. This is a good spring, just seeing countless men have straight eyes and drooling, but the fierce flickering in the eyes of the woman tells people that she is definitely not an annoying character.

As for the man on the right, he has green hair and green eyes, and a green gown. He is surprisingly big and nearly three meters tall. From a distance, this man is the most conspicuous. The man’s face is square and square, like a stone sculpture. The body is obviously a monster, and it is an extremely rare forest troll. Like the Bemun clan, the body is very similar to the human structure, but the body of the troll is very similar. It is terribly huge and strong, and it is not amazing to have this size in human form.

Qin Shuang frowned slightly, and said quietly: “Little brother, these three are the three big lords of the sea, the sky, and the forest. Do you really have a way to deal with them? These three big lords work together, and my master will recruit Can’t stand it! Your thunder cannon probably won’t kill them. After all, the level of the high lord and the lord is very different, your strength is still lower, the power that can be used is estimated to be limited, and it is impossible for them to stand and let you fire. “

Aofeng nodded slightly, she naturally knew that these three must be the three legendary high lords, and she was also looking at them carefully, she felt extremely heavy pressure from them, the strength gap was like It is a chasm that she can’t cross at present! However, the feelings of these three people were not as strong as those that Qin Shuo had brought to her at the beginning, and she could still resist it. Qin Shuo’s own domineering and domineering were definitely far above these three.

Relying on the original growth talents, the powerhouses of Warcraft are indeed easier to reach the realm of the great lord, including three people. At present, six of the nine great lords in the north are the powerhouses of warcraft, only Mo, Thousand Kills, Qin Shuo’s three humans, it turns out that the two High Lords killed by Qin Shuo and the Great Lord Zhanfeng were also beasts.

Zhanfeng has the appearance of silver hair and silver eyes, but no one knows what his body is.

Faced with the murderous aura of the three men, Aofeng didn’t rush and greeted the Cicada Wing Excalibur, and then pulled a round crystal ball from the waist under the black robe, The tassel strap was tied to the end of the divine sword, and then lightly flicked the divine sword, the dark flying sword flashed, like a black lightning shot toward the three high lords!

“Damn!” In the darkness, Qin Shuang didn’t see what the little ball was, but he saw Aofeng swinging his sword and flying at the lord, he was shocked on the spot!

Little sister, can you not be so sturdy! Doing these things that can scare people every time, it really scares people out of heart disease!

There was also an uproar from the opposite crowd who rushed here angrily. These two guys were really kicked in the head by the donkey! Dare to fly a sword in front of the high lord, isn’t it crazy?

Lord Haichuan saw this scene, and all three of them were frightened. They were about to attack, but suddenly they heard a cold voice from a distance.

“Take a good look, what’s on the tail of the sword!”

The three high lords were all taken aback, frowning somewhat suspiciously. Seeing the flying sword shot in front of them and stopped, hovering in front of them, they stared together, but their eyes were touching the tail of the sword. The suspended crystal ball became a shock! The anger and murderous spirit all over his body ran away in an instant, and the eyes looking into the distance were filled with surprise and awe!

This little crystal ball is actually just a communication spirit orb, which is not surprising, but the pattern of an ink-colored dagger displayed in the communication spirit orb is hardly ignored by even the northern continent. s things!

“The Excalibur Order! The Excalibur Order of the Excalibur Leader!” The voice of the Sky Lord in a golden dress robe sounded in amazement under the night sky.

The sound of this sound made the people behind them who were arrogant and domineering on the spot sluggish, causing a brief silence.

But then, the rush of exclamation broke out, more shocking than the tone of the sky lord!

“God, a genuine Excalibur Order!”

“What are you kidding about, the Excalibur Order actually appears here? Doesn’t the Excalibur Leader never set foot in the southern continent?”

“Is Lord Mo also interested in He Cho Bi? But he already has one He Cho Bi in his hand, there is no need to fight for the second piece.”

People in the camp have a lot of speculation and discussion, their eyes are always fixed on the transmission crystal containing the dark green dagger at the end of the Aofeng Divine Sword. This is one of the two heroes of the Northern Continent. Passion for blood and loyalty!

