Against the Gods Chapter 769: Ocean Palace Saint Master

Lan Zi, Lan Shen, take the two distinguished guests of the Sanctuary to the Divine Sea hall and serve them by yourself, you must not neglect.”

With the call of Mo Chenfeng, the two Ocean Palace female disciple quickly approached, deeply saluted: “Yes, it is Great Elder … two VIPs please.”

“Why does Sovereign of the Seas want to see my brother-in-law?” Xia Yuanba was curious with worries … Sovereign of the Seas, but one of the four Saint Master of Sky Profound, a person with the same name as Saint Emperor!

“Since it was Sovereign of the Seas to personally meet, I have to ask more.” Spiritual Master Gu Cang pulled over the shoulder of Xia Yuanba: “You can rest assured that it will not be a bad thing, let alone dangerous.” He turned and looked deeply. Yun Che at a glance: “The person who can make Sovereign of the Seas so eager to meet … still a junior, or the first person in the history of Ocean Palace.”

“Brother, then … I’ll go to Saint Emperor first, you must pay attention to safety, if there is anything, please send me a voice as soon as possible.”

Xia Yuanba was basically dragged away by Spiritual Master Gu Cang.

“Oh, I heard that Palace Master Yun and Xia Yuanba have a very good relationship, but they are far better than close relatives, so it seems that the rumors are not false.” Mo Chenfeng lightly laughed said, but my heart is suddenly volatile … these two will surely be able to The people who stir the world, but the feelings are like brothers, which is not a good thing for the sacred ground who is dominating the world.

Princess Xue, Sovereign of the Seas is the holiest place of my Ocean Palace. No one can enter without Sovereign of the Seas‘s personal injunction. Only Sovereign of the Seas allows Old Man to take Palace Master Yun with one person. Now, Old Man will arrange disciple to Princess Xue first. If Princess Xue is willing, you can go to Yanxin Temple to meet with your family first. “

Mo Chenfeng has been determined, but when facing Feng Xue’er, he still presents a state of complete subconscious respect. Just because Feng Xue’er‘s profound strength is too shocking.

“Don’t.” Feng Xue’er shook his head. The hands holding the Yun Che arm did not loosen at all: “If I can’t get in, then I’ll wait outside for Elder Brother Yun.”

“Either way.” Mo Chenfeng nod, but his heart tightened.

This Yun Che is exactly what the demon is … Its talent is extremely terrifying. The there is still one behind it has Master, and the youngest generation of talented two people is one of them. He treats him as a close relative, and one deeply affects him. …

Today, young people with three talents and twenty are shocking. Give them another hundred years … No, at their rate of growth, it won’t take a hundred years. At that time, I am afraid that Four Great Sacred Grounds will bow his head in front of him.

Mo Chenfeng secretly took a breath, walk on the front: “Follow me.”

The deeper you go into Supreme Ocean Palace, the richer the profound energy. Supreme Ocean Palace at this moment, gathered almost all the strongest Profound Sky Continent plane/level strong, but the entire Ocean Palace is quiet, without clutter. Even along the way, except for the Ocean Palace disciple stationed, I can’t see any other profound practitioner.

Yun Che is not surprising in this regard. In those days, Blue Wind ranking tournament and Seven Nation Ranking Tournament were all gathered together, and it was very lively. But this is different … this is Supreme Ocean Palace! It is the supreme sacred ground in the heart of the world profound practitioner! In addition to the other three sacred ground, other forces who came to the invitation were all flattered and disturbed. When it comes to this legendary sacred ground, it must be scary and uneasy. Even if you are brave, you will only live in the place you arranged safely, and you will never dare to move around.

The profound practitioners who can be invited here are all powerful and overlords. But at this Supreme Ocean Palace, they were like civilians entering Imperial Palace, and the atmosphere did not dare to pant.

Mo Chenfeng never talked to Yun Che along the way, only the speed at the foot was getting faster and faster, and Yun Che and Feng Xue’er kept up with it effortlessly. Just then, a short figure appeared in the sight of Yun Che’s.

This man is roughly three feet tall, wearing a dark and extremely worn cloak. The cape is too large, covering his entire face with the upper edge, and no feet on the lower edge, dragging to the floor.

