Against the Gods Chapter 999: Unsolicited

the front three people run side by side without any sound, but every time they walk, they step on each person’s heart fiercely, causing them to tremble with their internal organs. The momentum was so heavy that all the Elder and Palace Master whose strengths were only under Realm King were tight inside, and mind was subconsciously stretched.

Their presence suddenly changed the atmosphere of the Temple Square. Not only because they are originally extremely unfriendly, the three people led by also with vengeful Flame God Realm , are lofty Flame God Realm, the three major Sect Master who do n’t know no one in Snow Song Realm!

As soon as they arrived, Yun Che’s‘s eyes were locked on the trio body … because, among them, two people and body released aura, which he was very familiar with.

The man in the middle is the tallest and has no white face. He looks extraordinarily young and feels most calm. He is among the three, and his status is clearly higher than other two people.

Flame God Realm Vermilion Bird Sect Sect Master Yan Wancang! !!

The man on the right has a quiet face, and his appearance is not astonishing. And he body, released the flame aura that Yun Che can’t be more familiar with.

Phoenix Fire‘s aura!

Flame God Realm Phoenix Sect Sect Master Yan Juehai!

The person on the left … is completely different from the quietness of Yan Wancang and Yan Juehai. He has long hair like fire, upright, and there is a fire around the body. Wherever he goes, the air and even the space are distorted. A pair of eyes shined through the flames of the sun, and the whole person was like a volcano walking on the edge of the eruption. Everyone who glanced at him would instantly have a burning sensation of terrifying in his soul.

The hot aura and Yun Che released by his body are also extremely familiar.

Flame God Realm Golden Crow Sect Sect Master Huo Rulie!

Flame God Realm does not have Great Realm King, and these three are not only the strongest of Flame God Realm contemporary, but also the three strongest sect of to lead with Flame God Realm.

Thus, their status in Flame God Realm is exactly the same as three great realms King!

Now, they came to Snow Song Realm uninvited, or they are all three Sect Master! Even the disciple, which has the lowest cultivation base presence, smelled the unusual taste/smell.

Three big Sect Master’s behind, each followed by a young man, from their aura of body, Vermilion Bird Sect, Phoenix Sect, Golden Crow Sect each one. They followed the three Sect Master behind, did not squint, and looked calm and proud.

But this proud disappear without a trace that was gradually suppressed as they approached Mu Xuanyin step by step. Although still maintaining the momentum that Flame God Realm top disciple should have, under the coercion of Mu Xuanyin, it was all tense.

Standing in front of Mu Xuanyin, Yan Wancang took a step forward and arched solemnly said: “Flame God Realm Yan Wancang, Yan Juehai, Huo Rulie, and seen Snow Song Realm King. It is a great luck to see the Snow Song Realm King style again. This visit is extremely ambitious, but also Please forgive me. “

Yan Juehai and Huo Rulie are also saluting … In this process, Yun Che’s‘s eyes fell on body of Huo Rulie. Yan Wancang and Yan Juehai both have a heavy look. Instead of showing any hostility, they seem to be asking for something. Only Huo Rulie, although he is saluting, but his pupils are clearly releasing evil spirits.

And Huo Rulie, also precisely thousand years ago, the person who secretly calculated Mu Bingyun!

The three great Sect Master comes in persons of Flame God Realm, Mu Xuanyin are sitting still, and the beautiful ice face is covered with ice cold lofty, which makes people fall like ice prison: “Brave? Huh, do you know to take the liberty !? Not only not invited, I dare to go straight into the temple. The eyeliner even/including is much smarter than before … you Flame God Realm are really getting better and better! “

The three Sect Master behind three young people were all frozen and motionless. They all came to Snow Song Realm for the first time, and even saw legendary Snow Song Realm King for the first time. They can accompany the three Sect Master and absolutely not common people, but they never dreamed of it. The coercion of Snow Song Realm King is so far terrifying.

