Akihabara Pioneer Road Chapter 80: 【Oikawa’s wishful thinking! (Adding crape myrtle)]

Tameike Sanno’s small meeting room in the Patent Office.

Yamate University Associate Professor of Electronic Engineering and Satoru Kawakawa talked loudly with exaggerated laughter with Saeki Khan, a government official sitting across from him.

What is “Thanks to Saeki-san for your strong support for this patent application”, “Without Saeki-san’s support, our scientific research will be in vain”, “After this patent application is successful, other Yamate University’s other The scientific research project also depends on Zoe Sang.” Ah, Lin Da also felt nauseated.

This and Chuan Congren can’t provide any valuable insights on scientific research projects, but this level of flattery can be rated as a “professor of flattery”!

That’s disgusting!

Lin Da is also the most annoyed that Chikawa Congren actually used the results of his graduation thesis defense and whether he successfully graduated as a condition to coerce himself, in order to agree to his unreasonable request for the distribution of patent rights!

When has my High Lord Linda ever been so angry?

Aren’t you going to ask?

Am I that easy to bully? ah?

Lin Da also felt a huge wave in his heart. He rubbed his right index finger and thumb, and his left hand stroked his forehead. At the same time, three green pipes stretched out from his forehead!

Linda was really disgusted this time too – he was going to take a gamble!

Saeki Khan and Oikawa Satoshi have a “spiritual channel” impartially. As for this third channel, Linda also extended it to the printer in the corner of the conference room!

High lord, I have to do scientific research and innovation.

The printer swishly printed two Final Consent to Patent Owners that Linda had also drafted – was it a draft? Yes, it’s just a draft!

At the same time, the two original A4 papers on the table have been transferred to Lin Daye’s briefcase, and replaced by the new version he just printed!

Neither Oikawa Satoshi and Saeki Khan noticed the change!

“Associate Professor Oikawa, you have won the prize! If the two of you have no objection, then please sign your name.” Saeki took out two ballpoint pens and placed them on the two A4 sheets of paper.

“Haha, alright!” Oikawa Satoshi agreed happily, picked up the pen and confirmed a few key figures:

The patent owner and Chuan Congren, 70%.

Patent owner Lin Daye, 30%.

Well, exactly! Then there is no problem!

Hmph, I finally own a patent!

And it’s still the bulk of the equity distribution!

Seventy percent is a pretty good percentage!

Oikawa Satoshi looked at the figure again and again, and the more he opened it, the more beautiful he felt. He really never got tired of seeing it!

Lin Da also looked at the happy look of the tutor beside him, and then squinted at the A4 paper he was holding:

The patent owner and Chuan Congren, 30%.

Patent owner Lin Daye, 70%.

If there are different opinions on the distribution of rights and interests, the opinions of the party with the larger share of the patent right shall prevail!

Linda also swapped the two percentage figures and reprinted it!

And through the “spiritual channel”, Satoshi Oikawa saw the illusion of the original manuscript!

Don’t ask what scientific principle this is, the black technology possessed by the system has always been like this!

And in order to be safe, Linda also passed on the same illusion to the leader of the government, Saebo Khan!

This technology has absolutely no side effects and sequelae!

“Ji – Chuan – Cong – Ren -” The associate professor muttered and signed his name on the A4 paper.

Lin Da also signed the new “Consent” without hesitation!

There was a buzzing sound from the phone—Lin Da also estimated that the index on the system also changed after the patent rights allocation document changed.

Saeki Khan took over the documents signed by the two, and checked the signatures of the two. After confirming that it was correct, he put away the documents.

“Then, you two have worked hard! Today’s formalities are over.” Saeki looked at the faces of the two and said with a smile.

“Ah, Saeki-san has also worked hard. How much trouble did you take!” Oikawa looked at Lin Daya’s expression sideways, and there seemed to be nothing unusual. He let go of his dangling heart and turned his head to greet Saeki. .

“I look forward to more scientific research achievements from your school that can be transformed into patents and productivity! I will accompany the two of you here, and I will not send them far.” Saeki stood up and shook hands with Associate Professor Oikawa and Lin Da respectively. shake hands.

Going down from the elevator of the Patent Office to the first floor, I can see that Satoshi Oikawa is in a good mood, humming a little song all the way.

