Against the Gods Chapter 25: Upheaval (4)

Today is arguably the busiest day ever for Xiao Clan.

Early in the morning, the Xiao Clan gate was surrounded by a leak. Floating Cloud City can be regarded as a powerful family, can be seen here, and are basically the highest subject. Although there are many people, no one dares to make a loud noise, and is whispering as quietly as possible, lest the big people in Xiao Clan be disturbed.

“I heard a long time ago that the ancestor of Xiao Clan came from Xiao Sect. It turned out to be true.”

Xiao Clan is about to fly to Huang Tengda, and it will be necessary to manage the relationship with Xiao Clan in the future.”

“Fortunately, I haven’t offended Xiao Clan before, otherwise it will be difficult to sleep and eat.”

“Lao Mu, why are you here?”

“Well, everyone is rushing around, I ca n’t help it. They are in order to build a relationship, I’m just in case. Otherwise, the little ancestor from Xiao Sect asked and I counted the number of influential clans in Floating Cloud City, and found that no one in my family came to find a stubble or something, then our whole family could not eat or go. “

The doors of Xiao Clan have been tightly closed, and they are waiting carefully, none of them dare to leave.

Wait a minute, just wait until 9am.

When the sky is not yet bright, a high platform was erected on the open space in the Xiao Clan center, and the tables, chairs and various appliances were moved. At 8 am, Xiao Clan sounded an urgent emergency assembly order. At one time, the people in Xiao Clan moved quickly. Everyone rushed to the meeting place. Less than a quarter of an hour, all the men, women, and children in Xiao Clan gathered in the predetermined position. , A lot.

Today will be the biggest day of Xiao Clan. What will happen, they also know very well, the vast majority of people are full of excitement and expectations. Even some natural talent people who are moderate, are still looking forward to the possibility of being seen by Xiao Sect.

Xiao Che is basically the last one to arrive. When he walked slowly and holding the hand of Xia Qingyue, he instantly became the focus of the audience … Of course, if he was alone, it is estimated that he would like to see him more both eyes No, the key is his nearby Xia Qingyue!

The posture is magnificent, and the looks are all over the world. People seem to see the beautiful and beautiful Bibo Fairy walking towards them slowly. Especially those young men, their eyes became dull, their hearts were beating, and some corners of their mouths drooled down without knowing it.

In contrast, she is nearby Xiao Che … her face is pale, her eyelids are stretched, her eyes are awkward, her feet are weak. Came over but dozens of steps, actually yawned for three consecutive times, a sleepy, excessive sexual intercourse.

Huh? Overworked …

Suddenly thinking of this, and then seeing his hand holding with Xia Qingyue, many people’s teeth clenched, body straightened up, and in the eyes radiated thick unwillingness and jealousy. Thinking of such a beautiful country, the goddess they dreamed of was crushed under the rain every day by the waste they didn’t most despise, and their angry and jealous chests were almost cracked.

Xiao Che doesn’t wake up half-sleepy and looks exhausted. It’s not come out, but of course impossible is overworked. Woke up at three in the morning to adjust the Xia Qingyue acupuncture, tired and half dead, and called again early in the morning, it was strange that he could have mind. As for the hands they held together, it was also determined that impossible was Xia Qingyue‘s initiative. But when I came over, Xiao Che suddenly caught it. In the eyes of everyone, Xia Qingyue couldn’t break away from no trace of politeness. In addition, he was also used to holding hands and being used to it these days, so he had to let it go.

“Everything is fine within Xiao Clan, there is an extra unsightly waste!”

As Xiao Che walked past a young man, a sarcasm enough to hear him came from his side. Xiao Che looked a little, and saw Third Elder Xiao Ze‘s eldest grandson Xiao Chengzhi squinting at the front. There was an undisguised mockery on the corner of his mouth, and his face was clearly jealous.

He said this to the front, but even a fool knows that he is mocking Xiao Che. The laughter sounded around him for a while, and young children looked at Xiao Che with a playful look.

“Brother Cheng Zhi, are you talking to me?” Xiao Che steps paused and asked Xiao Chengzhi, with innocuous smiles on his face.

“Brother Oh, Xiao Che, you have misunderstood, we are clearly talking to the waste, Xiao Che brother asked, can it be considered a waste?” Xiao Chengzhi turned around and said with a smile. When his eyes touched the beautiful snowy face of Xia Qingyue, his gaze was hard to hide.

Oh! so that’s how it is!” Xiao Che looked at nod with a stunned expression, and then pulled up Xia Qingyue‘s hand: “It didn’t mean me. Qingyue wife, let’s go back to my own position … tch tch, looking at a dream With the poor toads who want to eat swan meat, I would rather be the waste of holding the swan to sleep every day, wife Qingyue, what do you think? “

“What do you mean …” Xiao Chengzhi turned abruptly, his face low.

“Huh?” Xiao Che stopped and looked at him in amazement: “Cheng Zhi, what’s the matter with you? I just said Toad, how did you get such a strange response. could it be that Cheng Zhi and me What is the special origin of the toad also in the mouth? “

“You!” Xiao Chengzhi burst into anger, his lips straight, but he couldn’t say come out in a word.

“Wife Qingyue, let’s hurry up. Toad will bite if you are anxious. If you are bitten by such a thing, you will not be sick.” Xiao Che said while pulling Xia Qingyue far away. Walk away.

