Akihabara Pioneer Road Chapter 223: 【Regenerate branches! ] (supplemented on April 9)

“What is it?”

Lin Da didn’t make a sound, his skill “mixed martial arts” had already shown the escape routes in his mind one by one, and there were more than a dozen options. Of course, it was not only him, but also To pull the female colleague next to you to get out together. ???

“I already said, ask questions in order!” The scarred eyelid jacket pointed to the man in front of him and said word by word, “Okay, you have answered the first question. Then I will start answering this one. Miss’s question – we are this gentleman’s creditor, and we’re going to get some interest from him today. Then it’s up to the lady to answer.”

Lin Da and Gao Cheng Cai Xia also looked at each other, expressing that he was inexplicable at the strange words said by this strange person.

But before they could speak, the scarred eyelid jacket continued: “Don’t keep asking questions if you don’t answer. I haven’t answered your third question – please come with us!”

Sister Caixia looked at Lin Daye next to her, her eyes were full of puzzlement and confusion.

Lin Da could have escaped easily, but since this “detective” colleague next to her likes reasoning so much, let her experience the “wonderful” world of detectives.

Linda also motioned for someone to lead the way, and the group of five walked to a black nanny car in the parking lot not far away.

The burly man was waiting outside the car door. The scarred eyelid jacket opened the door, signaling the other man and woman to get in the car first, and then he jumped into the car with a **** waist. Pull the door dead.

Lin Da also “obediently” followed the other party’s instructions on the surface, but inside she felt amused, because when Sister Caixia passed the nanny car, she saw her secretly write down the license plate number.

The reason why he finds it funny is that since these people can do things like kidnapping in broad daylight, how can these license plate numbers be genuine? !

But looking at the nervous and serious face of his female colleague, he didn’t want to be too serious, so he could only pretend to tighten his face and make an uneasy expression very cooperatively.

The light in the car was not very bright, and it took them a while to get used to it.

I’m not afraid of that scarred eye. After all, he wore sunglasses just now, but he is now squatting in the corner and saying nothing. The leader who taught him to obey the order must be in this car.

When the two looked at the other people in the car, there was no one else but the driver.

When the two began to be confused again, the driver still turned his back to them and said, “First time!”

Both have a big “exclamation mark” above their heads!

What the **** are these people doing? !

They wanted to see the man’s face clearly through the reflector, but the man had already adjusted the angles of all the reflectors and did not reveal his “true face of Mount Lu” at all, what an “old dragon”!

“I’m sorry to invite the two of you here, we only have one thing to ask for.” The man who seemed to be the driver was actually the leader and continued to say slowly, “Recently, our brothers and your studio have been at odds frequently, so I feel ashamed. This is due to the lack of internal supervision and strict discipline in our ‘organization’. This old man apologizes to the two of you.”

He did not allow other people to interrupt, and the conversation suddenly changed: “We also hope that your studio will be able to return the previous real estate to Zhao. Agree?”

Gao Cheng Caixia’s heart has been tugging. Since she was involved in the whole incident, she has memorized all the details and clues. Full to the brim, hearing these words, I couldn’t help but fall into the fog again, with a splitting headache, not knowing what to say.

Lin Da did not act rashly, but only analyzed the origin and intention of the speaker from the literal meaning of the speaker.

Listening to that person’s meaning, it seems that he has had a feud with his studio, and he has repeatedly offended, so the first half is an apology; but the second half of the sentence is obviously asking him to keep the purchased property intact. return the land to the seller, wouldn’t that be——

Is it related to the landlord’s aunt, Kato Yumi? !

What the **** is going on here? !

I am afraid it is the “organization” behind Shunsuke Kitahara who has had a holiday with me, but how did they have an intersection with the landlord’s aunt? !

At this moment, he couldn’t help thinking of the extraordinary “Iga-ryu ninja” skills of the landlord’s aunt, which made him ponder.

I remember when the landlord aunt sold real estate, she said she was in a hurry and needed cash urgently. But now why does this person want to recover those real estate?

Is he with Aunt Yumei?

But why did Aunt Yumei sell the house in the first place, and they are in a hurry to close the house now, which song is this singing?

Also, isn’t the one who offended you recently, Shunsuke Kitahara?

In fact, young people are high-spirited, and it is understandable to be competitive in certain things, and Beiyuan did not take advantage of him at all. On the contrary, he has repeatedly let him suffer from defeat, and he is still a little unbearable!

Lin Da also decided not to use the “spiritual channel” for the time being, and dealt with this group of people with real swords and real guns.

“This friend, I don’t know what you are referring to. I don’t know what I heard, and I also ask someone to give some advice. Also, this woman has nothing to do with this matter, I hope You can raise your hand to restore her freedom.” The male hostages are also telling the truth – being brought here so inexplicably, and listening to a few inexplicable words, this is not a suspense theater, who can do it Are you clear about the situation?

In this case, pretending to be stupid is an effective way to deal with it. You can only hope to get more information from the other party’s language and reactions, so as to deduce the correct conclusion.

“Big brother is asking you the general questions of ‘yes’ and ‘no’. You just need to answer ‘yes’ or ‘no’!” Scar Eyelid Jacket obviously not only knows that the questions should be answered in the order in which they are asked. ~IndoMTL.com~ and also know the most appropriate way to answer different questions.

“Ai, don’t make a fool of yourself! Don’t scare the VIP!” The old driver really taught a lesson to the horse boy who, although he was quite familiar with the rules for answering questions, didn’t have a solid grasp of not being able to intervene when speaking to the guest of honor. .

As expected, he corrected his mistake, bowed his head and saluted, huddled in the corner obediently and stopped talking.

Lin Da and Gao Cheng Caixia also wrote down in their minds at the same time:

1. This scarred eyelid jacket is called “Aichi”;

2. The old driver’s big brother said that there is no difference, and the class has weight;

3. I am the “VIP” of the other party…

But is there such a “VIP”?

Basically, there is no hope of escape for the time being.

“Are the two of you pretending to be crazy and selling stupid to me? I think it’s better. Since we showed our faces and made a sound in front of the two of you, the two of you may not be able to retreat before agreeing to our request.” The eldest brother of the driver was still unrelenting. Although the tone of his speech was polite, the content did not leave any room for the other party at all.

The two of them were nervous again when they heard this.

What can I do now?

It’s not a big problem to return the real estate to Aunt Yumei, but what’s holding you back?

Have I eaten your rice? Or am I drinking your miso soup?

Aunt Yumei has to speak up to catch up. Will I agree to you acting as a double reed here?

What a joke! 8

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