All I Really Want Is To Play Basketball Chapter 465: What is the NBA record for scoring in a single quarter?

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As the saying goes, there is no woman in his heart, so it’s natural to draw a sword.

Su Feng’s previous life, whether it is the “Kardashian Terrier” played badly by Chinese netizens or the “Kardashian Terrier” badly played by American netizens, is enough to prove that “pressing defense” is in this league. “Always Di Shen”.

So, in order to smoothly overtake Iverson in the scoring average…

At the same time, in order to reduce some loss of his waist before the arrival of the playoffs, as early as the star weekend, Su Feng had a “three chapters” with Britney.


For Britney, who has always been maverick and eclectic…

A mere verbal agreement, how can she stop her from wanting to do… what she loves to do with Su Feng?

So, just when American reporters kept revealing that Britney Spears’ recent whereabouts coincided with Su Feng’s game schedule…

As time goes by, Su Feng’s body…

It’s true that one day is worse than one day.

Facts have proved that people and their physique cannot be generalized.

Don’t look at Britney’s fragile body, but when she was in a duel with Su Feng, she was simply a “valkyrie”.

Anyway, when the two of them fought from Wushan to Yunhai, Su Feng had never beaten this girl once.

Moreover, because people are extremely tired, it is inevitable that they will say a few sleep words when they are asleep…


One night in March, Su Feng unexpectedly unconsciously shook out his previous fencing trip with Carter to the nightclub…

And this time…

It’s broken.

“Su, is there anything I am dissatisfied with?” Britney asked curiously, looking at Su Feng with solemn expression that day.

Su Feng: “…”

At this moment, facing the torture of Britney’s soul, Su Feng has automatically appeared in front of two options:

Low EQ: Hesitate and pass the test.

High EQ: Don’t make trouble, there is nothing, just have a drink together. Drink too much, pull hands, we are just good friends.

It is obvious that, as an EQ monster, Su Feng certainly can’t sit and wait like a naive person.

So, after a wave of emotions was brewing, Su Feng looked at Britney affectionately and said: “Dear, you know, I’m not that kind of casual person. And, don’t look at me. Nightclub, but at the time I was actually borrowing wine to soothe my sorrows.”

“Take a drink to pour your sorrow?” Britney felt a little dazed.

“Yes…During that time, I had to play games during the day and miss you at night. Do you think I can worry about it?” Su Feng said with an aggrieved expression.

Britney: “…”

One comment, on this night, Britney was really moved by Su Feng’s “sincerity” from the heart.

It’s just that Su Feng never expected…

Although he successfully passed this level, but…

In order to avoid falling into lovesickness in the future, Britney made a decisive decision that she would stay by her side for the rest of the time…

And this time…

Su Feng can be regarded as understanding, what is called blessings and misfortunes are dependent on each other.

In late March, on the court, Su Feng’s state obviously declined.

Of course, this is not exactly Britney’s pot.

After all…

On the basketball court, the state of the athlete itself is impossible to run wild all the time.

However, due to the failure to regain the previous feel in a few games in late March…

With only the last 6 games left in the regular season this season…

Now, Su Feng can only surpass Iverson if he scores a total of more than 209 points in the last six games.



If you look at it this way, doesn’t it seem difficult?

Because of 210 points in 6 games, it would only be 35 points per game.

“Sure enough, I am now swelled to this extent?”

On this day, after calmly analyzing the possibility of surpassing Iverson, Su Feng felt that he who was humble, cautious, low-key and steady back then…

As his strength has changed over the years, it has become a thing of the past.

On the 3rd and 6th, in two games against the Bulls, Su Feng scored 37 and 39 points respectively.

And on the 9th…

Just when Su Feng was about to regain the throne of scoring king…

In the game against the Hawks, he just passed his 24th birthday but he encountered a miss.

In this game, due to a poor touch, he made 11 of 39 shots. Finally, relying on free throws, he barely scored 38 points.

