Aggrieved Fish Sprite: 258|Believe the fools, the fastest update to the latest chapter!

When Tokuko finished the incense respectfully, the group walked outside the temple.

Dezi also said hello to the Taoist priest in the temple and said he was leaving, but the other party was busy making trouble and didn’t raise his head.

“Don’t blame the two old fathers, the Dao Hustle came from the north. I heard that a family of young and old were starved to death due to famine, and their wealth was taken away by the Qi army. This is the Taoist who became a monk.” Dezi whispered to apologize. He said sympathetically, “During the big changes, his temperament is a little weird, but the others are very good, he can repair the roof, and anyone in the village who leaks and asks him to see it.”

Meng Qi raised his eyebrows slightly. He thought about several reasons, but he didn’t expect this Hu Daoist to use this method to win the favor of the villagers.

Moli knows a little bit more deeply. The cold houses in the north are very well-covered, and the roofs are afraid of snow pressure, while the situation in the south is different. There is always a period of heavy rain and light rain every year. Regardless of the rich and the poor, the house must be repaired every year to prevent water leakage. Among the many people suffering from falls, eight out of ten are caused by the roof.

If you fall, you usually won’t fall to death unless your head hits the ground.

But the injury is so bad that you have to spend money to see the doctor, but the situation is not very good.

Among them, those who are not saved in time, those who have no money to continue treatment, and those who have suppurative wounds…If you are lucky, you will be disabled, and if you are bad, you will die.

So if there is only one or two leaks, the people would rather put a crock or basin to catch the water at home instead of getting on the roof easily.

If there are craftsmen in the village who can repair the roof, don’t need money, and still work, everyone is really happy to accept them.

“All the children in the family died of starvation? Is it the drought in Yongzhou in the last three years?” Meng Qi asked seemingly casually.

If Dao Hu dares to go on the roof casually, he may not be ignorant of martial arts…

“Yes, yes, it didn’t take long for Dao Ren Hu to come, saying that he doesn’t need to build a house. He can live in the mountain temple as a monk, and he can help with cleaning on weekdays.” Tokuko smiled a little embarrassedly. Explain, “Although the temple does not need to be repaired, the cleaning work is still to be done. The mountain **** cannot be invited to live in dusty places with cobwebs everywhere, and we must pull out the weeds to prevent the yellow skin from making nests with mice and ruining the temple. Before the Hu Dao people came, every household in the village took turns cleaning.”

Meng Qi nodded. That’s it.

“Lao Zhang?” When Dezi noticed Meng Qi had stopped, he turned his head in wonder.

It’s getting dark soon. Although it’s not difficult to get on and off the boat, the planks are used to get on and off the boat. If one is unstable, it is easy to fall.

The man is getting old, and his eyes are not good when it gets dark. Dezi was about to urge, but found Meng Qi fixedly looking at a courtyard wall of the mountain temple.

The low wall collapsed for a while because of the rain. Later, the villagers piled up a pile of bricks randomly. Taoist Hu was sneaking over the wall from here, as if he was going to the forest behind the temple.

The collapsed courtyard wall is located at the corner, and there is a big willow tree next to it. At this moment, the sun is setting, and the light is not in this direction. If it weren’t for Meng Qi to stare at that side, Dezi would really not be able to spot the figure.

“Hu Dao Ren? What are you doing?” Dezi yelled.

The Taoist who was going over the wall was startled. He didn’t lift his right foot. He tripped over a brick, and fell straight to eat shit.

Dezi hurried over to check the situation.

Hu Daoren found out that the three people who should have left long ago were still standing by the pier-said it was a pier, but it was actually two bluestone slabs, a stone pier tied to a boat-and I don’t know that they were two. The old man walked slowly, or Dezi was too long-winded, and it was getting dark before he looked around slowly and caught himself.

“Oh, it hurts me… Dezi, what are you yelling, it’s scary, it’s scary.” Hu Daoren clutched his broken nose and didn’t get angry.

He fell back and legs hurt, and his face was broken.

Meng Qi smiled without a trace.

Mo Lei frowned slightly as he watched the falling posture of Taoist Hu.

Then the two looked at each other and came to a tacit conclusion: This hoodlum knows martial arts, so he has to pretend not to.

——When he fell, his body was unusually stiff. He originally had an upward motion, but he quickly reacted halfway up, so he abruptly interrupted the movement and allowed himself to fall in an embarrassing manner.

That’s fine, it’s just that this person is not cruel to himself, and he doesn’t pretend to be thorough.

When he fell face to the ground, he tilted his head at the last moment to avoid the bad luck of collapsing his nose.

Meng Qi Moli thought in unison, if he fell by himself, how could he fall without flaws and not hurt his face.

——Meng Guoshi claims to be first-rate in acting, while Doctor Mo is proficient in medical skills including how to disguise injuries.

Dezi was scolded by Daoist hustle and seemed to be unhappy, and asked directly: “If there is a door, what are you doing over the wall? I have already said that when you go into the woods to dig wild vegetables, don’t walk less just to save trouble. Over the wall, the wall of the old mountain god’s house can’t be overturned casually. I fell at this moment. Where can I get you a doctor?”

