Aggrieved Fish Sprite: 144|——-, the fastest update to the latest chapter!

Mo Lei finally left Fengxing Pavilion with fifty taels of silver bills in his hand.

He felt that after Meng Qi recovered his memory, he seemed to have become…well, a lot more.

Looking at Meng Qi leading the way, Mo Li couldn’t help but call out: “Brother Meng.”

Meng Qi turned his head back. He wore humble clothes and a hat. At first glance, he seemed to be back to the situation where they were driving in the countryside of Pingzhou. Even if someone passed by them, it was difficult to notice Meng. Qi.

“What’s the matter with the doctor?”


Lu Yan didn’t know that this was the effect of the martial arts advanced person returning to the state of innocence and return. He thought that Meng Qi would conjure tricks. He opened his mouth and closed, and then opened it again, looking silly.

Mo Li directly asked what he thought: “Why didn’t Meng brother keep doing this, so as not to attract the attention of others.”

“The doctor saw it with his own eyes, don’t you know it?” Meng Qi sighed and hinted, “Martial arts reaching the realm of transformation is only to realize the world, and finally cannot be integrated.”

The black carp is a bit inexplicable. They are dragon veins and the spirit of mountains and rivers.

Strictly speaking, it is indeed not a phenomenon in the world, because it will not affect the rising and falling of the moon, the wind and the rain, but it is not completely impossible to integrate into it! Did Meng Qi mean that the dragon veins were born lonely, creatures, but different from world creatures, destined to wander and be helpless?

“…No matter how deep my skill is, no matter how high my mood, my appearance, in any case, it is difficult to obscure everyone.”

Meng Qi shook his head regretfully.

Mo Lei had no expression on his face when he heard it, but he didn’t even move in his heart and even wanted to use a bamboo cup to hold the mouse.

Discovering that Doctor Mo’s face was wrong, Meng Qi suddenly coughed, and said solemnly: “We have passed by with others. It’s like meeting each other by the water, and we will all go to each other in a moment. Who will stare at nothing? Passers-by keep watching, but it’s different when they cross the city gate. Check and verify one by one, how to cover it up?”

Mo Li thought for a while, and found that this is indeed the reason, and Meng Qi cannot be blamed.

As for other moments of attention, it was purely Meng Qi wanted to do it.

For example, if you step into the Fengxing Pavilion, you have the meaning of deterrence.

——Despite thinking so in my heart, the black carp still can’t contain the image of the gerbil walking on the wall with its belly.

That time, it was indeed a deliberate use of appearance to attract the attention of others.

Mo Li suddenly understood that Meng Qi wasn’t really boasting about his appearance. If that appearance would attract attention anyway, it actually implied that when he became a gerbil, he was also Mu Xiuyu…Oh, rat Fat than the group?

Shangyunshan is full of aura, can you blame Meng Qi?

As a dragon vein, becoming a gerbil is uncontrollable, and becoming a fat rat is not your own choice.

“It’s not easy for you either.” Mo Li sighed.

The pool water deep in the cave makes the fish feel at ease! Taking care of the fish properly also prevents it from running outside and encountering danger after it is born.

“Fortunately, there is a doctor in the world who knows me.”

After the two of them finished speaking, Lu Yan stepped back a few steps, his expressions full of shock.

Because in the ears of the second prince, Meng Guoshi brags about his own appearance without humility, the doctor thought about it and thought that it was not easy for Meng Qi to have such a good-looking appearance. The Chinese teacher was very grateful and called the doctor a confidant.

Lu Yan: “…”

What kind of lunatic is this?

Is it really safe to follow these two people?

The suspicion was crushed by the second prince as soon as he appeared-how could there be a problem with a person whom the big emperor agrees with?

Lu Yan thought embarrassedly, could it be because he didn’t understand the thoughts and thoughts of gentlemen with natural beauty?

This seems to be the case. Didn’t the Pope’s Hanlin bachelor say that during the Warring States period, there was a prime minister who liked to compare beautifully with Xu Gong in the north of the city? Not only asked the guests, but also asked his wife, asked his concubine, and told King Qi after he asked. Is it the result of Bimei?

Hey, beautiful heart, needle on the bottom of the sea.

Lu Yan figured it out, he looked up and reminded: “There seems to be a guard in front of me.”

As soon as the voice fell, the figure of Meng Qi disappeared.

