Against the Gods Chapter 213: Qingyue under the moon

The dark night wind is high, the moon dark stars are sparse, and it is just a time to steal chickens and dogs … Oh No, a good time to steal incense and jade.

Tomorrow is the last day of the second round of the group stage. The Yun Che with ten wins and ten wins has stabilized into the top one hundred. Yun Che feels nothing before, but Qin Wushang is happy enough, from afternoon to night. Just laughed and never closed. Cang Yue is also naturally joyful, and while the beauty is joyful, it is naturally easier to start.

Somehow, I’ll follow myself tonight.

At this point, Yun Che laughed suddenly. He jumped off the bed and was about to go out to Cang Yue‘s room. His room door was suddenly knocked. voice/sound of Xia Yuanba came from outside: “Brother, you Are you sleeping? “

It’s not too late, but it’s quiet outside. Because of the fear of disturbing him, Qin Wushang and Xia Yuanba never looked for him at night unless there was something important.

Yun Che used to open the door: “Yuanba, what’s the matter?”

Oh, it was Elder Sister. She came here just now. Let me give you this thing.” Xia Yuanba took out a small space ring and gave it to Yun Che.

“You Elder Sister? She just came to Qingyue?” Yun Che took the ring, said surprised.

“Hmm.” Xia Yuanba nod: “Elder Sister said that you don’t really need these things anymore, but she didn’t use it in body, let me hand it over to you.”

What did Qingyue wife give me? What will it be?

Yun Che picks up the ring and opens the inner view … In the empty space ring, only three things are placed …

An profound core, its aura is rich and mellow, it is clearly profound core of profound beast! The size of a fist is like a crystal of purple ice crystals … it is Purple Veined Heaven Crystal! also is planted in a transparent jade bottle, the rhizome is twisted, with seven pointed and long leaves, and the whole body is faintly flowing with colorful light rare herbs

Qixuan exquisite grass! !!

Yun Che’s was shocked in his heart.

Seven Xuan Linglong grass, Purple Veined Heaven Crystal, profound core of profound beast … This is obviously the first thing he accidentally mentioned to Xia Qingyue, which can be used to cure the three things he had at that time Profound Vein!

Yun Che looked up and asked eagerly: “How long has Qingyue gone?”

“Eh, just walked for a while, brother-in-law, you want to … “

Xia Yuanba hasn’t finished yet, Yun Che has burst out like a gust of wind, and it disappears in front of Xia Yuanba.

Xia Yuanba stood at the door of the room, scratched his head innocently, and muttered quietly, “Should I tell my brother-in-law when Elder Sister comes …”

Out of the yard, Yun Che stayed for a while, and with his keen Spirit Sense, he felt the remnants of Sisi ice cold aura. In the direction of these ice cold aura, Yun Che speed was fully open, chasing away, not long, dark Under the dark night, a graceful figure fluttering in snow clothes appeared in sight. He slowed down and shouted quickly: “Qingyue!”

The voice/sound behind made Xia Qingyue stop, quietly turned around, and followed Yun Che four eyes met. For Yun Che’s, she does not seem very surprised. beautiful eyes has no waves. voice/sound is gentle: “What’s wrong with Young Master Yun looking for Qingyue?”

The title of “Young Master Yun” ​​made the mouth of Yun Che’s slightly, and he asked: “Wife Qingyue, I want to ask you a question … I gave it to you that day, and our wedding book … is not yet?” /

Xia Qingyue snowy hand lifted up, gently one on the ring, a flat, well-kept wedding book in colorless crystal was taken out by her. She lifted her hand, the paper wedding book flew to Yun Che, and fell into his hands … And this one, precisely‘s and Xia Qingyue‘s wedding book, were intact!

A speechless feeling was born in the heart of Yun Che’s. The existence of this paper may not prove that Xia Qingyue really has any feelings for him, but it proves that after he left that day, she fully protected him. The last point of dignity.

At least, when her husband fell into all directions, as a wife, she did not take the opportunity to abandon, but fulfilled the part of a wife’s most sacred responsibility.

The existence of this paper wedding book also declares that they have always been husband and wife, including now.

“At that time, you didn’t have the ability to protect this marriage book, so you gave it to me. Now, I believe you already have the power that protects it, so it should be returned to you.” Xia Qingyue said softly.

“Do you remember what I said when I gave you my wedding book?” Yun Che carefully folded the wedding book, using a very light voice/sound.

