All the Planes Knelt and Begged the Villainess to be Humane Chapter 1344: Love yourself, love the world (25)

“Ye Defu has no conscience since he was a child, he has a bad temper, and he likes to sneak around. I said a few words and wanted to correct his mistakes, but he was beaten to death by his father. Can you care? This beast grows up to be just like his father. “

“Yanyan has been beaten since he was a child. I am a grandmother, and I am not Ye Defu’s real mother. I really have no position. I can only protect him at critical times.”

“I have no ability, so this child has suffered a lot.”

“All I could do back then was to see the child being beaten and go to help.”

“Later, I tried to save money to send the child to school. If I stayed in the village, it would be over.”

“Everyone in the village knows what the child has suffered, but now he is very good at making sarcastic remarks. What does it mean that the child is not filial? It is obviously Ye Defu who is not a man.”

Qin Lianying angrily told her elderly friend what happened back then: “Goddamn Ye Defu, now he is old and can’t move. He wants someone to take care of him and want Yanyan’s property, so he poured it on her on the Internet. Dirty water.”

“Yan Yanyou has suffered a lot today. It’s not easy. My heart aches.”

“I can’t swallow this breath.”

“I’ve never seen such a shameless dog.”

“As long as the two of them treat Yanyan better and let Yanyan be filial to them, I have no objection. But Yanyan was either kicked or slapped by Ye Defu when she was a child, and her front teeth were knocked off. Fortunately, the new teeth hadn’t been replaced at that time, otherwise it would have been disfigured. He has no reason to beat the child, it all depends on his mood.”

The old ladies and old men who were present felt that it was too miserable when they heard about Qianyan’s childhood experience.

“Ye Defu beats everyone, children and wives. As a stepmother like me, he usually doesn’t do anything, but he doesn’t respect much. When he was beaten by his father, this white-eyed wolf just watched the joke.”

“The old man died later, and I wanted to live alone. He just didn’t need to provide for me in the old age. He also had an older brother with similar virtues, but he gave birth to a boy with a slightly better temper, but he was still a white-eyed wolf. Both his brothers think that I am a bad stepmother, and have never thought about giving me a pension.”

“I have hands and feet, and I don’t want to be angered by that. Someday I won’t be able to move, and I’ll die if I die. It’s easier to live alone.”

Qin Lianying completely aroused the anger of her elderly friends, who expressed their support for exposing Ye Defu’s actions.

“Qin Lianying, what are you going to do about this?”

“There will definitely be a commotion, Ye Defu can’t say all the good things.” Qin Lianying said, “Most of the Internet is still scolding Yanyan for being unfilial, and a small number of people have heard the things that Yanyan’s assistant idea came up with. , some sympathy, hope to know the truth.”

“I support making a big deal.” An old lady said, “This matter can’t make the children wronged. Your granddaughter repaired their house and bought a house in the county town. If you check this matter, you will know that they are untenable. “

“Yes, I also support it.”

Qin Lianying felt more at ease: “I want to take everyone with me. After the trouble is over, I will treat guests. Yanyan is actually very kind. As a human being, geese will definitely be filial to them.”

Qin Lianying pointed out the donation information. There were still many old people playing with their mobile phones. After seeing it, they all sighed. He really is a kind child.

If it weren’t for being angry, why would you only pay attention to strange old people?

“Qin Lianying, aren’t live broadcasts popular now? Or, you can start a live broadcast to make trouble, so that everyone can see it, and let’s go together.” A fashionable old man said, “Nowadays young people like to watch live broadcasts .”

Qin Lianying’s eyes lit up, and she immediately discussed with others about the live broadcast. A group of old men and old ladies discussed how to name it.

The final name is relatively straightforward: Ye Qianyan’s grandma.

Once the account is registered and the name is chosen, they start to act.

In the afternoon, assistant Xiaoxi reminded Qianyan that her grandma’s live broadcast was a hot search.

Qianyan: “…”

She clicked on the hot search and took a look, and there were indeed various discussions.

Then I clicked on the live broadcast room, and a group of old ladies and old men appeared in it.

Among them, Qin Lianying was very conspicuous. She wiped her tears and said that her granddaughter was really pitiful, that Ye Defu was a white-eyed wolf, and complained about his various behaviors.

The bodyguard helped to take a camera with a mobile phone.

Not long after, Qin Lianying surrounded Ye Defu and the others.

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