In the Northern Territory, apart from the Great Lord of Ten Thousand Beasts who are also the pinnacle of the Great Lord, and Zhanfeng who basically does not step out of the Qingfeng collar, who would dare not give face to Emperor Mo? In less than five hundred years, Emperor Mo rushed to the top of the high lord. Two hundred years ago, his deeds were circulating in every corner of the northern continent. The degree of craziness is just like the red that suddenly appeared now. The big lord of clothes is general.

In the end, the red lord is too young. He just entered the level of the lord. As a high-level illusionist, he has strong combat effectiveness and has always practiced for too short a time to be as high as the pinnacle of the lord. The big red lord can kill two big lords with one enemy and two strikes, and three big lords can’t bear the siege, but Emperor Mo can kill all the big lords in the northern realm except Zhanfeng and Ten Thousand Beasts! This is the strength of Emperor Mo!

The divine sword order is issued, and everyone in the world changes their colors. Even the three great lords can’t stop their edge!

“The Divine Sword Token?” Qin Shuang stared at the Divine Sword Token, blinking in disbelief, and said to Aofeng in amazement: “Little Junior Brother, this is the real Divine Sword Token? Where are you from? Get it?”

Aofeng smiled and transmitted the voice back: “Big Brother Qin Shuang doesn’t know yet, Emperor Mo and my father are in the same hometown, and I have some contact with the heirs he left on that land. I’ll come to see Dad. I have contacted him before, and he gave me this divine sword order. He also wants to inform my father, but at that time you have already left the north.”

“Di Mo and my master are fellow villagers? Why haven’t I heard him mention it?” Qin Shuang rubbed his chin curiously.

Aofeng smiled and it is not surprising, Emperor Mo and Yunzhongcheng have always been in contact. Qin Shuo hates Yun Qingcang, and it is normal for him to be unwilling to interact with Emperor Mo.

The Divine Sword Order suddenly appeared, and the expressions of the three high lords changed slightly. The Mo Emperor’s Divine Sword Order had his soul imprint, not just a dark green dagger pattern was the Divine Sword Order, this It was impossible to forge it at all, the extremely powerful sword intent revealed in Emperor Mo’s soul could be felt with a slight sweep.

“Haichuan, what should I do?” The green-haired man looked at Haichuan, with deep annoyance in his eyes: “Those two people have a magic sword order, but we are also high lords after all. How can we tolerate two juniors? Let’s run wild on our turf! They rushed and made such a big movement, how many pairs of eyes were watching, they were so submissive, others thought we were afraid of Emperor Mo!”

Lord Sky sneered. Dan Feng glanced at him, and said in a slightly ironic voice: “What? Are you not afraid of Emperor Mo? If this word reaches Emperor Mo, maybe he will find it. You come to make gestures, I’m afraid you won’t even be able to stop others’ ten moves by then!”

“You…” The Forest Lord was blocked by her and couldn’t help staring angrily, but there was no way to refute, who is not afraid of the peak of Mo Emperor’s strength?

“Facts are facts. If you are inferior to humans, you have to lose face. A man like you is really incompetent! If you want to die, I don’t want to. If you want to provoke Emperor Mo, go by yourself!” The Sky Lord said He stared at him and then snorted lightly.

The Lord of the Sky is a well-known “Appearance Party”. He is very tolerant to handsome men, but he speaks badly to men with ugly faces.

The interest and behavior of this woman are really sturdy. She recruits beautiful men from all over the world and recruits all over the harem. Anyone who can be admired by her can reach the sky in one step, regardless of strength. Take a look at the dozen or so concubines who followed her. They are all handsome young men, all types are available, and they are not one taller than the male companions of the wolf lord. level!

So the “peculiar”-looking Forest Lord has a cup. As long as there is a chance, the Sky Lord will always ridicule him, not to mention that everyone knows that Emperor Mo is the long-awaited object of the Sky Lord. How can people say bad things about him.

