All I Really Want Is To Play Basketball:


  As one of the last glory of the NBA center position, Shaq O’Neal has always had a grudge against South Korean center Ha Seung Jin’s recent views.

   As O’Neill, how can you watch your beloved brother Shaq being bullied?

  The anger mission from the super center has started.

   Task Condition 1: In the next game with the Portland Trail Blazers, through the air relay, help O’Neal to complete at least two dunks in the face of He Shengzhen.

   Task Condition 2: In the next game against the Portland Trail Blazers, O’Neal scored at least 20 points with your assists.

   Mission completion rewards: exclusive custom badges, and a golden O’Neill legendary gift package.

   Mission failure penalty: Reduce your prestige in O’Neill’s mind by 10 points. Your current prestige value in O’Neill’s mind is 999910000.

   Note: Due to the difficulty of the actual operation of the dunk, as long as Hesheng Town is near him when O’Neal dunks, the task completion conditions will take effect. “

  Su Feng: “……”


   good fellow!

   co-authored the task released by the iron-strike system now, has become an existence dedicated to “information” for oneself? Note 1

   During the trip to Portland, watching the mission that popped up suddenly, Su Feng quickly captured several important information.

   First of all, O’Neill has a grudge against He Shengzhen…

   When interviewed by the Korean media not long ago, in order to find a place for the Korean men’s basketball team, which has been ravaged by the Chinese team on the Asian battlefield in recent years, Ha Seung-jin said casually, as long as he was in NBA can get enough playing time, then he can become the next Yao Ming.

   As a result, after Xiao Yao himself heard this sentence, Xiao Yao felt it didn’t matter.

  Because of being in the NBA, Yao Ming has also been used to seeing beam jumping clowns like He Shengzhen in recent years.

   But when this sentence reached O’Neill’s ears…

  O’Neal didn’t do it.

   Because from O’Neal’s point of view, only Yao Ming is worthy of his opponent in the entire NBA.

   So, as for the words Chonghe Shengzhen, O’Neal has 10,000 reasons to cut him alive.


  As everyone knows, O’Neill has always been relatively small.

   In addition, as a “shark trainer”, if Su Feng remembers correctly, in the future when Dampier said that he was the first center in the West, it was compared to Yao Ming….. .

   In fact, O’Neal is the most angry one.

   After all, after this little Yao proved that he is capable of contending with O’Neal, in O’Neal’s view, these clowns running to humiliate Yao Ming are tantamount to indirectly insulting him.


  Combined with O’Neal just betting with himself who can bet on the next game against the Trail Blazers…

  Su Feng is convinced that this product in Hesheng Town will be difficult to get out of the Rose Garden Arena tomorrow night.


  ”This task…I am afraid it will be so difficult to do so!”

   touched his chin and looked at the two task completion conditions on the system interface…

  In a moment, Su Feng was silent.

   In theory, it is not that difficult for Su Feng and O’Neal to complete two aerial links in the game.


  It’s Hesheng Town that this stuff is better than the drinking fountain administrator’s playing time…

   Have a talk…

   This is definitely the most difficult task that Su Feng received after receiving the “Slaying the Dragon” task that year.

   In addition, in Su Feng’s view, although it is not difficult to help O’Neal get 20 points in the game.

   But after adding the restriction that O’Neal’s 20 points must be fed by himself…

   This task has also become a very difficult task.

  Because it is based on O’Neill’s cake rate…

   Even if you change the “magic man” to feed him cakes, he will also spit up the cakes that should be vomited.

   But fortunately…

   Even if this mission cannot be completed, Su Feng will not be punished.

  Because after seeing his prestige in O’Neill’s mind through the system…

  Su Feng finally understands why this shark has lived into its own shape recently.

The prestige value of   9999!

   Nyima, how can O’Neill regard himself as his life-saving straw!

   Don’t blow up, don’t black out, well, even if you say that Su Feng is O’Neill’s half-brother, Su Feng believes it.

   Because of this terrifying prestige, Sasuke may not have such respect for his brother!


   On the 15th, the Heat arrived in Portland.

  According to the schedule, they will usher in the last game of their western tour at the Rose Garden Arena on the evening of the 16th.

  As a loyal fan of Su Feng, on the 15th, as soon as Su Feng got off the plane, “My Cannon” happily took his idol to eat fried chicken.

  In the new season, with Paul playing better than ever…

  After coming to Portland from Minnesota…

   Garnett, who has always had a good plan in his chest, has recently suffered from no pain in his legs and no sore waist…

   I even have energy to walk.

