Almighty Athlete Chapter 125: Win

Zhang Guan and Bolt entered the straight at the same time, and after the two entered the straight, they were in the same position.

However, the two did not lead the other players too much. Two athletes were just a little slower than them and entered the straight track, the American Spearman and the Netherlands Antilles Martina. .

When entering the straight runway, Spearman glanced at Zhang Guan and Bolt not far away.

“The gap between us is not as big as I expected. In this game, I may have the hope of defeating Bolt or Zhang Guan, or even the two of them at the same time.”

Spearman has swept almost all 200-meter sprint champions in the United States and is known as the successor of Sean Crawford, especially after the runner-up in the 2005 World Championships. He has a promising future.

However, all this changed in 2006, Zhang Guan entered the 200-meter sprint, and then swept the world, especially in the track and field World Cup, Zhang Guan even scored 200 in spearman’s face. The champion of rice.

In 2007, Zhang Guan went to play tennis, and briefly left the track and field, but Spearman did not usher in his own spring, because Bolt rose in 2007 and 2008, 100 meters and 200 meters. The two sprint events are undoubtedly Bolt’s world. At first Spearman only lost or won, but when Bolt entered the peak period, Spearman faced Bolt. Victories.

Today, when Spearman faced Zhang Guan and Bolt in the Olympic Games, he did not flinch. He did not hesitate to challenge the two strongest players in the world.

“I am the strongest 200-meter player in the United States, and today, I am going to be the strongest player in the world! I want to get back the glory of the American sprint!” Spearman’s eyes revealed a brilliant light, especially When he found that he was not too far apart from Zhang Guan and Boltra, he became more confident in himself.

Once, when it comes to track and field sprints, the nation’s strongest is the world’s strongest, but this law has changed after the Athens Olympics. Zhang Guan, Powell, Bolt… more powerful players emerged. The champion is no longer the world champion.

From the perspective of the world, American track and field are no longer the dominant ones, or even begun to decline, but Spearman does not think so, he wants to bring the American track and field back to the peak, and the beginning of all this is This Olympic gold medal!

On the other side, Martina of the Netherlands Antilles also ignited hope for the rise.

The Netherlands Antilles is a small country with only a few hundred thousand people in the Caribbean Sea. If you put it in the country, it will not even be a bigger town. And in this small island country with a small population, Martina is undoubtedly the biggest sports star, and he is also the Olympic bearer of the Netherlands Antilles.

At this moment, Martina seems to feel that the dawn of victory is already shining on herself, because he and Bolt around him are less than half a body away. This difference may be slightly when crossing the finish line You can surpass the past by sticking your head forward.

“I can be faster, I can be faster! Come on, go over, over Bolt, over Zhang Guan, get this Olympic gold medal, I will become a hero!”

Martina suddenly remembered the scene when people left him when he left the Netherlands Antilles, and the look of expectation made him feel that he carried their hope.

“Perhaps in my hometown, people are watching my game! So I can’t lose!”

This became the driving force for Martina, but it has nothing to do with national honor. The Netherlands Antilles, as a colony ruled by the colony for centuries, is now the Dutch self-governing territory. The people there have a much lower sense of honor and identity for the country, but in a country with only a few hundred thousand people Island country, more people’s “identity”, perhaps what Martina wants most.


Bolt didn’t care about Martina around him, let alone Spearman at the edge of the circuit. At this time, there was only one idea in his mind, that is to defeat Zhang Guan.

In the whole corner, Bolt has tried his best to run, but in the end he still did not get the slightest lead. In the contest of the corner, he and Zhang Guan can only be compared to a fifty-five open.

In the eyes of many people, Bolt did not gain an advantage in the corner area, which means that he has to lose the game in nine or nine times. Because just a few days ago, in the men’s 100-meter sprint finals, Bolt lost to Zhang Guan, and that time the straight was compared, so people also came to a conclusion that Bolt’s straight is not as good as Zhang Guan.

But Bolt does not think so, he is very confident in his ability to follow up.

“100 meters is still too short, I just increased the speed, the game is over, but 200 meters is not the same, I will have more time to maintain the limit speed, my subsequent explosive force can make I keep going!”

Bolt stepped on those two long legs, as if it was a cheetah chasing an antelope, rushing forward.

At this moment, Bolt has worked hard and his speed has been increased to the extreme. Every time he swings his arm, every time he takes a step, he shows the strongest explosive force, and his muscles are completely tight. There is a perfect line in the dark black, with the athlete’s special beauty.

“Bolt is so fast!” someone exclaimed. The reason why some people say this is because Bolt will increase the distance between Martina every step forward.

Half position, one position, one half position, two positions, 1 meter, 2 meters, 3 meters… The distance between the two has been stretched to more than three meters in the blink of an eye, and All of this came too fast, leaving Martina completely unresponsive. The first second he was still surprised at Bolt’s speed, and the next second, he could only see Bolt’s back.

“Bolt’s speed is so fast, is this the real speed of Bolt?” Martina’s eyes revealed a shock, but more in her heart was unwilling.

But Martina also understands that his speed has reached his limit, and he can’t be faster.

At the very edge of the track, Spearman set off a storm in his heart.

“Why is Bolt so fast? He is much faster than usual! It turns out he can run so fast, has he been hiding his strength before?”

In the past two years, Spearman and Bolt have had more than one contest, and Bolt has never shown the speed of today. For this reason, Spearman was very confident in himself before the game. He thought he had a chance to beat Bolt and Zhang Guan. But at this time, after Bolt showed such an amazing speed, Spearman already meant that victory was already an unattainable thing for him, he could not be faster than Bolt.