“Stop arguing, let’s check the situation first. Emperor Mo’s prestige is above us, and we won’t say anything to him in awe of others, but we’d better find a step down.” Lord Haichuan The cold gaze swept back, and once again strode towards Aofeng, the other two high lords quickly followed.

Among the three great lords, Haichuan’s monster body and skills are more fierce. In addition, neither of the two are his opponents alone, so he is naturally the leader.

The team slowly pressed toward the entrance of the camp again, and walked to the eyes of the two Aofengs. After seeing Aofeng’s appearance clearly, there was another cry of surprise in the crowd.

“Why are you?”

The voice sounded extremely shocking, as if I couldn’t believe it. Aofeng and Aofeng moved their eyebrows. They walked along the prestige, only to find that Haitian, Lian Yan and other members of the War League were here!

Thinking about it, they thought that Aofeng was dead under the chase of the six strongest people, and then Pidianpidian ran here. Once the Aofeng passed away, naturally they would not count the vows they made to the dead. , Haitian will be able to tell Lord Haichuan and everyone Aofeng’s identity, and invite merits and rewards.

At this moment, I suddenly discovered that Aofeng was still alive. How could we not be surprised? Not only them, but the expressions on Teng Zizhou’s faces were also very unnatural. Looking at the Excalibur Ling on the tail of Aofeng Feijian, their regretful faces were blue! If I knew that, who would dare to provoke this ancestor of the plague god!

Aofeng’s eyes narrowed slightly, and he faintly swept across all the members of the Alliance, seeing their expressions clearly, and couldn’t help but sneer in his heart.

It turns out that the people of Fujizizhou seem to be smiling very well. In fact, they secretly keep their dissatisfaction in their minds. Seeing the wind to make the rudder first-class skills, watching her “master” leave and the three of Haichuan lord come, Embarrassed with Lian Yan and others!

However, Aofeng is not very worried. Since Haitian has not been obliterated by the rules at this time, it proves that he has not had time to say anything. Before receiving her death, he was determined not to speak nonsense because of vows. Zhanmeng At best, everyone knew that she and Haitian had some grudges.

Thinking of this, Aofeng’s dark pupils flashed with brilliance, and a wicked sneer lightly raised. Since they really want to be near the sea, let’s stay there, but look at their last Is it cheap or bad luck!

“What’s’you’? Haitian, do you know the messenger of the sword leader?” Lord Haichuan glanced at Haitian next to him, and frowned his stiff brow coldly.

These people have just arrived here to settle down. They didn’t see what happened in the afternoon. They thought that they didn’t have much contact with others. Naturally, they didn’t know Aofeng. The same goes for those guards.

Teng Zizhou has a thick face and stood up with a strong smile: “Master Haichuan, this Mianxia is the famous Chasing Yun Mian who will fight Sima Yurong today, a 22-year-old **** emperor. Strong, super genius! But I didn’t expect Mo Emperor’s messenger to chase the cloud, ha ha ha…”

The 22-year-old God Emperor peak powerhouse?

Hearing this news, there was a burst of puffing sounds, and the trio of Lord Haichuan couldn’t help being shocked! Seeing such an amazingly talented super genius with your own eyes, no one will be indifferent!

Hai Chuan’s eyes flickered, he contemplated a little, and said in a deep voice: “It’s no wonder that your Majesty Mo would like you so much, but this little brother, dare you ask why you made such a movement in front of our camp? Although we His prestige is not as good as that of Emperor Mo, but he is also a high-lord-level figure at any rate. If there is no reason, you will come to the door to slap your face. Isn’t it justified?”

“Reason? Haha, Master Haichuan, you just asked knowingly!” With a wicked sneer, Aofeng spit out extremely ironic words.

This kind of tit-for-tat against those who came was unkind, and immediately caused Haichuan and the other three lords to frown, thinking that this kid is too unaware of what is wrong, although he is a super genius, you can’t be so arrogant! As the high lord, we have discussed with you, as long as you find a step for us to go down, we will not pursue it.