On the 11th, in the game against the Pacers…

I don’t know if I have taken too many real men in the fight with Britney recently. As a result, on this night, Su Feng was once again possessed by the real man and his wife “Ice Shooter”!

In this game, Su Feng, who made 10 of 37 shots, only scored 33 points because the referees were too partial to the home team Pacers.

At this time, because Su Feng played 28 irons and 27 irons in two consecutive games…

On the Internet, Fenghei finally waited for the happiest time of the year!

Because you flip through the history of the NBA’s single-game iron list, you will find…

Now, first, second, third, fourth, fifth…

He is Su Feng!

“Even if Su defends his title this year, I won’t recognize him!

Because in my opinion, he is just a data brush that trades high shots for high scores. “

“Upstairs, did you eat Su’s hit rate at 62 minutes in the third quarter?”

“No matter! Anyway, Su Feng is the number one blacksmith in NBA history, just a little bit!”

“Uh…it doesn’t matter if it’s iron or steel, it’s just that I’m so mindless, Brother Feng, that’s too much.”

“That’s it! My Feng brother is destined to step on Michael Jordan and punch Wilt Chamberlain!

And since it is to surpass, it is naturally to surpass the record together! “

Don’t talk about it. When he first entered the NBA, Su Feng also imagined that he would break many records in the future.

But Hong Kong Zhen, this historical iron record…

He really didn’t think about going to compete with Kobe.


If by any chance Kobe in this life, he didn’t make that big 30 iron in the future…

At that time, Su Feng would really occupy this historical iron record list for a long time.

It is worth mentioning that on the 13th, before the Raptors went to New Jersey to challenge the Nets, in view of Su Feng’s recent downturn, Pierce once again mustered the confidence to fire at Su Feng.

Look, what is true never giving up?

Never give up falsely, Ai Feng.

True never give up, Pierce.

“Really, if I could have the number of shots Sue and Allen shot per game, then I could easily become the NBA’s scoring champion.” Before the game, in an interview, Pierce said confidently.

This season, Pierce, who averaged 23.5 points per game, has rightly become the top of the Nets.

It’s just…

Su Feng really doesn’t know how this young man who only takes two or three shots less than himself in each game has such courage and dared to release such a rhetoric before the game.

Su Feng’s previous life does not say that Kobe’s career shooting rate was lowered at the end of his career for touring…

Even if the career shooting percentages of these two people are compared when they retired, Pierce’s shooting percentage is not better than Kobe…

In Su Feng’s original time and space, many puffers often used Black Kobe and Anthony to demonstrate Pierce’s excellence.

But actually…

Except for the championship that Pierce, Garnett and Ray Allen won after forming the Jagged Brothers team, as for the team performance that I was able to stably get playoff tickets every year when I was young, how did Pierce in his early years? Compare?

Moreover, they all say that Pierce is a big heart, a big scene player, but it is really more than the number of lore, then Anthony really doesn’t persuade him at all.

In addition, let’s take the most talked-about deeds of beating our emperor…

Isn’t that because the Celtics were better than the Cavaliers in lineup quality at the time?

Judging from the career matchup record of James and Pierce, you can get James close to 30 points in each game. How can you say that you can defend James?

In Su Feng’s view, what the leather blowers should blow should be the story of Pierce’s rebirth even after being stabbed 11 times, and his tenacious and tenacious attitude on the court.

Because he is really more efficient than team performance and scoring, he is really not ranked in front of the top five small forwards in NBA history.

However, despite being very disdainful of Pierce’s statement, as an excellent senior, Su Feng still appreciates the courage of juniors to challenge themselves.

After all, if there is no talent like Pierce to take the lead, then Su Feng can’t always pick soft persimmons in the future, right?


On the 13th, at the Continental Airlines Arena, the Raptors ushered in their penultimate game of the 0102 season.

On the court, after the players of the two teams warmed up, the big screen immediately showed the starting list of the two teams.

