All the Planes Knelt and Begged the Villainess to be Humane Chapter 4518: Pocket Space Weapon Spirit (Sixty)

Song Jin is a very smart person. He immediately noticed something was wrong with Qin Ziyu and quickly asked her what was going on.

At present, he is still very satisfied with the current situation. He is sincere to Qin Ziyu, but he still does not want to fall out with her over the matter of extending his life span. Xiaoxiao used a trick to make Qin Ziyu voluntarily bleed, which would not hurt the relationship between them.

Qin Ziyu’s suddenly lost look made him a little uneasy.

After so many years of marriage, Song Jin already understood Qin Ziyu’s temperament, so he asked her directly what was going on.

Faced with Song Jin’s concern, Qin Ziyu could no longer hide her inner grievances and cried in front of him. Song Jin had never seen such a battle before, so he patiently coaxed him for a long time.

Qin Ziyu tried to say: “My cultivation is gradually dissipating, and I will lose it completely before long.”

It was said that the contract was terminated, but she still couldn’t say a word about the space and the contract. She had tried just now.

Song Jin frowned, not expecting this to happen, and finally understood how Qin Ziyu could be like this.

Qin Ziyu’s loss of cultivation is not a good thing for him. What he is most concerned about now is whether her loss of cultivation will affect her blood.

Just thinking about this, Song Jin felt bad all over, but he couldn’t ask this question, lest Qin Ziyu break up with him.

Qin Ziyu was trying to tell some news that would be beneficial to Song Jin. In fact, she was unable to tell a series of important news about Lingquan Space.

Hasn’t the contract been terminated? Why I still can’t tell.

That night, Song Jin comforted Qin Ziyu for a long time.

“It doesn’t matter, I will be by your side.”

Qin Ziyu’s empty heart was comforted: “With your words, I feel much more at ease. If you lose it, just lose it. I don’t regret it if I can be with you in exchange.”

She didn’t know that Song Jin comforted her on the surface, but in his heart he was thinking about extending his lifespan.

In about ten days, Qin Ziyu lost all his cultivation.

She tried to practice again, but as time passed, not only the cultivation level disappeared, but also the content of the technique she practiced gradually became blurred.

Qian Yan did a great job, not giving her any way out in this regard.

Qin Ziyu didn’t dare to think too much, for fear that the more he thought about it, the more he would regret it. Ah Jin is the most important person to her now, and she should be content to have such a good person like Ah Jin.

But it was immortality. What she lost was immortality.

It’s fine if you haven’t experienced it before. Only after you have experienced the benefits of cultivating immortals can you know the benefits.

If you are tired, you can recover after one night of practice.

The body will not get skin will always be in the best condition, and it can also delay aging. The higher the cultivation level, the less likely it is to age.

I can’t think about it any more.

Immortal fate is precious, but she doesn’t want to become a cold and heartless person like Qian Yan.

She is willing to stay with Ah Jin for the rest of her life.

Sitting in front of the dressing table, Qin Ziyu suddenly realized that she looked extremely haggard. She had been supported by her cultivation in the past, and no matter how sad she was, it would not affect her face.

Since losing her cultivation, because she has not been able to eat well or sleep well recently, she has to give Song Jin a bowl of blood every ten days. Her appearance has lost its luster, her face is pale, her lips have no color, and her eyes are also Somewhat blue.

She quickly looked away, not looking at herself in the mirror.

Today is another day of bloodletting. Without the support of cultivation, she already feels weak.

Soon, Song Jin drank Qin Ziyu’s blood.

High-speed text hand-typing in all aspects, begging the villain heroine to make a personal chapter list

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