“I don’t know what you mean by chasing Yunmian!” Haichuan’s face became cold, and he snorted lightly: “Who is I, Haichuan, and how can I ask you a junior if I know why? Chasing Yunmian It’s better to tell why today! Otherwise, I will take you to Lord Mo, and let him comment on us! As Lord Mo, I must not allow you to make unreasonable trouble!”

Seeing Haichuan’s anger, everyone’s heart beats fiercely, Qin Shuang also looked at Aofeng with some worry. Although Haichuan didn’t dare to kill Aofeng due to Emperor Mo, it was okay to trap people. .

Aofeng didn’t seem to put Haichuan’s anger in his eyes, and sneered coldly: “I am unreasonable to make trouble? If even wanting to take our lives is unreasonable, I really don’t know what in the eyes of Master Haichuan. It’s reasonable!”

After that, Aofeng turned his head and asked Qin Shuang “doubtfully”: “Brother, did those people just say, “Our war alliance is ordered by the sea and the sky to take your lives. Afterwards, the lord Haichuan There must be a great reward’ ah? Did I hear it wrong?”

When Aofeng said a word, the crowd on the other side was shocked. Haichuan was taken aback on the spot. Haitian and the other members of the Zhan League suddenly looked at the extreme, and instantly understood Aofeng’s intentions!

This kid is so insidious! Such a murder! Use Lord Haichuan as a gunner!

Qin Shuang also froze for a moment, and looked at Aofeng’s clear eyes “harmlessly”, sweating.

If the proud wind forced Haitian to take an oath in the Zhan League, he was just amazed, now he is definitely a five-body cast! The biggest difference between this kid and the master is this shameless black belly! It’s not that Qin Shuo is stupid than her, but Qin Shuo is more open and upright. When encountering things, it is usually a frontal collision, but that requires extremely strong strength, and it will inevitably suffer a loss when encountering a stronger person, but Aofeng’s insidious and cunning Can make her feel like a fish in all kinds of torrents.

She doesn’t need a knife to kill, and she doesn’t need too much strength. As long as she picks up the “gun” that appears around her at any time, what else is terrible about her?

The gun today is the Lord Haichuan!

“Little Junior Brother, you heard that right, that’s what those people said! Why don’t we come back to find this place?” Qin Shuang pretended to be serious and said, secretly sighing that he had stayed with her for a long time. Sooner or later, she will be “broken” by her. But he really enjoys this feeling, and sometimes it’s more refreshing to kill people alive than to beat them by himself.

When the two of them spoke out of this conversation, everyone in the camp over there “understood” what was going on, and they all showed a sudden realization. Unexpectedly, it was the son of the lord Haichuan and him. The disaster caused by the League! Everyone shouted and screamed, no wonder people would come to the door to smash the place!

“Haitian, is this true?” Haichuan’s expression became gloomy for an instant, his cold eyes swept towards Haitian, almost angrily! This rebellious son usually causes trouble outside. It’s rare to meet him today and even provoke such a thing! He said just now that the other party was making trouble without reason, but now things really fell on him, isn’t this embarrassing him in public!

Haitian has always been most afraid of his father, and was trembling with this stare, trembling, afraid to reply.

“Haichuan, I have long heard that your son is always waving around under your banner, but I didn’t expect him to be so bold that even the Mo Emperor envoy who carries the divine sword will dare to kill!” Forest The lord snorted coldly, and stared at Haitian and the people behind the Zhan League in dissatisfaction!

The Lord Sky Lord next to him looked at Lord Haichuan and said indifferently, “Do you still need to ask? Now things are clear. It was your son who caused the loss of our faith. You don’t plan to Can you give us an explanation?”

The order of the divine sword caused them to collide head-on with Emperor Mo’s prestige. They did not dare to fight Emperor Mo. Naturally, some believers felt that Emperor Mo was even more powerful. If they turned to Emperor Mo, their faith would be lost. .

The strongest people at the top have to do superficial work, such as the theism of the Light Illusion Hall and the Dark Illusion Hall, also because they have to compete for faith.

