All I Really Want Is To Play Basketball Chapter 684: What is the Miami Heat?

“In short, in order to avoid the offensive rhythm from being disrupted by the Celtics, let’s switch to Manu first!”

In the first quarter of the game, with 4 minutes and 35 seconds left, the Heat requested a timeout.

In the past few minutes, coach Lang, who was only 1 of 8 free throws, also covered his head with a towel at this moment.

Because Rondo is very clear…

Su Feng’s phrase “in order to avoid the offensive rhythm has been disrupted by the Celtics” is just a high emotional intelligence statement.


The reason why the Heat were forced to replace Ginobili in advance…

Purely because in a basketball game, two missed free throws are equivalent to one turnover.

Especially when your opponent deliberately sends you to the free throw line.

Because the opponent who happened to foul was either the water dispenser manager or the towel waver, so…

What if Leon Bowie’s six offenders leave the field?

“I’m sorry…I didn’t punish me just now.”

Looking at Su Feng, who is about to lead his teammates on the field after the timeout, Rondo feels annoyed at the moment…….

It’s just that, rubbing Rondo’s head, Su Feng smiled and said: “Don’t blame yourself for it, Rajan.

Because you have done more for this team than you made these few mistakes.

Cheer up, this game, without you, we can’t win the Celtics. “

Ah this!

Is this the legend that as long as you smile and face danger, your dreams will not be far away?

At this moment…….

There is no doubt.

In Rondo’s opinion…

Su Feng is the light that can illuminate the entire Milky Way.

It’s just that now the problem comes…

When talking with Rondo just now, did Su Feng come from the heart, or was he fooling Rondo?

The answer is of course half heart and half flicker.

Because Su Feng knows very well that in his previous life, Rondo’s career free throw percentage was only about 60%…

So once Rondo cannot withstand the pressure under this high pressure tonight…

The Heat are destined to be forced to make substitutions and adjustments.

But Su Feng firmly believes that Rondo will be able to withstand such pressure.

Even if it’s not this one…

In this round of the series, he will also prove that the “slashing tactics” is just a cocoon in front of him.

Because of Su Feng’s previous life…

Rondo’s free throw percentage in the playoffs has been better than his regular season free throw percentage.

In addition to getting along with Rondo in this life, Su Feng knows that this man has a big heart…

So even if the Heat were taken advantage of by the Celtics at this moment, Su Feng didn’t panic at all.

“Now, let’s go and get back the lagging points!”

On the field, patted Ginobili on the shoulder, Su Feng said.


North Shore Garden Arena.

In the first quarter, the Heat trailed 24-28.

And in the last 4 minutes of the first quarter, Ginobili and Parker’s fight on the court also became the biggest highlight of this game.

I have to say…….

Although in this life, the NBA lacks many classics in Su Feng’s memory…

However, influenced by the butterfly effect, these new classics made Su Feng personally feel an alliance completely different from his memory.

For example……

When have you ever seen Parker yell to Ginobili: You are not a breakthrough at all?

For example…

When have you ever seen Ginobili return to Parker: With your dribbling skills, in my hometown of Argentina, I can find one on the street?

Moreover, after the two of them gradually got their tempers…

They even had a large-scale discussion on which is the stronger Argentine Men’s Football or French Men’s Football.

“Argentina has Maradona, what about France?”

“France has Platini and Zidane!”

“But we have Messi now!”

“We…. We also have Ribery now!”


Good fellow!

Is that the trash talk of international players?

One to say one.

Compared to most U.S. players who export dirty…

Many international players have indeed turned trash talking into an art in the NBA.

“Sue, leave the Frenchman to me in the second quarter. I assure you, he definitely trembled his legs when he walked out of the court tonight!”

Before the start of the second quarter, because the first quarter was a substitute, Ginobili, who had 4 points less than Parker, said to Su Feng.

And heard that…….

At this moment, Su Feng almost couldn’t help but tell Ginobili the ridiculous fact…

That is…….

In his memory…

Ginobili has fought side by side with Parker for more than ten years.

And the Celtics are on the bench…

Because of being tortured by Ginobili’s weird playing style, Parker also said to Ray Allen: “Ray, you can help me a lot in the next quarter.

What are you talking about, I can’t let that Argentine bald man step on my head tonight! “

Well Argentine bald man…

On the bench, after looking at the Heat, Ray Allen said to Parker with a wry smile: “Tony…

I don’t think you need to be stunned with him at all.

Because in terms of performance tonight, you are our super guard.

And him?