They are not standing there … but they clearly felt that they were nailed there from body to Soul by a terrifying to an indescribable ice-cold, and did not dare to move.

Even if the three Sect Master’s coercions add up, they are far behind.

The three of them also thoroughly understood at this moment, why Snow Song Realm is far less powerful than Flame God Realm, but the three major Sect Masters are so jealous of Snow Song Realm King

Dangtang Flame God’s Three Sect Masters, a character of covers the sky in Flame God Realm, is a “visitor”, but was ridiculed by irony. This is undoubtedly offensive to heavenly might in Flame God Realm. But Yan Wancang was not angry, but smiled, arching: “The three of us knew that this was indeed bold, but also out of helplessness. Since this Yan was rejected by Snow Song Realm King a few months ago, this Yan was unwilling to give up and had to Try my best to find the opportunity to meet Snow Song Realm King, and finally learn about the your honorable sect sect conference before several days, only to do this. “

“We are three of comes in person today, and we only bring three juniors, just to inform Snow Song Realm King of our sincerity, and also ask Snow Song Realm King to read this sincerity and hard work, and listen to the words of this Yan.”

Zhuo’er, Mingxuan, Poyun, I haven’t seen Snow Song Realm King before.” Phoenix Sect Master Yan Juehai said.

The words of Yan Wancang made Yun Che immediately understand their intention.

On the first day of his arrival at Snow Song Realm, after leaving Cold Snow Main Hall, there was a shock whole Ice Phoenix Realm transmission. At that time Mu Bingyun said that the transmission was from Vermilion Bird Sect Master Yan Wancang. The purpose is to see Snow Song Realm King in person and ask her to help hunt Ancient Horned Dragon in God Burial Fire Prison.

From what Yan Wancang just said … Mu Xuanyin had no birds at all.

The Ancient Horned Dragon‘s shed scales period is once every millennium. If you miss it, you have to wait another millennium. As the Ancient Horned Dragon shed scales period approaches, the three Sect Masters of Flame God Realm are naturally more and more urgent … Because of the power of Mu Xuanyin, they decided that impossible dealt with Ancient Horned Dragon.

So, after learning that today ’s Ice Phoenix God Sect has a full assembly, they “rushed in”. Because it is a full assembly, Mu Xuanyin will definitely appear.

The reason why they only have six people is indeed to show their sincerity in order to calm down the anger of Snow Song Realm King‘s “strike”.

Mu Xuanyin is so terrible that they are angry.

Vermilion Bird Sect disciple Yan Zhuo, pays respect to Snow Song Realm King.”

Phoenix Sect disciple Yan Mingxuan, pays respect to Snow Song Realm King.”

Golden Crow Sect disciple Huo Poyun, pays respect to Snow Song Realm King.”

The three young disciples are all single knee kneeling down. When the Elder and Palace Master on both sides turn their attention to the three young people body, they are all slightly changed.

Those who follow the three Sect Master will not be ordinary junior. None of these three people knew Ice Phoenix God Sect, because they were too young, and all of them were less than thirty years old in life aura. But their cultivation base, also and body flames aura are amazingly strong.

In particular, the person named Yan Zhuo, body releases Vermilion Bird Fire interest, definitely less than 30 years of age aura, but his cultivation base is already Divine Tribulation Realm Late Stage!

Flame God Realm is Flame God Realm after all … the Elder Palace Master all sigh in their hearts.

Although Flame God Realm and Snow Song Realm both belong to Middle-Rank Star Realm, they are far from comprehensive in terms of overall strength.

Put aside Snow Song Realm King, Ice Phoenix Sect Master Mu Xuanyin, Vermilion Bird Sect, Phoenix Sect, Golden Crow Sect, in the strength of disciple, mid-level, high-level, they will far exceed Ice Phoenix God Sect.

Unlike Snow Song Realm, which has only Ice Phoenix God Sect, Flame God Realm sect stands apart. In addition to these three headed sect, also Fire Glass Sect, Yang Fiend Island, Nine-tailed Fox Clan, etc., nearly ten sect comprehensive strengths are never under Ice Phoenix God Sect.

