Age of Adepts Chapter 777: Scorching War

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With the appearance of the Adept of the Cenas family, the vicissitudes of the battlefield just after a while have become condensed again.

The Flame Throne Magic Tower that has been slowly stockpiling strength has no way but to scatter a dazzling red awn, and begins to provide a large area of ​​fire protection to the Crimson Adept and Magical Machine legions on the battlefield. Immediately afterwards, there was a large-scale Meteor Fiery Rain with a long-standing potential.

On the ceiling of 30 meters high in the Lava Hall, a large area of ​​fire cloud suddenly gathered. Inside it was blazing flames and frothy bubbles, which made the whole space dark and red, like a ghostly ghost.

The alliance Adept mixed in the siege team saw a bad trend, and immediately used the means to exit the front battlefield. As an abandoned son, the noble private army and servants who had done 4,000 were thrown onto the battlefield.

All human warriors looked up in horror and looked at the huge red cloud tumbling above their heads. With the massive injection of Magic Tower flame energy, this red cloud became bigger and bigger, and it was densely packed with watermelon-sized hot pulp bubbles.

Under the pressure of the powerful fire elemental aura, everyone feels difficult to breathe. It is not the cool and cold air that is sucked into the chest, but the heat of the heart and lungs.

“Run away …”

“We can’t wait to die here …”

With the mad gathering of Fire Element, the savvy soldiers who had been stunned by **** killings fled on the battlefield. Even the warhorses under their command also lost control and did not listen to the command at all. They walked around blindly, biting each other and colliding with each other.

The whole battlefield is immediately plunged into an apocalyptic panic!

But before the secular army of the Alliance side withdrew from the area covered by the cloud of fire, a sound of muffled thunder passed from the clouds. As some of the foam bubbles in the clouds burst in succession, a fiery stream of flames dripped from the sky with an innumerable number of Fire Element slurry bubbles, pouring red flames in all directions while falling.

If the slurry bubble falls on the floor, it will instantly burst into a turbulent ring of fire, putting everything within ten meters of the surrounding into a terrible golden flame. And the pulp bubble bursting in mid-air is like a beautiful firework, which sprinkles the burning flames to the sky.

All people and things engulfed in flames will instantly turn into a black smoke and completely disappear from the world. The only proof that it ever existed was the tiny ash remaining on the charred floor.

This is the Meteor Fiery Rain specially strengthened by Flame Throne Magic Tower to fight the enemy. From the magic intensity of Witchcraft to the magic envelope, the effect is no less than the superposition of 7 Second Grade fire rain meteors.

The mortals who stay within the scope of the Witchcraft have no chance of surviving, even those First Grade Adept , if they do not dodge in time, are hit by 3 or more pulp bubbles at the same time.

So, as soon as this Super Meteor Fiery Rain came out, almost half of the lava hall became a tumbling sea of ​​fire. Andorra Family and most of the aristocratic army of the Senus family, as well as those of the servants, died in an instant, and even First Grade Adept was instantly death three.

The Second Grade alliance Adept trapped in the sea of ​​fire was escaping under the siege of Mary and others.

Although this super Meteor Fiery Rain is powerful, it is not enough to kill a Second Grade Adept .

For a time, the alliance Adept in the sea of ​​fire and the noble remnants struggled to escape. As soon as he stepped out of the edge of the sea of ​​fire, he was exhausted and fell to the ground and could no longer climb.

Magic Tower is terrible, they know it thoroughly at this moment!

With just one random shot, it directly destroyed the aristocratic army of more than 3,000 people on the side of the alliance and expelled the Adept of the two major families of Andorra and Cenas to the entrance of the Lava Hall.

It stands to reason that the coalition side suffered such a horrible attack, and those coalition Adept should be frustrated and angry. However, from the faces of several senior executives in the league, everyone saw a happy expression.

“It really is a group of breathless guys!” Yulgarson smiled coldly: “Use such precious Witchcraft energy to deal with a group of mortal army without any attack power, they are really willing …”

“Yeah …” Old vampire Haynes, who was also accompanying him, also sneered: “If this Witchcraft energy is used well, it is more than enough to kill a Second Grade Adept . They are used to clean up some miscellaneous soldiers … … Hehe, it seems that we can find ways to continue teasing them! “

A few Second Grade Adept presents also nodded, their faces were overwhelming.

Everyone is a confusing figure in Magic Tower all year round. Just how much flame energy does that Super Witchcraft need to consume. Although they can’t get a certain number, they can also guess the eight * nine are inseparable from ten.

If Crimson Adept tries to lure the Alliance Adept to Magic Tower, and then make a thunder strike, I am afraid that most of the Second Grade Adept can’t carry such a terrible attack. But now, the Adept s of the Crimson family waste such terrible attacks on mortals, which means that the security of the alliance Adept has been increased.