Xia Qingyue: “…”

“I said at the time: ‘If you want to continue to be my wife, keep it, if you want to be completely free, destroy it’ …” With that, Yun Che laughed with a mockery: “Actually, after leaving that day, I always thought that your choice would be to destroy the marriage book, because, no matter for the promise of your father, or to repay your uncle Xiao Ying, you should marry the son of Xiao Ying, but At that time, you already knew that I was not the son of Xiao Ying at all, but a “picked wild seed” in their mouths. You can justly destroy the marriage book and the name of the couple, and then enter the Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace innocently. Why do you But chose to protect this marriage book? “

Xia Qingyue‘s beautiful eyes and Yun Che face each other, there is no meaning to avoid it, and the eye wave is calm. In this year and a half of Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace, Yun Che felt very clearly that the temperament of Xia Qingyue has changed dramatically. In the days after getting married with her, her eyes were dull and cold, and she was still a little cold and proud, but now the coolness in Xia Qingyue‘s eyes is completely replaced by dull. The dull such as a has no waves. . And power aura, it became cold and biting.

In addition to Frozen Cloud Secret Arts and also Frozen Heart Art, the core of Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace, Profound Arts can provide peace of mind, peace of mind, and peak, and you can achieve true desirelessness and belittle all life, death, victory, defeat, desire, and goodness Evil …

Only, people who have no desire or pursuit can still be called “people”?

“This question cannot be answered by Qingyue.”

“Why can’t I answer?”

Xia Qingyue said quietly: “Because Qingyue thought at that time, I don’t remember it now. Maybe, it’s because of our spouse’s fate.”

She talked about the words “fate of husband and wife”, which should have been ambiguous aura, but she said plainly, without a trace of emotional color floating, and this blandness gave Yun Che a kind of uncomfortableness. Suffocation. The former Xia Qingyue is like a proud snow mountain ice lotus. At that time, although he was disabled and small, he still had endless thoughts to go to various temptations, trying to conquer and pick her. If it does not happen later, give him enough time to live with him day and night, he firmly believes that he can succeed.

But the current Xia Qingyue feels like a moon hanging high above sky. It is still flawless, but it is far away from him, far enough to touch impossible.

This place Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace is really harmful to Aaah! !!

Thinking about the Chu Yuechan that has been together for five months, but still XXOO, but still decided to leave, thinking about the change of Xia Qingyue … The Yun Che’s‘s heart suddenly turned into an urge to destroy Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace.

Including so many peerless beauties, but they have become one by one inhumane fireworks, and do not stain the world … It is simply the human and god‘s angry place in the hearts of men!

Yun Che chest undulation, calm state of mind, said calmly: “Thank you for the Qixuan exquisite grass, profound beast profound core and Purple Veined Heaven Crystal that I found. I know that even if it is Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace, it will take all three in one and a half years. Gathering is not so easy, not to mention, you are just an disciple who just entered the palace. “

“No thanks,” Xia Qingyue voice/sound is light and elegant: “Compared to your efforts to open up all the benefits of Profound Entrances, these are no, no.”

“I get you through Profound Entrances, but it ’s just a few drops of sweat. You found these things for me, but it ’s not just a few drops of sweat. However, I really should n’t say thank you because we are husband and wife. . “Yun Che smiled slightly.

Xia Qingyue: “…”

“Can I ask you three questions?”

“Excuse me.” Xia Qingyue did not decline.

The night is getting deeper and deeper. Although there are only a few stars in the sky, the full moon is extraordinarily bright and shines brightly. But when the light falls on Xia Qingyue body, these beautiful and flawless moonlights, However, it can only be reduced to the unobtrusive companion. Xia Qingyue under the moonlight is like falling dust Celestial Maiden, releasing an indescribable and breathtaking beauty. Looking at the near-unreal figure in front of him, if he said that Yun Che is impossible without heartbeat acceleration, he took a slow breath and asked, “Are you okay in Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace, are you okay?”

“Very good. Palace Master, Master, Senior Master, Junior Master, all Senior and Junior Sisters are good to me.” Xia Qingyue answered very briefly.

“Well, that’s good.” Yun Che nodded: “The second question, long ago, I wanted to get the answer, but at that time, you didn’t tell me … I want to know that when we got married, your profound strength, what exactly is Realm? “

Yun Che at that time was extremely certain, profound strength of Xia Qingyue is definitely more than Elementary Profound Realm Tenth Level on the surface. However, her Elementary Profound Realm Tenth Level‘s profound strength level is well known in the city. No one has ever questioned. The elders of even/including who are far superior to Elementary Profound Realm also think that she only has Elementary Profound Realm Tenth Level. It seems that it is her special profound strength. Concealed. As for the hidden reason, Yun Che can understand that in the small place of Floating Cloud City, the 16-year-old Elementary Profound Realm pinnacle has been recognized as the first natural talent. If her profound strength is Nascent Profound Realm, or even the Nascent Profound Realm pinnacle, it will inevitably cause an unpredictable sensation.

This time, Xia Qingyue did not refuse, and directly answered: “At the age of twelve, I met a master; at the age of thirteen, I broke through Elementary Profound and set foot in Nascent Profound. At fourteen, I broke through Nascent Profound and entered the True Profound. When you were married at the age of six, you were at the pinnacle of True Profound Realm, just like you are now. “

Yun Che: “… !!!!!!”

[It has been closed in a small black room, just come out! !! 】

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