In history, Flame God Realm has always belonged to the upstream existence of Middle-Rank Star Realm, and Snow Song Realm belongs to the downstream. What has completely changed this history is today’s Snow Song Realm King Mu Xuanyin.

The emergence of the supreme strongmen such as Divine Lord Realm has made Snow Song Realm‘s status soar instantly, and it has become the upper layer Star Realm in Middle-Rank Star Realm, and even looms above Flame God Realm. In the past, the people of Snow Song Realm went to other Middle-Rank Star Realm, and they would basically be dull, but now, when they hear the name of Snow Song Realm, they will be awed.

Mu Xuanyin is feared by all beings at Snow Song Realm, but the respect is also unprecedented. Because she alone, completely changed the status of the entire Snow Song Realm in God Realm. In Snow Song Realm, it is truly supreme existence like Divine Spirit.

If it weren’t for the presence of Mu Xuanyin, would these three Sect Masters of Flame God Realm come together in person, and be polite in the face of cold faces, never dare to attack.

Mu Xuanyin glanced at three Flame God Realm young disciple, said indifferently: “Huh, Yan Wancang, Yan Juehai, the two juniors here should be your children and grandchildren.”

Seeing that the anger in Mu Xuanyin‘s voice seems to be a little bit, Yan Wancang is a little calm, and smiles: “precisely. Zhuo’er precisely this Yan twenty three the front young son, Mingxuan is the grandson of Sect Master Yan (炎), Poyun is the direct disciple just received by Sect Master Huo. The purpose of taking them to visit Snow Song Realm this time is to give them more insights.

twenty three years ago … Ice Phoenix and Elder all took a breath.

That is … this is junior called Yan Zhuo, cultivation base Divine Tribulation Realm Eighth Level

It’s only twenty three! !!

Yun Che’s‘s eyes suddenly fell on the person named Yan Zhuo body, and his heart was quite shocked … also envy. But immediately, he seemed to feel something and looked at Huo Rulie.

Mu Xuanyin just asked about Yan Zhuo and Yan Mingxuan, but they did not bring the Huo Poyun brought by Huo Rulie. It seems very certain that the absolute impossible is the grandson of Huo Rulie … and the fact is the same, Yan Zhuo and Yan Mingxuan are indeed Yan Wancang The children of Yan Juehai, Huo Poyun, are direct disciple.

At this time, Huo Rulie‘s hands not only clenched tightly, but also shook clearly.

Yun Che frowned, thinking of some words that Mu Bingyun said at the beginning, seems thoughtful.

“Well, it is indeed your son of Yan Wancang. I am afraid that the qualifications of Flame God Realm are second to none. It seems that Young Sect Master of Vermilion Bird Sect may be easy to change.” Mu Xuanyin said expressionlessly.

Hahaha, thank you Snow Song Realm King for the compliment to the dog.” Yan Wancang laughed heartily, said: “Zhuo’er, don’t hurry up and present the gift.”

“Yes, father.” Yan Zhuo echoed forward, holding up a box that looked like wood but was red, and faintly released the flame aura.

Yan Wancang said: “Although the three of us visited this time out of helplessness, after all, we took the liberty to get ahead, and after hearing that Snow Song Realm King finally got a direct disciple a few days ago …” He glanced at Yun Che: I apologize for the three of you, and congratulations to Snow Song Realm King for winning direct disciple, please smile. “

Oh?” Slanted crescent moon eyebrow exhibition, Mu Xuanyin said lightly: “Che’er, take it.”

“… Yes.”

Yun Che forwards, takes the red box from Yan Zhuo‘s hands, and holds it in front of Mu Xuanyin.

Mu Xuanyin didn’t pick it up, didn’t even go to see what’s inside, coldly said: “I’m rewarding you.”

[No change today]

(End of this chapter)

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