Aggrieved Fish Sprite: 165|Killing the King in the Stealing Country, the fastest update to the latest chapter!

The prince soon discovered that there seemed to be a hard object in the sleeve of the third prince.

It’s not long, but with a slight curvature, it is close to the inside of the elbow.

This position is-dagger?

The prince’s expression changed slightly. He was not surprised that the third prince was hiding near the bedroom. It was reasonable to carry a dagger with him as a self-defense object, but the third prince instinctively held his arms and moved very unnaturally.

This type of self-defense weapon usually has a small pocket sewn on the underwear, which is fastened with a belt, and it will never clamp the arm like the three princes to prevent the dagger from falling out.

Is the strap broken?

Still not completely stuffing the dagger into the secret pocket?

The prince looked at his brother and said nothing.

The three princes were still wondering at first, and then slowly recalled, his face instantly flushed, and he inserted his left hand in a panic. Entering the right sleeve, holding the dagger, tremblingly said: “No, big Brother Huang!”

Holding a sharp weapon, and leaping over to hug the prince’s leg, wouldn’t it mean to assassinate with good intentions?

“Really, in fact, the minister is…”

“Killing the King?”

The prince’s voice was so low that only the third prince could hear it. The latter’s face turned from red to white, and he wanted to explain, but because of his clumsy tongue, he couldn’t say a complete sentence for a long time.

“Confused.” The prince lowered his eyes.

The stiff body of the third prince shook slightly.

“Lu Xi! Do you want to kill the emperor father alone and carry the name of the king?”

The three princes said with difficulty: “No, my minister… just wants to kill.”

“What about after killing? I came to force the palace, but the father was assassinated to death by you. Do you know what it looks like?” The prince sighed, rubbing his forehead and said to his brother, “You are in your mind Go through this and tell Gu.”

The emperor was seriously ill, and the officials tried to support the three princes to the throne. The prince suddenly attacked the forbidden palace, broke into the Wanhe Hall, and captured the princes and ministers from Wenyuan Pavilion. Following the assassination of the emperor by the three princes, the emperor passed away, and the prince ascended to the throne with a benevolent heart, forgiving the brother who committed the serious sin, and taking more care of the brother who was imprisoned.

This—it’s really a very standard way of forcing the palace to speak, and when others hear it, they will know that it is false.

The emperor must have been killed by the prince. The hapless three princes have been charged with murdering the king and have never been linked to the throne. Even Lu Xi, the sinner under house arrest, is hard to say whether he was the third prince himself or not. Maybe the third prince was killed as early as the night when he was forced to go to the palace… The prince is really cruel, this is killing his father and his brother!

The more the three princes think about it, the more they are afraid, his body is shaking.

“The minister is wrong, he dare not.” The third prince finally understood. If he went to kill Lu Zhang, it would be like splashing dirty water on his big emperor, or jumping into the Yellow River. Unclean accusation!

He put the dagger away in a panic.

“My minister will go now!”

The third prince quickly got up from the ground, wishing to leave the palace immediately and return the prince to his innocence.

“Stand still.” The prince stopped immediately.

At present, the imperial guards in the palace have not been completely cleared out, and the ministers have their own thoughts.

The third child is the most headache for the prince among these younger brothers. Although the second child likes to cause trouble, he dares to take responsibility. The sixth child has a weird temper, but has a flexible mind.

The third prince, Lu Xi, belongs to the kind of person who wants nothing and is full of shortcomings.

Lu Xi’s only advantage is his cowardly and incompetent appearance, which is extremely deceptive.

But when the palace changes like this, the unlucky person may be killed by the rioters in a daze. Although the prince feels that he is in full control of the power, he still dares not let the third child take this risk.

“Where are you going?”

“I… my younger brother saw Meng Guoshi before. Brother Dahuang praised him a lot. He had also been to the palace before, and he was with the second child.” Lu Xi’s eyes flickered, his face inviting credit. Looks like.

The prince frowned slightly and corrected: “He is your second brother.”

“Yes, my second brother looks familiar with them.”

“They?” The prince thought of the doctor.

“Yes, there is also a friend who is said to be Meng Qi.” The three princes stopped talking and whispered, “I think it is very unusual between them. If the emperor wants Meng Qi, a good official , You can start with his friends.”


