Aggrieved Fish Sprite: 228|Day and night out, the fastest update to the latest chapter!

The three words of Sun Yuan outside the county government led the emperors, squires, and wealthy households of Runxian County to become suspicious of Ganquan Tang.

It’s just a soup pool, you can’t hide gold under the water! Where are the chaotic party bandits not going, why should they set fire there?

Go to the bathhouse and set a fire? !

“This…is it an infighting?”

Everyone looked at each other, mainly this happened.

The bandits and bandits can’t enter the city. If they want to rob the big families, they collude with the city’s business houses and let them pretend to be themselves and bring them into the city as gangs. The thieves are the wealthy wolves who are not fed enough. If they are invited, it will be difficult to get rid of them. If they can’t satisfy them, they will kill all the merchants and families who harbored them when they turn around. The money can’t be robbed.

When the officers and soldiers reacted, they had already looted the shops on the most prosperous street in the city and drove away.

“The fire started so fast, you shouted and killed! The most terrifying thing is that in the blink of an eye these people did not know where they went…”

“I have said that the people in Ganquantang are very weird, not like doing business. The people inside are inquiring about things in the city all day long, and they also say what they can sell for rice prices in other places. Intelligence, maybe they are the accomplices of the chaos of the party. The convoys that were robbed of those small businesses last year were probably the ones who did it.”

The county magistrate’s face became darker as he listened, and he waved his hand and said nothing. The whole city was under martial law to arrest the chaos.

Sun Yuanwai’s trick to kill with a knife is quite straightforward.

If Moli were here, even if he did not find the Sun family warehouse, he would immediately set the suspect target as the Sun family as soon as he heard the words outside the Sun family.

However, none of the people in the county government really knew the ins and outs of this matter at this moment. There is a gap between officialdom and martial arts, and the gap between the people and the people of Jianghu is even greater. It doesn’t matter if you have nothing to hear about the book. If those Jiangyang thieves really show up in front of you, eight out of ten people will faint.

Since the two sides can’t catch up at all, what is the risk of exposure outside member Sun?

You don’t have to be clever in the tactics to harm others, just use them well.

The faster the officers and soldiers blockade the city, the better it will be for the “Sun family.”

Member Sun looked at the panicked county magistrate coldly, and sneaked into the crowd.

The chaotic party is not meant to be caught by catching. Piaoping Pavilion needs to take advantage of the chaos. When the people of Fengxing Pavilion are forced to disperse and avoid, it is a great opportunity for them to do something.

Member Sun, with a panicked face outside, left the Yamen with everyone, pretending to go to Jixianfang to see the loss of his shop.

There were people nearby who wanted to go with him, and some who were timid to persuade him to go again at dawn. There was noisy in front of the yamen, and the soldiers were quickly mobilized. Soon everyone was squeezed away.

Sun Yuanwai took the opportunity to speed up his pace and turned left and right into an alley.

There are walls on both sides of the alley, black holes.

A man in black jumped off the wall and knelt outside the grandson.

“Why did the fire go out so quickly?” Member Sun asked with a different accent from the previous one.

The man in black hurriedly lowered his head and tremblingly said: “The subordinates are incompetent, it is really…suddenly there were two disruptors, and many brothers were killed.”

Member Sun asked: “Two?”

This was beyond his expectation. He thought that the master at Fengxing Pavilion was only Monk Yuanzhi.

Just this monk Yuanzhi, because he was named Piaopingge almost ignored because he had no name or name in the rivers and lakes.

“What is the origin of those two people?”


Where can the man in black answer? At that time, he was far away from the outer wall of Ganquanchi. If it weren’t for this, he wouldn’t be able to live until now. Those who had a face-to-face meeting with Meng Qi are now dead bodies.

“The subordinates didn’t see anything clearly, the man has extremely high martial arts, maybe even higher than Su Li’er…”

“Shut up, Su Li’er is also your name?”

Member Sun shouted, and the man in black immediately stopped, but he was not convinced in his heart, and muttered: “He is a prisoner of Fengxing Pavilion, can’t you say it?”

“Enough, the more you talk about it, the more you get stronger!” Member Sun glared at his hand, suffocating his breath and asked, “How many have escaped from Fengxing Pavilion? In which direction did you go?”


Holding a torch, the soldiers broke into the shops and the people’s homes and searched everywhere.

If the door opens a little slower, you will be kicked open immediately.

Those deep house courtyards are blocked by guards at any rate, and the female relatives in the inner courtyards are not shocked for a while, but ordinary people’s homes are suffering.

They overturned things, uncovered the planks of the bed, and wherever they could hide, they would be searched.

There is no openly plundering the people’s wealth, but there are not a few soldiers who took the warm meat on the stove and chewed on the buns.

The better-looking woman was taken advantage of by squeezing her face and squeezing her waist.

The common people dared not say anything. If there was resistance, even showing disgust, the soldiers immediately called out to suspect that they were disguised as a chaotic party, and squeezed them more vigorously. Only then did they kick the door of the next house and continue the search.

For a time, there were crying and cursing everywhere.

A burly man with a violent temperament chased the officers and soldiers with his fists raised.

The soldier Ding Zhengchou couldn’t catch the messy party, and he was screaming and beating, locking up the people and taking them away.


A tile flew from behind, smashing a soldier down on his back, and overturning many colleagues.

The noise was quiet in the dark night, and in an instant there were more tiles roaring and flying.


The soldiers became angry from embarrassment and wanted to arrest people when they got up.

However, it is not a mess of the party, but the arrogant local bullies like them.

These rascals are not good people on weekdays. They will squat at the door of the widow’s house and speak nasty things, drool at the girl with the signs of appearance, go idle and don’t do business, and can’t afford to sleep until three poles in the day. Drink and eat when you have money. Meat fights make trouble, and if you have no money, you may even have to steal.

