Against the Gods Chapter 338: A great gift for you

The time passed quietly, and the day passed quietly.

The place where Yun Che stayed was calm and no one came to disturb him. Yun Che hugged Xiao Lingxi so quietly for a day. His injured also lost power, and on this day, he completely recovered at a speed that was completely beyond common sense, without any sense of weakness left by serious injuries and excessive wear.

The Xiao Lingxi in his arms also completely quieted down. Under the silent nourishment of his profound strength, her complexion became rosy, and the internal injuries that were not too serious also healed the bits and pieces. At this moment, she suddenly coughed slightly, her eyelashes flickered slightly, then opened her eyes little by little.

Her slight movements immediately made Yun Che aware, and he opened her eyes and looked at her.

The hazy field of vision became clearer, the sight here was a bit dim, but still clearly reflected the face of Yun Che’s … her eyes trembled, and the whole person froze there.

Everything that happened in the past few days is like a chaotic and overlapping dream, making her unable to distinguish when she saw the dream and when she saw the truth.

She and her father were taken to legendary Burning Heaven Clan once … She saw Little Che, which she had long missed … She saw Little Che rush into Burning Heaven Clan alone, making the powerful Burning Heaven Clan a mess … she jumped high The mountain wall, but felt that he fell into his arms, and finally saw him before the consciousness dissipated …

These are illusory like dreams.

She doesn’t know if her next dream will be a nightmare or a sweet dream.

Opening her eyes, her eyes first touched dim, but immediately, she saw the eyes of Yun Che worried about the coexistence of joy, feeling his temperature, also let her love taste/smell, all this, They are not given by fantasy dreams. Everything before the coma quickly appeared in her mind, and her tears burst into a sudden burst, and she drew her arms tightly, hugging her tightly with her hands, crying aloud, crying, crying with blood Call: “Little CheLittle CheLittle Che ………”

Her teardrops oscillated in the dim cave, like the pearl in the dark night. Yun Che caught her rolling tears one by one, as if she wanted to treasure the most precious raindrops in the world.

The moment she hugged Yun Che’s again, she knew very clearly once again that she couldn’t leave him in her life. Fifteen years are inseparable, so she never knows what it means to be separated from him. But in the past three years, she fully understood … her life and her soul were already firmly tied to his body. Without him in the nearby days, she felt like she had lost the body of Soul. Everything I think about every day is about him.

Little Aunt …” Yun Che held her tightly with her backhand, her eyes were slightly moist, and he gently said: “It’s all because of me that made you and Grandpa suffer so much grievances and suffering … everything will be fine, I will never be there again Will not let you and Grandpa suffer any wrongdoing … “

wū wū wū wū …” Xiao Lingxi just cried. Three years ago, she was only a fifteen-year-old child. Now eighteen-year-old, she still cries like a child …

“Three years ago, after I left you and Grandpa, I went to worship at my father’s grave, and then I changed my last name to the name of my biological father. Since then, I have called myself Yun Che, and then, I left Floating Cloud City … Soon after leaving Floating Cloud City, I met a strange person. For some reason, she became my Master … Her identity and existence are very special, and I was never allowed to bring her up with anyone, so I can’t tell you her condition … “

“She helped me repair Profound Vein, taught me profound cultivation principle, gave me all kinds of powerful Profound Arts Profound Technique, and saved my life many times … Later, I came to New Moon City according to the meaning of Grandpa …”

Xiao Lingxi snuggle is on the chest of Yun Che’s, with his small hand resting on his chest, listening to his story quietly. body even/including was unwilling to be separated from him for an instant. Yun Che’s was slow and long. He told her the storms of the past three years, and told her little by little … Unconsciously, there was a bright moon outside the cave, and occasionally a night wind was blowing into the heat In the cave, brings a strand of natural cooling.

The experience of Yun Che’s is totally a mythical legend to Xiao Lingxi who has never been to Floating Cloud City before. Although Yun Che has been sufficiently subtle, she has continued to attract her or startled or frightened tender shout.

Recalling everything I saw in Burning Heaven Clan, Xiao Lingxi couldn’t believe it. He was Profound Vein disabled three years ago and was called a waste by the whole city. Now he is enough to push Blue Wind to Low Rank sect to the extreme. Because in front of him is her Little Che, appearance, eyes, taste/smell, aura … all belong to him. Even if she confessed to everyone in the world, she was confessed by impossible.

“I know that my Little Che Ji people have their own sky, and there must be a sky flying so that everyone can only look up to the day, I know …” Xiao Lingxi murmured, crying with joy. At the same time, one panic flashed in her heart, but this panic completely dissipated immediately … Although, he has soared into the sky and became a figure overlooking the world, although he has reached a height that she cannot look up to, though The gap between them is like a natural divide, but then what? He used to be ridiculed by everyone is her most precious Little Che. Now he can look down on the world and still be her Little Che … for her, come at any cost and kill the Blue Wind top sect. Little Che!