“It’s all because of these guys!”

“Damn bastards, you guys are really harmful!”

“My lord, what are you talking about with them! Kill them!”

Faced with the fierce gaze projected from the surrounding area, everyone in the Zhan League was shocked and angry, and even the liver hurt by Aofeng!

“Master Haichuan, don’t listen to them! It’s clear that they want to find fault on their own. What does it have to do with the crown of the sea?” Teng Zizhou, an old cunning man, immediately revealed his gloomy nature and asked coldly: ” Chasing Yunmeng, you are still in my camp today to persecute Haitianmeng and swear not to be against you. Is this false? Having sworn, how can Haitianmengian send them to chase you down?”

Lian Yan next to him also glared at Aofeng: “Boy, those people just went to find your fault because they were dissatisfied with you, a **** emperor junior, who worked in my war alliance. You don’t want to plant the blame!”

But better than eloquence, how can Aofeng lose to them? She can be justified even if she doesn’t care!

I saw a flash of light in Aofeng’s eyes, and he hummed slowly: “I forced him to swear, but how could he be within the scope of the oath if he had previously confessed to you? I didn’t want to pretend to be with him. I didn’t illuminate the Divine Sword Order, but used this “peaceful” method to resolve each other, but you were shameless and wanted to make trouble! Since you also admit that the person who came to assassinate me was in your war alliance People, and the Zhanmeng was established under the crown of the sea, relying on the prestige of Master Haichuan, what is the difference?”

Some words only made people around nodded and said yes.

Indeed, she is carrying the Divine Sword Order, as long as she shows it, where does Haitian dare to trouble her? Everyone in Lien Zhanmeng couldn’t refute this point!

They don’t know what the deep hatred between Haitian and Aofeng is, and they don’t know that Aofeng killed the most beloved son of Lord Haichuan! If this news is revealed to Haichuan, regardless of whether Aofeng is holding the Excalibur Order or not, he will probably get angry and kill it.

Haitian mouth is full of bitterness, but there is no way to tell. If Aofeng is the murderer who killed Haiping can be made public, everything can be solved, but he can’t do it because of vows! It’s fine if the Lord Haichuan didn’t help Haiping get revenge, but she was “flickered” to help her in turn! This really makes Haitian feel so depressed that he wants to vomit blood!

“Haitian, you really let me down!” Lord Haichuan stared at Haitian coldly, and suddenly shouted: “Come on, drag this rebellious son to me and lock it up, and bring it back to the imprisonment of Lanhailing. From now on Don’t take a half step out of the blue sea collar!”

Tiger poison doesn’t eat children. Haitian is his son after all, and Haichuan can’t kill him, so he has to act like this and give everyone an explanation.

Lord Haichuan’s sharp eyes condensed on Lian Yan and the others again, and the real killing intent in his eyes made the people of the Zhan League suddenly immersed in a basin of ice water, and the cold war continued.

Without waiting for Haichuan to act, Fujizizhou came out again and bit the bullet and shouted: “Master Haichuan, we have gathered many masters based on your reputation. In fact, we are also promoting your reputation and fighting for your faith! We can swear that we don’t know about the matter of having the Divine Sword Order under the chasing cloud crown. Those who seek trouble and act without authorization have nothing to do with our war alliance itself. In order to let you see a wonderful battle five days later, we promote The strength is too late, how can there be such idle time? Please be aware of it!”

When Teng Zizhou said so, Haichuan and the others were slightly startled, reminding them.

Lord Sky raised his pretty eyebrows and nodded: “Haichuan, what this guy said is not unreasonable, and those who do not know are not guilty, and we are gathered here to watch the battle five days later, if you Kill them at this time. Who will fight against Bailimen five days later? That will only attract the dissatisfaction of the strong people around, and cause the loss of faith.”

“Huh, but they have caused our faith to be lost, can it be so easy to let them go?” The Forest Lord also sang against the Sky Lord.