This is the first profound practitioner other than Ocean Palace that Yun Che saw after entering Supreme Ocean Palace. Because his body‘s aura is completely different from the previous Ocean Palace disciple. And his profound strength aura has only Emperor Profound Realm Third Level.

He walked on the ground of blue light slightly flashed in an unhurried manner. Looking from the side or the back, he couldn’t even recognize that he was walking. In the quiet, open, profound energy rich to heavy Ocean Palace, his existence is particularly dazzling … even a long distance away, he can feel a very strange aura from his body.

Seeing this person, Yun Che’s footsteps gave a slight pause, and his brows sank.

Well poisonous! Under his black suit, at least two hundred deadly poison were hidden!

And the auracould it be that is the king! ?

When you notice Yun Che’s response, Mo Chenfeng turns his head: “Palace Master Yun, have you seen this person?”

“No.” Yun Che shook his head and looked away from the body of the black dwarf: “Just a little curious, I heard that this time Devil Sword Great Conference invited Overlord and Sovereign plane/level‘s profound practitioner, and this person’s profound strength should only be Emperor Profound Realm Third Level , But was invited to this, and look at him, there is no restraint in this Supreme Ocean Palace … want to come, it should be an extraordinary person. “

“This person is truly extraordinary.” Mo Chenfeng indifferently said: “He is from Black Fiend Nation, although profound strength is only Emperor Profound Realm, but even if it is better than Overlord or even Sovereign, if you know that the front is him, you will retreat. In Black Fiend Nation, it is even more human. People are scared of fear and fear of a scorpion. His name, Palace Master Yun, may be heard. “

Poisonous Immortal Gui Sha!”

Oh …” Yun Che answered, but it was the first time that the name was heard.

“I heard this name from Imperial Father.” Feng Xue’er said: “Imperial Father mentioned” Poisonous Immortal Gui Sha “when I talked to some of the most terrible people in Profound Sky Continent, saying that he was the most poisonous Profound Sky Continent. People … especially venomous insects’ poison, once planted, no one can be solved. “

“Good.” Mo Chenfeng nod. As Ocean Palace Great Elder, even he knows this person, showing its terrible degree: “He has countless enemies in his life, including many Overlord, Sovereign, but he still lives to this day. It can be seen that compared to his profound strength, his poison is absolutely not Xiao Ke. However, this person was not invited by me Ocean Palace. “

Oh?” Yun Che questioned.

“He was invited by Mighty Heavenly Sword Region. Roughly anything needs to be borrowed from his ability, maybe Devil Sword Great Conference can know.”

“The hall of Sovereign of the Seas has arrived.” Mo Chenfeng stopped and turned around: “Princess Xue, please wait here. Palace Master Yun, please come with me.”

Elder Brother Yun, I’m here waiting for you … Be careful.” Feng Xue’er stopped, softly to yell.

“Relax, I’ll be come out soon.”

Sovereign of the Seas Hall, located in the very center of Supreme Ocean Palace, is the core hall of the entire Supreme Ocean Palace, embodying the majesty and glory of Ocean Palace for thousands of years.

Its appearance is not much different from other halls that Yun Che has seen along the way, but the moment he stepped into the Sovereign of the Seas hall area, his five senses six senses was volatile with simultaneously … Then split second is like from an ordinary world, One step into the heavenly palace, a deep sense of awe came out from the bottom of his heart, so he suddenly had an urge to kneel and worship. The keen Spirit Sense became blurred, even/including sight, all Becoming increasingly hazy.

Yun Che loses Divine Empress and feels shocked for a short time, and immediately concentrates. His plane/level with the strength of Dragon God’s Soul and Soul is so high that only split second and five senses have recovered clear understanding.

“Under this Sovereign of the Seas hall, there is a strange profound array. If profound strength is not strong enough, I am afraid to walk in and kneel out.” Jasmine suddenly said coldly.

At the entrance of the Sovereign of the Seas hall, Mo Chenfeng turned his face and looked at Yun Che, but found that his eyes were clear understanding, with a relaxed look and a steady footstep. Instead of showing the slightest fear and anxiety on his face, he was enjoying the surrounding scenery leisurely. .