She believes that no matter what height he reaches, there will never be a distance between two people … even if there is a distance, she will be willing to grit her teeth and use her full strength to cross and chase, even if Make a fire moth.

Yun Che raises the pan and burns the delicious rabbit broth. The flamboyant flavour of the meat is undoubtedly a difficult torment for the hungry two people. In such torture, Yun Che began to listen to Xiao Lingxi about her three years … In the past three years, she has been very simple, almost three years like a day … practice, sword, daze, miss …

Unconsciously, the moon has reached mid-day and the time has reached midnight. The rabbit broth was finally boiled. Yun Che filled a half-full bowl, carefully blown it, and brought it to Xiao Lingxi, but did not hand it to her, but took it for granted: “Little Aunt, I feed you.”

Under the healing of Yun Che’s, Xiao Lingxi has recovered the same peace as usual. Although it has been paralyzed in Yun Che body, let alone drink soup and climb without any problem. Yun Che is a careful look at the serious illness. Xiao Lingxi fluttered a smile, fell softly on Yun Che body, half a month’s eyes, opened flowery lips gently.

A spoonful of broth was sent to the lips of Xiao Lingxi, flowing into her mouth against the soft flowery lips, and swallowed her body. Slowly, a heat flow escaped in the body, warming her body and her heart chord … For the past fifteen years, feeding each other was very common for them, but today, let Xiao Lingxi Warm to the depths of Soul. Because this makes Xiao Lingxi more firmly know that he is still her Little Che and has never changed.

In a calm and warm atmosphere, a bowl of broth was consumed quickly. Yun Che was about to go to the second bowl. As soon as he came over to his side, his movement suddenly stagnated and his brows raised slightly.

The change in his expression suddenly made Xiao Lingxi nervous, holding his arm, and panicked, “Little Che, what’s wrong?”

“Shh …” Yun Che raised his index finger and made a snoring gesture gently.

Soon, outside the cave, the sound of the two footsteps is getting closer and the talking voice/sound becomes clearer.

“… Suddenly let us sneak into Blue Fire City in the middle of the night. Alas, we dominated Blue Fire region for so many years, this is the first time we do such a condescending thing.”

“There is no other way, after all, Yun Che’s is too powerful terrifying, it is like a monster! If it is not too Clan Head and Retired Elder appear in time, Burning Heaven Clan is completely finished, and we have to crem with Burning Heaven Clan.”

“I heard that Clan Head guessed that Yun Che may be successor of sacred ground, otherwise impossible is so powerful … Hu!, you said, is it really possible for Yun Che to be hidden in Blue Fire City?”

“Not sure. However, Yun Che is not injured lightly, profound strength is also very depleted, and it will inevitably require a lot of supplies. Within a thousand miles, only Blue Fire City is the most comprehensive supply, and other small places supply it to his plane/level power. In other words, it’s just a waste of money, and he should have a good chance of hiding there … Just determine his hiding place, and then too Clan Head dispatched himself. He is now injured power and healed, don’t even try to escape on Clan Head. “

The footsteps of the two people are getting closer and closer, and their profound strength aura is also not weak. One is Earth Profound Realm Fifth Level, and the other is Earth Profound Realm Sixth Level equal to Yun Che. two people should be a Hall Master or teaching leader in Burning Heaven Clan. Their grievances also made Yun Che roughly understand the purpose of their passing here.

The intensity of two people profound strength aura made Yun Che’s brow slightly. He leaned over his face and smiled Xiao Lingxi easily: “Don’t worry, two little mice that’s all who came here unlucky, see I accepted them.”

After speaking, Yun Che body flashed out of the hole and landed directly on the front of two people, which shocked the two people who was just talking.

“Who !!” two people simultaneously sighed coldly, and when they saw the face of Yun Che’s, all of them suddenly glared … They never dreamed that they would encounter Yun Che here.

“You are here, but when it is true.” Yun Che sneered, saying something two people could not understand at all,

“You …”

two people hasn’t had time to say a complete sentence, their eyes suddenly exploded, and a mighty force has hit their chests fiercely.


two people was smashed out like a straw, and the person on the right was killed on the spot. The person at Earth Profound Realm Sixth Level still took a breath. His upper body trembled, his eyes widened, watching Yun Che, in the eyes approaching him It’s all despair.

Yun Che extended extend the arm, Profound Handle was released, and instantly flew into this person’s mind … Suddenly, the memory belonging to this Burning Heaven Hall Master poured into Yun Che’s‘s mind at a very fast speed.

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