Xiao Chengzhi twitched his muscles and almost spit out old blood on the spot.

Che’er, Qingyue, come here.”

Among the crowd, Xiao Che soon saw that Xiao Lie was beckoning to him, and Xiao Lingxi was also beside Xiao Lie. He and Xia Qingyue walked quickly.

Xia Qingyue has undergone several injections of Xiao Che. Regardless of constitution, complexion has changed greatly. Not to mention constitution, her complexion has become more delicate and rosy, bright and bright, but this change of complexion is another understanding in the eyes of Xiao Lie, and then look at Xiao Che obviously a virtual state of atrophy, Xiao Lie depression voice/sound, said with a smile: “Che’er, you are still too young, a half-old child, body is still developing, you should try to restrain as much as possible for men and women, otherwise it will be quite bad for body.”

„Ah?” Xiao Che was stunned for a while, and then reacted, stunned nod: “This … I know, I will be temperate … temperance … Ah!”

With a painful groan, the little hand he held suddenly stabbed with a nail on the back of his hand. Xia Qingyue Don’t look away, faintly see the pink of one spread slowly on her cheek.

Uh huh? She should blush …

Xiao Che was about to whisper, but suddenly there was a fangs grin … but Xiao Lingxi‘s little hand gave a hard slap on his left arm.

Little Aunt, why did you hit me?” Xiao Che looked at Xiao Lingxi and said aggrieved.

“Hmm!” Xiao Lingxi flowery lips is raised high, don’t look away, just ignore him.

“Xiao Gongzi is here !!!”

At this time, a loud shout came from the front. The crowd was quiet for a while, and everyone’s eyes turned to the source of voice/sound, wanting to see the demure of Xiao Sect people. Not long after, a luxuriously dressed, proudly-looking young man came to this side surrounded by the crowd, behind Xiao Moshan half step stayed away, and Xiao Yunhai led the way in front of him. Regardless of expression and gesture, he was respectful and respectful, not only a little negligence.

Under to lead of Xiao Yunhai, Xiao Kuangyun stepped onto the elevated platform and sat on the middle teacher’s chair. He glanced at the people in Xiao Clan below, looking proudly like the emperor looking down at the people. After a short while, he signaled to Xiao Yunhai nodded that it could begin.

“This is the big man from Xiao Sect? Not to mention anything else, this looks too awkward. Shouldn’t the gene of big sect be very powerful … Hmm? Isn’t it natural?” Xiao Che murmured there Muttered.

“A hundred can’t add up to Little Che!” Xiao Lingxi also echoed. As soon as I finished speaking, I remembered that I was angry with him, and he hurried again, don’t look away and ignore him.

Che’er, Xi’er, don’t talk nonsense.” Xiao Lie whispered.

“Oh.” Xiao Che responded and stopped speaking.

“Are all of the people in Xiao Clan here?” Xiao Kuangyun‘s eyes narrowed and he opened his mouth slowly. voice/sound was weak. But the two eyes turned quickly, looking in the crowd for the figure of Fairy seen yesterday and the girl in Xiao Yulong‘s mouth not worse than that of Fairy.

“It has been confirmed that they are all here, and there is absolutely no shortage of them.” Xiao Yunhai said solemnly.

“Very good!” Xiao Kuangyun nod, then glanced towards the door: “Who are the people standing outside the door?”

“Back to Xiao Xiaozi, they are all the dignitaries in Floating Cloud City. They have gathered here early in the morning and look forward to seeing Xiao Xiaozi’s style.” Xiao Yunhai replied.

“That’s it.” Xiao Kuangyun nod, then raised his hand, and said, “Since they are guests, you can’t keep them waiting outside all the time, let them all come in. Today’s things are beyond Xiao Clan It ’s also a good thing for someone to testify, and when the time comes, some people say that I am biased. “

Xiao Yunhai quickly took a picture of the horse: “Gong Xiao is indeed the son of Xiao Sect Sect Master, so young and has such a heart, it really makes me wait to admire the shame … Xiao De, please invite the guests to come in.” >

The door is open, and these dignitaries in Floating Cloud City are cautious and come in orderly. Everyone carried a heavy gift. Among these people, Xiao Che also saw Xia Qingyue‘s father, Xia Hongyi.

“Very good, then you can start now.” Xiao Kuangyun straightened up and leaned on the waist of the chair, finally put in a fairly normal sitting position, looking down, and said lightly: “My name is Xiao Kuangyun, from Xiao Sect. Xiao Sect You should be very clear about your name. At this Blue Wind Empire, there is nothing I can’t decide on Xiao Sect. And you should also feel glorious, because although you are a little weak, you can also be regarded as the vein of Xiao Sect. Your ancestor of Xiao Clan It is our son of Xiao Sect and Elder. However, although your ancestors were the sons of Elder, they were born with servant girls. Their low status is forget it/that’s all, and profound strength natural talent is too wasteful. And waste is not worthy to stay in Xiao Sect. . Your ancestors were expelled to this place by that Elder, and you will be your Xiao Clan. “

Xiao Kuangyun‘s words are extremely ear-piercing, and they do not conceal the disdain for the entire Xiao Clan, even Xiao Clan ancestors. Some of the Xiao Clan listeners frowned, but none dared to attack.

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