As long as such a scene appears two or three times, the small-type Magic Tower will not be able to retain much energy reserve!

If the energy reserve between Magic Tower energy is exhausted and you want to support the operation of Magic Tower by consuming Magic Crystal, it is an astronomical number that even Adept dare not easily imagine. The Crimson family created the Magic Crystal reserve for less than ten years, and such extravagant behaviors will not last long.

The war has begun for so long, but the Alliance Adept rarely approached Magic Tower to attack. One of the main reasons is the fear of Magic Tower‘s counterattack strength. Even if Third Grade Adept like Yulgar and Haynes was entangled under the Magic Tower by the Adept of the Crimson family, and then attacked wildly with the strength of Magic Tower, there is a great probability that it will fall here.

The Adept all cherish their lives, and they are unwilling to get involved in such dangerous places that can endanger their lives. Therefore, after the connection between Flame Throne Magic Tower and the underground lava sea was broken, a large number of private aristocratic troops were sent to consume the remaining Witchcraft strength of Magic Tower.

Only half of the energy loss between Magic Tower energy, these high rank Adept are willing to step on the battlefield and try to capture this small-type Magic Tower.

Without the blessing and protection of Magic Tower, the manpower of the Crimson family cannot be the opponent of the five coalition forces. By that time, all their escape routes were blocked, and the five coalition forces might be able to seize the world coordinates of the two subordinate planes in the hands of the Crimson family in addition to a large amount of resources and materials.

It is said that one of them is Giant Dragon Plane, which is a resource-fat and oil-flowing oil. It has a large number of Giant Dragons to plunder and endless indigenous slaves to enslave. And this is actually the deepest reason why the five coalition forces can gather together.

Otherwise, if you are so desperate to wear out so many mortal territories, the army is only for a small-type Magic Tower that cannot be removed. No one is willing to do such a stupid thing.

While the sea of ​​fire in the lava hall did not fade so quickly, the alliance side quickly adjusted.

The Andorra Family, which suffered heavy losses, retired, and the Senas family re-selected a thousand-man team. When the sea of ​​fire extinguished, they quickly topped out, struggling to impact Magic Tower, and forced the other party to use Magic Tower defense strength.

Under Flame Throne Magic Tower, the Crimson family has also begun to make some minor adjustments.

All the shooters Magical Machine are no longer hard-topped before Magic Tower, but have retreated from the formation, giving up the front of Magic Tower. Those attackers who want to attack the shooter Magical Machine can only cross the Magic Tower to impact the firing line of the Magical Machine legion. Otherwise, they can only attack the Magic Tower against the rain of the shooter Magical Machine.

In this way, the alliance Adept is forced to step into the attack range of Magic Tower.

This gives the Crimson family Adept a chance to fight back.

Both sides are thinking about the chips in their hands, desperately trying to figure out how to offset each other’s strength, a life-and-death assassination fight broke out again in a quarter of an hour!

The battle in the Lava Hall is fiery and bloody.

Human fighters rushed to the battlefield, then fell miserably on the road of charge. Their bodies were broken and distorted, and piled up into small-type corpses. And a new batch of soldiers stepped on the bumpy corpse road, holding up the shield, silent and numb continued to charge forward.

There is no loud roar, no roar of brave fighting, all the soldiers seem to have foreseen their fate in advance, but under the urging of Adept and the nobles, they moved forward in fear.

Magical Machine, the shooter behind Magic Tower, has been sharply reduced from the original 53 to 22, and the league side has buried five thousand men under Magic Tower. Now the sixth batch has launched!

Since the war began, more than 30,000 noble private and servant troops brought by the alliance Adept have killed 12,000 people, and the First Grade Adept of each family has been damaged by as many as 17.

As for the Crimson family, with the exception of the Magical Machine battle that was on the bright side, it was almost harmless!

However, the top of both sides knows the damage of the Crimson family is not inferior to the league side.

After all, the energy inside Magic Tower is the lifeline of the Crimson family! Now, this energy line has dropped to 57%, which is an extremely dangerous scale for Magic Tower.

Once the energy reserves of Magic Tower cannot pose a threat to Third Grade Adept , it is time for the two Third Grade Adept s who are silent for a long time to shoot unscrupulously. With the combat power reserve of the Crimson family, even under the blessing and protection of Magic Tower, it is difficult to compete with so many alliances Adept .

The reason why the Alliance Adept is still so forbearing is to wait for the moment when the Crimson family runs out of fuel.

When the Magic Tower gate is breached, it is the moment when the alliance Adept bursts out!

And as the war continues, this point of time is slowly approaching …

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