Lord Haichuan frowned, raised his head suddenly, and said faintly: “That’s all right, you have caused us such a big trouble, you should be put to death directly, but seeing that you don’t know and there is a lot of hope, I will Give you a chance. After five days, you will fight against Bailimen. Don’t have many people to fight. Only the lord-level powerhouses are allowed to come forward and invite one by one. Start with the weakest person, and the one who survives last, I Don’t pursue it any more.”

Haichuan’s request immediately made most of the strong in the war alliance “brush!” his face paled! Isn’t this asking them to die? You know, Baili Wushuang is ranked at 17th place, and most people are not as high as Baili Wushuang!

“Let’s stop staying in the Zhanmeng, I will withdraw from the Shuangsha League!”

“Master Haichuan, our strength is low and we think we are not their opponents, our brother has withdrawn!”

Two middle-aged men who seemed to be more than 30 years old immediately stood up and said that these two brothers are a force on the Great Plains, the leader of the Shuangsha League, and both are on the top of the list. The position is eighty away, and the power is indeed far inferior to the people in front.

“Quit?” Haichuan’s cold face passed a strange expression, and he waved his hand abruptly, but he heard “Hah! Hah!” Two strong bangs, and two extremely powerful finger winds shot from Haichuan’s fingertips!

Immediately afterwards, I heard “Puff!” “Puff!” Two times, the two lords opened a big hole in Dantian! The entire abdomen became a hollow, and the soul pill inside instantly shattered!

The eyes of the two lords were wide, but they didn’t even say a word, and they both fell down!

In this scene, everyone’s scalp was numb, and the whole body was shaken!

“So strong!” Aofeng also felt the heart-palpiting power, secretly horrified, the high lord-level attack power is the bull fork, and with one finger, he placed the two places on the list like a lamb. The lord was overtaken, and these two top rankings had absolutely no resistance at all.

“Who else wants to quit?” Haichuan asked in a cold voice, sweeping across the Zhan League.

Everyone in the Zhan League fought a few cold wars, but no one dared to speak any more. This situation is obvious. Now anyone who dares to say a word is dead, there may be a little hope in five days. .

Seeing that they died down and stopped talking, Haichuan snorted, then turned to look at Aofeng: “I don’t know if Mianxia is satisfied with this treatment?”

Aofeng’s heart is actually a bit regretful. If Haichuan destroys this war alliance in a rage, Bailimen’s troubles will be solved, but this old fellow Teng Zizhou is too old and cunning. Escaped a disaster.

But of course she can’t say this. Some things are too late. After all, Haichuan is a high-ranking lord. He has even dealt with his son. At this time, if he is not allowed to step down, he may be true later. Will turn face and deny people. Negotiations are based on the basis of not turning your face, and the scale must be properly controlled. It is no fun to get the fish dead and the net broken.

“Master Haichuan is fair and rigorous, and there is no cover-up. It is really admirable!” Aofeng smiled indifferently, complimented, and then said: “Your camp was originally where our people were stationed. Now we Because the team had to take a step in advance, leaving us brothers and nowhere to shelter, I don’t know if Master Haichuan can enjoy a place? It is enough for us to share a tent, and we won’t leave the camp these days, lest we give it to the adults. Cause trouble.”

Aofeng doesn’t want to be jealous of revenge by the people in the Zhan League these days. In the joint operation of the three major lords, safety can be guaranteed.

Since Aofeng is very acquainted with the boat, and his attitude is quite polite, Lord Haichuan is also a lot more comfortable, showing a slightly relaxed expression on his cold face, nodding and saying: “No problem, two can choose at will Camp account.”

Lightly glanced at the members of the war alliance who gritted their teeth and stared at her in resentment, arrogantly smiled, and dashed towards Qin Shuang into the joint camp of the three big lords.

“You guys go back too, five days later, there will be a big battle, don’t fight ghosts! Our high lord’s camp, not everyone can come in!” Haichuan pointedly blanked a few people in the war alliance and waved Waved, and immediately turned back to camp with the other two highlords.

A small group of people nearby came over coldly and made a light gesture to Tengzizhou Lianyan and others: “A few, please!”