“I’m fine, please doctor!” Hu Dao Ren said grimly.

Dezi wishing to hear this, waved his hand and said, “Then I’m leaving.”

Hu Daoren didn’t dare to look up at Meng Qi, oh oh oh yelling to detour back to the temple.

Meng Qi didn’t stop him, so the three of them got on the boat.

Dezi was holding the boat, and his face was a bit ugly. Meng Qi asked suddenly: “Didn’t you say that this man is not bad?”

“…He is weird today.” Tokuko said with a dull head.

Meng Qi didn’t laugh, standing on the head of the boat to enjoy the lake and mountains in the sunset.

Moli is always paying attention to the mountain temple on the shore.

After a while, a dove flew out of the forest behind the temple.

The pigeon went to the mountains. Meng Qi rubbed his fingers in the sleeves of his robe, and said with a smile: “This spy has a very good identity, but he is a little stupid.”

Moli said without any surprise; “If all of his men are smart and capable, Ayan Puka would not be what he is now.”

“No, no, Ali didn’t understand what I meant.” Meng Qi put his hands behind him, and said confidently, “This mountain temple is so special, Ayan Puka noticed it, and waited for him to finish investigating the fishing village. The strange cognition of the mountain **** will make the old people in the village as suspicious as we do.”


“If the old man lived in the village well and stayed in the mountain temple with such a foolish idiot, then it shows that Ayan Puka has ulterior motives. The spies just reported the news and told Ayan Puka that we It’s already here. The legend about the mountain **** is the clue he left us. We need to follow this clue to dig down the dragon veins.”

Moli frowned when she heard it, and then quietly glanced at Tokuko who was punting the boat.

If things are as Meng Qi said, then Dezi who took the initiative to lead them along the way is a problem.

The shout just now also seemed to prevent Dao Hu from entering the forest to find the pigeon cage without knowing it was exposed. Later, he went to help Dao Hu to help explain why he had to climb the wall.

“Ha, the doctor, don’t worry, he should be a real villager, at most he has collected a little money, and is responsible for bringing outsiders to the mountain temple and then telling him what he said just now. So you and I couldn’t find him at first. It’s not right until the Hu Daoren makes a fool of himself.” Meng Qi continued with interest, “but judging from the villagers’ reaction, they really believe in the efficaciousness of the mountain temple, so what Dezi said may be true. , This is very interesting.”

Mo Lei couldn’t figure out what’s interesting, he said solemnly: “Since Ayanpuka left us with a clue, there must be something misleading. People are required to push it step by step, and we may finally get us Leading to the place where Feiheshan dragon veins haunt, and using my dragon vein identity to induce Feiheshan dragon veins to show up, I am impatient to accompany him to solve puzzles.”

“Good point!” Meng Qi made a gesture to applaud the doctor.

The great taboo of counsellors is to follow the path others have set for you. Even if the truth can be discovered in this way, the truth may be distorted due to the lack of or additional clues for the same thing.

By then, Feiheshan dragon veins have been found, but they may have been opposed or misunderstood with Feiheshan dragon veins.

Mo Li glared at Meng Qi secretly, there are still people on the boat, clapping some hands indiscriminately.

Meng Qi put down his hands pretendingly with regret.

“When we arrived in the village, we asked Dezi who was the very knowledgeable old man in the village.

“The old man must say a place, or a person, that he heard it from there. This news should be true, because I am not good to lie, and Ayan Puka is behind when he wants to use his hands and feet. In the itinerary.

“We pretend to visit that place or that person tomorrow, and then leave without saying goodbye tonight.

“But we won’t go, let’s go straight into the mountain, change our appearance to find the dragon veins, and let the people of Ayanpuka squat over there and wait!”

Meng Qi finished the above four sentences in one breath, and then narrowly squeezed his eyes at Moli.

Moli: “…”

At the age of eighty-seven, the respectful old Chinese teacher suddenly abandoned the grace and Gaohua and squeezed his eyes. It really looked like an unscrupulous old man.


The swordsman Sukasa walked alone on the road.

He was wearing a gray gown, his hat covered from head to toe, plus the saber around his waist, the people immediately avoided seeing it.

They can’t afford to lick blood like this kind of quack.

As soon as Su Li got out of a dense forest, he sent Wang Tiejiang’s family hundreds of miles away. Because they were afraid of being targeted by Xiliang people, they kept picking up remote paths. In the end, he found a small village that couldn’t be more biased, and after Anton Wang’s blacksmith family settled down, Su Li went straight into the mountain again.

It is estimated that no one will be able to chase after him, and no one will be able to find the Wang Tiejiang’s family from the direction where she appeared, and Su Li finally ended her life of sleeping and sleeping and turned to a crowded place.

Heaven’s evening, the knife man who has been walking all day worked hard in the throat.

As a killer, he knows many taboos.

Su Li only drinks the living water, which is still the living water upstream of the water source. In summer, he doesn’t even drink the river water unless he encounters a mountain spring.

——Even with martial arts, diarrhea can kill people. Su Li never makes fun of his life.