It’s just a substitute player. “

A substitute player?


Strictly speaking, Ginobili is really just a humble substitute.

But for this Heat…

He is Su Feng’s veritable right-hand man.

On the court, the next quarter of the game, you never know when he will break out, and you never know when he will be silent Ginobili officially announced that he will take over the game.

Why is the spur in Su Feng’s memory so disgusting, but it doesn’t prevent people from liking Ginobili?

Because this Pampas vulture is not only handsome…

And his style of play will always make you in front of the TV scold “tomatoes” and add “” at the same time!

The introduction is Manu Ginobili!

The real Miami Heat second master!

Brother’s snake dance steps, do you think the twist is water?

No, that’s the spring water on the Seine!

Brother’s super long three-pointer, do you think he shot the hoop?

No, it was your heart that shot!

Brother’s “people can’t see the ball”, do you think it’s the ball skills to show off?

No, that dazzling is the endless tears of Cycads!

Six minutes before the second quarter, Ginobili made 4 of 5 shots and made 2 of 2 3-pointers to reverse the situation for the Heat.

Su Feng’s previous life, since the Pistons’ iron-blooded line of defense can’t control the aggressive Manu…

The same goes for tonight.

Facts have proved that when Ginobili started the “Vulture Moment” on the court…

This alliance can only guard him from quantum mechanics.

On the Celtics bench, before preparing to take another timeout, Carl couldn’t help but spit out Bird: “How do I feel…

Will it be better for the Heat to keep Rajon on the court? “

Bird: “……”


If it is purely in terms of consequence…

If not for tonight, the Celtics frantically carried out a “slashing tactic” on Rondo…

That Ginobili will not have this wave of rampage.

But in Bird’s view…

Even the Heat…

I’m afraid that Ginobili will not play so well after coming off the bench.

“Come on, Manu, this is your towel!”

At the end of the second quarter of the game, with 5 minutes and 34 seconds left, watching Ginobili, who returned to the bench with Su Feng, the well-behaved and sensible O’Neal hurriedly handed a towel to Ginobili.

“Here, Manuko, this is your sports drink.”

On the other side, Old Payton also consciously brought a glass of sports drink in front of Ginobili.

“Come on, I’ll rub your shoulders, Manu!”

The most ridiculous thing is that even Spoelstra, who had been on the sidelines just now scolding Ginobili for playing unreasonably, took the initiative to rub Ginobili’s shoulders at this moment.

Look at…….

What is truth?

Don’t blow up, don’t black out…

Because Ginobili played a good game for a few minutes, almost everyone on the Heat bench, except for Su Feng, is about to turn into the licking dog next to this Pampas vulture.

“By the way, Manu, can you give me a hint in advance when you pass the ball later?”

On the Heat’s bench, after a timeout, before preparing to play, Su Feng looked at Ginobili and said to him.


Why do you lick a dog but not a dog!

Man Ginobili was born a few months older than himself, so Su Feng called him elder brother. Is Su Feng really at a loss?

Cold knowledge.

Although Su Feng entered the league a few years later…

But Ginobili was born in 1977.

Su Feng and Kobe were both born in 1978.


Don’t look at this Pampas vulture for just a few seasons…

But in fact, he is already 30 years old this year.

Stand up at thirty.

For professional players…

This is undoubtedly the most peak period of time.

To capture the North Shore Garden Arena tonight, Su Feng knew that besides Ginobili, the Heat had to have more people to stand up.

And as for him?

On the Celtics bench, why did Bird and Carl shoot timeouts one after another?


They all know that once Ginobili’s rampage will allow Su Feng to accumulate physical energy to play critical moments…

At that time…

God will inevitably come to North Shore Garden Arena tonight.

On the court, after this timeout, the two sides successively switched back to the starting five in the first quarter.


Except Rondo.

As the game progressed, against the Celtics’ zone defense, Shaq’s brother also forcibly twisted his big **** and scored a valuable 4 points for the Heat in the basket.

The Celtics players played very hard under the leadership of Duncan…

But again, the Heat’s players tonight are also very unified.

That is…….

In any case, they also want Su Feng to keep his stamina until the final moment.

So in the first quarter, even Ariza’s appearance will affect the Heat’s opening offense…….

Spoelstra also kept him on the court.

Because I want to defeat this Celtics…

Su Feng is the only magic weapon for the Heat!

You said that the Heat’s tactics that put all their lives on one person’s shoulders are not enough for a team?


For competitive sports, who told you that dare to believe that a leader is not a team behavior?

Wake up!