The prince is both angry and funny. Although he knows more than the third prince, he still didn’t have the heart to say what the doctor is more important than Meng Qi, after all, it can save lives.

“You said, loneliness knows it.” The prince patted his brother on the shoulder and motioned him to step aside.

The three princes were satisfied after hearing the words, and did not care about the disgusting look of Director Chen.

Manager Chen feels that none of the master’s brothers is worry-free, let alone share the worries for the prince.

What the prince and the third prince said were only heard by Chief Chen, who was the closest to him, and the officials had strange expressions on their faces, almost suspecting that the prince had given Lu Xi an Ecstasy.

This is a battle for the throne!

Lu Zhang was treated by the imperial physicians. At this moment, he was barely relieved. He just couldn’t move and his hands trembled unwillingly. His eyes were wide and he stared at the third prince.

“Your Majesty should not be angry anymore, otherwise the internal organs will be injured and the anger will disappear…”

The imperial physician reminded him tremblingly, speaking in his mouth, but his eyes couldn’t help looking at the prince.

Meng Qi, who jumped to the beam of the room in the chaos, couldn’t help shaking his head when he heard these words. Although Lu Zhang’s aura was messy, the situation was not serious. If a master insider took the shot himself, even if the chaotic true aura could not be removed, at least Lu Zhang’s activities could be kept as usual.

Death is too exaggerated.

The imperial doctor would say this, in fact, to give the prince a reason for the death of the emperor.

——The second prince colluded with the gangsters and rebelled. The emperor became ill and the third prince was ineffective. The situation in the Taijing blockade was still chaotic for a few days, so the prince went to the palace to clear out the anti-thief. Unexpectedly, the emperor was already too sick There is no cure, the prince was ordered to inherit the Datong when he was in danger, what a fair word!

“Envoy Li, don’t be clever or be mistaken by cleverness.” Chen Cai narrowed his eyes and threatened gloomily.

The ambassador of the Taiyuan Hospital did not dare to answer, but some of the courtiers said angrily: “Earth castration is presumptuous?”

Manager Chen tugged at the corner of his mouth, and said without a smile: “Is it possible that Jiang Zhengshi didn’t hear the implication of Li Yuanshi?”

As soon as the words came out, the person who hadn’t reacted before pondered carefully, and his expression changed abruptly.

Lu Zhang couldn’t wait to use his eyes to pluck that great doctor alive.

Emperor Li’s face turned pale, and he hurriedly knelt down and said: “Your Majesty Mingjian, the minister has been wronged, I am really worried about your Majesty’s dragon body, this pulse is clear, it is indeed…”

Before he finished speaking, he was frightened by Lu Zhang’s red eyes.

“Let the lone look at the father,” the prince said calmly.

“Your Highness!”

“Brother Dahuang!”

Many people stopped in unison.

Although Lu Zhang is old and can’t afford to get sick, but Yu Wei is still there, the three princes, general manager Chen and all the Jinyiwei, do not approve of the prince’s approach to adventure. Who knows if there is a housemaid around Lu Zhang suddenly violent?

Manager Chen doesn’t care about his family, others can’t tell.

The prince was very calm, which made Meng Qi’s evaluation of him a little higher.

Because not only the anxious three princes and others were caught by the prince’s eyes, even the raccoon slaves who were struggling to run away were lying on their stomachs lazily and surrendered to the prince’s hands.

Meng Qi: “…”

This is amazing!

The prince stood up slowly, then coughed twice, his face pale.

Although it looks a bit bad, compared to an emperor who is suspected of having a stroke, the prince is nothing like this.

It’s the imperial physicians who looked at each other, because pulse cases are often faked, so not every imperial physician knows the whole story of the prince’s illness, but some of them have been to the East Palace for the prince’s diagnosis and treatment. According to the prince’s condition at the time, they can It’s amazing to live to this day, but now you can stand in front of everyone alive?

The expression of the doctor Li changed, and finally he seemed to have made up his mind and jumped up and said loudly: “He is not the prince. His Royal Highness has long been ill and has difficulty even speaking. This person is an impersonator! “

Everyone in the hall was shocked, just at this moment, there was a thunder light outside,


The thunder shook the palace man shivering and his eyes were terrified.

The courtiers looked suspicious and looked at the prince.

Chen Cai and Jin Yiwei next to him were taken aback for a moment, and then they showed angry expressions, but none of them was quick.