Nets: Kenyon Martin, Aaron Williams, Pierce, Kittles, Francis.

Raptors: Big Ben, O’Neal, Jackson, Su Feng, Nash.

This season, in order to strengthen the Nets’ inside defense, the Nets management traded Van Horn from the Warriors for the No. 2 pick Martin in the 2000s.

In addition, they also signed the coolie tool Williams from the free agency market.

As a result, after this wave of adjustments, the Nets, from the perspective of offensive and defensive balance, in Su Feng’s view, they are indeed more complete.

This season, in the current record rankings, the Nets second only to the Celtics in the Eastern Conference is the best evidence.

Nothing. Due to the suspension of many of the main players and Iverson’s reimbursement in the second half of the season, the Raptors and the Philadelphia bandits were overtaken by the Nets in the second half of the season. .

So this is one of the reasons why Pierce dared to jump like this before the game.

After all, since joining the NBA, the Nets have never been able to achieve a 60+ win like this season.

So, this season is not over yet, there are a bunch of people on the Internet who think that the best coach should be awarded to Byron Scott.

In this regard, as a head coach with a very low emotional intelligence, Scott also said in an interview that he thinks he is the best coach in the league this season.

I have to say that Scott is indeed lucky in this life.

Because Francis is the reason for his favorite impact guard, so he doesn’t have to worry about how he should treat Kidd as Iverson.

On the court, after the jump ball, the Nets attack first.

As the No. 1 pick in Su Feng’s original time and space in 2000, Martin is not as good as those super centers, but as a hardworking tool man, he is indeed a pretty good player.

It’s a pity that it is precisely because of this style that he will have various maladjustments after joining the CBA in the future.

Because in CBA, people don’t care about the quality of your pick-and-rolls. As long as you can’t score, there is no difference between you and waste.

High, the quality of Martin’s cover for Francis is very good.

Of course, as far as Nash’s defense is concerned…

If you can’t block it, it makes no difference.


On the field, between the lightning and flint, Francis was like a gust of wind, rushing into the inside of the Raptors.

As a result, under O’Neal’s helpless gaze, Francis hit the ball against his big ben.

0 to 2.

In terms of performance, defense and card positions are the strengths of the big bank.

But once the opponent hits this key position, the weakness of Big Ben as an inside barrier is exposed.

Su Feng’s previous life, in the latter part of his career, the reason why Daben had no ball to play was because his athletic ability declined, making him unable to defend quickly on the court as before.

Of course, with this ball, Su Feng, who didn’t cover Nash on the outside line, had to carry half of the pot.

It’s just that, in the Raptors, who would dare to let Su Feng come back?

Therefore, after swallowing a big smile to O’Neal, the team’s status this season has fallen to the top five, or even the top six, and quietly ran to the frontcourt.

It’s the Raptors’ turn to attack.

Su Feng, who wanted to keep his strength to deal with Pierce, gave Martin a board as soon as he came up.

Su Feng: “…”


This kind of one-V-one big vacancy, can it also be iron?

Looking down at his right hand, recalling himself who had only scored 61 points some time ago, Su Feng always felt that he had been infected by Kobe recently.

On the court, the Nets’ second offense was still coordinated by Martin and Francis in high positions.

This season, Francis, who averaged 21.8 points and 7.1 assists per game, hadn’t had too many star guards in the Eastern Conference due to changes in the pattern, then in Su Feng’s view, he was completely worthy of an All-Star first. The location of the hair.

Francis, who is physically strong, is definitely a beautiful scene in the NBA at his peak.

It is different from the headless rush of my tortoise on the court in the future…

Because point guards in this period cannot break through the early HC rules without two brushes, Francis is also a generation of streetball masters in dribbling breakthroughs.

For this ball, before Martin’s pick-and-roll was in place, Francis swept past Nash with a prayer to Buddha in the high post.


After that, Francis also had a high position, 0 to 4.

And looking back, Su Feng, who doesn’t believe in evil, gave Martin another board.