Athletes have to go through a dozen or even dozens of matches a year, especially between June and August, when the schedule is relatively dense, the athlete’s state will also be affected, which directly interferes with the athlete Match results. But now it is the four-year Olympic Games, which is the most important event in the world, so athletes will inevitably adjust their state to the best. They will use their best to welcome the Olympic Games.

On weekdays, Spearman was not in the best form of Bolt, which also led him to misjudge Bolt’s true strength, and today’s Bolt is clearly in the best State, he played his best, a strong and unprecedented Bolt.

“It’s fast, really fast! Who would be his opponent like Bolt?” Spearman’s heart was filled with powerlessness, but at this time, he found that in Bol In the runway on the left side, there is always a person who is side by side with Bolt.

“That’s Zhang Guan, he can still keep up with Bolt!”

At this time, everyone has understood that this game has become a contest between Zhang Guan and Bolt.


On the court, athletes have colorful clothes and different sportswear styles, but most athletes have one thing in common, that is, they are all black.

The black skin shone with mineral colors under the light, which became the mainstream color on the track and field, but the only different color is so conspicuous. Although it is yellow skin, compared with the black people, it looks extremely white.

If the piece of black is the highest quality ore that has just been dug out of the ground, then this white rune is like the only crystal clear diamond suddenly flashing out of the ore!

That’s Zhang Guan. He didn’t fall behind. He always kept pace with Bolt. Even if Bolt has played the ultimate speed and has shown his strongest self, Zhang Guan is not inferior.

Zhang Guan‘s pace is not as big as Bolt’s, but his rhythm is one point faster than Bolt’s. When Bolt accelerated, Zhang Guan also accelerated. When Bolt was three meters ahead of Martina and three meters ahead of Spearman, Zhang Guan also led the two players by three meters.

And the gap is still widening, not enough to catch a breath, this gap has reached five meters. The pattern of this game is also determined, the champion will be born between Zhang Guan and Bolt, and Spearman and Martina will compete for the third place.

“This seems to be a repeat of the 100-meter final. The competition is not over yet. Zhang Guan and Bolt are already far ahead of the other players. The championship will be produced by the two of them. Although the other six athletes are very good It’s powerful, but it can’t threaten these two people.” This idea has risen in the hearts of countless people. The battle between Zhang Guan and Bolt is what all viewers want to see.

The shouting voice echoed over the field, and some people could not help dancing, but their expressions were all the same, excited, anxious, nervous, impulsive, ecstasy, and bloody!

People are shouting to cheer, people are shouting the name of Zhang Guan, people are waiting for the moment when Zhang Guan surpasses Bolt.

Various voices were quickly submerged in the roaring wave. No one cared whether Zhang Guan could hear their shouts, but everyone hoped that Zhang Guan could be faster, even if it was just a little faster.

“Come on”, this is an expectation, a very simple expectation!

Since Zhang Guan won the 200m championship in the track and field World Cup, there have been too many people looking forward to this Olympic gold medal in the past two years, especially after Zhang Guan broke the record in the 100m sprint event, this expectation Has reached its peak.

And in Jamaica on the other side of the earth, in front of the TV, people are shouting another name: Usin Bolt!

They know that it is impossible for Bolt to hear their shouts across a distance of the earth, but they are still indulging in screams. They hope that Bolt can defeat Zhang Guan and win the championship, which will give The whole of Jamaica brings glory, and more importantly, an Olympic gold medal, like a lighthouse, will point out the way forward for countless young Jamaicans who are about to enter the field of track and field.

This is a contest that no one wants to lose. This is true for athletes, especially for spectators from both countries.

However, this is competitive sports, so there must be a loser between the two.

There are only 50 meters left from the finish line. Zhang Guan and Bolt are still in the same position. None of them has taken the lead, even if it was the lead. At the current speed of the two of them, the game will end in four seconds.

The last four seconds are the four seconds that will determine the outcome.

At this moment, everyone glared and stared at the two players, afraid they would miss something because of blinking.

During the last three seconds, Zhang Guan and Bolt are still side by side, completely unable to see that one of them will have a leading trend, as if the game will continue until the end.

Bolt knows that at this time he has the best state and the determination to win, and he has tried his best, and his speed has reached the extreme.

He knows better that now is his perfect chance to defeat Zhang Guan.

However, Bolt was disappointed that even in this state, he still could not take the lead. The game may not be able to decide the victory until the last time the line is crossed.

Zhang Guan also felt the power of Bolt. He did not expect that before the game, Bolt would run so fast, even if he has exhausted his full strength, he can only maintain a tie with Bolt. .

In the last two seconds, they were one step closer to the end.

At this time, Zhang Guan feels that time seems to be still, everything in front of him becomes so clear at this moment, the red runway, green lawn, set against his eyes, but it seems to become gray. There is only one white line, sometimes clear, and twelve blurred.

That’s the finish line!

A voice suddenly sounded from Zhang Guan‘s rushed past, rushed past! “

That voice is so familiar, as if Zhang Guan was talking to himself.

That was Zhang Guan‘s inner voice, and he was telling himself.

That is the sound of longing for victory.

Then this desire for victory turned into the only consciousness of Zhang Guan.

“Rush through!”

Zhang Guan and Bolt’s bodies are finally no longer side by side, and they have finally staggered half a position.

At the last second, Zhang Guan took the lead!

He then bowed his head and crossed the line.

“Win!” (to be continued.) Enable new URL

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