“Lin-Jun, I’m here to help you this time.” Oikawa finally said the second sentence he took the initiative to say to Lin Daye today.

“Associate Professor Oikawa has worked hard. Then my graduation thesis…” Lin Da also lost no time to follow up.

“Oh, you said that, there is absolutely no problem – A+, excellent pass!” Oikawa is not a person who does not speak well.

“Then it’s all up to you from now on!” Linda said politely.

“Well, wrap it on me! What, I still have a few things to do, let’s just let it go!” Oikawa waved his hand lightly and walked towards Humen Station.

Lin Da also saluted his back, thinking to himself: Hmph, just use me up like a disposable item and throw it away, right? However, it doesn’t matter Xiaoye, as long as there is a patent owner and a graduation certificate.

Whether you throw trash or treasure, let’s see! Smart Associate Professor Satoshi Okawa!

Just as he was about to turn around and leave, in front of the publicity board in the official hall next to the stairs, a young woman in a professional suit was stepping on the working ladder and pasting a poster on the publicity board. The title of the poster came into his sight – Start a business, young man!

Huh? Is this a government propaganda poster?

Encourage young people to start businesses?

Remember that in the previous world, the entrepreneurial environment in Neon Country was really not optimistic!

Although there are some policies that are beneficial to entrepreneurs, the neon environment is not very friendly to emerging economies and emerging companies in general, and the enthusiasm of young people for entrepreneurship is not very high, and the overall expectations are not very high. How optimistic. This has a lot to do with the entire economic structure of Neon. All industries hope to maintain the status quo under the premise that the strong wind direction remains unchanged and the central bank does not make major adjustments. Investors are also cautious, rather than handing over money to those Enterprises and business models without actual performance are better off investing in known investment fields with stable returns and low risks. After all, investors are looking for high-return, low-risk investment channels, and investors also hope that the investment of the holding companies is mainly stable, and they do not want those decision-making heads to have any maverick “immature performance”.

In this new world, will the economic environment really encourage the younger generation to start businesses?

Lin Da also wanted to get closer and continue to read the details of the poster, but saw that the work ladder under the woman’s feet suddenly swayed twice. And the closest person around is a few meters away from her!

“Ah—” The woman and some people around exclaimed!

Not good!

Lin Daye’s “mixed martial arts” skills guided him to take a few six-line gossip footwork, and when the time was right, he moved under the woman and held her firmly in his arms when she fell!

With a bang, the work ladder slammed into the clearing—no one was hurt.

“How is it? Didn’t you fall?” Linda also gently put the woman upright.

“Ah, thank you for arriving in time!” The woman was in shock~IndoMTL.com~ and kept stroking her chest with her hands.

The people around were stunned by the young man’s vigorous hands for more than ten seconds, and then they hula up, some helped up the work ladder, and some picked up the posters scattered on the ground.

The woman’s face was flushed, and she thanked the people who came to help. When she looked up at the poster she had posted just now, there was one horn hanging in the air.

“Ah, that, let me help you.” Lin Da also hurriedly replied.

He climbed up the work ladder in twos and threes, carefully put up the entire poster, turned and climbed down the ladder again.

“Ah, thank you so much! I’m so sorry. I’m from the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry’s StartUp Guidance Headquarters, and my name is Yoko Suzuki.” The woman in a suit called Suzuki introduced herself.

“My name is Lin Daye. I graduated from Yamate University this year and have now joined the Igarashi Trading Company in Akihabara.” Lin Daye also briefly introduced his situation, but kept his eyes on the picture. Detailed instructions on the poster.

“Oh, Yamate University? That’s an excellent institution of higher learning. I’ve become a member of society this year, congratulations!” Suzuki’s eyes widened for a moment, and he said in a very soft tone. She noticed that Lin Daye’s eyes had been on the poster next to her, and she asked with some joy, “What? Are you interested in the ‘Entrepreneurship Support Program’?”

“If it’s convenient, this is my business card.” Rongko Suzuki handed her business card with both hands.

Lin Da also took the business card and handed over his business card as a courtesy.

“Please take care of me! If I have time, I would like to… ask about the diversion trend of your school’s graduates?” Suzuki asked politely.

“Of course there is no problem.” Linda replied, putting the business card in the card holder.

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