This unceremonious expulsion attitude made Lian Yan extremely embarrassed, but what about the high lord who can pinch them to death with one hand?

Lian Yan and the others were angrily forced to leave, Aofeng and Qin Shuang also found a relatively spacious empty tent and got in.

“Little Junior Brother, what are you going to do next?” Qin Shuang sat down quietly in the tent, and said with a worried frown: “Although there are only eight lords left in the war alliance, all eight are They are well-known strong players on the ground list, and there are two in the top ten. Lord Feiyun ranks seventh, Lord Lianyan ranks third, and your thunder cannon can’t be used under the eyes of everyone. It’s not easy to deal with. .”

“What else can I do? Just bite the bullet!” Aofeng smiled lightly. Why didn’t she know that the two people were not easy to deal with, but the battle of Bailimen was originally caused by her and Baili Qingxiao. , She can’t just let go at this time.

Fortunately, at this time, after her repeated attacks on the back, the master of the war alliance has already lost more than half. There are only eight of the 16 masters in the rankings, and this time the war alliance has offended the lord Haichuan. Ordered to play this life-and-death struggle game, it is impossible for anyone to join them, that is to say, these eight people will be at the time of the decisive battle.

Qin Shuang thought for a while and suggested: “Should we secretly kill the two of them again? You have the Fengyun Mansion. It is easy to get in.”

Aofeng’s eyes flashed slightly, but he shook his head and said: “No, after tonight’s affairs, they will definitely take precautions. It’s easy to get in, but it’s hard to find someone who takes orders. There are three big players here. If the lord is so close, if I use a thunder cannon, the energy beam will definitely attract their attention, and it’s even more unpleasant to be discovered by them. Now we can only wait for the war to arrive and do nothing.”

“Can only wait?” Qin Shuang stared silently.

“Yes, wait while practicing.” Aofeng smiled, blinked at Qin Shuang and said: “Actually, it’s not that there is no chance to win them head-on. I will tell you a secret. I have been in my epiphany tonight. Breaking through the lord’s barrier, the cyclone is concentrated and began to form a soul pill. As long as the soul pill can be successfully condensed and the power of the soul can be used, my actual combat ability will take a leap. At that time, where will be the third strongest? Who? Huh…”

This is not exaggerated at all. Once the power of the soul can be used, the power of the sacred fire created by the power of the soul alone must be attacked to a higher level. The lord-level powerhouse can be in front of the sacred fire created by the divine power Not afraid, but in front of the sacred fire created by the power of the soul, there is only one escape.

Aofeng can be sure that when she reaches the lord level and then uses Manzano’s Royal Armor Armoring, her ordinary combat power is at the lord’s pinnacle level. With the addition of the lord’s Uranus Overlord’s Spear Art and Shenhuo, Na Lianyan is considered What happened?

“What? You…have you broken through the lord’s barrier?” Qin Shuang trembled fiercely as he looked at Ao Feng triumphantly, and gave a wry smile with twitching corners of his mouth. Hey, this little pervert doesn’t strike every day. Is he uncomfortable two or three times? The twenty-two-year-old lord can still compete against the top ten…

“It seems that I really have to work hard, or I will be thrown off by you sooner or later, then I, a senior brother, will be ashamed to death?” Qin Shuang shook his head and sighed, then frowned, “You Hurry up and cultivate in these few days. The condensation of the soul pill requires a lot of energy from the outside world. It can’t be gathered in a day or two. It takes a month for normal people to condense, and those with slightly higher cultivation talents will be faster. My talent is also considered to be the top of the North, and it took ** days to get it done, I’m afraid I won’t be able to catch up with the war.”

“It takes so long to condense the soul pill?” This time it was Aofeng’s turn to stare and scream. What a joke, most of her success lies in the advancement to the lord, there is no way to advance, that is not Did you really stop cooking?

“That’s not necessarily true. With your little perverted talent, it might be condensed with a’rub’!” Qin Shuang touched his resolute chin and said with a smile.

Aofeng rolled his eyes silently, and gave a “rub”? Are you and Lei Yufeng brothers?