I saw a tea shed on the side of the road from a distance, and Su Li touched his pocket, there were some copper plates left, so buying a bowl of herbal tea should be enough.

As soon as he stepped into the tea shed, the buzzing voice inside suddenly stopped.

The coolie-dressed footmen stared at the swordsman and sat in the corner of the corner, facing the wall. After looking for the herbal tea from the store, they didn’t say anything. They didn’t seem to be making trouble at all. Their voices were so slow. Slow recovery.

The footmen sat on the floor, taking off their gowns and fanning them.

“God, this thief, it’s so hot.”

The yelling porter raised his neck and poured another bowl of tea.

While drinking, he spit out thick tea stalks, cursing: “What’s the matter with the store, did you put the branches in as tea?”

“Where can it be, it’s all blown down by the wind.” The old man in the tea shed laughed to the end.

“Bah, on this hot day, is there wind outside?”

The big man pulled the clothes of the old man in the tea shed and made noisy. As a result, I did not know whether it was too hard or the clothes were washed too many times in hot weather. The old gown on the old man in the tea shed had a big mouth. Everyone was dumbfounded.

The coolie guy drew his legs and left, and the old man in the tea shed scolded behind him with anger and made him pay for his clothes.

The other coolies were happy to watch the excitement. The leader of the small staff was one head and two big, stomping and cursing, “It’s going to be dark. If you don’t deliver it at noon tomorrow, you will all be by the board of the Yamen.”

The swordsman’s ears moved slightly, and his heart said that these are the servants?

When the yamen were short of manpower, they would conscript the people’s servitude. Sometimes roads were built and embankments were built. More often, they were transporting things to the county or state capital. Summer is not the time to pay food taxes, and there are no rivers in Yuzhou to build dams. The carts behind the tea shed do not look like special valuables, they are just too much.

“What are you afraid of when it’s dark, we don’t send money or carry grain, it’s just fodder, will strongmen and bandits still come at us?”

“That’s right, it’s getting dark, I’m on my way!”

The footmen were talking babbledly, and the little official was so hot that he looked like steamed crabs, and he shouted hoarsely, “Don’t be lazy, go!”

A group of people dragged their feet on the ground.

Su Li groaned for a while, decisively finished the tea, and quietly followed.

In the past, the yamen conscripted hard labor to transport fodder. The swordsman didn’t even bother to look at it. Now he knows that En Gong is actually from Xiliang, and Xiliang’s power has been accumulated for a long time to regain the country, so Qi Junda It must have changed in hot weather for the county government to send so many fodder for cattle and horses to eat!

An hour later, the swordsman heard about the confrontation between the two sides of Jingzhou. The navy of Qi Chao and the navy of King Jing on the south bank were about to fight, and the grain, grass and materials from Jingzhou and even Yuzhou began to be sent to the navy camp.

Two hours later, the swordsman got the latest rumors that a Jiangyang thief who claimed to be Meng Qixing was going to rob the red goods of Fengwei Escort.

Nobody knows whether Fengwei Escort has any red goods, but Fengwei Escort is actually Jinyiwei. This is not only known to the former Piaopingge killer leader Su Li, but everyone on Yuzhou Road knows this.

Many real Jiangyang thieves are gearing up to try it out. The people who keep the Fengwei Escort will not be able to go to the capital, and the whole world must know that they have good things.

The swordsman who couldn’t touch his head and couldn’t find Fengxing Pavilion decided to go to the largest and most powerful school near Yuzhou to take a look.

Three hours later, the swordsman overheard the rumors that were about to circulate from the Chunshan faction. It is said that Meng Guoshi ordered someone to steal the Qi Dynasty navy’s defense plan and brought the plan to King Jing’s side, and then King Jing was assassinated again. . Jiang Yang thief Meng Qixing is Meng Qi, and he has a secret business with Qi Chao Jin Yiwei.

But the truth is not so.

The truth is that the Spring Mountain faction has collected money from a mysterious force and helped them get the map of the navy’s defense plan. So they found a merchant named Huang Liu, who should be the head of the Spring Mountain faction because he suspected him. In Shangyun Mountain, Emperor Li’s tomb was planted by Qi Chao’s Jinyiwei and the legendary Meng Guo. They suspected that the death of Elder Songya was also related to Meng Qi, so they were faked Meng Qi and revealed their name to Huang Liu.

How did the swordsman know, because when he touched the Chunshan faction station, Head Ying just received a letter from the mysterious force. In the letter, Head Ying was scolded and asked. Why should he be clever to blame others? Fortunately, he used the name of Meng Guoshi to death. The head of Ying was furious, and simply ordered people to go out and spread the latest “secrets of the rivers and lakes”.

Then, sitting on the roof of the Spring Mountain School desperately trying to figure out the logic, the Swordsman who figured out what happened was found by Fengxing Pavilion Master Qiujing.

Pavilion Master Qiu told him that Meng Qi and Moli really crossed the Yangtze River, and that the Jiang Yang thieves were also released by Meng Qi.

Su Li: “…”

It took him three days to send Wang Tiejiang’s family to find a place to hide. Why did you do so many things?

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