Against the Gods Chapter 221: Elimination

Blue Xuanyan and Red Xuanyan are not only different in power, but also different in plane/level. Spirit Profound Realm‘s profound strength defense can largely resist Galway red inflammation, but in the face of low-power blue inflammation, it is often easily burnt like tissue paper.

With the rapid spread of the blue flame storm, Yun Che also successively retreat, gradually being forced to the edge of the profound strength barrier, Fen Juebi laughed, body suddenly became erratic, and suddenly appeared in the rising blue mysterious inflammation With a large figure of him, he seems to have spawned many avatars in this blue sea of ​​fire.

Of course, these “avatars” are just a metamorphosis of him with blue mysterious inflammation, but because they are very similar to his body, they are indistinguishable from the real body. Nowhere to start. From “several” to “a dozen” to “tens”, all of them are chaoticly swimming in the blue sea of ​​fire, picking up numerous strings of blue light and shadow. Under the cover and interference of these avatars, the true avatars change from The azimuth of azimuth is split to Yun Che, so that Yun Che is surrounded by retreat.

“This is the core of Burning Heaven Clan Movement Profound Technique‘ Shadow Phantom ’? It ’s just too much terrifying! Especially in the limited area of ​​the battle, it is simply desperate.”

“It is indeed Burning Heaven Clan, this amazing Profound Technique is what we, sect Wanwan impossible, have achieved.”

Looking at the current situation, Yun Che has basically been pushed into desperation, and it is estimated that it can not hold out for a short time. Fen Juebi has easily become a foregone conclusion. Fen Juecheng smiled slightly: “Well, the second brother’s insinuating body has already reached such Realm, which surprised me as a Elder Brother.”

“The reason why the profound strength of the cliff has not been promoted for three months is that he is practicing Xuan Yan and Phantom Phantom. Otherwise, he must have reached Spirit Profound Realm Ninth Level. Before departure, when sect master and I said these, I still I did n’t take it seriously, I did n’t expect that he had already reached such a Realm, I am afraid that it is Ember, not necessarily his opponent, I am also looking away. It seems that I was worried before. ”

Fen Moli satisfied nod, the look on the face becomes more relaxed. The Fen Juebi that released the blue mystery and cast the shadow phantom to such a degree, this battle has been lost by basically impossible.


With a slight noise, Yun Che’s back touched the transparent profound strength barrier. At this point, it was inexorable, and the blue mystery was less than a foot away from him. The high temperature of terrifying will gradually melt down the hard bench stones.

Aiya, this stage is really too small. This cat play mouse game has just begun for such a short time and is about to end. It is really boring. What’s more boring is that you even screamed I have n’t sent it, it ’s just too uncooperative. “

In the blue sea of ​​fire, dozens of flame shadows flashed, and the playful voice/sound came out of which I do n’t know which shadow: “Since you are not willing to shout by yourself, then I will help you and give me enjoyment Scream of despair, Hahahaha … “

Burning Heaven chopped !!!”

The exploded blue flame berserk, with the waving of Ghost Flame Sabre in the hands of Fen Juebi, set off a huge fire wave with a height of several feet, and rushed to the Yun Che that was forced into the edge corner.

Fen Juebi is laughing wildly. He seems to have seen the next second. Yun Che’s is devoured by the inflammation of blue Burning Heaven, especially his small white face, which will be “focused on” by Lan Yan, burnt black and beyond recognition. .

Everything is within his expectations and dominance, everything is so perfect. If you must say a certain flaw, it is that until now, he has not seen a trace of fear on Yun Che’s‘s face, Until forced into the dead end, his look was calm and abnormal, which made his “sense of accomplishment” slightly compromised.

And when Lan Yan was about to devour Yun Che, his expression was no longer calm, but what was revealed was not that Fen Juebi wanted to see panic and despair, but … a sneer of sneer.

“This is indeed a cat-playing mouse game, but you seem to be mistaken who is the mouse!”

The sound of contempt penetrated the hot air and injected it into both ears of Fen Juebi. At this moment, Yun Che stepped forward suddenly, Heavy Sword lifted up and waved fiercely.

Rip! !!

With the waving of Heavy Sword, the space is slightly distorted, and the air is mad. berserk. moves, and a burst of voice/sound sounds like a cloth tear. Then the Yun Che’s terrifying mystery is directly cut by Heavy Sword, and then quickly disappeared like a broken phantom. .