  In this world, if human beings are most afraid of being unable to see hope.

  For Garnett at this moment…

   Whether it’s Paul Allen’s endless bills, or the young Gunner’s talents visible to the naked eye, he can feel it. He has never felt it when he was in Minnesota…


  In Garnett’s view, in this “dark age” ruled by Su Feng…

   Hope is something more precious than diamonds!

   looked up at the sky, and lo, it was the moon laughing.

   looked down at the ground, and saw that the waves were jumping.

  Perhaps for this huge world…

   Everyone is a small existence.

   But Garnett believes that as long as this cannon can continue to grow…

  The pioneers will embrace a bright future under the leadership of Kevin Garnett!

   Cough, let’s talk about business.

   is the same as Su Feng had previously expected.

  Although Paul entered the NBA a year earlier, because this product has a very high degree of completion after the end of the freshman year, this season, Brother Pao has become the number one favorite for the rookie of the year.

  In addition, Garnett really appreciates Paul’s attitude in training, so under Garnett’s suggestion, he usually has to be treated to Paul in the team, even some old ruffians in the Trail Blazers. Three points.

   In Su Feng’s original time and space, some hard-core black guys moved out many allusions of Garnett bullying the newcomer to black this iron-blooded wolf king.

   For example, I punched Szebiak in his early years and kicked O’Brien in his later years.

   But in fact, looking at Garnett’s career, you will find that every time Garnett punches Mengxin, there is a certain reason.

  Such as the time when Szebiak was punched.

   was in a training session…

   Szebiak, who kept asking Garnett over to pick and roll himself, was very slack in defense, so Garnett deliberately missed him twice.

   At this time, as a cute new Szebiak, he even yelled at Garnett.

   As a result, how could Garnett, who has always been iron-blooded and brutal, able to endure Szebiak?

  Take O’Briente again.

  Because of lack of passion in training, Garnett decided to use his persuasive temptation to lead O’Brien to the right path.

   It’s only a pity…

  Because he couldn’t stand Garnett, he would always blame himself for no reason. After the mental collapse, O’Briente faded out of the league not long after.

   To put it bluntly, in these two cases, can you say that Garnett likes to bully Mengxin?

   Jie is clearly Garnett guiding this group of cute new people!

   It’s just that Szebiak repented of his mistake afterwards, and later became the right-hand man of the Wolf King in the Timberwolves period, but O’Briente was not strong enough to be able to stand it.

   In fact, Garnett is really just dealing with things rather than people most of the time.

  For example, in Su Feng’s memory, Lang Gui, who grew up under Garnett’s wild lick, is an example.

  In Su Feng’s original time and space, Garnett praised Rondo more than once in public, “The sky is the limit.”

  Of course…

  This life…

  The sky is no longer Rondo’s limit.

   Because of this sentence, Garnett has already given it to Gunner this season.

   And it’s worth mentioning that if Su Feng remembers it right…

   This book is organized and produced by the official account. Follow Get cash red envelopes!

  In his memory, the grudge between Rondo and Paul…

   That is also a very exciting collection of stories.

   “If Lang guide knows the truth of the facts, I don’t know if he wants to cover his face and turn into a man in black to break the leg of my gun.”

   On this day, after eating fried chicken with Paul, looking at Paul’s back, Su Feng said with emotion.

   I have to say that in this life, due to my appearance, although many classic combinations no longer exist, these new classic combinations make Su Feng feel that NBA is more interesting.

   Still take Paul and Garnett as a pair.

  Su Feng’s previous life, when Garnett retired, don’t look at my guns and say that the player he hates most in this league is Garnett.

   But actually, in the second half of this sentence, Paul also said…

  If Garnett were his teammate, he would be very happy.

   After all…

   Garnett in reality is not the starting point for a few words called Silent Wolf Heihe, his strength will be affected.

   no matter how you complain…

   Garnett at his peak, in Su Feng’s view, is the best choice for the second forward in NBA history!

   Malone Buckley:?


   On the evening of the 16th, at the Rose Garden Arena, the Heat officially ushered in their eleventh game to hit the best opening record in nba history.

  On the court, after the players of the two teams warmed up, the big screen on the scene immediately showed the starting games of the two teams tonight.

   Heat: O’Neal Haslem Sufeng Butler Payton.

   Trailblazer: Pulzbila Garnett Patterson Anderson Paul.