Lu Yan was blank, and looked at Mo Li subconsciously, but he also looked blank.

The second prince stood there alone, thinking in disbelief: Is it possible that he has been left behind? ?

“Keep walking, don’t look around, don’t hold your head up and wince.” Moli’s voice sounded in Lu Min’s ears.

The target of the transmission of sound and secret does not need to know martial arts, but they can’t use this trick if they don’t know martial arts.

Lu Ming was certain that he immediately learned the appearance of the people around him, panicking and not daring to look too much, and walked hurriedly on the road.

When he saw the imperial guards violently stopping the two people wearing hats, and sternly interrogating them, Lu Yan suddenly understood why Meng Qi had to hide.

Since the Guards specifically looked for these heads and faces, Meng Qi’s effect of “being ridiculous all the people” somehow did not exist. As for the ink carp, it was probably moved by Meng Guoshi’s remarks, and he felt that it was really eye-catching.

The second prince followed the other people to the side of the road. He also carried a crude bamboo basket, which was empty.

The people all over the street are carrying similar baskets. They are eager to buy salt and oil. They have to go to the rice shop. On the contrary, they don’t think much about vegetables and fruits. There are Chinese cabbage at home, if the price of rice is If it goes up, it won’t be able to hold up any trouble.

Until now, people still don’t know what happened in Taijing.

They remembered the vision, the novelty back then became fear, and now they dare not say a word.

The Guards didn’t pay attention to “Xiaotou Lu Min”. They searched the shop and near the main shop.

Except for Peony Square, walking east for about a quarter of an hour, Lu Yan took the shortcut of the alley under Meng Qi’s guidance, and finally arrived at Yueguifang smoothly.

This is also not a private square where the people live. It is near the East City of Taijing. The people did live in the early years. During the prosperous period of the Chu Dynasty, the market was not enough. The Taijing Government Office moved a part of the shops to Yueguifang and expanded it. The capital moved the people elsewhere.

Qi Dai Chuli, the East City was looted.

Only those shops in Laurel Fong were lucky enough. The owner of the shop also saved her wealth and became increasingly reluctant to leave Laurel Fong. Although the East Market is still lively today, it is still possible to buy some rare and high-value goods. Go to Lau Kwai Fong to have a look.

Many self-proclaimed officials’ female relatives didn’t want to go to the East City, so they took a bus to Laurel Fong.

Over time, there are many kinds of clothing, spices, rouge and jewelry.

There are silver buildings and gold shops along the street in Laurel Fong. At this moment, the gates are tightly locked, and there is no one on the street. The other shops also only removed one door panel, and the door gap was so small that it seemed to be closed if something went wrong.

The guys in the shop either go home or are busy buying rice and salt. At this time, no one will go to Yueguifang to buy things. Lu Yan’s face is very eye-catching.

For the fifteenth time, the second prince finally couldn’t hold it back when he was watched vigilantly as a thief.

“Where is it?”

Meng Qi quietly stepped on the eaves, put away the map, and said to the ink carp behind him that the road here has not changed, and he is very familiar. Then transmit the sound to comfort the second prince:

“Quickly, go ahead and meet the first fork to go east, the second fork to the north, the third fork to the east, go to the end and turn to the south fork.”

“…Can the national teacher say left or right? Or wait until I get there to give instructions?”

A bunch of east, west, north and south are smashed, and the roads cross each other. How can you distinguish it?

Furthermore, walking is an alley, some are not roads at all, and some people take shortcuts. Are these forks counted? Do you want to turn?

Meng Qi stopped reluctantly when he heard this.

“The doctor looked at the second prince, I will go there to explore the way first.”

Mo Li thought for a while and said, “I’ll come.”

He was on the eaves and just looked at the map. It is easy to compare the topography with the map, so he won’t find the wrong place.

“After all, I went for the needle.”

A good pair of silver needles is still very important.

The silver needles that Moli brought out of Zhushan County were originally made by a craftsman from Dr. He in Tuoma County. They used them very smoothly. Although not comparable to the set of silver needles used by Qin Lu, a good craftsman is harder to find than a good swordsmith.

Moli doesn’t like the silver needles used by general doctors.

Meng Qi nodded at Moli and said seriously: “Yes, you can first take out the money and beg each other nicely. If he refuses to do it, you will call me again.”


