Aggrieved Fish Sprite: 321|The real fear is also, the fastest update to the latest chapter!

The returning birds fluttered their wings on the branches, combing their messy feathers with their heads down.

Suddenly the ground vibrated slightly, and it keenly raised its head and looked around, and then flew.

At the end of the sky, smoke and dust billowed, and a dozen horses rushed on the official road nearby, and the horses’ hoofs quickly stepped across the road, like a rainstorm.

The man on the horse was in a chaotic hat and slanted clothes, and looked frightened. He just waved his whip, wishing to be faster.


This act of whipping angered the originally docile horses, and one of them roared a long time, and actually threw the life on the horse’s back to the ground.

The others didn’t even look at their embarrassed companion, and continued to urge the horse forward.

The man who fell off the horse rolled two laps on the spot, yelling in pain, but the horse ignored it and continued to follow the large group of troops.

Looking at the back of his companion and the horse, the injured man’s face was contorted with anger.

The anger soon turned into fear. He struggled to stand up, then sat back hard, his right calf bent abnormally.

The smoke and dust behind the official road is getting more and more, like a slowly advancing dark cloud, about to cover the entire sky.

“Help, come here!”

The wounded shouted in despair. He was wearing the clothes of a scout and was going to go to the city to report the letter, but now he was thinking about how to save his life.

A long meandering blood trail was left on the ground, and the abandoned scout used both hands together, turning down the official road with difficulty, trying to climb into the roadside woods.

At this moment, he suddenly felt a hand supporting his shoulder, before he had time to react, the whole person flew like clouds and mist.

“You, you…”

The scout was stunned for a long time before realizing that he had been rescued and that the opponent’s martial arts was very high.

He couldn’t see what the person who saved him was, and the trees in front of him were all backing up. He tried to speak, but he opened his mouth and was filled with wind.

The wind blew by, and he even saw his companion running away. Someone turned their heads to look at him in shock, while the tall city gate was close at hand, but there was no sign of opening. This was the case originally, when the battle was critical, the scout had to climb back along the ropes laid down at the top of the wall, and the city gate would not be opened for them.

If you don’t move fast, you may be shot dead by the enemy’s sharp arrows.

Now that his legs are broken, how can he climb up?

Without a thought, the tall moss-covered city wall came into view, as if about to crash into it, and the scout closed his eyes in fright.

“Your right leg is broken, hold it back.”

The scout opened his eyes faintly, and then sat on the wall. A person in front of him picked up a discarded short spear and folded it into two pieces for bone setting. The severe pain struck away like a tide, and the scout fainted with a yell.

“Who are you?” the soldiers on the wall stammered.

Whoever sees the invading army approaching the city, when his scout desperately flees back, suddenly a shadow that is too fast to see clearly joins it, not even touching the ground, crossing a distance of ten feet, don’t even jump the rope The sight of the upper part of the city would be scared and speechless.

They didn’t even dare to approach.

“I am a doctor.”

Mo Lei said without raising his head, the scout fell so badly that he couldn’t wake up in a short time, and he didn’t see how the man fell off his horse.

Although it’s just on the way, it’s impossible to watch a person die in front of you-you can’t climb the gate of the city, let alone escape.

After finishing bandaging quickly, Mo Lei slowly raised his head and looked at the guards facing him tremblingly.

——The whole section of the city wall has only more than a hundred people.

The halberds and spears can be seen everywhere on the ground, as if they were thrown down in a panic.

At this moment, the rest of the scouts had just climbed up the city wall. They were shocked when they saw the sight before them. Then someone shouted and asked: “What’s the matter? People?!”

No one spoke.

Moli didn’t find anyone who looked like a military attache in the crowd either. It took a long time for an old man with a white beard to come over and said coarsely, “It’s all gone. Hua County used to be the city of Nanping County. , Less than half a day away from here.”

Hua County’s city wall is not high, and the city is not big. There are a few cannons on the city wall.

If the eight thousand soldiers guard the city together, it may not be impossible to stop the march of the Heavenly Consecrated King’s army, but the county magistrate does not intend to do so.

“There is not enough manpower. Since the people from Nanping County have transferred a group of brothers, the remaining number is less than 3,000.” The old man said dully.

Originally, the county magistrate was expecting the Heavenly Giving King’s army to circumvent the city. As they did before, they could save their lives as long as they couldn’t keep it. However, the Heavenly Giving King obviously didn’t want to have to work hard when he reached the destination and ran straight. Huaxian is here.

Moli turned and looked into the city, and there were a lot of traffic rushing to the east gate-the gate in the opposite direction to the gate below.

Everyone is running desperately, regardless of rich or poor.

“Are they crazy? Once the Heavenly Enlightened King’s army circumvents the city, they will definitely die!” The scout said shockedly, lying on the wall.

Mo Li pursed his lips, making no sound.

In fact, if it is to save lives, this decision of Hua County officials is not stupid at all.