   Compared with the previous Mavericks, the Heat’s starting lineup has undergone subtle changes tonight.

  That is…

   After half a month of the start of the new season, Su Feng finally returned to the small forward position.

  Because Su Feng knows that Garnett’s iron-blooded stems are drawn, it stabs an undead like an overlord spear without a spearhead…

   So in order to make O’Neal more comfortable in the game, Su Feng knew very well that sending the same iron-blooded Haslem to entangle Garnett is the best way.

   This season, from the perspective of the Blazers’ season planning, as a team that is advancing to the playoffs while leveling, they are not very strong in the two positions of small forward and shooting guard.

   Therefore, in this game, Su Feng’s return to the small forward can not only help Payton to reduce the young version of the gun brother, Payton’s defensive pressure after the pick and roll…

   And, on the offensive end, Su Feng can also play a better containment effect, which can further expand O’Neal’s offensive space.

   In addition, because the system never releases tasks that you cannot complete 100%…

   So Feng knows that in this game, as the administrator of the Trail Blazers drinking fountain, Hesheng Town will definitely be sent by Trail Blazers coach Cheeks to play.


   Before the start of the game, Su Feng also informed Riley of the bet between him and O’Neal.

   “Don’t worry, as long as the Blazers replace their Korean center in this game, I will leave Shaq on the court.”

   After hearing this, Su Feng immediately awakened the evil dna in the bones of Riley, an old naughty boy.

  Because the NBA schedule is very long, for most coaches and players in this league…

   If they don’t want to have fun through some games, they will be suffocated alive before the end of the season.

   Therefore, generally when the core players make some special requirements for the game, most coaches will choose to be their accomplices.

   Rose Garden Arena, in the center of the field, O’Neal easily jumped the ball for the Heat.

   high position, after summoning O’Neal to pick and roll for himself, Su Feng easily broke into the inside.

   At the bottom corner, due to Haslem’s containment, Garnett could not help defend the ball in the first time.

   As a result, in desperation, Pulzbila had to pull Su Feng down.

  On the court, Su Feng, who walked to the free throw line, made two free throws.

   2 to 0.

   As a real organization leader, Su Feng knows very well that if he wants to keep O’Neal scored through assists, he must first stand up and tell this trailblazer what it would be like not to let himself pass the ball to his teammates. The end of the game.

   and in popular words…

   This is the legendary setting the tone for the game.

   On the court, looking back, the Blazers attacked.

   Paul and Garnett’s pick-and-roll tortures old Payton.

Near the top arc of   , the young Cannon used only one Sam Gold, and he almost shook Payton’s ankle.

   On the right wing, Garnett received a pass from Paul in the first time after making an outside cut.

   Immediately afterwards, Garnett would cry after watching a child, and the adult would throw out the iron-blooded high jumper that would be cracked.



  On the field, after taking the lead for the Blazers, Garnett hammered his chest while using his roar to ignite the atmosphere of the entire arena.

  At this time, the narrator on the Trail Blazers scene could not help but sighed: “This is the fighting spirit that Kevin brings us!

  He turned us into an iron army! “

   On the court, it’s the Heat’s turn to attack.

   I still summon O’Neill to pick and roll himself.

   high position, after a step into the penalty area with the help of cover, Su Feng, who showed a strong desire for offensive, gave the Blazers a color with a one-handed buckle.

  4 to 2.

   On the sidelines, looking at Su Feng, who is a little unstoppable on the field…

   Trailblazers coach Cheeks always feels that the Trail Blazers will suffer tonight.



  On the Before Cheeks could figure out how to defend Su Feng, Su Feng directly grabbed the basketball from Patterson!


In the halftime of    Trailblazers, after a one-stop jump, Su Feng also improvised a windmill slam dunk for the fans of the Rose Garden Arena.

   6 to 2!

   In addition, when retiring, Su Feng deliberately murmured to himself when passing by the Blazers bench: “Hiss!

   Speaking of which, I haven’t won 50 this season…

   how about? “

   Cheeks: “…”



   This tm is definitely a threat to Chi Guoguo!

   Trailblazer’s bench…

   Cheeks, who was threatened by Su Feng, immediately gave instructions to the Trail Blazers players on the field to stop Su Feng even if they missed other Heat players.

   and this time…

   Su Feng, who succeeded in the conspiracy, where can he hide his smile?


  Because of Su Feng’s usual facial paralysis, the setting has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people…

   So when he smiled…

  On the court, the Blazers players felt that he was becoming more dangerous!


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