This is the champion who has swept the league in the past two seasons!

They have their own way of winning!

Where is the turn for cloud fans to dictate?

TNT TV, before the end of the first half, watching Su Feng, who had only 6 points, 4 rebounds, and 4 assists in technical statistics tonight, Smith couldn’t help but said with emotion: “The Houston mosaic of the year. …….

This is how we set the stage for Hakim.

In the NBA, if there are safflowers, there will naturally be green leaves.

Of course, if you can, who wouldn’t want to be the highly anticipated red flower?


In order to win, only when every player has a unified mind, the punch that this team can throw will be powerful enough! “

Don’t be afraid that we won’t be able to make it through tonight, Brother Feng.

Because we are dead tonight…

I will also drag out the **** critical moment for you!

On the court, facing the Celtics’ fierce attack in the second half of the game, before the end of the first half, the assembled Heat successfully held the lead established by Ginobili’s runaway.

After halftime, the score between the two teams was 51 to 45.

As the players of the two teams walked back to the locker room one after another, the fans left their seats one after another, preparing to go to the toilet and buy snacks and drinks…

On the court, Rondo also started to practice free throws while holding the basketball.

“What is he doing? Is he embracing?”

In the stadium, the fans who remained on the scene looked at Rondo and thought.

At the same time, some avid Green Army fans at the scene did not forget to mock Rondo at this time.

Just, listening to these harsh boos…

Rondo’s previously restless heart calmed down instead.

Take a deep breath.

Squat down.

Lift the ball.

Shoot out.


Take a deep breath.

Squat down.

Lift the ball.

Shoot out.


Different from the fans who stayed at the scene who thought they were embracing their feet…


In fact, I was just looking for the feeling of free throws at the same time, by the way to hone my mentality.

A few minutes later, Lu Wei and Iva also returned to the court early to help Rondo pick up the ball.

And until this moment…

The fans who have never been able to recognize what kind of existence this Heat are, only discovered…

The cohesion of this Heat is far beyond their imagination.

“Eric, now you should know…

Why did I say before, no matter where Su will go this summer…

He has left his most precious wealth in Miami, right? “After the intermission, before the start of the third quarter, patted Spoelstra on the shoulder, Riley said.

And heard that…….

Spoelstra said after nodding, “I see what you mean, teacher.”

Back then, Iverson once said when he was holding a cup with Xiao Yao.

Even if Su Feng has left, his spirit still affects Philadelphia.

Although in the past few years, the Raptors’ record is difficult to satisfy fans who have witnessed the Raptors legend…….

But whenever the three championship flags above the dome of the Canadian Route Center Arena start to wave in the wind…

Local Toronto fans can still feel Su Feng’s ubiquitous influence.

Just compared to when I played in Philadelphia and Toronto…

Because it was in Miami, Su Feng gradually entered his theoretical peak…

So for the city of Miami…

After Su Feng left, what were left to them more than just a few championship trophies?

North Shore Garden Arena, after the intermission, the Heat switched back to their opening starters.

And as Su Feng is not wandering on the outside line, but enters the low position and starts to fight with Teacher Allen…

In front of the TV, except for the Fenghei who are still complaining about Su Feng, who have been paddling in halftime tonight…….

Those opponents who were once defeated by Su Feng, as well as Su Feng’s fans know…


At this moment.

When Su Feng is ready to harvest!

Low post, catch the ball, turn, turn, turn again, really fall back!


On the court, as soon as the third quarter came up, the Heat were led by Su Feng!

And coming back, Duncan, who had been picking and rolling for Parker tonight, also fell into a low position!

“I said, if you just look at it like this, don’t you feel uncomfortable at all?” Carter wearing sunglasses couldn’t help but vomit.

And heard that…….

If it wasn’t for a bad waist…

That McGrady really wanted to stand up and kick Carter back to Toronto.


You know that everyone is uncomfortable, and you can’t help but want to rush to fight Su Feng for three hundred rounds, but why do you just want to say it?

Just aside…….

Different from the ideas of McGrady, Carter, Iverson and others…

Kobe feels at this moment…

Kobe is even more looking forward to how Su Feng will assist him on the court…


It’s his cooperation with Su Feng, what kind of sparks will they collide with!

“Don’t play so happy yourself, Sue!


After I recover from the injury, I will surely let you understand…

What is the value of the passes you have trained in the past few years! “


PS: Because I was cut off on the first floor of the title on the 11th, the second one was brought here! On the 13th, I am not convinced, I want to grab another wave with you!

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