Akihabara Pioneer Road Chapter 271: 【Breakout Rescue Plan! 】The second bullet!

“Oops, Yukirin is in danger now!”

What Watanabe Mayu thought of was the house where Yuki Kashiwagi was staying before she and Mariko Shinoda rested together. us

It was just when Shinoda was about to inspect the surrounding situation that she discovered the female devil Takahashi Nanami who arrived here. During the shootout, Takahashi injured her arm.

Watanabe told Kashiwagi Hara to take care of the luggage, but he rushed out of the house and helped the injured Shinoda to hide in another room at the risk of being hit. And there is the hiding place of Kasai Tomomi, Kawanei Rina and Takajo Yashu.

What Watanabe is worried about at this time is Kashiwagi, who is hiding in another house alone! Although she was holding the weapons that the two were assigned – a flash bomb and a pair of sunglasses, she didn’t have the slightest advantage in front of Takahashi, who was fully armed with hot weapons!

If Kashiwagi is discovered by Takahashi at this time, it can be said that the possibility of retreating is less than 20%!

And from the house where the five people live now, the house where Kashiwagi is staying can’t be directly seen, so Kashiwagi who is in the position between the two sides of the fire is equivalent to falling in the blind spot of the five people’s firepower!

This is a disturbing fact!

Seeing that Shinoda’s injuries are temporarily safe, and the five people in the room have three shooting weapons, as well as a heavy sniper rifle with powerful firepower, the guard and cover are more than enough.

The current problem is, how to relieve Kashiwagi? ?

Except for Shinoda, who had been in a coma, everyone fell into deep silence after listening to Watanabe’s analysis.

The three of Kasai, Chuanei and Takagi were inspired by the “comradeship” of mutual support between Shinoda and Watanabe, convinced by Watanabe’s bravery to save Shinoda, and moved by Watanabe’s concern for the safety of Kashiwagi. Recalling the suspicions and speculations about him before, I can’t help but feel a suffocating shame and self-blame.

Compared to the opposing team, the three of them sneered at her just because her teammate Gao Cheng lost a weapon that was said to be “very weak”, and at first took a mean and tough attitude towards Watanabe who rescued Shinoda, and almost shot and injured her. Innocent, this kind of people’s superiority and inferiority is particularly heart-wrenching in the casual comparison.

Fortunately, under the reminder of Gaocheng’s critical moment, they were not stupid enough to make a big mistake, so they stopped in time and turned their guns out in unison!

In this way, there is still a strong and brave heart under this Gaocheng’s weak appearance!

Just, why on earth did she throw away the weapon that she had finally been assigned?

What kind of weapon was she assigned to?

Gao Cheng Yashu figured out the thoughts of the two of them. She rolled her eyes and said to Hexi and Chuanrong: “You cover me with firepower, and I may be able to get Kashiwagi out of danger!”

Watanabe’s brows, which were almost twisted into twists, loosened a little, and replied with a smile on his face: “Taocheng, are you serious?!”

Gao Cheng turned his head and looked firmly into the worried eyes of the other party and said, “Yeah!”

“Then what is your plan…”

From the operation Gao Cheng performed on Shinoda just now, Hexi knew that this little girl was not simple. She no longer blamed Gao Cheng for losing her weapon.

“I…” Gao Cheng blushed with shame again, and his voice was too low to be heard, “I… I’ll lead Takahashi away…”

“What? You said you were going to divert Takahashi’s attention?!” Hexi couldn’t believe her ears, and her voice rose an octave, “Why would you do such a plan? How dangerous! You How can you do it?! You will die!”

“Then you can choose any weapon in our hands!” Chuan Rong also changed her previous view of Gao Cheng. She was noncommittal about Gao Cheng’s bold plan, and spared no effort to provide all-round support to her companions.

“I…” Gao Cheng buried his head on his chest again, like a child who did something wrong, not daring to exchange glances with the teammates in front of him.

“Forget it, if you don’t want to tell us, we don’t force it!” Hexi took the initiative to relieve her and continued, “Chuanrong is right, in that case, you’d better choose a weapon that is handy! “

“I…I can run the broken line…weapons…you still have the weapons!” Gao Cheng finally told everyone what he was thinking.

Rao is a wily Watanabe. She doesn’t know what medicine Gaocheng’s gourd sells at this moment. She grabbed the other’s hand and said softly, “Gaocheng, how sure are you?”

Gao Cheng bit his lower lip, but shook his head.

“Kashiwagi! Kashiwagi, hold on! Kashiwagi…” Shinoda, who had been in a coma since the operation just now, suddenly shouted anxiously with her eyes closed like a dream, and then she closed her pale lips.

Takagi brought drinking water from his backpack, wet the front of his clothes, and smeared Shinoda’s lips.

“Shinoda needs further treatment, and Kashiwagi is in danger again. There is no time to delay. I decided to break out immediately and attract the attention of the enemy!”

Gao Cheng stood at the door with a blank face, just like a hero statue!

Chuanei looked at the others, handed the revolver in his hand to Gao Cheng, and explained, “Heavy sniper rifles are too cumbersome, medieval muskets are too laborious to reload, you take this. Hexi and I will use firepower. Cover for you!”

Gao Cheng was immediately agitated, her chest heaving up and down violently, and her voice trembled and choked: “Chuanrong, you…Okay, I’ll hold the gun. Thank you…you and Hexi remember to turn each other to the northeast corner. rush…remember?”

She pointed the direction in the air—they entered the housing complex from the southeast corner, and the northeast corner was far from here and the other side of the cypress location.

“Northeast corner? Then…you have to be careful!”

Although I don’t know what Takajo’s intention is~IndoMTL.com~ Kasai, Kawaei and Watanabe spit out almost simultaneously asking each other to be careful.

“Yeah! Wait for Takahashi to chase after me, and you’ll go and rescue Kashiwagi here! In the end, we’ll meet here!”

Gao Cheng glanced at his companion’s eyes with his hot eyes again, then turned around abruptly, opened the door and rushed out.

“Hexi, Chuanei, pay attention to fire cover!” Watanabe Mayu hurriedly shouted to the comrades by the window.

“Bah! Bah!” “Bah!”

Kawasai and Chuanei immediately fired at the west side of the wall where Takahashi was hiding.

Watanabe has moved the “surgical equipment” just now to Kawaei – helping her load the ammunition into her medieval musket.

“Clap clap!”

Going to the east side of the wall, Takahashi also shot back with the barrel of his gun extended.

Gao Cheng ran towards the northeast corner under the cover of firepower.

As expected, she hit Takahashi who saw Takajo running, and started chasing in the direction where Takajo fled while shooting.

Takajo ran back and counterattacked with his revolver.

A group of people in the room heard the gunshots of the two drifting away.

“It’s now! I’m going to meet Kashiwagi! Kawaei, you go help Takagi! Kasai, you stay here and continue to protect Shinoda and cover fire!”

Watanabe loudly assigned everyone’s tasks, still walking towards the door with his bare hands.

“Watanabe! You…” Hexi wanted to drink Watanabe, but the other party’s speed was very fast, and he had already rushed to the entrance in a few steps indistinguishable.

Seeing Watanabe rushing to the door, Kawaei glanced at Kasai and Shinoda, and followed him out of the room with a musket.

Hexi started shooting again, nervously watching the shadowy figure moving in the distance with the scope.

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