The three princes rose up in anger, swooped over like a leopard in the shocked eyes of everyone, grabbed the front of the doctor Li’s clothes, and shook them with a grim expression.

“The villain! Be slanderous! If you find that you can’t please the emperor, then change your slander!”

Doctor Li struggled desperately, their screams alarmed the civet cat Ahu, and he let out an angry cry.

After all, the prince was physically weak and his arm was weak, so he was kicked out by Ahu.


Li Nu scratched a paw on the front of Doctor Li’s shirt, and the third prince stepped on it and instinctively let go of his hand.

Emperor Li scrawled close to the bed. In fact, he wanted to find Zaifu’s important minister. However, the Guards separated all these people. The emperor was placed on the other side of the dormitory and could not be reached at all.

“The real prince is impossible…”

“Envoy Li, when you came to the East Palace that day, what you said was not such a sentence.” The prince relieved his breath and said with a pleasant face, “You said that loneliness is just a small illness, it is a cough caused by the cold in winter, as long as you take good care of it. So, the spring will get better when it gets warmer. The same goes for the Maiden, why is it now an incurable disease?”

The Physician Li stagnated and said quickly: “Your Majesty told us not to tell the prince’s condition, which caused the prince to worry about it. This is not the way to write the pulse case, Zhang Xiang, Jiang Xiang, the next official sentence is true, don’t believe me. You can go to the hospital for inspection.”

General Manager Chen also reacted, and he immediately asked: “Illnesses have their ins and outs. Since the fall of last year, His Royal Highness has been suffering from illnesses. The pulse cases given by the Taiyuan Hospital are all insignificant. Those who dare to ask before are also your Majesty. Worried, so I ordered you to fake it?”

Doctor Li’s mouth was dumbfounded.

Because all the cases involving pulses are fraudulent, when the prince is found to be critically ill, it is necessary to modify it in order to cover up the previous diagnosis and treatment errors. If you check carefully, you will find that the prince’s condition suddenly deteriorated, and he was critically ill without warning, but the pre- and post-files of the hospital were mostly vague and couldn’t convince people at all.

“This, unless the prince is willing to let the ministers signal the pulse… the prince is weak and sick, and the ministers have been sent to the East Palace for treatment for many years. This pulse cannot be faked.”

The prince didn’t answer, but looked at him coldly.

The three princes tucked their hands in their sleeves, staring at Doctor Li with murderous intent, but he knew that this person could not be killed, otherwise there would be suspicion of murder and real guessing.

At this time, Lu Zhang’s throat made a vague sound. He looked at the two sons, as if mocking them for doing their best, but the situation was disturbed by a doctor.

The prince closed his eyes and walked in front of the third prince with the help of General Chen. He faced the courtiers and said in a deep voice: “A few days ago, the lonely second emperor tried to assassinate his majesty. The imperial city. The ministers and workers must have doubts in their hearts, where does the heavenly father and son come from here.”

Prime Minister Zhang sneered, and some people disagreed.

For the throne, the heavenly father and son are not like father and son!

“After the lonely ascends the throne, the historian does not need to use the Spring and Autumn styles, but can directly write about my crime-usurping the throne and killing the king!”

The last four words were extremely cold, and everyone was stunned. The third prince stepped forward but looked confused and at a loss.

Lu Zhang struck abruptly, but could only make a little noise on the bed board.

“Killing the king and killing the father is a serious crime, and it is not forgiven.” The prince calmly continued, “Jiang Sang, husband killed his parents and children, causing his wife to die in depression, what should be the son of man?”

Prime Minister Jiang was shocked, and the other courtiers also showed doubts.

Queen Ning died early, everyone knows this.

The four princes and five princes in the palace, as well as the two princesses died young, this seems to be after the death of Queen Ning. The prince’s words were thoughtless and completely wrong.

“Brother Dahuang…” Lu Xi called out anxiously.

It is very common for a child to die early this year, and the archives of the hospital are simply unreliable. The prince’s remarks are unfounded and will be bitten by the doctor Li. How can the third prince not be in a hurry?

Only Lu Zhang’s expression changed suddenly.

“About twenty years ago, the lonely mother queen…No, she was only Madam Lu, the wife of a general who was trusted by Emperor Chu Ling. She already had an eldest son, and she was going to give birth that fall. My second child, I stayed in the jade dressing closet at the back of the main house. I waited and fell asleep. The outside suddenly became messy in the middle of the night. I rushed into the mother’s waiting room and happened to see a person picking it up. The baby fell to the ground fiercely.”