The deep shock of one flashed through the pupils of Mo Chenfeng. The entire sea God Hall is shrouded in a huge profound array, and this huge profound array is also the strongest profound array of Supreme Ocean Palace, named “Ocean God To Cover The Heavens Formation“. Once you step into this array, you will endure supreme coercion, as if facing the real Divine Sovereign Pro. Below Sovereign, the whole body will be soft and trembling in this battle. Below Overlord, they will kneel directly, their will will collapse, and there will be no force to walk.

even/including As Eighth Level Sovereign, every time he enters the Sovereign of the Seas hall, he will continue to panic.

He thought that Yun Che, even if it was abnormally talented, but entered this “Ocean God To Cover The Heavens Formation“, it was the first step without any precaution. The lightest thing would be a footstep, a pale face, and a whole body of cold sweat … I never thought of it, Yun Che It was full of ease and contentment, as if completely unaffected by “Ocean God To Cover The Heavens Formation“.

This … what is going on? could it be that his mental strength, even better than me?

Mo Chenfeng thought in his heart.

The door opens and two people enters. Mo Chenfeng bowed his head and entered the door before walking three steps. He bowed his head and bowed down and said: “The obituary Sovereign of the Seas, Blue Wind Nation Palace Master Bingyun Yun Che has been brought.”

Mo Chenfeng never looked up after entering the Sovereign of the Seas hall. Yun Che saw the figure standing in the center of the hall for the first time.

Sovereign of the Seas is standing with their backs facing them, with a slender figure. A long palace dress sparkles blue, and the tall collar goes straight to the bun …

This back makes the Yun Che suddenly hold.

Female … sex?

Sovereign of the Seas is actually a … woman?

“You step back.”

Sovereign of the Seas makes a sound, it is voice/sound of middle-aged woman. voice/sound is very light, but words is like a bell of shocking sky, with awe and distress.

“Yes.” Mo Chenfeng stepped back and closed the gate of Sovereign of the Seas Hall.

junior Yun Che, I’ve seen Sovereign of the Seas predecessors.” Yun Che stepped forward, saluting respectfully, and dignified. Because the person in front of you is the master of sacred ground of Weiba Sky Profound for thousands of years! It is the peerless strongman who crowned Sky Profound, and also the first master of sacred ground he saw!

But he never thought that Sovereign of the Seas, one of the four Saint Master, turned out to be an female!

Sovereign of the Seas slowly turned around, and the true content also appeared in front of Yun Che. This is the face of a middle-aged woman, but there is almost no femininity of female. Instead, every diamond horn and every line carry a heavy majesty and sharpness.

She looks at Yun Che, her eyes are as deep as Wang Yang, and she can’t see a trace of emotion. After lasting a full ten days of extremely repressive silence, she finally spoke out and slowly nodded: “Sure enough, it is better to see a hundred smells. In the presence of this Emperor, it is in the ‘Ocean God To Cover The Heavens Formation‘, it is a mirror and a heart .this Emperor has always thought that your rumor is mostly exaggerated, and now it seems that it is far better than rumor! It is no wonder that ‘that person’ evaluates you so high. “

Yun Che didn’t ask who the “man” in her words was, and smiled slightly: “Sovereign of the Seas praised, junior I don’t deserve such honor. junior came to Supreme Ocean Palace, one was to participate in Devil Sword Great Conference. The second was to enter Moon Slaughter Devil Nest. Also asked Sovereign of the Seas seniors Complete. “

Palace Master Yun really opens the door.” Sovereign of the Seas eyes is a little hesitant, moving forward slowly, and every step closer, the power of covering the whole body of Yun Che will double: “this Emperor originally wanted to talk to you more, but it seems Palace Master Yun has no such interest. “

“It is a junior life to be able to see the Sovereign of the Seas predecessor. The predecessor of Sovereign of the Seas is the emperor of Ocean Palace, the overlord of the world. Every time is expensive, and junior dare not delay more.” Yun Che said humblely.