Before the bag of Tuckahoe Cake was robbed, Meng Qi told Moli like this–

“When you arrive in Nanping County, you don’t need to go to the palace where King Jing is located. Go first… I see, it should be Hua County.” Meng Qi looked at the sand table of Fengxing Pavilion for a while and solemnly said, “This way The Heavenly Giving King never encountered a tough battle, even the one that defeated the 150,000 Jingzhou Army. It was because the Jingzhou Army underestimated the enemy, and the leaders were all incompetent. Now he is about to encounter the first hard bone. , Nanping County’s city was not so easy to lay down, so he had to find a place to rest the night. No matter how bad he was, he also needed to find a place to park food and grass, and if possible, he would need to add soldiers, so he would not slaughter the city and kill the city. People will only add trouble to him.”

It takes effort to hack and loot.

If the army was released in Huaxian with a suffocation, how could it gnaw hard bones?

Mo Lei looked out of the city again, the black and boundless army was still marching slowly.

The pace of tens of thousands of people, horseshoes, rolling wheels… the ground tremors became more and more obvious.

“Strange, are these dog thieves slowing down?”

“Are we running too fast?”

The scouts took a sigh of relief, turned their heads and looked again, and found that the advance of the “dark clouds” was not as terrible as they thought.

Only Moli knows that it is not.

——All Meng Qi said was hit. For the sake of “morale”, King Tianshou has been restraining the main force in the middle so that they have no chance of killing.

Now, naturally, the army will not be allowed to circle the city to chase the people, including trying to avoid those people seeing the people fleeing in Huaxian County, so the speed must be slowed down.

People who run away will put pressure on Nanping County again, and no matter where they go, they can spread the panic.

Moli closed his eyes. Even if he knows it, it’s useless. Who can keep the people from fleeing for their lives?

“…Guard!” A scout yelled, and at the same time glared at the soldiers at the head of the city, “Why don’t you run?”

The old man slapped his lips and looked at the crowd out of the city with a weird expression that didn’t know whether it was crying or laughing: “Someone has to stand here for a while. Isn’t there your family in there? ?”

“We…a bachelor, we can’t kill someone else’s family!” the scout screamed.

“Leave if you want.” The old man was not annoyed, and said to himself, “If you want to leave, hurry up, it will be too late.”

Those scouts hesitated for a while, some left, and more remained.

“If you don’t leave, pick up a weapon on the ground. Hurry! It’s going to be cleaned up soon, at least you can’t let your stumbling block get in the way!”

The old man screamed and looked at the ink carp secretly. He defended the city for many years, knowing that these people from the rivers and lakes are not easy to provoke, and usually he has not seen it, but now the situation is critical and the other party did not want to leave. The old man couldn’t help but get nervous.

In addition to him, there are still many pairs of eyes quietly watching Moli, after all, it is the first time they have seen a person who jumped on the wall like the storyteller.

Mo Li looked down. In fact, in Meng Qi’s plan, Hua County had already surrendered without a fight when Mo Li came. What he wanted to enter was a city occupied by the Heavenly Grant King, which was easy for him.

Who is the one who can “recover” the people most under the command of Tianshou Wang?

Holy lotus altar.

The army will not enter the city. Only the escorting team and the Holy Lotus Altar will enter Huaxian. If you are lucky, it is very possible to “block” the Lord Luo of the Holy Lotus Altar.

“Don’t act rashly. The main reason is to find out how close the relationship between the Heavenly Giving King and the Holy Lotus Altar is, who is listening to the upper ranks of the rebellious army, and which subordinate the Heavenly Giving King trusts most? What is the position in the army and so on.”

At that time, Meng Qi was unwilling to let go of the Moli’s hand, and sighed, “We know too little about the King of Heaven. Only when we know that we know ourselves can we have a correct response. Ali, promise me, no matter what Matter, wait until I come back to do it again.”

The memories gradually dissipated, turning into the feared but strong faces of the leaders of Hua County, as well as the cry of rushing for their lives in the city.

They don’t understand the art of war, they don’t have the courage to be one-hundred, they don’t know how to martial arts, and they are ordinary people beyond ordinary.

It was the only thing Meng Qi didn’t guess.

——It’s not to show loyalty to King Jing, or to swear to the death, not to flee, but to guard a city that is destined to be unstoppable.

To die for the relatives behind and for the survival of the people of this city.

Mo Li shook his hands unconsciously, as if Meng Qi was still holding his hand.

Then he opened his eyes and said to the soldiers who were quietly watching him: “I also have relatives in Huaxian. They are a big family, with four or five carriages, in the crowd on the other side of the city gate. I am If they caught up, they couldn’t take so many people away. Now they can only do their best to block the adversary. If the city gate is not broken for a while, they will have a chance to survive.”

Everyone’s eyes lit up when they heard this.

Especially Moli added: “When everyone is gone, we will be able to leave.”

There is still a chance to survive! The soldiers almost jumped up, looking at the slowing down of the Heavenly Grant King’s army, the fewer and fewer people in the city, their faces were full of sadness.

——They may not necessarily die!

The original dreary atmosphere was swept away, and some people even eagerly rushed to hand over weapons to Moli.

“This bow is very easy to use. It is our little commander. His family has money and he buys first-class goods.”

“Yes, yes, and this spear, he lost it when he ran away…”

“Keep out of the way, no one is as good as my arrows. My grandfather is a blacksmith! I’m worried about my arrows being inaccurate. I can’t kill the dog thief leader. I wasted good arrows!”

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