At this time, on the court, Pierce couldn’t help but complain about Su Feng: “If Ken Young could meet an opponent like you in every game, then I think he would have become the NBA rebounding king!” /

Su Feng: “…”

Is it because I have complained about Kobe too many times in my previous life, so the heavens in this life have to let me feel the feeling of Kobe being hacked?

Looking at the Pierce children’s shoes that were pierced in front of them, Su Feng thought to himself.

In front of the TV, don’t mention how happy McGrady and Kobe are at this moment.

As a witty Su Hei, McGrady had already picked up his mobile phone and began to compile a Tucao text message, which he planned to send to Su Feng later.

In Los Angeles, Kobe imitated Su Feng’s actions while saying to Vanessa: “Hey, my dear, you know what, I like to see Su’s embarrassed appearance on the court!”


I don’t know why…

When Kobe was learning how Su Feng played on the court, Vanessa always felt that…

Isn’t this you yourself?

Continental Airlines Arena, in the entire first half of the game, Su Feng, who failed to find his heart, became the source of happiness for the two of Komai.

At the end of the halftime, he was only 4 of 15 shots and only managed to score 14 points with free throws.

Limited by Su Feng’s poor touch, the Raptors also fell behind the Nets by 12 points at halftime, 47 to 59.

The Nets’ best players in the first half were Francis and Martin.

One of these two scored 17 points and 6 assists, while the other scored 7 points and 11 rebounds.

As for Pierce…

He has learned to be smart in the game against Su Feng, so he only took 3 shots in the entire first half of the game.

Anyway, as long as I don’t make a move, then you can’t call me iron.

Look, how many experiences and lessons Su Feng had to teach Pierce to have such a deep understanding?

In addition, during the intermission, Su Feng also successfully received two taunting text messages from Phoenix and Los Angeles.

“Oh, may I ask, is this the phone number of the No. 1 Iron King in NBA history?”

“Hahaha, I laughed so hard, Sue, did you throw your scope in the toilet recently?”

Su Feng: “…”

In the Raptors locker room, on this night, all the Raptors players felt Su Feng’s anger from the inside out.

As the saying goes, it is tolerable or unbearable!

These people bully him so much, do they really treat him Su Feng as O’Neal?

Before the start of the third quarter, when I returned to the Continental Airlines Center Arena, looking at my former lake star Scott, the first thing that came to Su Feng’s mind was Kobe covering his mouth and stealing in front of the TV. The picture of laughter.

So, when he was out of anger, some of the heads walked in front of Scott and said to Scott: “Byron, do you know how many points are scored in a single quarter in NBA history?”

And when I heard that, I thought that Su Feng was Scott who wanted to come over and chat with him, but I also planned to ask others about this record…

However, before Scott could speak, Su Feng went on to say to him: “Wait and see, after a while, this record will have my name written on it.”

Scott: “…”


This Su Feng, he was putting up a cup just now, right?

At the scene, because I heard Su Feng’s speech just now, many of the Nets fans sitting on the sidelines booed him.

At this time, looking at Su Feng, on the bench of the Raptors, the young Parker asked in a low voice: “This…is it really okay?”

“Relationship?” Nash looked back at Parker and smiled.

“I…I mean, if Su fails to do what he said, then…” Parker said worriedly.

“So what? Tony, be optimistic, Sue will use his actions to tell you later, why he is so popular.” Nash said, patting Parker on the shoulder.


“Nothing is good, and you see, how happy Su is now?” Nash said solemnly, pointing to the green Su Feng on the court.

Parker: “…”


Is this the world of adults?

For Parker, who will be 20 years old in a month, he always feels that tonight, he has learned a little trick to play in the NBA.

On the court, before the start of the third quarter, Pierce said to Su Feng: “You said, are you going to create the NBA’s historical single-quarter scoring record here later?”

Su Feng nodded seriously.

“Are you kidding me? Just as you are tonight?” Pierce said to Su Feng while shaking his head.