“Really?” Before Sovereign of the Seas stood up to Yun Che three steps, his body size was half higher than Yun Che: “You want to enter Moon Slaughter Devil Nest, this Emperor already knows it. But this Emperor is curious why you are so at all costs Want to get a Netherworld Udumbara Flower? According to this Emperor, Netherworld Udumbara Flower is the most evil thing, even if Sovereign is close, at least is wounded and at worst is killed. Except for killing invisible, I have never heard of its usefulness. “

Yun Che did not hesitate, sincere eyes: “Netherworld Udumbara Flower is required by the teacher. This matter should not be told to others, but if it is sought from the Sovereign of the Seas seniors, junior will naturally tell the truth.”

Netherworld Udumbara Flower is required by Jasmine, and Jasmine is his Master, so his sentence is right, Sovereign of the Seas will never find any trace of his lying.

“You Master?” Sovereign of the Seas‘s eyes flickered slightly: “this Emperor Suwen Revered Master has the ability to penetrate the earth, and you can turn a Sovereign into nothingness between your fingers. Why is it not necessary for you to get it in Master? ? Believe that with the power of Revered Master, there is no place in the world where he cannot go. “

“Because of the acquisition of a Netherworld Udumbara Flower, this is a test that the master gave to junior.” Yun Che thin smile wrote: “Since it is the order of Master, junior naturally has to be done at all costs. junior has been listening to relevant Netherworld Udumbara Flower all these years. Fortunately, I finally got the news that Netherworld Udumbara Flower had appeared in Moon Slaughter Devil Nest, so I have to enter into it anyway … Wanwang Sovereign of the Seas seniors will be complete. “

so that’s how it is.” Sovereign of the Seas slowly nodded, the eyes still have no waves, I do not know whether to believe or not to believe: “Speaking of, where is Revered Master now? I wonder if this Emperor is lucky to see you?”

“Teachers have long been outside the world, and they have almost never been involved in Hongchen, and never want to be bound by anything. Therefore, although junior is disciple, it never knows where the teacher is and where he wants to go. Only when junior has to turn to the tutor, the tutor will show up. “Yun Che will repeat what Spiritual Master Gu Cang said.

His fictional MasterOld Man Duotian” has obviously been believed by Four Great Sacred Grounds and has caused great deterrence to them. Since this “Master” is so easy to use, of course, we must maintain it with all our strength.

“That’s a pity.” Sovereign of the Seas responded casually, and suddenly changed his voice: “Moon Slaughter Devil Nest is the biggest taboo of my Ocean Palace, and it should never be allowed to enter. However, formation of Moon Slaughter Devil Nest has not been opened for 1300 years, this Emperor It’s also time to send someone to check if there are any changes. In addition, my Ocean Palace has gotten you ten ‘Six Smells Sovereign Pill‘. If I refuse you, wouldn’t it seem that I’m Supreme Ocean Palace without words. “

Yun Che‘s eyes stared … Uh? Six Smells Sovereign Pill? What a ghost! ?

could it be that means … Overlord Pellet?

What kind of ghost name is Shit! Zi Ji!

Moreover, what this Sovereign of the Seas said is that it completely acknowledged the relationship with Black Moon Merchant Guild on its own initiative!

“Thank you Sovereign of the Seas seniors for their success!” Yun Che rejoiced.

“You don’t need to be too happy.” Sovereign of the Seas coldly said: “The seal of Moon Slaughter Devil Nest can only be opened once every 500 years, and the opening time of each time is only a short period of time! The formation will be forcibly closed after 100% of time, even I Supreme Ocean Palace, there is no way to forcibly open within 500 years. This move is to prevent the leakage of Yin energy among them, continent. And the Netherworld Udumbara Flower is said to bloom once in twenty-four years, then it will fade in three days. . You are going to encounter the blooming Netherworld Udumbara Flower in just a few breaths, which is almost a dream. What’s more, it is unknown whether Netherworld Udumbara Flower exists in it!

“So, even if you enter Moon Slaughter Devil Nest, you will basically just run for nothing.”

“I know all of these, junior. But even if there is only a glimmer of hope, junior must also try.” Yun Che said without hesitation.

“Since you are so attached … If this Emperor allows you to explore Moon Slaughter Devil Nest, what time do you want to enter?” Sovereign of the Seas asked.

“The sooner the better!” Yun Che thought for a while and said, “If I can, I want to go today.”

“Okay!” Sovereign of the Seas slowly nodded: “That being the case, this Emperor will do it for you! Now, someone can take you to Moon Slaughter Devil Nest!”

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