There is dead silence in the bedroom.

The prince looked at Lu Zhang, and slowly said in the latter’s furious eyes: “Your Majesty probably doesn’t remember it. After all, he was just a child who was crying in fright. He was soon hugged by the servant. He was not three years old. What can I know when I arrive? But I will always remember this!”

Mrs. Lu had been ill for several years. Although she eventually became a queen, she died early.

And the person who becomes the prince will subconsciously look at his brother.

When Lu Yan was born, Lu Zhang hadn’t ascended the throne. Even though he was a child from a concubine’s house, every time Lu Xi saw his baby brother, he would dream of the blood-swaddled baby that night.

“The mother gave birth to a stillbirth, the mother hurt her body, and the father married many concubines, all of whom were courtiers’ clan daughters.” The prince turned the matter intentionally. He looked at Lu Zhang and asked blankly. “Since then, has the father entered my mother’s house for half a step? Has he ever entered the queen’s palace? She was not buried in the tomb at all. If the father was not concerned about face, the queen would not even have a posthumous title. There will be.”

The more furious Lu Zhang became, the more unable to speak.

He wanted to say that Ning gave birth to an evildoer!

Who would like to take a look at the woman who gave birth to the evildoer? Being able to make her a queen has given the Ning family a lot of face! He is so benevolent, what’s going to happen?

However, when Lu Zhang saw the different expressions of the courtiers, he suddenly woke up.

——How can you talk about evil things? Is his son a monster? What is he?

It can only be that the Ning family does not obey women’s way, commit adultery and give birth to children!

Lu Zhang didn’t care about wearing a green hat anymore. He trembled his hands and shook his lips desperately. Doctor Li immediately approached the bed and heard Lu Zhang say a few words vaguely.

Doctor Li gaped, Queen Ning stole someone? If he said this, he would really die?

Doctor Li pulled a waiter over and shouted: “Listen to what your Majesty said?”

Where are the idiots in the palace servants serving by the emperor? Seeing the response of the emperor Li, and listening carefully, he immediately numbs his hands and feet and squats his head and said: “The slave and maidservant can’t hear you clearly!”

Doctor Li stared, and grabbed another waiter.

So Lu Zhang said desperately, and the palace people shook their heads and cried and said that they didn’t understand.

Zhang Zaixiang wanted to step forward, but Jin Yiwei stopped him mercilessly.

Prime Minister Jiang settled down and asked loudly: “His Royal Highness has evidence?”

The prince nodded and said confidently: “The queen mother was born in the Ning family in northern Xinjiang. After the Chu Dynasty, she was transferred to the southwest border to guard. Back then, there were loyal servants of the Ning family in the Lu Family. They desperately took the baby. In fact The baby survived a catastrophe. Since then, he has been fostered by the Ning family in a temple near the border town. He was nowhere to be found when he was an adult. Four years ago, Gu finally found the temple, but he was a step too late.”

When Prime Minister Zhang heard the word Ningjia, his expression suddenly changed.

The third prince stared blankly at the prince, then at Lu Zhang, and said dumbly: “So…I am not the third prince, I should have four teeth, and the eldest brother has a brother with the same father and mother? “

“These are all the words of your Highness, even if the Ning family testifies, it can’t explain much.” Zhang Prime Minister said sharply.

The prince said so much, he was almost unable to hold it, he lowered his eyes wearily: “Zhang Xiang misunderstood.”

Manager Chen helped the prince into the sedan, turned his head and went to catch the cat again.

It may be that there were too many arrests in the East Palace in the past, and he easily drove Ahu into the sedan chair.

At this time, the prince relieved his breath, coughed twice, and then said solemnly: “Those words are for the father to listen to, come here… do it!”

The Jin Yiwei standing next to the sedan chair suddenly drew their knives, pushing the palace and the imperial physician aside in two or three strokes, and the knives all went down in Lu Zhang’s frightened and angry gaze.

Blood splashes.

While the sedan curtain slowly fell, the prince’s eyes were neither joy nor sorrow, and untouched, he instructed the people: “Purge the inner city, take a lone order, and invite general Liu Dan to enter the palace.”

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