The Yun Che of retreat has been sneering, and started to move forward. Heavy Sword continued to wave. With the bursts of profound strength rumbled, the blue terrible inflammation that seemed to be extremely terrible was like a fragile bubble. After one bombardment, there was no trace of struggle and resistance. Where Yun Che’s footsteps stepped, the blue flames would be cracked and dissipated.

“Wh … what … what !!!”

Everyone was stunned, all six of Burning Heaven Clan stood up from their seats, eyes opened wide, with incredible faces, such as seeing ghosts.

“This … this impossible!”

Fen Juebi‘s giggles dissipated at the same time as the contemptuous arrogance on his face, replaced by shock and slight terror in his face. He was proud and hid the hidden card, and shocked the blue Xuanyan in the audience. He was annihilated by Yun Che with his hands raised. He annihilated not only the power of Fen Juebi, but also his pride and dignity. Inflated confidence.

“It must be my Lan Yan’s early stage, not yet mature, so he will be destruction, it must be … it must be so!”

Fen Juebi desperately comforted himself, grin hideously reappeared on his face, but this time the grin hideously was a bit stiff and ugly: “Yun Che, do you think you can destroy my Burning Heaven inflammation, can you beat me? Hahahaha, these inflammations of Burning Heaven are just the mysterious inflammation of the lowest power level of my under the hand/subordinate … “

“There is a kind of … you try to break my Heaven Burning Dragon inflammation !!”

Fen Juebi bit his tongue, then sprayed a few drops of blood essence, and poured it on Ghost Flame Sabre. Above Ghost Flame Sabre, the blue flames suddenly flourished. Fen Juebi held Ghost Flame Sabre and a violent roar in both hands. Suddenly, his body suddenly burst into a blue pillar of fire with a height of hundred feet, and the blue flames burning around even/including were also forcibly sucked back and gathered in his body. Along with this, his body‘s Lan Yan not only no longer increased, but quickly decreased and contracted, but the profound strength aura was getting more and more terrifying.

“He actually launched dragon flame at the expense of blood essence! It looks like he launched it with all his strength.” Fen Juecheng frowned, his face darkened.

“This is also his inevitable choice. I really didn’t expect that Yun Che had been deliberately weak before. The mysterious wall of the cliff has reached the blue state, and it can’t even threaten him. What kind of freak … … However, as soon as dragon flame comes out, he will basically die. Even if he does not die, he will be seriously injured. If not, the cliff will be expelled from this ranking tournament. “Fen Moli said with a heavy expression.

“Hum! Being expelled from ranking tournament is better than defeated!” Fen Juecheng gritted his teeth. He now desperately wants Yun Che to die immediately. Before, he only gave birth to killing intent to Yun Che, but did not consider him as an enemy at all, because in his eyes Yun Che was not qualified at all. But as the Yun Che showed more and more strength again and again, at this moment, he could not help but fear. He was only 17 years old, and after he was fully grown, I wondered how amazing it would be.

Fen Moli opened his mouth, but did not deny it. Yes, in this situation, killing Yun Che and being expelled from ranking tournament and even punished by Mighty Heavenly Sword Region are far better than defeat. Because only the Fen Juebi was punished, Burning Heaven Clan at most made some compensation, but if it loses, it will shame the entire Burning Heaven Clan!

“Well!” Chu Yuefeng “Hu” stood up, he was very clear about what Fen Juebi was going to do, and he knew how powerful the Burning Heaven Clandragon flame” was, terrifying. He whispered to Ling Wugou (stainless) and said, “Get ready to save Yun Che’s! Never let him die under dragon flame. “

On Ling Jian Wugou (stainless) on the sword platform, he has a heavy complexion and is unaware of nod. He is running profound strength, and Tsing Yi is bulging. He is ready to go.

Yun Che … Go to death !!!”

Fen Juebi knows better than anyone what the consequences of this blow might be, so his roar was so loud, as his arms suddenly waved out, the blue inflammation of his whole body turned into a full foot. The purple Fire Dragon, which is several feet long, soared from Ghost Flame Sabre, and rushed to Yun Che with the extreme heat and momentum of terrifying.

Flame Dragon … is the dragon of taboo stunt Burning Heaven of Burning Heaven Clan!”