Moli wants to speak and stops, just buying a set of silver needles, it’s not guilty of this.

He has only heard of swordsmiths who refuse to make swords, and he has never heard of craftsmen who do not want to make silver needles unless they are old and dim, and their hands and feet are unsatisfactory. Silver needles are used by Xinglin, saving people but not killing people, so what are the scruples?

The silver needle used as a hidden weapon is not the same as the needle used in acupuncture.

The doctor needs soft, solid needles; the concealed weapon springs are all sharp, hard, and even hollow needles with venom hidden in them.

Mo Li had the intention to explain to Meng Qi, but they hid under the eaves and could not be noticed. Besides, this was not a major event that had to be explained clearly that would delay time, so he silently accepted Meng Qi’s kindness and went ahead. step.

Meng Qi looked at Mo Li’s back and frowned, thinking that the doctor seemed to have become weird since he became a child and walked the secret path with him. This is not possible.


Furthermore, Moli thought about the path on the map, and deviated more and more from the silver building and gold shop.

In the end, they came near a dilapidated house. Those who came in and out were poor scholars with patched clothes. They were more courageous than the people, and they walked with buns and talked in a low voice.

“… Said it was a rebellion. The thunderous movement yesterday was actually artillery.”

“What, who is the rebellion, has it ever been caught?”

“It’s hard to tell.”

Mo Lei bypassed these scholars, and continued to walk along the map dubiously.

He stopped in front of a house that was still intact, tentatively knocking on the door.

There was no movement inside the door, Mo Li slammed the door again, and suddenly heard footsteps behind him, and when he looked back, he saw a middle-aged scholar looking at him vigilantly.

“Who are you looking for?”

Mo Lei can tell at a glance that this is the owner of the house.

Because this narrow lane is a dead end, except for the door in front of me, everything else is a wall.

Mo Lili thoughtfully arched his hands in several thoughtful ways: “I’m here from Fengxing Pavilion…Fengxing Bookstore, I want to come to ask for it…”


The middle-aged scholar was shocked, and then angrily said, “Dare they sell my news?”

The middle-aged scholar sees Moli’s handsome appearance and calm behavior. He knows that he has been taught by the six arts of gentlemen since he was a child. Usually such people can only be seen by the powerful and the noble families.

He became more disgusted and couldn’t help frowning and said: “The son has an inner spirit and an extraordinary background. Why should he come to ask for something that can’t wait on the table?”

Mo Li was slightly angry, because some so-called scholarly family members really believed that their nephews and nephews did not follow the right path when studying medicine, and that reading the imperial examination was the right way. If you only learn it by yourself, it’s okay to have a headache for your family. If you insist on going out to practice medicine to treat the people, you will have to scold, beat, or even get out of the house.

The people whom the doctor wants to treat are all wicked, filthy, ridden with wind and evil, so how can they stay at home if they are so self-willed to be inferior to their status?

Mo Li’s anger is also due to Qin Lu’s background and experience.

“If you are not on the stage, how can you judge?”


The bun in the middle-aged scholar almost fell, and his body was shaking uncontrollably.

In the stalemate, Meng Qi arrived.

Meng Qi immediately appeared in front of the scholar and asked in a cold voice: “Why, he wouldn’t do it?”

The pressure has doubled again. This scholar who doesn’t understand martial arts can’t hold on to leaning against the wall, his eyes are full of horror.

Meng Qi squinted his eyes, and said word by word: “…you can make the doctor angry, you’re good at it.”


The middle-aged scholar hugged his arm and asked Mo Li with a trembling, “You, are you a doctor?”

Mo Li saw his expression and suddenly realized that he might have misunderstood something.

“Doctor…you, what are you asking for?”

“Silver Needle.”

Moli began to wonder if he had found the wrong person.

The middle-aged scholar heaved a sigh of relief, and muttered: “I didn’t say it earlier, I thought I was here for painting.”

He speaks in a low voice, but he can’t help Meng Qi and Moli.

The two looked at each other, and Mo Li felt that he had missed something. He began to recall the conversation with the scholar just now.

“There are still two pairs of silver needles that have not been sold. You can take a look first and come in.” The scholar began to fumble for the key in his pocket.

Mo Li thought for a while, and tentatively shouted: “Mr. Jinshui?”

The scholar shook his hand and slammed his forehead directly on the door.

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