But they themselves felt that they were the city rangers in the storybook, and now they saw the group of soldiers bullying the neighborhood, and their hearts came out instantly.

A group of minions from the government!

Taking the mouth of the big girl and the little wife to take advantage of it is the indulgence of the market ranger. This group of lackeys are trying to ruin the innocence!

The first blood rushed to the forehead, hiding in the dark and threw a tile, but it agitated the others and crackled.

The soldiers yelled and arrested people. These scumbags probably had no choice but to swear more loudly as they ran.

During the period, I didn’t know who actually ordered a bunch of firecrackers and threw it into the crowd across the courtyard.

In an instant, people turned their backs on their horses, and all kinds of debris flew around.

When the soldiers stood up in embarrassment, every house closed the doors and windows, only a little doll who had not had time to run away was lying on the wall, holding a stone in his hand to not lose it.

It’s impossible to punish Niu Wah of chaos in the party.

The soldiers who had suffered a big loss were about to kick the door of this house with a dark face, and grabbed the males of this house. As a result, they tripped on the ground one by one and ate shit, as if an invisible force pushed them behind. Put.


Passing by here, I couldn’t help but want to make a move, but was robbed by the ruffian, and now I finally have a chance to make a move: “…”

I simply used internal force to turn them around seventeen or eight circles in the air, turning them so dizzy and throwing up against the wall.

The disgusting sour smell permeated.

When I looked up again, I couldn’t tell the difference between the southeast and the northwest. Many of the houses in the shop looked like one. The little baby had been taken away by the adults in the family. For a while, I couldn’t recognize which one I just wanted to enter.

Now even if they are stupid, they know that someone can’t get along with them.

“Adjust people! Hurry up and more people!”

Mo Li hesitated and wanted to go back to the county office.

The soldiers are scattered all over the city. The people searching here are irregular, and the people over there are not much better.

Unless you kill, you can’t bluff these soldiers at all.

Moli doesn’t want to kill people, Meng Qi doesn’t care, but Piaoping Pavilion is still watching in the dark.

Moli had just crossed a few roofs and came to another street. It was surprisingly more lively here. The soldiers screamed and fled, as if a ghost was chasing them.

“This is…”

Meng Qi sat on an eaves, tilted his head and pointed at the alley.

Just listen to the constant hissing, and there is a faint fishy smell.

“Snake?” Moli was taken aback.

Not one or two, but a whole cage of snakes were released.

The weather is sultry, these snakes are irritable and restless. Summer nights happen to be their foraging time, and they are very aggressive.

“It was the caravan from southern Yunnan who came to buy and sell medicinal materials. Coincidentally, they happened to bring a cage of snakes.” Meng Qi joked.

Doctor Mo glanced at him silently, without breaking.

Snake gallbladder and snake venom are all good medicinal materials, but they are spread all over the world, who brings them alive? It’s not winter, and it can also let snakes hibernate. It is clear that there are alien snake-driers in the caravan. They were annoyed by the rude officers and soldiers tonight, and they simply let the snakes out.

“How is the city gate?” Moli asked the whereabouts of everyone in Fengxing Pavilion.

They separated in a quarter of an hour. Mo Li wanted to continue to search for Sun’s house, and Qiu Jing had to find a way to keep the people on her side.

Meng Qi shook his head and said: “The county office is obviously really acting as a chaotic party, and the artillery is set up.”

In a small place like Runxian, there are still a dozen artillery pieces. They are heavy and difficult to move. They are usually placed on the city gates.

Now the muzzle is turning into the city. Once someone wants to force a breakthrough and attack the garrison garrison, he must first suffer a round of arrows and then the artillery.

The artillery is so powerful that it will not be used if it is not a last resort.

Mo Lei patted Meng Qi on the shoulder, signalling him not to squat here to watch the excitement, but to find a higher place to stare at the movement of the city.

“Where is the Sun’s warehouse?”

“The person who was tapped is still lying down, he should be discovered soon.”

“I will go over there and have a look.”

So one person headed east and the other headed west.

In the dark night, countless figures hide in the dark, as if looking for something.

After changing to someone else, it may be difficult to find them in the unfamiliar terrain, but this time they met Meng Qi.

“One, two, three…Seventeen, Piaoping Pavilion is a big business!” Meng Qi raised his eyebrows unexpectedly. This is seventeen hiding spots. A closer look actually restrained all directions in the city. Everyone can see several streets and alleys, as long as people pass by, they will be exposed under their noses.

Meng Qi arrived in Runxian in the middle of the night, and when he entered Tangchi, these hiding places were empty.

Now there are four or five people squatting in every location. It seems that the Sun family had prepared a late move early.

“Interesting.” Meng Qi said to himself.

I don’t know the art of war, and I don’t know how to hide. It is impossible to accurately find these exquisite hiding places.

Qimen Dunjia is not something mysterious and mysterious in the script, but built according to the terrain, combined with an attack and defense formation, so that the enemy can not see the target, but their every move is exposed to their own eyes. For example, the gorge called Shigou Labyrinth at Shimoshan is a natural Qimen Dunjia.

Now these places in the city, even Meng Qi feels exquisite.

Although they are just to monitor and find people who escaped from Fengxing Pavilion, there is no killing magic circle, but being able to select these places and cleverly disguise them is definitely not something ordinary people can do.

Isn’t it interesting that such a talent suddenly appeared in a quack killer organization?

“Northland, Qiang, A Furong, Qimen Dunjia…”

Meng Qi muttered in a low voice, his expression unpredictable.

At this time, Meng Qi saw Qiujing and his party, and they were also spotted by the people of Piaoping Pavilion.

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