“Well, brother, don’t bother you. I will protect you at the entrance of the account. Don’t waste time.” Qin Shuang knew that the situation was tense, so he stopped joking, patted Aofeng on the shoulder and stood up and walked away. Go to the door of the tent and sit down cross-legged and smile at Aofeng from a distance.

Looking at Qin Shuang, Aofeng’s heart is warm. Her senior brother really cares for her like his elder brother and others. Although you can’t see distant relatives and friends in the north, you have friends like him by her side. I will not feel lonely either.

“The four lords of the pinnacle, if they can’t advance smoothly, I’m afraid it will be a hard fight! The specific situation, only when the time comes!” He sighed secretly, and Aofeng stopped thinking about it. , Narrowed his gaze, and began to concentrate.

The consciousness sank into the dantian, and Aofeng saw the star fog-like silver energy that was still slowly gathering on the surface of the phantom **** energy. The energy was extremely thin, and it seemed that it was less than a tenth of the soul pill.

“It’s no wonder brother said that this soul pill is difficult to agglomerate, it’s really slow.” Aofeng sighed helplessly, his mind turned, and actively urged the star map to speed up, and the energy in the air gathered toward her. Come here…

I don’t know the years of cultivation, and after my consciousness sinks into my pubic field, I can’t feel the passage of time at all.

Five days, just a blink of an eye.

Aofeng woke up in Qin Shuang’s soft voice, looked out of the tent, the sky was grey and gray, as if it was about to dawn.

“Little Junior Brother, five days have passed, what happened?” Qin Shuang asked with a solemn expression, but he probably knew the answer. After the soul pill was condensed, there would be a pattern of promotion rules and silver patterns, and ten emperors The star society turned into twelve lord stars, but this did not happen in Aofeng.

“Hey, the soul pill has been successfully condensed, but I don’t know why I can’t get the power of the soul, and the promotion rules have not come. It is really anxious.” Aofeng looked a little anxious. Sigh softly.

“This is the moisturizing time after the formation of the soul pill. It allows the soul pill to solidify and form a substance. After entering this state, you are basically done.” Qin Shuang’s face was relieved, he let out a sigh, and hugged her. The shoulder comforted: “Don’t worry, since the battle is one-on-one, the fight can naturally be delayed deliberately. We will go out later, explain to them, and consume as much as possible, and once you reveal your identity, I don’t believe they can Resist the indignation and scolding, when the time comes, it will be natural to waste time.”

After what he said, Aofeng’s mood slightly improved, and he nodded and chuckled: “Then let’s go, there should have been a lot of forces in the past few days. Before the day broke, there was a quarrel outside, it seems very It’s lively.”

“Well, the mountains are full of people, and the tops of the mountains are full. The three great lords have reduced the 100-meter range around the camp to 20 meters, otherwise it will arouse public outrage and cause their faith to be lost. Qin Shuang said with a smile, and pushed Ao Feng a little eagerly: “Let’s go, let’s go out, this is the first time I have seen such a big scene, there are not so many people in the Red Maple battle. “

“Okay.” Aofeng smiled slightly.

The two young people walked out of the camp enthusiastically. The air in the mountains and forests in the morning was very fresh. The mist and dew in the morning had not dissipated. There was a vast expanse of white all around, and the Baili city in the distance grew more and more in the mist. It looks ethereal, like a city in an illusion.

There was a crowd of people all around, and people walked out of their tents, rushing out of the camp like a tide, and came to the top of the mountain. Only this place can see the most clearly.

Aofeng glanced at the giant tree not far ahead, and couldn’t help laughing. The trees there were already full of people at this time, and the thousand-year-old trees were all down. Rough calculations, the number of people gathered here may have exceeded 100,000. Of course, not all of them are top powerhouses. There are also many ordinary level practitioners. Aofeng glanced at it and actually saw a few fifth-tiers. Xiaopiao…

Some of these people are standing on the branches, and some are sitting on the thicker tree trunks, discussing enthusiastically, all of them are quite excited.

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