“I heard that this move must be launched with blood essence. Each time it is launched, profound strength will drop by at least half a level! But its power is enough to kill the gods!”

“Are Fen Juebi crazy! Use tactics of blood essence at their own expense. With the power of this method, Yun Che is likely to die directly on the field.”

“It is not surprising that Fen Juebi will do this, because Burning Heaven Clan can’t afford to lose … eh, Yun Che is so genius, so dies is really a shame, I can only count on Ling elder council to release Yun Che in a timely manner. . “

Cang Yue‘s expression turned pale all around, she covered her lips with both hands, beautiful eyes widened, and even a little voice/sound could not send come out in extreme fear and worry.

Fei Teng’s Burning Heaven Flame Dragon came face to face, making the Yun Che alarm sound … the flames he was not afraid of, but the impact of the berserk carried by the Flame Dragon was by no means light. His eyebrows frowned, a quick retreat step, profound strength surged, Heavy Sword waved out with all his strength.


The power storm collided with Flame Dragon from the air. Flame Dragon suddenly stopped, and then rushed back to him. A huge and powerful coercion aura surrounded him firmly.

It’s so difficult to do … Yun Che‘s heart moved, the Heavy Sword waved up quickly, and the whole body of profound strength rushed to the arms of Yun Che’s like a flood that broke the gate.

Falling Moon Sinking Star !!”

BANG!!! !!

A loud noise brought the fire light all over the sky, and the surrounding table stones within a dozen feet of area instantly turned into pieces, and the even/including profound strength barrier all trembled slightly. With the blow of this powerful berserk, Flame Dragon was knocked out from a distance, and the blue inflammation of body quickly disintegrated. In the blink of an eye, the original one-foot Flame Dragon has become only half a foot thick … But next moment, power‘s Flame Dragon, which collapsed sharply, once again flew towards Yun Che. The speed was lightning fast, Yun Che had time to recover Heavy Sword, and Flame Dragon had hit his chest.

One sword bombarded most of the power of the Flame Dragon of the power terrifying. This scene’s impact on the field, especially the Burning Heaven Clan, is not as bad as the sunny thunder. However, the remaining power of Flame Dragon is close to the Yun Che’s chest. Yun Che can no longer resist.

Holding all your breaths, Ling Wugou (stainless)‘s whole body is tight, and it will rush into the profound strength barrier, but found that Yun Che’s‘s hands suddenly left Overlord’s Colossal Sword, closed suddenly, and grabbed Flame Dragon‘s “neck” position.

Ling Wugou (stainless) suddenly panicked and shouted, “Let go !! Don’t you want it anymore!”

The blue Flame Dragon is carrying terrifying‘s high temperature and flame power, it is unimaginable, power can’t break the bomb at all, directly touch it with the body, it’s just like killing yourself.

Yun Che turned a deaf ear and grabbed his hands firmly on the neck of Flame Dragon, under the Evil Soul, profound strength, Evil God’s Seed‘s flame manipulation force, Phoenix Fire force, Dragon God force, tyrannical body strength from Great Way of the Buddha Art, all split second From …

No flame erupted, no Flame Dragon erupted, and there was no picture of Yun Che’s‘s hands being instantly scorched by Flame Dragon … The picture, at this moment, was suddenly still, and the Flame Dragon of Feiteng was fixed on Yun Che’s hand.

At this moment, Flame Dragon suddenly twisted like a seven-inch venomous snake, but no matter how struggling it was, it couldn’t escape the hands of Yun Che‘s full close hands. During the struggle, power of Flame Dragon quickly dissipated. , Becoming smaller and smaller, from a Flame Dragon to a small inflammation snake quickly, and finally a small earthworm … and then completely dissipated in Yun Che’s hand, without a trace of existence.

Yun Che’s sweat spreads on his forehead, but his face is extremely calm. He slowly released his hands, no matter the palm or the wrist, there was no trace of being burned.

Everyone on Jiantai is standing up, and everyone is dull and silent for a long time, just like the voice/sound of this world has been completely withdrawn.

[I only realized that there was a campaign to send red envelopes to readers, so quickly smashed the pot to sell iron, and the red envelopes were up .. The minimum 100, the maximum 1000, the lucky year of the sheep, the lucky year of the sheep that was not drawn! 】

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