When he heard the words, and looked at Pierce’s unbelieving expression, Su Feng was amused.


That’s just an excuse that ordinary stars make for their poor performance.

How does it feel?

That’s just a few superstars who gave themselves reasons to prove that they are not cancerous.

Tonight, he Su Feng will let McGrady and Kobe, as well as Pierce, Scott and others take a good look…

How terrible he is when he gets serious!


On the court, in the third quarter of the game, facing Pierce’s defense, Su Feng threw a super back.

And this time…

The Nets’ rim admits that it did get caught up tonight.

“I have told you many times, Su, your style of play is really too paranoid.” In Los Angeles, Kobe commented, looking at the stubborn Su Feng on the court.

“Su, if you just want to be the Plus version of Kobe, don’t blame me for surpassing you in the future.” Phoenix, looking at the stubborn Su Feng on the court, McGrady commented.

“He just, really said that he is going to set the NBA’s single-quarter historical scoring record tonight?” On the Nets bench, Scott confirmed with the assistant coach next to him.

“Yes, Byron.” The Nets assistant replied.

“He wouldn’t really treat him as a god, would he?” Scott said with a look of disdain.

“It’s very likely.” The Nets assistant replied after pondering for a while.

Okay, now comes the problem.

When you feel bad on the court, how do you make adjustments?

Answer A: Continue to vote until you enter.

Answer B: Try to break through and cause damage.

Answer C: Give up treatment.

Obviously, if you want to redeem the cup that you just went out on this evening, it is impossible for Su Feng to choose answer B or C.

Because answer C is too negative, and answer B’s upper score is too slow.

In addition, as a training madman who will practice thousands of shots every day after training…

Just like I said to Davis during the trial training…

“No matter how many times he misses, what I like the most is his confidence that he will make the next shot.

And this is also the reason why I asked Pat to pick him on the eve of the draft. “

On the bench for the Raptors, after the Nets’ offense failed, John Davis had already started his celebration ahead of schedule, looking at the picturesque picture on the court.


“This is Sue…

The 23rd of the Raptors.

Past, present and future, the greatest perimeter player in NBA history! “

On the court, as Su Feng scored his first goal in the second half of the game, Davis also made his evaluation of Su Feng.

And in Miami, at almost the same time, Riley was also talking to himself:

“What a terrible murderous…

Look, he seems to be swallowing his opponent in his stomach…

Larry, Michael…

Su has the same as them…

No, it’s a more terrifying aura than them!

As long as he can get him, then Miami, under the guidance of me and him, will open a dynasty belonging to Miami! “

Mainland Airlines Center Arena.

Regardless of whether the Nets fans are willing to admit it…

On the court, the Raptors’ No. 23 has already brought them a huge sense of oppression.

This is a feeling that cannot be described in words.

Because it can’t be seen or touched…

However, it really exists.

Boom, boom.

After Francis made a layup, it was the Raptors’ turn to attack.

At this time, Pierce, who had just set up a defensive posture, was horrified to discover…

Su Feng…

It has disappeared in front of him!

Immediately afterwards, in the Nets penalty zone, Martin, who played extremely well in the first half of the game, can be regarded as understanding, why all the gifts of fate have already been secretly bidding…

Too late to dodge.

It’s too late to Almost immediately, Su Feng rode on his neck!

Kang Dang————!

And accompanied by a crisp sound that broke the hearts of the fans…

TNT TV station, Smith, who just raised the chrysanthemum, immediately announced to the entire North America with his low voice:

“Su…. He buckled Kenyon Martin!”


PS: I didn’t sleep well today, let’s start with the whole 6500 words chapter! Then continue to ask for monthly tickets and subscriptions brazenly! And recommended tickets and rewards!

For the convenience of reading next time, you can click “Favorites” below to record this time (Chapter 468 What is the record of NBA single quarter scores? (6.5K monthly ticket subscription!)) Read the record and open the bookshelf next time You can see!

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