Akihabara Pioneer Road Chapter 71: 【Go to Ueno Park to enjoy cherry blossoms! ]

The office of the Hard Gold Trading Company.

Lin Daye’s “Mixed Martial Arts” skill provided the High Lord with several countermeasures in just a few milliseconds!

He didn’t even think about it, he slipped under his feet, just like an elegant gentleman at the dance taking his female companion into his arms, and lowered his body to look down at the frightened girl Kamiya.

His movements are so graceful and his expression so resolute. Lady Kamiya lay in Lin Daye’s arms and looked at the opposite **** in front of her, not realizing she was insane.

At the same time, almost all the employees in the entire office were stunned at the same time – this figure is too handsome!

Lin Da also gently wiped a drop of sweat from Lady Kamiya’s forehead with her fingers, and sorted out her messy hair by the way.

Miss Kamiya then regained her senses. With the strength of Lin Daye’s arm, she stood up again, her cheeks flushed red, her eyes dodging over her chest, and she whispered, “Thank you, Lin Sang. .”

Lin Da also smiled and handed the report sheet in his hand to Kamiya Yezi, then leaned over and tidied up the power cord just now on the ground.

Only then did he realize that the green patch in his palm seemed to be missing one.


He looked for the ground, but there seemed to be nothing there; he looked up at Miss Kamiya, and it turned out that when he was wiping the sweat on her forehead and trimming her hair just now, there was a stick on her forehead!

In just a flash, the green patch disappeared, never to be found again.

Uh, this green patch, won’t it have any side effects?

Lin Da had no choice but to pray from the bottom of his heart that the system would be more reliable!

Ms. Kamiya confirmed that the reports were correct, printed out a few test pages, and tried basic functions such as copying, quick copying, and scanning. The final acceptance report was stamped with the seal of the General Affairs Division of the General Affairs Department. , and return the B-link to Linda.

Lin Da also took it and bowed deeply and said with a smile, “This is the end of today’s work. Thank you again for the delicious lunch you introduced!”

Ms. Kamiya also nodded slightly in return, and replied, “Where, I would like to thank you. The world is too small.”

Lin Da also smiled and said, “Then I will leave.”

Out of business etiquette, Kamiya Ye Zi also sent Linda to the door of the elevator outside the door.

“For the cherry blossom viewing, you are looking forward to your visit.” Lin Da also reminded gently.

Miss Kamiya raised her phone and said with a smile, “I have set a reminder for my schedule, I can’t forget it!”

Lin Da also entered the elevator and looked at the leaves of Kamiya outside and waved at him with a smile.

Her sweet, innocent smile disappeared behind the closed elevator doors.

Job done!

Phew! Linda also let out a long sigh of relief.

By the time he returned to the Igarashi Trading Company in Akihabara, it was almost teatime.

Lin Da also handed various report documents to Miss Ito and filled out the homework log. Today’s work is almost finished.

“That, Lin Sang! I have something to trouble you!” Miss Ito took out a list and handed it to Lin Daye, saying, “This is the shopping list for tomorrow’s cherry blossom viewing party. The president will bring A simple BBQ oven, these disposable tableware and ingredients, please prepare them. Oh, by the way, since today’s work has been completed, you can get off work early to buy! Please!”

Ms. Ito also handed an envelope to him, which seemed to be a purchase fee.

Linda also took the list and the envelope and looked at it, darling, I bought a lot of things this time.

Igarashi’s counter set a record for daily sales on the last day when the smartphone memory card was snapped up. In the game of guessing the turnover, No-brain Sankami won the grand prize. Everyone gathered together and invited him to a free meal. .

According to the rules of the game set by Ms. Ito, a total of 81,000 yen was collected by one company. For a party with seven people, this is definitely a sum of money. If you are in an izakaya or restaurant outside, you can eat a very good meal, including drinks for a limited time.

But now it’s the full blooming season of the cherry blossoms. In a few days, the petals of the cherry blossoms will fall, and the annual flower viewing season will come to an end, so everyone is down to hold a cherry blossom viewing party. The president immediately made a decision and ordered to go to the cherry blossoms in Ueno after get off work one day to enjoy the cherry blossoms together.

At this time, the problem came. This time, the money in the restaurant outside is considered a large amount of start-up capital, and I am afraid that it is more than enough to open a flower viewing party. So the president suggested that everyone must bring their relatives and friends to participate.

After Linda also became a lord, he studied his personal relationships in this world for a long time, and came to a conclusion: he is more dead than the previous world. Since there was no one to invite, I tried to tell the girl Kamiya at the scene of the hard gold trading company, but she unexpectedly agreed on the spot. This tells the otaku a shocking top secret: it seems that the goddess’ schedule is not always full.

He’s really looking forward to tomorrow’s party.

When it comes to the famous cherry blossom viewing spots in the Kanto metropolitan area, Ueno Park will not be mentioned. A considerable number of cherry trees are planted here, and when the cherry blossoms bloom in spring, it becomes a sea of ​​cherry blossoms. Therefore, during the flowering season, the cherry trees are full of tourists who come to enjoy the cherry blossoms, either drinking or having a chat. Every day is as happy as a festival~IndoMTL.com~ Therefore, the space under the cherry trees is very tight. People invariably took up their seats at the golden spots under the trees. Or spread a large piece of plastic sheeting with the name of the seat occupant written on it; or stick it in the shape of a parking space with eye-catching wide tape to tell others that the place is occupied. As early as the day he decided to go to Ueno for a flower viewing party, Mikami volunteered to go to Ueno to occupy a good piece of land.

Speaking of this shopping list opened by Miss Ito, I really see her financial management skills and elegant lifestyle! The A5-grade Matsusaka beef from the long-established Sukiyaki shop in Ningyocho, Nihonbashi Ningyocho, the Tsukudani from the food counter of the century-old department store “Mitsukoshi”, and the classic dim sum snacks from the “Pinzhenlou” in Yokohama Chinatown are all high-grade. Dishes and dishes, even the prices are listed refreshingly and exactly!

Linda also did not dare to neglect while she was amazed. The appointments that should be made, the purchases that should be purchased, have been busy in the capital circle this afternoon.

There is a regular meeting with SMK Company in the evening, so I have to help Kojima over there. The previous meetings have basically finalized the design of LOF’s main characters and their respective action moves. Now the main task is to assist the game production committee to confirm and give feedback on the various production stages of the fighting game. If all goes well, it is estimated that it will be launched on several major platforms next month!

On the school side, fortunately, the thesis defense has been successfully completed, and now we are just waiting for the approval result from the Patent Office of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology! If nothing else, AR technology will be registered in this world. This is an important milestone in the development of the territory of Akihabara!

Lin Daye was running in Tokyo, planning the development of the territory in her mind, and before she knew it, the bright moonlight had spread all over the capital circle, which was lit by thousands of homes.

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